my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 116 Something Is About to Die

Chapter 116 Something Is About to Die

Whether it is a movie award or a TV drama award, there is a best soundtrack.

The role of good soundtracks in film and television dramas cannot be ignored.

In many cases, the most touching plot of film and television dramas is the soundtrack, just like Sun Desheng's sacrifice.

If you look at it alone, maybe it's just moving, but when the music sounds.

Countless audiences burst into tears instantly.


At this moment, Yu Lei couldn't help but curse.

He didn't expect that he was so fucking close to crying.

As the boss of a film and television company, I don't know how many TV series and movies I have watched.He admitted that he was also tear-gassed, but this was the first time he was tear-gassed by an anti-Japanese drama.

What's more, "Tai Chi" is still being beaten by "Bright Sword".

He is the producer of "Tai Chi"!

Even if Yu Lei is like this, many people in the audience have burst into tears.

However, the tear gas will continue.

Li Yunlong came to Xinzhuang with less than a company of troops left. Because it was daytime and there was a grassland in front, he finally decided to defend instead of attack.

Break out again when it gets dark.

Here, Li Yunlong also smoked a pipe, joked with the big guys, boosted morale, and told the story of his Long March by the way.

The devil cavalry also arrived, and a fierce battle broke out.

A small soldier, tired of snatching cigarettes for Li Yunlong, died at the devil's gun in the end.

This also made many viewers teary-eyed.

This is the touch of a soldier.This also reflects that Li Yunlong is deeply loved by his soldiers.

On the other side, the radio station set up by the headquarters was discovered by the small RB. As a result, the deputy chief of staff died heroically during the breakout.

With the music and the reaction of everyone who heard the news.

Some of those with a low sense of tears burst into tears again.

Anti-Japanese heroes are not gods, they are also mortal.

The seventh episode ended, but the Internet exploded.

"Tears run, is there anything!"

"It's all about abuse! Is this the seventh episode?"

"It won't be like "Jing Fu Men", where all the important characters are dead?"

"This is the real resistance against Japan!"

"Damn, who cried like me when Sun Desheng died."

"I kind of miss those anti-Japanese dramas! At least, they won't die."

"At that time, I had a bad feeling when I saw that little soldier said that he wanted to help Li Yunlong get cigarettes. Damn, it really is."

"It's a trick!"

"Didn't you realize that there is no heroine in the seventh episode?"

"Damn, I want to give up the drama but I can't make up my mind, what should I do, wait online, hurry up!"

Abandoning the drama, of course, is impossible to abandon the drama.

The seventh episode is a bit cruel, but also moving.

This is a conscience drama.

After the ad, the fun continues.

The wailing audience remained in front of the TV.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang each led a team to disperse to break through. During the breakout process, Li Yunlong fell ill and had a wobble.

Play pendulum, that is, malaria.The patient first shivered and shivered with cold, and then developed a high fever.

How could this be so at a critical moment?
Many viewers have a bad feeling.

On the way, Li Yunlong and his party encountered Japanese troops sweeping up the village. In order to cover the common people, Li Yunlong ordered to shoot to attract enemy troops.

After the people retreated smoothly, Captain Li, who was seriously ill, insisted on staying under cover. In desperation, Wei Dayong knocked Li Yunlong unconscious and carried him away.

After the Japanese army found out, they wanted to capture the two alive, but unfortunately they failed to do so.

Those who left behind the cover were not spared, and all died in battle.

In the independent regiment, there are only soldiers who died in battle, not captured soldiers, let alone surrendered soldiers.

On the other side, Zhao Gang led the troops to capture a group of puppet troops stationed there. Zhao Gang's troops disguised as puppet troops successfully joined the Zhaojiayu villagers.

With the help of Comrade Yang Xiuqin, director of the Women's Health Association, they returned to search for Li Yunlong according to the scheduled route.At the critical moment, Political Commissar Zhao arrived in time to break up the Japanese encirclement.

At the end of the eighth episode, the Internet exploded again.

"I screwed up, a female character finally appeared!"

"There is only one female character in the eighth episode, besides "Bright Sword", who else?"

"Running with joy! With the appearance of the heroine, the depression of being abused and cried by the seventh episode suddenly became much less."

"Upstairs, that's just a female character, not a heroine."

"Jiang Qin is the heroine, not that person!"

"I'll go, it seems to be true."

"It's not the heroine, it's also the second heroine."

"Whether it's a heroine or not, if "Bright Sword" finally has a female character, that's something to be happy about."

The next day, the ratings came out.

There is no doubt that "Bright Sword" still ranks first, and the ratings continue to grow.


Although it didn't break seven, it also increased by [-]%, which is amazing.

The second-ranked "Tai Chi" has dropped slightly, but it still has 1.25%, which is not bad.

Under such high pressure, "Bright Sword" still maintains a rating of a few percent, which is indeed amazing.

On the Internet, the popularity of "Bright Sword" continues, especially the appearance of a female character, and it seems that it is not a heroine. This has aroused heated discussions and made many TV drama colleagues envious.

Hot-eyed and helpless, they could only watch "Bright Sword" set records one by one.

I don't know if I can break seven tonight!

With the previous increase, it seems that it will break seven tonight.

That night, the ninth episode of "Bright Sword".

Yamamoto didn't take Li Yunlong seriously because of his arrogance, but Shinozuka Yoshio felt that Li Yunlong was worth studying. He thought that an ant could also overwhelm the balance.

Yamamoto began to pay attention to Li Yunlong.

What about Li Yunlong?

On the emotional line, Li Yunlong is afraid that he will be with Xiuqin.

But, isn't the heroine her?

In general, it is mostly the female lead who has an emotional scene with the male lead.

Could it be that the heroine has an emotional scene with Zhao Gang?

Or, is Xiuqin going to make soy sauce?

Many people guess.

In this episode, Kong Jie and Ding Wei came to chat with Li Yunlong.

"Our three regiments are arranged in the shape of goods. Relying on favorable terrain, if they cooperate properly, they can reach [-] soldiers. In the future, no matter which corner of our triangular formation is in trouble, the enemy's reinforcements will come from our other two regiments." The defense zone passes, and at that time..."

Before Ding Wei could finish speaking, Li Yunlong took the lead and said, "Whether there is an order from the headquarters or not, beat him up like a bastard."

"Yes, what Lao Li said is right. Our communication skills are too poor. In case of an emergency, even the headquarters may not be able to respond. We must do it first."

Here too, it is foreshadowing.

After that, Li Yunlong attacked the county to pave the way.

And in this episode, Xiuqin stood up the whole character through several scenes.

Especially in the end, killing a devil and a puppet army with a gun won from Li Yunlong.

Xiuqin's simple attire and rustic way of speaking make her fall in love with such a female character instantly.

No makeup, no eyeliner, no lipstick
This is much better than the coquettishness in many anti-Japanese dramas.

This role is undoubtedly very down-to-earth.

In the tenth episode, Zhu Ziming's rebellion makes people feel that the mountains and rains are about to come.

And Chu Yunfei's handling of the mutiny also highlights the charm of this character.

After this episode, many people can't wait to watch the next episode, their hearts are hanging because of Zhu Ziming.

Unfortunately, we have to wait until next Monday.

(End of this chapter)

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