my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 158 released

Chapter 158 released (subscribe plus update)
Mu Chen's works, besides "Fist of Fury" and "Heroes of Fist of Fury", probably also "Swordsman" is somewhat famous in Xiangjiang and Baodao.

"Bright Sword" set off a frenzy of ratings in the mainland and created a record that is far behind.

But even if this TV series doesn't criticize certain troops, it still doesn't like people in these two regions.

As for "Fist of Fury", "Fist of Fury" and "Swordsman", people in Xiangjiang and Baodao are not familiar with the director Mu Chen, but the lead actor Mu Ze.

Mu Chen may be well-known in Xiangjiang and Treasure Island, but it is not high.Box office appeal is naturally limited.

Now that the mainland film market is exploding, this film will naturally be the box office hit in the mainland.

Mu Chen didn't expect "Wolf Warrior" to win a high box office in Xiangjiang and Baodao.

High, but not much higher.

Even the Hong Kong box office in Hong Kong is mostly a fraction of the mainland box office.

It's a matter of market size.

"The attendance rate seems to be good." Gu Wei scanned the eye shadow hall and whispered to Liu Guohua next to him.

Mu Chen returned to the mainland at this time, and took the main creator to run publicity in major cities.

This is an essential promotional link for many movies.

"Wolf Warrior" was released simultaneously in Xiangjiang, Gu Wei was naturally a little curious about this film.

What's more, this film can be screened simultaneously in Xiangjiang and Baodao, Gu Wei actually made a lot of effort.

"Yeah!" Liu Guohua nodded.

Hong Kong movie fans may not be very resistant to such a film with the main theme, but they don't look forward to it either.

If it is a highly anticipated Hong Kong film, the attendance rate can only be said to be average, but for "Wolf Warrior", it is indeed not bad.

At least, beyond the expectations of Gu Wei and others.

The two sat down in a low-key manner, occasionally whispering a few words.

In the cinema hall, the light was dim, and they made some preparations, so naturally they were not recognized by the fans.

The movie starts shortly.

After the logo, "Director Mu Chen's work" became the final subtitle.

The movie starts.

Leng Feng was escorted to the detention center by two officers, and the sound of the troops being trained came out.

Male officer voiceover: Leng Feng, male, military rank, sergeant, post, sniper, because he acted without authorization during the execution of the mission, he was placed under administrative surveillance according to the disciplinary regulations.

The screen then changed.

Dilapidated factory ruins, desolate and silent everywhere
Voiceover by a male officer: On August 20, 08XX, according to a tip, a criminal gang secretly carried out large-scale human poisoning in a certain place on the border of southern Xinjiang. The method was cruel and the impact was bad. The war zone decided to dispatch special forces to launch a joint operation with the local anti-narcotics police. , arrest the criminal activity
In a dilapidated factory building, a group of criminals are making drugs, and the criminal leader Wu Ji is taking pictures of the finished products on the table with his mobile phone
Anti-narcotics police officers flew a Pathfinder into the factory to investigate.

In this scene, the plot is compact and exciting.

The action design also gives people a refreshing feeling.

And the scene is big enough.

Then, Minden played by Zhang Yao appeared.

In the study, he is practicing calligraphy.

The words are well written.

It's not that there was no substitute for this scene, Zhang Yao wrote it himself.

His calligraphy is not comparable to those calligraphers, but he is still good in the circle.

The Interpol broke into the door, but Minden turned a blind eye and continued to concentrate on writing.

Very calm.

"Minden, you have been arrested. The charges are drug smuggling and human trafficking."

After leaving the villa and coming to the police car, Minden, who did not resist or speak, stopped, took out a cigar, and put it in his mouth.

The Interpol captain couldn't bear Min Deng's move, and reached out to take the cigar out of his mouth.

But at this time, a gunshot directly interrupted the Interpol captain's wrist.

International mercenaries appeared, and a bazooka blew up the villa behind Mindon.

Minden remained calm, took out the lighter, and lit the cigar.

A tense and intense gun battle ensued.There are a large number of Interpol, but under the heavy firepower of mercenaries, they have no power to fight back.

Minden was in the middle of a hail of bullets, but he was smoking a cigar like no one else, with a calm expression on his face.

In this scene, Min Deng played by Zhang Yao can be described as full of force.

However, when he picked up the machine gun and fired at the seriously injured captain of the criminal police, he undoubtedly attracted many fans who were full of violence in their hearts.

This scene also fully demonstrated Minden's ruthlessness.

"This scene is not bad." Gu Wei whispered to Liu Guohua.

Just one scene portrayed Minden as a person deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which shows his skill.

At this time, many movie fans in the theater couldn't help discussing a few words.

Liu Guohua nodded, and the film continued.

At Bukit's funeral, Minden hired Lao Mao to kill Leng Feng, and said the phrase "Hua Guo, but your mercenary's forbidden land".

This undoubtedly reveals a sense of pride in a powerful country.

Long Xiaoyun appeared on the stage, full of aura, and calmed down the rebellious Leng Feng with a bottle of wine.

Leng Feng entered the Wolf Warriors Squadron, and immediately displayed a lot of military pretentiousness.

This opened the eyes of many movie fans and excited many military fans.

And this is just the beginning, the subsequent military exercises, not only the scene is amazing, but also the military equipment is endless, which makes the military fans very happy.

"Mu Chen has military connections, right?" Gu Wei whispered.

They all played movies, so they naturally knew that if they didn't have military connections, how could there be so many military equipment in the movie.

Those things can't be done with money.

What's more, the appearance inside is affected by many soldiers, and the military temperament is strong.That kind of temperament, a half-player must not be able to act out.

If this film had not received strong support from the military, it would have been absolutely impossible to make it like this.

"I don't know." Liu Guohua shook his head.

He really doesn't know about this matter.Not many people in the circle know about it.

Of course, not without it.

There is no shortage of people with amazing connections and news in the entertainment industry.

The plot of the exercise is still very compact and exciting.

And the mercenaries entered the exercise site, trying to kill Leng Feng, pushing the plot to a climax.

Of course, many people criticized it.

The mercenaries rushed into the drill ground and killed among countless troops?
Isn't this too ridiculous?

Where in the world do such mentally handicapped mercenaries come from.If so, I'm afraid he would have died long ago.

Doubts are doubts, complaints are complaints, but the excitement continues.

Of course, some people also vaguely speculated that this matter must not be that simple.

Minden would not go to such lengths to avenge his younger brother.

The old cat would not be so foolish as to rush into the army of the exercise and kill people.

The dialogue of the mercenaries undoubtedly confirmed this speculation.

Poke the hornet's nest!
This is exactly what they want.

how so?

Immediately afterwards, the conversation between Long Xiaoyun and Shi Qingsong confirmed this point again.

Regardless of the reason, the appetite of movie fans has been adjusted.

 When I went back to my hometown, I didn’t bring my computer with me. I updated it on my mobile phone.Previously saved manuscripts are not the default VIP, and it is a bit troublesome to update.The rest will be added tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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