my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 105 Warm-up Promotion

Chapter 105 Warm-up Promotion
Chapter [-] Preheating Propaganda
The post-production of "Bright Sword" was about to be completed, so Mu Chen cut a one-minute trailer and posted it on Weibo to warm up, and then released the opening song of the show.

No one expected that an anti-Japanese song would break the dominance of the show "Singer" and break into the top five of the major music charts.

Whether it's "Jing Fu Men" or "Swordsman", the songs of these two TV series have topped the charts of major music networks, whether it's the opening song or the ending song.

But this time it's completely different!

This is an anti-Japanese song.

An anti-Japanese song actually made it into the top five during the hit period of "The King of Songs".

It's unbelievable.

Mu Chen's songs have always attracted much attention, but why are there so many people downloading an anti-Japanese song?
This might not be possible based on Mu Chen's popularity alone.

Many people were curious and clicked on the audition of this song, but they were instantly attracted.

"Unity is strength, unity is strength, this strength is iron, this strength is steel, harder than iron, stronger than steel"

Although this "Unity is Strength" is an anti-Japanese song, it is extremely popular.

Even in this era, it still has a huge influence, because its lyrics and melody are full of positive energy, which can boost the morale of the people when the nation is in peril.

This song not only played a huge role in the War of Resistance Against Japan.But now whenever people encounter difficulties, this song will always sound.

The high-pitched, powerful melody and inspiring lyrics make people feel the strong resentment and resistance spirit of our ancestors against imperialist aggression in that era.I also felt their heroic spirit of being brave, strong, and united to face the national calamity.

This song is undoubtedly well received.

Even, many academic musicians bluntly said that if this song was born in that era, it must be a song recorded in history books.

Of course, musicians in the pop circle are mostly stunned by this song.

They couldn't understand how such a song was still so popular in this song era.

"Unity is Strength" became popular, which naturally played a great role in promoting the drama "Bright Sword".

Many TV stations have already expressed their strong interest in this drama.

"Bright Sword" is already warming up, and it's not far away from broadcasting, and the schedule is almost certain to be at the end of September and early October.

To many people, this seems a bit urgent.

However, Mu Chen seemed to be like this all the time.When a drama is not completed in the later stage, it starts to warm up. After it is completed, the schedule is determined, and after some publicity, it will start broadcasting immediately.

Does Mu Chen want two dramas a year?
"Swordsman" was broadcast in the first half of the year, and "Bright Sword" will be broadcast in the second half of the year.

This speed is probably only Mu Chen.

Although "Bright Sword" is an anti-Japanese drama, expectations are high, and Mu Chen has created two miracles in a row, so the TV station is naturally interested in this drama.

Of course, whether to buy it or not, and at what price, you have to watch the movie before making a specific decision.

At the beginning of September, the post-production of "Bright Sword" was basically completed, and Chen Fuhai invited major TV stations to come to Chenxi Film and Television to watch the film.

For an anti-Japanese drama, almost all major TV stations have come, including CCTV.

There were a lot more visitors this time than in "Swordsman".

"Thank you for coming! I'm Mu Chen, the director of "Bright Sword" and the owner of Chenxi Film and Television." Mu Chen smiled and said, "As always, let's watch the film first."

There is no doubt that Mu Chen's words reveal a strong confidence.

He believes that while filming the essence of the original version, there are still improvements, and the ratings of such a TV series will definitely not be low.

Mu Chen remembered that when the show "Bright Sword" was broadcast in that world, the average ratings in the first week were 11.42, the highest was 13.7, and the ratings share was 28.7.With an average rating of 10.7%, it won the CCTV ratings champion that year.

Mu Chen doesn't need this movie to break ten, even if it breaks four, it is a success.

"Unity is strength, unity"

At the beginning of the TV, "Unity is Strength" sounded, and the noisy voice gradually disappeared, but many people's faces suddenly became serious.

This is a song that makes people stop laughing.

The first episode starts with a war scene.

Li Yunlong: Damn, I bumped into him today, he was unlucky, I was thinking about venting my anger for my two old comrades-in-arms, yet he came.Sakata is a bastard, I must smash him.

Zhang Dabiao: Commander, they are the so-called elite devils, this time we will...
Li Yunlong: What the hell is the elite, I don't believe in this evil, I beat the elite.Pass my order, all bayonets, ready to attack.

Zhang Dabiao: Attack?Commander, the enemy is attacking now.

Li Yunlong: Didn't you hear my order?Listen carefully, for this sake, we will attack without doing anything else.

Li Yunlong: What did you say?Damn, you prodigal son, why don't you save yourself some time?
Wang Chengzhu: Captain, you must speak with your conscience.When the devils attacked just now, you were the loudest.Zhuzi, kill me that heavy machine gun, Zhuzi, you are fucking blind, blow me up that grenadier.Now that you don't admit it, you think I wasted it.

Li Yunlong: You kid still dare to complain, be careful I will beat you.Hehe, after the battle is over, I will give you half a catty of sweet potatoes to burn, but you have to think carefully about how to destroy the enemy headquarters with two shells.My ugly words are up front, if you can't get rid of it, don't say the sweet potatoes are burned, I have to shoot you, you hear?

With a few lines, the image of Li Yunlong came out instantly. What is surprising is that the protagonist disobeyed orders on the battlefield as soon as he appeared on the stage, and he kept swearing at his mother, which can be described as full of swear words.

But I don't know why, no one feels disgusted with him, but finds it quite interesting.

Disobedience on the battlefield and breaking through from the front, through the dialogue between Chu Yunfei and other national army generals, highlighted the difficulty of breaking through from the front.

As a result, our protagonist killed the headquarters of the first regiment of the Japanese army with one shot, and broke through the encirclement directly from the front.

Then, countless people were shocked and felt incredible.

This is quite a routine of cool texts on the Internet.

The plot, characters, and even the war scenes at the beginning of the TV series are all very bright.

Li Yunlong led his troops to break through the siege from the front, but because of his disobedience on the battlefield, he directly changed from the head of the main regiment to the director of the clothing factory.

And from the conversations of the leaders of the Eighth Route Army, we can hear what kind of person the protagonist is.

There are almost as many meritorious deeds as mistakes.

This is a titan, a titan who can lead troops and fight.

Of course, there is no ambiguity in making mistakes.

This is a protagonist with great personality, which is different from the protagonists of previous anti-Japanese dramas.

Soon, the first episode will be played.

The second episode, the excitement continues.

Li Yunlong was activated again, Zhao Gang and monk Wei Dayong appeared.
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(End of this chapter)

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