Chapter 112

"Director Mu, the ratings of "Bright Sword" broke the fourth in the opening drama, and directly broke the ratings record of the anti-Japanese drama. Do you expect this?"

"I'm very confident in the show."

Mu Chen smiled and said.

Although there is no direct answer, it makes people understand.

It is expected that this drama will break through four before the broadcast?

The reporter of "Film and Television Report" was a little surprised at this time.

Mu Chen answered like this without the slightest hint of modesty!

According to common sense, shouldn't he be humble, and then express his shock at "Bright Sword" breaking four?

"Then what do you think the final ratings of this show will be?"

The reporter asked.

"The higher the better." Mu Chen said.

"Can you tell me more about it?" the reporter asked.

He was a little surprised that Mu Chen gave an ambiguous answer.What about the confidence just now?
"No!" Mu Chen smiled and said, "I'm afraid of being slapped in the face."

"Is it because the estimated final ratings are too high?" The reporter then asked.

"No, it's too low." Mu Chen said with a smile.

too low?Lower your head!

If the ratings exploded because the estimate was too low, anyone would be willing to be slapped in the face like this.

Mu Chen wasn't joking. Now it seems that his expectations for this drama were indeed too low.

"As an anti-Japanese drama, "Bright Sword" has no traffic stars or even well-known actors. What do you think is the key to creating such ratings?" the reporter asked.

"The key is the drama itself!" Mu Chen said, "I think there are only unpopular dramas, there is no unpopular genre."

"Someone on the Internet distinguished "Bright Sword" from those anti-Japanese dramas and anti-Japanese idol dramas, saying "Bright Sword" is a cool anti-Japanese drama? What do you think of this?" the reporter asked.

"Not at all." Mu Chen said lightly, "It's not good at all to resist the Japanese! If they feel good beating the invaders, please remember: it's not good at all to be invaded! If one day, someone is born to invade us Country, when he can't help but shiver, that's really cool!"

"The country will become stronger and stronger." The reporter said with a smile, "After "Bright Sword", what plans does Director Mu have?"

"I know how to make a movie, and I'm already preparing for it." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Mu Chen is going to enter the film industry?" The reporter asked in surprise, "Can you reveal something? For example, what type of film are you planning to shoot for your first film?"

"Kung fu movie!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "Title: "Jing Wu Heroes"!"

"Is there a movie version of "Fist of Fury?" The reporter asked quickly.

This is an anise, definitely an anise.

"Fist of Fury" is a hit TV series, if it is adapted into a movie, it will definitely attract attention.

"That's right!" Mu Chen nodded.

"Is it the original team?" The reporter asked quickly.

"My brother will play Chen Zhen." Mu Chen said.

The original crew?Many characters in it are different, so naturally we can't talk about the original cast.

The reporter of "Film and Television Report" walked away with a smile on his face.

This interview was fruitful.

In the evening, countless viewers waited for "Bright Sword" to start broadcasting.

When Li Yunlong was dismissed and Ding Wei sent him off, he once said that he would send Li Yunlong to a cavalry battalion, so Li Yunlong was going to eat the fat that was in his mouth.

The word "send" is quite interesting.

Whether it's Ding Wei or Li Yunlong, they already regard the puppet army's things as their own.

Both are titans!

Kong Jie wanted to lead the team himself, but was rejected by Li Yunlong.

The conversation between the two was undoubtedly interesting.

Everyone wants to take advantage.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Kong Jie and Li Yunlong are old comrades in arms, and it is not without reason that the two can "play" together.

However, in the end Li Yunlong was superior and managed to hold Kong Jie.

He approved Kong Jie to lead the team, but afterwards the cavalry battalion had nothing to do with Kong Jie.

This Li Yunlong is the master who refuses to suffer!
And did Kong Jie suffer?
I'm afraid not, he needs this battle to wash away his previous shame.

Sending troops without authorization, political commissar Zhao Gang had a big fight with him.

Everyone can see Li Yunlong's contempt for Zhao Gang.

"Li Yunlong, I congratulate you on getting rich."

At this time, the brigade commander who heard the news also called.

"What kind of money happened? The poor are almost begging for food."

"This matter can be hidden from my eyes. Let me tell you, I will find out the next day. Be honest, how much profit did you get this time?"

"As far as the equipment of a cavalry battalion is concerned, I plan to form a cavalry battalion."

"See if you can, you can get a cavalry battalion for each regiment, so why don't I get a cavalry regiment for this brigade?"

Seeing Li Yunlong "made a wedding dress for others", countless viewers felt refreshed, as if gloating.

The brigade commander's routine undoubtedly made people smile.

Sun Desheng, the cavalryman played by Sun Yu, appeared on the stage.

However, his roles are not many.

The Anti-Japanese War began the second phase of operations.

Yamazaki Yohei, the commander of the North China dispatch area of ​​the Japanese army, deviated from the planned direction of travel during a troop march, and accidentally discovered our army's arsenal.

The order from the superior is to kill the son of a bitch Yamazaki Brigade.

You have a lot of scolding like this in TV dramas.

To many people, it is very kind.

Li Yunlong, who didn't get the combat mission, yelled at him, thinking it was Zhao Gang's incompetence.

As for Kong Jie, he threw fire at Li Yunlong. The whole regiment committed crimes and meritorious deeds, so they wanted to fight a war.

Whether it is Li Yunlong or Kong Jie, there is no doubt that they all revealed an aura of "first in every battle".

They do not avoid battles, but fight them.

The Yamazaki family is not a softie, and the [-]nd regiment did not fight smoothly, and it can be said that they suffered heavy losses.

In the end, the brigade commander decided to let the independent regiment go.

Li Yunlong is absolutely unambiguous about causing trouble, but he is indeed a good fighter.

The audience was looking forward to it, wanting to see how Li Yunlong was defeated.

However, the episode ends.

It ended with a sense of déjà vu of a "broken dog".

Many viewers didn't tune the channel because of this, and they didn't seem to miss a tiny bit.

Not long after, the fourth episode of "Bright Sword" started.

I have to admit that there are relatively few advertisements on CCTV.

Li Yunlong led the troops to dig trenches forward by means of soil work, relying on the bunker fortifications to throw grenades, and the Nagasaki troops were thrown into chaos.

Seeing this, the audience is undoubtedly extremely comfortable.

Zhang Dabiao, the right-hand man brought by Li Yunlong from the new regiment, led the commando to take the opportunity to advance, and the entire army of Yamazaki's brigade was wiped out in a melee with swords and guns.

Of course, during this period, Li Yunlong was going to fight Yamazaki one-on-one, which also made many audiences smile.

As for the battle summary, Zhao Gang asked about Li Yunlong's words, which also solved many audience's doubts.

"Old Li, what if that boy Yamazaki defeats you in a duel? Are you really going to keep your promise and make way for the devil?"

Li Yunlong shouted with disdain on his face: "That kid, it's impossible."

Zhao Gang asked stubbornly, "What I'm asking is what if we are defeated?"

"In case of defeat, my head must also move. I can give way to him personally, but will you give way? It's your business if you don't give way. You can't say that I don't mean what I say."

Li Yunlong's tactful words made Zhao Gang laugh and scold, "You're so fucking cunning like a peasant."

However, this kind of cunning made the audience like this character even more.

The fourth episode is over, but the audience still has more to say.

(End of this chapter)

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