Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 92 Detonate the Whole Network

Chapter 92 Detonate the Whole Network
On February 2003, 2, Softbank Group and Fengrui Technology officially held a press conference, announcing that Softbank invested USD 8 million in Fengrui Technology, accounting for 1% of the shares.

In this way, Fengrui Technology’s shareholding organization has the original 80% of Li Feng, 20% of the management, and after financing, it becomes: 64% of Li Feng, 20% of Softbank, and 16% of the management;

But if Li Feng’s VAM agreement wins, SoftBank will sell 10% of the shares, and Li Feng’s shares will increase by 8% to 72%; the management will also increase by 2% to 18%. SoftBank will drop it to 10%.

As for the failure of the bet, Li Feng never thought about it!

Of course, it is publicly stated that it is still 1 million US dollars, and the financing is 20%.

At the press conference, Li Feng asked Liu Zhiping to mention his attendance. Li Feng didn't like this kind of opportunity to "show his face".

The main reason is that Li Feng is not as eloquent as Mr. Ma, and he is not ready to face the media, and Li Feng prefers low-key, pragmatic and hard-working entrepreneurs like Chu Shijian and Ren Zhengfei.

With the holding of the press conference, the news that Sun Zhengyi invested in Fengrui with a total investment of 1 million US dollars was like a huge thunder, which shocked the entire Chinese Internet and even caused a lot of sensation in the world.
This is Masayoshi Son’s once again gamble in the Internet industry after Yahoo and Ali, and also set a record for the financing of China’s Internet industry, as high as 1 million US dollars, nearly 8 million yuan.

Masayoshi Son made huge profits at Yahoo last time, will it be the same this time?

After the successful financing of Fengrui, every employee of Fengrui is also very happy. Fengrui not only has a high salary, but also has many benefits. After the financing, everyone has seen the great future of Fengrui.
Especially after the financing, Fengrui's market value has reached 5 million US dollars. Except for a few established Internet companies, Fengrui is definitely counted among the top Chinese Internet companies.
In particular, Li Feng also publicly promised to set up a 10% stock option pool before going public to reward outstanding employees.

Of course, Li Feng can't be stingy either. After the successful financing, the first investment is to directly pay all Fengrui's employees another month's salary. In Li Feng's words, it is "rich and willful".

When Xinlang and Baidu who went upstairs and downstairs heard that Fengrui used "salary" as benefits for fun, they were full of envy. Therefore, many employees from Xinlang and Baidu moved to Fengrui for a long period of time.

Moreover, Li Feng also asked Cheng Lan to contract all the 15th floor of the Ideal International Building. After this floor is decorated, all of it will be handed over to the technical department. Li Feng will create a good office environment for his precious engineers. ,

The upper floor is mainly the offices of administrative personnel and high-level executives of the company, and Li Feng also rewarded himself with a tea tasting room, where he can sit in a daze, look at the scenery, and drink tea.

There is also the conference room of the president's office. Li Feng also established the president's office, which is the place where Fengrui's core executives hold meetings. In the future, Fengrui's major decisions will be made through the president's office.

The President's Office also issued the first notice regarding the appointment of Fengrui's management team: Chairman Li Feng and CEO, President Liu Zhiping, Chief Technology Officer Zhou Wei, Chief Operating Officer Xu Jiawei, Chief Financial Officer Dong Li, Chief Executive Officer Administrator Cheng Lan,

Wang Xing, project director of Renren, Long Xiaotian, project director of "Miracle MU", Xu Chaojun, project director of "Bat Network Management" and MY123, Wang Xiaochuan, Zhou Feng, and Cai Zongjian from 17173...

If it weren't for this year's major strategy, Li Feng would like to build Fengrui's headquarters building, after all, Fengrui still has nearly 10 billion in his account.

Compared with the attention of the media and people who eat melons, Internet companies in the same industry are more concerned about Fengrui's next move. After all, Fengrui has raised so much money all at once.

Of course, compared with Fengrui, other companies are not idle, especially the Chinese online game landscape has also formed a three-legged situation.

With the online game "Miracle MU", which has created many world records, Fengrui stands out from the crowd;

Shengda also ranked second with a variety of online games such as "Legend", "Adventure Island", "Crazy Tank", and "Bubble Hall";
And NetEase unexpectedly harvested "A Chinese Journey to the West 2", and because of the newly launched "Fantasy Westward Journey", it ranked third;
As for online games launched by other companies, they can only be classified as others, including Xinlang's "Paradise", Sohu's "Knight", and Tencent's "Triumph"...

In the end, they all ended in failure.

The three companies Shengda, Netease, and Fengrui also began to enter other fields by virtue of their great success in the online game market.
Shengda chose to extend the industrial chain upwards and downwards, and acquired the content developer South Korea WEMADE, which ended the half-year lawsuit with WEMADE.
Next, it has perfected the recharge channels of Internet cafes, followed Fengrui's footsteps, and officially launched its own "Shengda Yibao".

Netease chose to continue consolidating its advantageous areas, "playing on its own", and continued to increase investment in online games and portal website SP...

After Fengrui perfected its own game field, it formed a product matrix of "Bat Network Management", MY123 and 17173.
Continue to tap the potential of "Miracle MU", and then turn around and officially enter the social field.

Everyone knew that Fengrui would make a big move, but they still didn't expect Fengrui to give the answer the day after the financing and officially launched:!
Li Feng has always been cautious in the promotion of Renren. From the very beginning, he promoted a series of activities such as "Christmas delivery of safe fruit", "New Year's party sponsorship", and "free delivery of students to the station".
After more than two months of promotion in the early stage, not only the number of users, retention rate, and activity have met the corresponding requirements, but also people have begun to use correctly. Therefore, Li Feng thinks it is time to The entire Internet "detonated".

Li Feng brought out the set of promoting "Miracle MU" again, and it made people even more "crazy".

In this regard, other companies are also more helpless, Fengrui is here again, so please start your performance,

When you go to an Internet cafe to surf the Internet, only the Internet cafe has "Bat Network Management" installed, you will see the advertisement of "Renren" when you turn on the computer, as well as the wallpaper on the computer desktop, and even a small window pops up from time to time;
When you log in to the webpage, as long as it is the homepage of MY123, there is a big advertisement in the middle, and a small advertisement of "" in the lower right corner, and in the most prominent position of MY123, there is a link to "" with a logo;
Where there are Fengrui technology company's local push personnel, every large Internet cafe will have a promotional poster of "" posted at the entrance;

Li Feng also deliberately selected nearly a thousand large Internet cafes, and directly distributed [-] " mouse pads" for free, and even painted the "" logo on the side of the Internet cafe signboard;

The key point is that Li Feng also asked Xu Jiawei to temporarily recruit 500 "campus ambassadors", all of whom are girls who make dicks crazy, and promote them on campus, and give certain rewards according to the final quantity and quality;

And in order to make it easier for you to remember, the slogan of is unified and has only one: "Go to classmate, find Renren"!

It is: "Teach everyone, find classmates"!
 Thank you for the reward from Ai, Fengcongyun123, please continue to support me!The update is not good enough, and Yu Xuan can only be shameless, begging for tickets, after all, the new book still needs everyone's recommendation.

(End of this chapter)

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