my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 137 Awards Ceremony

Chapter 137 Awards Ceremony (520)

As soon as the box office of "Jing Wu Heroes" came out, countless people's eyes were blinded.

The box office was not so high that it broke the record, nor was it so low that it was horrible, but it was too weird!
This is a box office stat that makes people talk about it.

There is no doubt that this matter has been directly pushed to the top of the topic list and hot search list by countless netizens.

Mu Chen's first film was filmed and produced for less than three months, yet it was nominated for six Golden Dragon Awards.Such a movie was released, and the attention was extremely high.

What's more, Mu Chen, Mu Ze, Su Xiaowan, Miao Xun and other leading actors are all extremely popular.

Don't say, don't say, just relying on their fans, the box office of "Jing Wu Heroes" on the first day will not be bad.

The box office broke 6000 million on the first day, perhaps somewhat unexpected, but what was even more unexpected was that the box office was all six.

Six after the decimal point.

Isn't this enough to blind everyone's eyes?
Could there be a box office more awesome than this?

Movie fans relished that under such momentum, the box office of "Fist of Heroes" on the second day did not drop but increased, with a single-day box office of nearly 7000 million.

Breaking through [-] million in two days, as a Kung Fu movie that is not very popular, it is obviously quite amazing.

Of course, this box office is not enough to break the record set by previous kung fu movies.

Although the box office of "Drunken Master 2" is only more than 4 million, but his box office on the first day is nearly 8000 million thanks to Cheng Jie's box office appeal.

"Fist of Heroes" has almost recovered its cost at the two-day box office.

This film was a success.

As for how much the box office can reach, it is unknown.

However, Mu Chen doesn't think it can break the box office record of kung fu movies set by "Drunken Master 2".

The reason why the box office was so high in the first two days was that fans of the main creators contributed most of it.

On the third day, the box office dropped to just over 5000 million, a drop of more than 1000 million.

On the fourth day, Monday, the box office dropped again. Although it still won the single-day box office champion, it only dropped more than 4000 million, and it dropped another 1000 million.

However, the total box office exceeded [-] million.

On the fifth day, Tuesday, it still won the single-day box office champion, but the box office was only more than 3000 million.

On the sixth day, Wednesday, the Golden Dragon Awards ceremony was held.

In the evening, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi went to the venue together, but he walked the red carpet with the crew of "Jing Wu Heroes".

And Li Ruoxi walked the red carpet with the crew of "Emperor Shadow".

This time, there was no such nonsense at the premiere of "Emperor Shadow".

That matter is no secret in the circle.

What's more, the organizers of the Golden Dragon Awards don't need to hype Li Ruoxi and Wu Fan.

Li Ruoxi finally walked the red carpet with Zhang Na.

And Mu Chen walked with Su Xiaowan and Miao Xun.

As for Mu Ze, he did not participate.

He is still training in the army.

When Mu Chen heard from Xiao Han that his brother was quite awesome in the army, he was shocked that many veterans were now mixed with the special forces.

Mu Ze is not weak in kung fu, and he is quick to learn many trainings in the army.

Mu Chen was not surprised by this.

If he goes, it will only be more awesome.

Although he hasn't touched a gun for a long time, those things have been integrated into the soul after life and death experiences again and again, and there is no such thing as not practicing hand skills for three days.

"Director Mu, first of all congratulations on the box office success of "Jing Wu Heroes"!"

The outfield host smiled and said to Mu Chen.

"Thank you!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

The box office of "Jing Wu Heroes" has exceeded [-] million, which is indeed a big hit for many people.

After all, kung fu movies are not a popular movie type, and it is already very good to be able to win [-] million box office in a few days.

"The six nominations for "Heroes of Fist of Fury", how many are Mu Chen confident of getting?" The host continued to ask.

"If you don't return empty-handed, that's victory." Mu Chen said with a smile.

This is not a humble statement, but that he really has no confidence except for the best action design.

The chances of getting upset are too small.

"Then Li Ruoxi was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for "The Emperor's Shadow". Do you think she has a high chance of winning the award?" The host continued to ask.

"I think it's useless!" Mu Chen smiled, but didn't answer.

Only a fool would answer this kind of thing clearly.

Mu Chen was very popular, so he was stopped by the host to ask a few questions, but someone came over again, so he stopped pestering him.

"Smile is so bright, is there something good?" Mu Chen looked at Zhou Liang who entered the venue first, and said with a smile.

"Director Zhang invited me to participate in his new film." Zhou Liang said with a smile.

"Then you have to take good care of it." Mu Chen said.

The director Zhang that Zhou Liang was talking about was called Zhang Gang, and he was a top director in China, and he was well-known internationally.

This person has won many awards for making art films, but his reputation has not been obvious.Then he switched to shooting commercial films, but instantly became famous and became the most box-office appealing director in China, bar none.

He also has international box office appeal.

He is also the only Chinese-language director who has won the single-day box office champion, weekly box office champion, and monthly box office champion in North America.

Today, the top three Chinese films at the box office are all his works.

Zhou Liang's role as Go Fujita in "Heroes of Fist of Martial Arts" was highly praised. The embarrassment of not having any films to shoot before was gone, and there were many more films after an appointment.

However, it is extremely rare to be able to attract the attention of people like Zhang Gang.

Zhang Gang may have started out making literary films, and he has amazing abilities in training actors' acting skills.Even those commercial films, the acting skills of the actors in the film are quite impressive.Even those actors whose acting skills have been criticized by others, their acting skills are online.

Many people have starred in his films, and their acting skills have made breakthroughs.

Although Zhou Liang was born as an athlete, he is quite talented in acting.

"Is your brother not here?" Chen Mouzhi walked over with Li Ruoxi with a smile, and asked.

"My brother can't get out of military training." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Mu Ze and Chen Mouzhi have collaborated before, but the film has not been released yet.

The box office of "Jing Wu Heroes" is quite good. As the leading actor, Mu Ze has grown in both popularity and box office appeal.This naturally promoted Chen Mouzhi's film.

"You really want to make a military action movie?" Chen Mouzhi asked in surprise.

Mu Chen's new film is already in preparation. There have been rumors in the circle that he will make a military action film, but it has not been confirmed yet.

Now that Mu Ze has been training in the army, the rumors are naturally true.

"Yeah!" Mu Chen smiled and nodded.

"This type of film is more risky than kung fu films," Chen Mouzhi said.

After the decline of kung fu movies and martial arts movies, action movies have also been affected to some extent. Nowadays, the hottest movies in China are undoubtedly comedy movies, followed by drama movies.

Military films are not favored by movie fans, because the previous ones were too thematic.

"Young, it's okay to try." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Does he have confidence?
Yes, but not much.Even if the original version of that film did well at the box office, even the second one created a box office miracle.

But who can guarantee that it will remain the same in this world?
Mu Chen couldn't guarantee it. All he could do was to make better shots based on the original version.

Among other things, the film's script is an improved version of the original, and it's going to be even bigger.

Mu Chen is confident that the film will be better, but he is not confident that the box office will be a big hit.

Everything, you have to try to know.

(End of this chapter)

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