my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 202 Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi Lost Contact

Chapter 202 Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi Lost Contact

For an instant trip, you have to have a purpose.

If not, I don't know where to go if I want to go.

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi obviously haven't.

There are many places worth visiting abroad.

"Europe, North America, Southeast Asia?" Mu Chen looked at Li Ruoxi and asked.

As for Africa or something, it seems like most places are not travel friendly.

Who is full enough to travel to those places?
If we say that the world is the most chaotic place, it is probably Africa.

As for the pyramids, Mu Chen and the others didn't seem to be interested.

When a couple travels for the first time, they will naturally look for a more romantic place. Who would go to Egypt but see the tomb?

"What do you think?" Li Ruoxi couldn't make up her mind, and then looked at Mu Chen.

It is difficult for a woman to make a choice, and that is the time for a man to show his opinion.

"Why don't we go to Japan to see the cherry blossoms?" Mu Chen said.

"Okay!" Li Ruoxi's eyes lit up when she heard it.

Isn't this time when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom?

Everything was ready, Mu Chen and the two immediately flew to Tokyo.

When leaving, Li Ruoxi specially sent a Weibo.

"He said that the world is so big that we have to go and see it. So, we took a walk-and-go trip."

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi went on a trip?

When I go, I can find a poetic excuse for every trip.

Li Ruoxi's Weibo still attracted a lot of attention.

After all, it was just revealed that Li Long appeared in Chenxi Film and Television, and it is suspected that he will cooperate with Mu Chen.

This cooperation was just exposed, and then it was learned that Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi had gone on a trip.

Has the cooperation talk collapsed?
What's more, Mu Chen has always been a workaholic since his debut.One work after another, when did he stop working and travel?
Throughout the year, I am afraid that there is only a few days of rest during the Chinese New Year.

And the rest is more for staying at home with parents and the elderly, and there is little free time for myself.

Now, there are constant speculations on the Internet as to why Mu Chen put down his work and went on a trip with Li Ruoxi.

Many people think that this is because Mu Chen has been nominated for the Golden Dragon Award for Best Director several times, but has lost every time.

He went on a trip with Li Ruoxi at this time, probably to relax and adjust his mood.

Missing the best director at this year's Golden Dragon Awards was a huge blow to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen didn't know that the two of them went on a trip. Li Ruoxi's microblog sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and countless netizens sympathized with him for missing the Golden Dragon Award for Best Director.

Li Ruoxi's microblog was widely circulated, and countless "netizens" also felt the same way and wanted to take a trip as soon as possible.What she said on Weibo has also been made up of countless versions by many netizens.

"There are so many worlds, can you accompany me to see them?"

This is what a boy asks a girl out.

"There are so many worlds, I want to see them."

This is a resignation letter submitted by a white-collar worker.

Women always have no resistance to flowers.

The cherry blossoms are blooming in clusters, clusters, flying in the air, and the white is pink, as beautiful as winter snowflakes with makeup.

"It's so beautiful!" Li Ruoxi looked at the cherry blossoms in front of her and couldn't help admiring.

"You like cherry blossoms very much?" Mu Chen asked with a smile.

"I like it!" Li Ruoxi said with a sweet smile, "Cherry blossoms symbolize enthusiasm, nobility, and purity. After the severe winter, they are the first to bring the breath of spring to people, but they themselves pass away quietly and silently."

"The cherry blossoms are brilliant, pure, and beautiful. Even if they die, they leave heroically. When the cherry blossoms wither, they will not pollute the soil. They are very crisp, neat, and die decisively! But the withering of the cherry blossoms is beautiful. Its departure To give people a sense of beauty, it dedicates its life to people."

"Yesterday snow was like flowers, today flowers are like snow. Mountain cherry blossoms are like beauties, and beauty fades easily." Mu Chen said with a smile.


Li Ruoxi smiled and motioned to Mu Chen.

"Okay." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Although he is not a photographer, he is a director after all, and his photography skills are still excellent.

which angle, which light, which place
Mu Chen grasped it very well.

As a popular star, Li Ruoxi is naturally handy when facing the camera.

Does she not know how to be the most photogenic?

The photo was taken, it is undoubtedly very beautiful.

Beautiful people, beautiful flowers, beautiful scenery.

After wandering around for a day, the two found a homestay to live in.

I have stayed in a lot of hotels, so I naturally want to change my taste.

Japanese homestays also have their own unique charm.

After taking a bath to wash away her exhaustion, Li Ruoxi still couldn't get enough of it. She looked at the photos taken by Mu Chen, admiring herself there, and then found a few of the most satisfying ones to post on Weibo, interacting with her fans.

"What a nice view!"

"Our family Ruoxi is beautiful."

"I'm talking about those cherry blossoms."

"Fuck off!"

"Flowers are beautiful, people are more beautiful."

"Mu Chen is worthy of being a director, and the photos he took are good."

"The group photo is too different. It looks like it was taken by a non-professional."

"I actually went to Japan to see the cherry blossoms. It's so romantic."

Li Ruoxi looked at the comments below, especially those that praised her or Mu Chen, and couldn't help but smile knowingly, and occasionally shared them with Mu Chen.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Ruoxi suddenly saw Mu Chen frown, something was wrong.

"Suddenly I feel uneasy." Mu Chen frowned and said, "I feel uneasy."

"Uneasy?" Li Ruoxi said, "The law and order here is pretty good."

Li Ruoxi walked towards Mu Chen as she spoke.

And the moment he got up, he suddenly felt that the whole room was shaking, and she almost couldn't stand still.


Mu Chen didn't think too much, grabbed Li Ruoxi and rushed out.

Fortunately, they live in a homestay.

Mu Chen's skill is not weak, his territory is quite stable, and Li Ruoxi's skill is also good.Although they were shaking, the two rushed to the outside yard in the blink of an eye.

And not long after they rushed out, many people rushed out in panic, screaming one after another.

Those people looked much more embarrassed than Mu Chen and the other two, some of them rolled and crawled, crying and crying.Almost all of those people have fallen, but to different degrees.


Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen and said.

"It should be." Mu Chen nodded.

Actually, Li Ruoxi wasn't asking at all, but was shocked.

The ground shook violently, obviously.

Mu Chen supported Li Ruoxi, for fear that she would fall.However, the unreasonable uneasiness he had just now disappeared.

This feeling is quite mysterious.


Many of the surrounding homestays collapsed.

There are also those that have not collapsed, but they are also seen as tattered.

Mu Chen suddenly looked up at the sky, Li Ruoxi wiped the water from his face and said, "It's raining."

Many earthquakes are accompanied by heavy rain.

"Okay, it's over."

The ground stopped shaking, Li Ruoxi exhaled and said.

The magnitude of this earthquake is probably not small.

"Where did the earthquake have no aftershocks?" Mu Chen shook his head and said, "I'll go in and take out my luggage. I guess I'll have to spend the night outside."

The homestay where Mu Chen and the others lived did not completely collapse, but a small part of it collapsed. It is estimated that an aftershock can collapse.

Li Ruoxi pulled Mu Chen back, obviously worried.

"It's okay. You just wait for me outside." Mu Chen said, "It will be soon."

"I'll go with you, hurry up, both of you." Li Ruoxi said.

"Don't worry, just wait for me here. I'll come out after I get my things." Mu Chen said, "If the house collapses, it may not hurt me."

"It's already this time, can you stop bragging?" Li Ruoxi said.

In the face of natural disasters, people become small in an instant.

No matter how high your kung fu is, there is no room for resistance in the face of this kind of thing.

"I'm faster than you!" Mu Chen said, turned around and rushed in.

Li Ruoxi opened her mouth to shout, and subconsciously wanted to rush in, but she was worried that it would become a burden, her face was tangled and full of worry.

The surrounding area is already a mess, mixed with crying and shouting.

It rained harder and harder.


Suddenly, a house suddenly ignited a fire, and the fire became larger in an instant.

When Li Ruoxi saw it, her complexion changed drastically, and she rushed over without any hesitation.

The house that caught fire was where he and Mu Chen lived.

Li Ruoxi was worried about Mu Chen, so she didn't care about other things.


As soon as Li Ruoxi arrived at the door, she saw Mu Chen rushing out with their luggage.

Seeing Li Ruoxi rushing in with a worried face, Mu Chen didn't understand something, so he quickly said to Li Ruoxi.

The house hasn't collapsed, but now that it's on fire, it only takes a moment to collapse.Staying for one more second means more danger.

Coming to a safe place, Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen and threw herself into his arms.

"I was scared to death." Li Ruoxi said in a slightly crying voice.

She was not frightened by the earthquake or fire, but because she was afraid of Mu Chen having an accident.

"Okay, okay, it's okay." Mu Chen said, "Do you see what I found inside?"

"What?" Li Ruoxi asked suspiciously.

"Tent!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

The tent is not big, and it will be extremely crowded if it accommodates two people.Still, something is better than nothing.

Now, it's raining cats and dogs.

Shocked, emotionally unstable, if it rains all night, it is very likely to be seriously ill.

"Do you want it?" Li Ruoxi glanced around, hesitated to speak.

The surrounding cries and shouts are endless.

"There are homestays around here, and it's some distance from the center of the earthquake, so they should all have escaped." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

If someone needs to be saved, he may not hesitate.

But no one is in any danger around here, at most there are some injured people.Those cries are also due to them.

Mu Chen couldn't help those people.

What's more, now that the lights are dark and the rain is pouring, we don't know when the aftershocks will hit again. Running into the ruins to rescue people is very dangerous.

Mu Chen didn't want to take risks, and neither did Li Ruoxi.

If it was in China, Mu Chen might even take a risk to save someone.

But now that they are in Japan, Mu Chen's noble personality is instantly compromised.

So many people didn't "save lives", Mu Chen even lost that enthusiasm.

Upon hearing this, Li Ruoxi glanced around again, then nodded.

The surrounding cries and shouts became indistinct under the influence of the rain, but Li Ruoxi could still hear that there was no cry for help among those voices.

After finding a place, Mu Chen and the others braved the rain and dark to set up the tent, then changed their clothes, and waited for dawn to discuss everything.

The sudden earthquake made their trip "deeply memorable".

They were also in no mood to continue traveling at this time.

They just want to go home.

Not long ago, Li Ruoxi shared her travels with fans on Weibo, and then there was an earthquake.

Li Ruoxi wanted to post a Weibo to reassure those who cared about them.

Unfortunately, there is no Internet at all these days.

Let alone the Internet, I can't even get through the phone.

"Next time you travel, you have chosen a place." Mu Chen smiled and shook his head and said to Li Ruoxi, "This kind of thing can happen."

"This is also a wonderful trip." Li Ruoxi smiled and said, "We have lived and died together once."

Her smile gives people a sense of spring breeze.

However, Mu Chen saw a trace of strain, a trace of fatigue, and a trace of comfort in her smile.

Give Mu Chen comfort, give her own comfort.

Both of them kept smiling, and both wanted to bring meaning and warmth to each other with their smiles.

At this moment, in this situation, they need each other's warmth.

Mu Chen's heart was so tenacious that he was not greatly affected, but Li Ruoxi was different.She had never encountered such a thing.

The only thing to be thankful for is that neither of them was injured in the slightest.

The sound of crying and crying in the distance was gradually drowned out by the sound of rain. Li Ruoxi was held in Mu Chen's arms, and fell asleep exhausted not long after.

Mu Chen didn't sleep, and didn't dare to sleep.

He knew that natural disasters were often accompanied by man-made disasters.

At least, he needs to take precautions against this.

However, Mu Chen's worries were unnecessary.

The "man-made disaster" he feared did not happen.

The sky is getting brighter and the rain is getting smaller.

"You haven't slept all night?" Li Ruoxi woke up, but saw bloodshot eyes in Mu Chen's eyes, she understood instantly.

"Rescue should be here soon." Mu Chen smiled, but said.

When Mu Chen and the others walked out of the tent, what they saw was ruins and people in distress.

The two were not much better.

The tent obviously didn't completely cover the downpour of last night.

The two of them were also wet, but they didn't want to get completely wet like the others.

Many of those people were tourists, and besides the lingering exhaustion on their faces, they also looked sickly after being drenched in the rain all night.However, they did not look desperate.

The earthquake destroyed everything around it, but for tourists, there was not much loss other than shock.

At least, compared with the locals, that little loss is nothing.

As the night passed, the disaster became clearer.

Mu Chen wanted to give Li Ruoxi a comforting smile, but for some reason, looking at the mess around him, he couldn't laugh no matter what.

Li Ruoxi had a serious face, and her eyes were a little dazed.

This is a natural disaster!
Overnight, the news of the earthquake spread all over the world, but it caused an uproar in China.

This turmoil was not caused by those angry youths gloating on the Internet, but that Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi were traveling in the place where the earthquake happened, and now they have lost contact.

(End of this chapter)

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