my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 101 Need proof?

Chapter 101 Need proof?

In this world, there is a kind of person who cannot be measured by common sense called a genius.

Mu Chen is such a person.

In the eyes of many people, he is a genius.

In fact, even if he doesn't have the memory of the fusion of the two lives, he is still a genius.

With a photographic memory, and excellent comprehension and comprehension, he really deserves the name of a genius.

What's more, Mu Chen is still a person who is good at learning and keeps learning.

Although those songs came from another world, Mu Chen's musical talent is also extremely amazing.

Of course, it is difficult to create a classic song a week, but it is not impossible.

However, there are ready-made ones in your mind, so why rack your brains to create original ones?

Being a porter is actually quite good.

Let people in this world appreciate the classics of that world.

Well, Mu Chen felt a little shameless.

Shameless, invincible.

Thinking of this, Mu Chen suddenly remembered a novel from his previous life.

If you write that alternate historical novel and make it into a film and television drama
Thinking of the TV series adapted from the novel in his previous life, Mu Chen couldn't complain.

I didn't stick to it for two episodes, but I couldn't help but give up in the end!

What the hell is that filming!

Mu Chen had to admit that he was an original party.

That adaptation, the party who read the original book did not cry.

Do you want to make up for the regret of the previous life?
Shoot, why not shoot?
Find a reliable director and invest in it yourself. If you think about it, even if you lose money, it should not be much.

Lose money?

No, definitely have to make money.

That shameless Lin Sange is still very attractive.

"You see?"

Li Ruoxi called out to Mu Chen, with some anger in her voice.

Mu Chen walked over to take a look, immediately smiled, and said, "This guy must have been scolded by netizens."

What Li Ruoxi showed Mu Chen was Tong Yu's Weibo.

"I don't deny that there are geniuses in this world, but those geniuses are beyond ordinary people's cognition, so it's worth thinking about."

Tong Yu's Weibo is very long. In fact, in simple words, "Mu Chen is beyond ordinary people's cognition. That's not a genius, but a trick"!
Still questioning, and even responding to netizens' accusations.

However, as soon as his Weibo was posted, many netizens still made him doubt his life.

For his "explanation", many netizens obviously did not buy it.

"You don't understand the world of Xueba!"

"Genius cannot be judged by common sense."

"You can't, it doesn't mean others can't!"

"Use yourself to judge others!"

"Are you worthy of being compared with Mu Chen?"

"Garbage, jealous of the virtuous and capable, and don't even piss to take care of yourself."

"Although I think Li Ruoxi's victory is not martial, I never doubt that those songs were not written by Mu Chen."

"Your IQ is in arrears, please recharge in time."

"I'm sick, I found out!"

"You are sick, I have medicine, don't give up the treatment!"

"His microblog is probably adding fuel to the fire." Li Ruoxi pouted and said gloatingly, "He doesn't know how much influence you have on the Internet. Now he's probably feeling the maliciousness of the netizens. "

Thinking of this, Li Ruoxi's anger dissipated a little, and her mood improved a lot.

Mu Chen is definitely the most influential star on the Internet.Even those superstars are hard to compare with Mu Chen.

This influence is obviously not only related to popularity and popularity.

Things on the Internet are hard to follow.

Maybe you can see some tricks, but you can't imitate them.

Those who learn from me live, those who resemble me die.

There are many people who have more fans on Weibo than Mu Chen, but the influence of those people on the Internet is obviously difficult to compare with Mu Chen.

Maybe it was because the scolding battle between Mu Chen and Wu Fan's fans had too much influence on the Internet.His astonishing move has conquered many netizens.

The emoticons made by Mu Chen can be seen everywhere on the Internet, and the follow-up works are springing up like mushrooms after rain.

Looking at the insults on Weibo, Tong Yu felt a little bit internally hurt.

Are those words harsh?

No, most of the words don't even have a swear word.But that scolding was too harsh.

He really felt the maliciousness from netizens.

And those words are mostly classic quotations from Mu Chen and Wu Fan's fans.

Of course, many netizens developed their brains and developed stronger.

Mu Chen's scolding battle seemed to have opened a new door for many netizens.

This may also be one of the reasons why he has been recognized by netizens.

The topic of Tong Yu questioning Mu Chen continued to heat up. Although he returned to Baodao, many media reporters still chased him away.

"Do you have any basis for questioning that the song Li Ruoxi sang was not written by Mu Chen? Or is it just because Mu Chen is a director?"

"Are you really doubting Mu Chen, or do you want to take the opportunity to hype and open up the mainland market?"

"Nowadays, there is a lot of criticism on the Internet for questioning Mu Chen. Do you have anything to say about it?"

Tong Yu's face was a little gloomy, how could he fail to hear the trust in Mu Chen revealed in the words of those reporters.

Mu Chen, is it really so trustworthy that it cannot be questioned?
Tong Yu couldn't believe it.

Mu Chen's fans expressed anger at him questioning Mu Chen, which is completely understandable.

If others question him, so will his fans.

But why, there are overwhelming criticisms of Mu Chen who questioned himself on the Internet?Even those star fans who had a feud with Mu Chen kept silent about it.

Now, even the media, which is used to picking things up, is leaning towards Mu Chen.

Why didn't everyone question Mu Chen's musical talent at all?Why!
This unscientific!

"Not to mention questioning, I just asked the doubts in the hearts of many people. I also wondered in my heart? How can one person be so powerful." Tong Yu said, "It is said that those songs were written by him, who can prove it? He can Is it?"

How did Mu Chen do it?
Many people may have doubts, but those doubts are completely different from Tong Yu's doubts.

The former is amazed, while the latter is questioned.

What Tong Yu said to the media was naturally exaggerated and published by many media, and then provoked things as always.

They really wanted to see Mu Chen and Tong Yu tearing apart.

If the stars are torn apart, then they will have news to report during this time.

"Director Mu, Tong Yu questioned that the songs Li Ruoxi sang were not written by you, but by her team, and then put your name on it, so as to gain the support of your fans and increase his own advantage in winning. What else do you want to say?"

Mu Chen was questioned, and the heat continued, and Mu Chen was finally blocked by the media at the entrance of the company.

"If Xi doesn't sing the song I wrote, don't my fans support her?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Then do you have anything to say to Tong Yu who questioned you?"

The reporter asked.

"Well, as long as he's happy." Mu Chen said with a smile, as if he wasn't angry at others for questioning him.


The reporters present were taken aback when they heard it, but after thinking about it, they found that Mu Chen's words were full of sarcasm.

"Tong Yu said you couldn't prove that you wrote those songs? Can you prove it?"

a reporter asked next.

"Can he prove that he is Tong Yu?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

Prove that you are Tong Yu?

Does this still need proof?

yes!Those songs were written by Mu Chen, does he still need to prove it?

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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