my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 143 Go, I'll Take You Around

Chapter 143 Go, I'll Take You Around (1120)

"Heroes of Fist of Fury" was screened in the mainland, and finally won a box office of 9000 million, creating a new box office record for kung fu movies.

Of course, this record is only the box office record in the Mainland.

Whether he can break the global box office record of "Drunken Master 2" still needs time to prove.

However, the profitability of this movie is obviously much higher than that of "Drunken Master 2".

"Jing Wu Heroes" was released, and the news that Mu Chen's new movie was about to start shooting came out immediately.

A military action movie with an eye-catching name: "Wolf Warrior"!
But no matter how eye-catching the name is, it can't resist that it is a military action movie.

The unpopularity of military action movies in China is probably comparable to that of domestic science fiction movies.

Military films are not popular, probably because the main theme is too strong and disgusting.And sci-fi movies are not popular, and most of them still can't stand the comparison.

Mu Chen's new film will inevitably be questioned, even though he has repeatedly proved that there are only unpopular films in this world, and there is no unpopular genre.

Kung fu dramas were not popular, but "Jing Fu Men" filmed by Mu Chen became popular.

Martial arts dramas are not popular, but Mu Chen's "Swordsman" is also popular.

Anti-Japanese dramas were not popular, and "Bright Sword" filmed by Mu Chen even created an unattainable ratings record.

But movies are not TV after all.

Movies and TV shows are completely different.

Movies cost money.

If you are willing to watch your TV series in front of the TV, you may not be willing to spend money to watch your movies.

Fans and viewers are also different groups.

The success of "Jing Wu Hero" is undoubtedly due to the audience of the TV series.

What's more, "Heroes of Fist of Fury" still has a big gap compared with those movies that sold well at the box office.

The military action movie "Wolf Warrior" has no audience base.

The fan support of Mu Chen and other main creators alone may not be enough.

Because according to reports, Mu Chen's "Wolf Warrior" invested nearly [-] million yuan.

The investment of nearly [-] million, if the publicity is added, if the box office of the film does not reach [-] million, it will have to lose money.

A military action movie with a box office of [-] million?

This is really not an ordinary difficulty.

The potential of the domestic film market is exploding, but none of the military films has a box office of over [-] million.

Unlike kung fu movies, Chinese-language military movies are still hard to sustain at the domestic box office, let alone abroad.

It is a problem for a film with a strong theme to be released abroad.

Kung Fu movies may still have a good box office abroad, even if they only sell overseas copyrights, they may still sell for a good price.

For military films, we can only count on the domestic box office.

Fans sang badly, and even Mu Chen's fans became less confident.

Many people don't understand why Mu Chen doesn't make so many types of films, but insists on making military films.

Wouldn't it be nice to make other videos?

For Mu Chen and his team, action movies are undoubtedly the most suitable.

On the Internet, it caused a lot of topics, and even many media reported it. Naturally, they were not optimistic about it, and some even sneered, saying that Mu Chen's continuous success had made him inflated.

This is also a common problem among young people.

Mu Chen didn't pay attention to these, he went directly to the military area.

"It's dark!" Mu Chen said with a smile when he saw Mu Ze.

After staying in the army for so long, Mu Ze's demeanor has a bit of a soldier's unique taste, and he also has the habit of a soldier when walking, sitting and lying down.

This is undoubtedly excellent.

"The harvest is good." Mu Ze said with a smile.

"Mu Ze's marksmanship is pretty good."

When Mu Chen entered the barracks, he would naturally be accompanied by people.Although that man was not in the combat army, he had heard about Mu Ze's work in the army.

"Really?" Mu Chen smiled and looked at Mu Ze.

"It's just average." Mu Ze smiled, and then said, "However, it must be better than your marksmanship."

Mu Ze had suppressed Mu Chen for so many years, but suddenly he was no match, which made Mu Ze a little disappointed.

Afterwards, Mu Ze gradually realized that there seemed to be no aspect in which he could compare with his younger brother.

This made him a little depressed.

At this time, when it comes to marksmanship, naturally he can't help but sigh.

"That's not necessarily true." Mu Chen smiled and said, "Why don't you, Bibi?"

"Have you ever learned from Director Mu?" the accompanying person asked with a smile.

For Mu Chen to make this movie, if there are big bosses to speak, the troops will strongly support it.

Competing marksmanship with Mu Ze is just a trivial matter.

"Genius, there is still time to learn." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"You want to compare the marksmanship you've learned with me?" Mu Ze pouted and said, "My current marksmanship may not be as good as those special forces snipers, but I'm not considered a crane tail among special forces. If it's in ordinary troops, It also deserves the word 'excellent'."

The two Mu Ze brothers competed in marksmanship, so it was necessary to apply for it, but it was not a waste of time.

In the eyes of many people, Mu Chen probably didn't intend to compete with Mu Ze in marksmanship, but simply joined the army and wanted to play with real guns.

man?If given the chance, who wouldn't want to see it.

Conditions permitting, which boy did not have a gun as a toy when he was young?

Many can't afford toy guns, and paper guns are just as fun.

Mu Chen wanted to play with guns, so he found an excuse of "poor" shooting skills.

However, the two brothers' "shooting skills" still attracted many people to watch.

Almost all members of the special team trained by Mu Ze were present.They wanted to see how Mu Ze's celebrity brother was abused by him.

"Clap clap clap!"

"Clap clap clap!"


After shooting, Mu Chen looked at Mu Ze with a smile.

He looked at the gun in his hand and felt a long-lost feeling.

Now he seems to have forgotten that he was once a mercenary who experienced countless lives and deaths in the hail of bullets.

He wanted to escape before, but he couldn't.Now, there may be some subconscious avoidance.

He subconsciously turned to Mu Chen's memory experience in this world.As for the memory of the world, perhaps it is more of a memory of staying in the house and watching movies and TV.

"It looks like that!" Mu Ze said with a smile.

However, when Mu Chen's results came out, Mu Ze was instantly confused.

He lost, although he didn't lose badly, but he did lose.Lost to Mu Chen who was playing guns for the first time.

Although Mu Ze came to the army to exercise to make a movie, he was still extremely attentive.All the training is very serious, otherwise his marksmanship would not be so good.

Even if his talent is indeed amazing.

Mu Ze's recognition from the army is not just because he has a kung fu foundation, he is familiar with all kinds of training quickly, and he completes it well, but because his attitude is serious enough and hardworking enough.


"Is this the first time playing with a gun? Why do I feel like a veteran of the battlefield!"

"The world of geniuses, I don't understand!"

"In this world, there really are geniuses."

"Practice a few more times, I'm afraid you will be a sharpshooter."

"This is definitely the seedling of a sharpshooter!"

"Unfortunately, it is impossible for him to enter the army."

The spectators began to discuss in low voices, obviously frightened by Mu Chen.

"I think you should develop in the army." The accompanying person looked at Mu Chen and said.

Mu Chen smiled, but did not answer.

That person just said that, the willingness to keep Mu Chen in the army is not strong.

Of course, this has something to do with him not being the leader of a combat force.

Mu Chen just missed it for a while, he didn't have the addiction to "shooting guns".Then wandered around in the army again.

"Hey, can I try it?"

Mu Chen saw a tank and asked immediately.

"You can?"

"Should it be?" Mu Chen smiled, saw the man nodding curiously, and then said to Mu Ze, "Come on, I'll take you around."

(End of this chapter)

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