Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 95 The Lightning Project

Chapter 95 The Lightning Project
Despite the fact that Tencent now has such a lengthy list of "enemies", Tencent will disintegrate these "anti-QQ alliances" with little effort in the future.

Especially in the defeat of MSN, Tencent won a difficult defense at home, because in the field of instant messaging, user relationship itself is the biggest "moat".

Among the three BAT giants, compared to Tencent’s easy victory over MSN in the field of instant messaging, Baidu and Alibaba have actually worked with American companies. Let’s not talk about Baidu.
In particular, Ali’s Taobao took away more and more customers from EBAY with its resolute free strategy and brutal window pop-up technology, and finally defeated EBAY.

If we say that after the "Internet bubble", Chinese companies have embarked on a business operation path that is completely different from that of their American counterparts,
Then in the next few years, it has also been tested in the local market. In almost all segments, such as search, email, games, portals, e-commerce, etc., Chinese companies have almost completely outperformed all American competitors. ,

When the Internet economy has entered a new stage, regional culture, consumption and policy characteristics have become the primary considerations for corporate competition.

And in this regard, the yellow-skinned locals who eat with chopsticks and breathe the rural air certainly have an advantage over Americans or Europeans from afar.

Anta's Ding Zhizhong once used a vivid metaphor to describe the different understandings of Chinese and American companies on the Chinese consumer market. He said: "Nike and Adidas basketball shoes are mainly worn on plastic floors, and elasticity is an important assessment indicator.

However, only 1% of Anta's consumers can play on plastic floors, and the rest are on concrete floors.Anta is more concerned about how children who play on the concrete floor will not twist their feet. "

Ding Zhizhong's words are also very "suitable" for the Internet industry.

For a long time, Chinese Internet people worshiped the American model and followed suit. However, in hundreds of Internet forums every year,

It is rare to see Americans pointing fingers at the Chinese market. They talk about trends and technologies, but when it comes to their views on the Chinese market, everyone will grin.

Although Tencent will eventually dominate the field of instant messaging, at least now facing so many "anti-QQ alliances", Tencent still lacks confidence and is battered, which also gives Renren a chance to grow.

Although Renren has more than 300 million users in less than a week, it is still very, very small compared to QQ's nearly 1 million registered users.

But Li Feng did not panic and was very patient. He took his time and took it step by step. Once Internet products explode, they are prone to "fission".

Li Feng's goal is to grow to tens of millions of users within two months.

By the end of 2003, within one year, it will reach a scale of [-] million!
You must know that Renren is a real-name system, unlike QQ, all registered users are real. In 2003, there were probably only so many Chinese netizens.

Li Feng positioned Renren as a universal platform, which eventually evolved into a bottom-level infrastructure of the Internet.

What is the lowest infrastructure, like Microsoft's Windows system, you can never resist me, because resisting me is overthrowing yourself.

And a general-purpose platform is doomed not to have too many other attributes. Li Feng can't mess around with in his previous life, and finally mix it up as a campus loan.

But Li Feng also knows that relying on Renren alone cannot defeat Tencent, and once Renren grows to a certain scale, Tencent will definitely restrain the growth of Renren.

Because of the social nature of Renren, if it wants to become a universal platform, it must overcome the same social nature of Tencent QQ,

And a huge, general-purpose platform definitely needs a lot of subset products to form,

In order to accelerate the growth of Renren, especially for Tencent's QQ, Li Feng formulated a product matrix and presented it at the latest president's office meeting.

At the president meeting, Li Feng said with a serious face: "It is not easy to defeat Tengxun QQ, even though Tengxun is facing so many sieges now,

But I believe that in less than a year, or even half a year, Tencent will be able to wipe out all these instant messaging software!

Tencent is definitely a formidable enemy. It is still a bit difficult to rely on our current products and resources, especially Renren, which has not yet grown up.
Therefore, for Tencent's QQ, I have formulated a set of product matrix. Of course, these are also to accelerate the growth of Renren.
In the end, our goal is to defeat QQ and make Renren a giant in the social field!
And this set of product matrix is: Tieba, YY games, YY music, YY input method, social games (grabbing parking spaces, buying and selling friends, happy farm, plants vs. zombies), and finally launching our instant messaging product YY, a showdown! "

Li Feng drew a big circle with his hand, wrapped all the products in it, and said to the core management team: "This whole set of combat plan for Tencent, I call it the 'Lightning Plan',

New products are launched almost every month. If it goes well, I will launch a general attack on Tencent at the end of 2003, which is New Year's Day, and fight for life and death! "

Project Lightning? !
This was taken by Li Feng based on the German Blitzkrieg in World War II. The reason why he launched the general attack on New Year's Day was also learned from Teng Xun, because Teng Xun likes to launch a surprise attack on the "enemy" on holidays, catching the opponent by surprise.

As for Tieba, YY, etc., since Li Feng has already snatched Ninetowns' "Miracle MU" and Thousand Oaks', these products are not bad, and besides Li Feng himself, everyone will only think that, This is Fengrui's original!

In particular, Baidu’s Tieba is an interactive platform built according to the “hobbies” of netizens. It will become the world’s largest Chinese community in the future, providing people with a free online space to express and exchange ideas, and to gather like-minded netizens.

However, the well-known "Blood Friends Incident" and "Wei Zexi Incident" once pushed Baidu's bidding and the commercialization of Tieba to the peak of public opinion, which was pointed out by thousands of people.
Every time he sees the handsome and elegant appearance of Li Yanhong from Baidu, sometimes Li Feng wants to see what kind of indifferent heart is behind this gentle man.

They all started by searching. Google makes money by placing billboards next to highways, while Baidu makes money by building 'toll booths'.
Ten years later, Google is already a world-renowned and respected Internet company.
After Baidu went public, it never launched an amazing product. Instead, it went faster and faster on the road to making money.

However, Tieba is definitely the most innovative product of Baidu, and it also has a strong social attribute. It is perfect for Renren, which wants to build a social empire.

And such a good product, it is really blind to give Baidu, anyway, if you leave it to Baidu, they will not use it, they will only sell posts and entrap netizens, so it is better to let me carry it forward.

Li Feng used this "Lightning Plan" to stun everyone again, so that after Li Feng finished speaking, no one reacted.

In the entire Fengrui executives, Wang Xing and Long Xiaotian were always able to understand Li Feng's product ideas at the first time, but Long Xiaotian didn't talk much, even though he had been in sales for a while.

After a while, Wang Xing thought about it and asked, "Brother Li, what do you mean by this post bar? Is it a place like a bar where you chat online? And are these products on"

Li Feng said: "Tieba is an online home for netizens based on their 'hobbies'. It can be a specific person's name, like a celebrity, or a place name, a tourist attraction...

It is equivalent to a minimalist BBS, but it is by no means as cumbersome as a BBS forum. It only needs to support text and picture posting, and the rest can be improved later. "

Regarding the relationship between Tieba and Renren, or the relationship between Renren and these subsequent products, Li Feng also further explained: "Renren is a matrix, and Tieba's products are all subsets of it; is a social network of acquaintances in reality, which belongs to a strong social relationship, so it must be a real-name system.However, for the sake of user experience and protection of user privacy, a subset of the following specific applications can use anonymity, and for us it means 'real name in the background, anonymous in the foreground',

Speaking of this, I suddenly thought of a point. In the future, all of our Fengrui products must be registered before we can leave a message. Otherwise, the comments of a group of tourists will not have any awareness for us. This will facilitate us to collect user data for our future. Data processing lays a solid foundation. "

After listening to what Li Feng said, Wang Xing didn't even know what Li Feng's head was made of!
There are concepts, ideas, and measures, which is really amazing!It's awesome!I can't accept it!

Wang Xing felt that Li Feng's understanding of the Internet and his demand for Internet products was absolutely better than anyone else's.

Then, Wang Xing asked again: "This YY game, YY music, and YY instant messaging, Brother Li, you have said it before, but it is easy to understand.

What does this 'YY input method' mean? Will our company launch a new input method?And is it any different from today's smart ABC?Why did you launch such a product on purpose? "

The "YY input method" mentioned by Li Feng is actually the Sogou input method in the future. As a product that can be called the three major clients of the PC era alongside QQ and 360, Li Feng will certainly not let it go.
Moreover, this input method is more about creativity, and it is not difficult to implement technically. Another point is that Wang Xiaochuan, the future CEO of Sogou, now belongs to Fengrui.

Therefore, Li Feng explained: "Our YY input method is different from the ordinary pinyin input method, that is, by embedding the advantages of the Internet search engine, we have obtained a powerful and automatically upgraded thesaurus. can be found immediately,

Just like some time ago in the World Cup, when you input 'Ronaldo', you can get it all at once,

And in the future, it can also intelligently input whole sentences, fuzzy sounds, custom phrases, and even save the user's personal usage habits and personal dictionary through the network. "

Everyone was once again overwhelmed by Li Feng's "brain opening", and even wanted to know if there was anything Li Feng didn't know!

In this regard, Li Feng just smiled and said: "I just think a little more, the key depends on everyone, and the opponent, Tencent, also has a great team, which is stronger than any opponent we have ever known before. Too many, don’t be careful!”

At this time, Liu Zhiping, who had been very quiet all this time, suddenly interrupted and said, "Boss, why don't you change your mind!"

Li Feng didn't understand what Liu Zhiping meant for a while, so he asked suspiciously: "Zhiping, what do you mean? What kind of thinking?"

Liu Zhiping said: "Boss, since you value this Tencent so much, why didn't we just buy it!"

 Since this chapter is blocked, the first time I encountered this situation, I didn't know what was wrong, and I didn't even know where to change it.So smart, I posted it again, wondering if the editor would find me the next day?

(End of this chapter)

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