Chapter 77
In the end Li Feng still couldn't hold back, after Yang Xiao fell asleep, he ran to the bathroom in the middle of the night and masturbated twice to get through the night.

So much so that when Li Feng woke up the next day, his mind was in a daze. After asking Wu Nan to send Yang Xiao back,

After Li Feng finished eating Yang Xiao's loving breakfast, he lay on the bed for another half an hour before he felt a little refreshed, and rode his "lightning" to the company.

It was almost ten o'clock when Li Feng arrived at the office. Of course, for programmers who are night owls, many of them haven't gone to work yet.

Li Feng is quite tolerant towards engineers, as long as you can complete the relevant KPI indicators on time, it’s okay if you don’t come to work;
However, Li Feng is quite strict with the administration and sales personnel. Those who work in administration must swipe their cards to go to and from get off work every day; those who do sales must write a sales log every day.

Li Feng had just brewed a cup of tea, and when he was about to drink it, Cheng Lan pushed the door open and came in, "Mr. Li, Mr. Fu Qiang from IDG Capital is looking for you. He has been waiting for you for half an hour. Do you want to see him?"

With the revenue of "Miracle MU" hitting new highs, the highest number of simultaneous online users has reached about 115 million, the sales are approaching more than 2 million, and the net profit is more than 1 million every month.

Seeing the popularity of Fengrui Technology, the capital finally couldn't bear the loneliness, just like a shark with a keen sense of smell, it will pounce on it when it smells.

"IDG? Brother Ai?" Li Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the first venture capital company finally came to his door, and it was IDG, a bigwig in the investment world.

Although Internet investment is very hot in later generations, and many investment funds have emerged, IDG, Jingwei, and Sequoia have always been the three major capital venture capitals.

If Internet companies want to grow bigger, they will have to deal with capital sooner or later. Perhaps it is time for Fengrui Technology to introduce strategic investment. On the one hand, these strategic investors have a huge appeal in the capital market.

At the same time, it can also provide a lot of help and support for the company's development, and even provide convenient conditions. Whether it is their contacts, background, or resources, they are all what Fengrui needs at this stage, or what Li Feng lacks.

Li Feng pondered for a while, then said to Cheng Lan: "Let him in!"

As the first venture capital to enter the Chinese market, IDG did some research on Fengrui before coming here.

Knowing that the boss of Fengrui Technology is still a college student, Fu Qiang couldn't help being surprised when he saw Li Feng as the young CEO of the company for the first time.

Years of experience in the workplace allowed Fu Qiang to recover quickly. With a gentle smile on his face, Fu Qiang walked towards Li Feng with brisk steps:
"Hi Mr. Li, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule. I never thought Mr. Li would be so young! I, Fu Qiang, a senior partner of IDG Capital!"

The visitor was about 40 years old, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, he looked refined and refined, except for the cunning that flashed from time to time in his small eyes, which made people dare not underestimate him.

"Hello, please sit down!"

After shaking hands with the other party, Li Feng made a "please" gesture.

While observing Li Feng, Fu Qiang smiled and said, "I believe Mr. Li should know why I'm here! Our IDG has always been very concerned about China's Internet development,
To tell you the truth, I noticed you when Fengrui Technology just launched "Bat Network Management" and announced that it was permanently free. I thought you would find a venture capital investment, but I didn't expect you to find a way to make money so quickly. It's amazing!
And now "Miracle MU" has achieved such a great success, "Mr. Li is a genius of heaven", this is not what I said, it is our IDG Mr. Xiong Xiaoge's comment on Mr. Li,

So this time, firstly, to convey our respect to Mr. Xiong to Mr. Li, and secondly, to hope to reach a cooperation with our Fengrui company to further promote the development of Fengrui Technology. "

Xiong Xiaoge is the investor who discovered Sohu, Baidu, and Tengxun. Now he can definitely be regarded as "China VC No. 1", but it seems that in the era of mobile Internet, he was surpassed by "track theory" Shen Nanpeng.

Many people say that the biggest mistake IDG made was selling Tencent’s shares prematurely. In fact, every venture capital fund has an investment period, which is an exit mechanism. When the time comes, if someone is willing to take it, Venture capital will definitely withdraw voluntarily.

Li Feng also replied very politely: "Mr. Fu, thank IDG Capital and Mr. Xiong for their attention to us, and thank you Mr. Xiong for such a high praise for me. I also look forward to having the opportunity to cooperate with you, but..."

Li Feng doesn't care about these imaginary things, but he cares about some real benefits, so he said straight to the point: "Fengrui's current cash flow is very good, and the demand for funds is not urgent. I don't know IDG's evaluation of Fengrui. What's the value?"

The valuation of Internet companies is not like traditional companies that can be evaluated based on fixed assets and financial statements.

Because Internet companies are all light assets, they can’t look at PB (price-to-book ratio), most of them have no cash flow, and they can’t look at PE (price-earnings ratio).
Therefore, the valuation of Internet companies mainly depends on the company's business model, future monetization methods, and some quantitative indicators, such as UV (traffic), MAU (user activity), ARPU (single user revenue) and other indicators.

In addition to the company's operating level, venture capital will also look at the company's founders, the status of the industry, etc., to conduct a comprehensive evaluation.

So after listening to Li Feng's words, Fu Qiang just nodded with a smile. He can roughly calculate Fengrui's revenue status. He knows that companies like Fengrui's need for capital is not as urgent as other Internet start-up companies.

However, Fu Qiang has also analyzed the shortcomings of Fengrui, that is, he is too young, has no experience, no background, and no connections. The investment of IDG this time is mainly a strategic investment of resources.

As the top partner of IDG Capital, Fu Qiang has his own investment philosophy, which is to invest in people!
Look at the founder first, and then look at the entrepreneurial team, especially the founder is the core factor.

In his opinion, Li Feng is a very interesting person, worthy of study.

No technology, no background, just an ordinary college student in the Department of Economics and Management of Yankee University, who succeeded in starting a business in just one year.

An ordinary liberal arts student founded a technology company!

And to achieve such high results so quickly, even attracted many technical talents like Zhou Wei who should have gone to Microsoft and Google to join?
What is so special about this man? !

From the outside, Li Feng is just an ordinary sunny and confident boy, but Fu Qiang felt something from his eyes and conversation, he was too mature, too calm, too calm, too experienced, and even said, a little dark. Unfathomable feeling.

Fu Qiang has met many young Internet entrepreneurs, and has also invested in many entrepreneurs. They are full of dreams and passion, and they like to describe their business plans and dreams in a surging tone, "Change the world!" "Beat Microsoft!"

But very few people do things seriously and make projects in a down-to-earth manner. Just making a PPT, they have been looking for venture capital and telling stories everywhere, and soon disappeared in the "Internet bubble".
On the contrary, Li Feng has never sought out venture capital. He has achieved such a great achievement at such a young age. Apart from his peers, few outsiders know about it. He does things in a high-profile manner, behaves in a low-key manner, and is pragmatic and restrained. From Li Feng, Fu Qiang sees the future of Fengrui Technology .

 I can go back on a business trip tomorrow. If there is nothing else, the book will resume two updates next Monday. I am so embarrassed recently. Fortunately, the update was not interrupted, otherwise it would be too out of character!Finally, please continue to support!

(End of this chapter)

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