my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 205 Overcome a Brilliance Addiction

Chapter 205
In mid-April, film and television city.

Mu Chen did not invite media reporters, nor did he plan to hold any launch conference.

In fact, Mu Chen has never been keen on the launch conference.

It's just that Mu Chen's first self-directed and self-acted film is too topical, and those media reporters are not invited to come.

What's more, even if Mu Chen hadn't directed and acted himself, I'm afraid his new film will attract countless media reporters.

Mu Chen had to temporarily add a launch conference.

If it is turned on regardless, those media will be hard to guard against.

Mu Chen, Li Ruoxi, Zhen Pei, Yue Haifeng, Sun Yu and other main creators all appeared on stage.

"Thank you for coming. "Tang Bohu Spots the Autumn Fragrance" is a comedy film written and directed by me, and I will play the lead male lead Tang Bohu. He ranks first among the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River."

There is Ming Dynasty in this world, but there is no Tang Bohu.

However, this is not a problem.

There are many films featuring fictional characters.

Moreover, the original did not respect history.

This is not a historical biographical movie, but a comedy.As for whether there is Tang Bohu in history, and what kind of person Tang Bohu really is, it doesn't affect the film at all.

An adaptation of a folktale is not necessarily more appealing than the original.

Mu Chen briefly introduced the film and the role he will play.

Then Li Ruoxi and others also briefly introduced their roles.

They are all old people in the industry, so they can naturally know how much they can reveal at the launch conference.

"Why did Director Mu star in this movie?"

During the reporter's question session, a reporter couldn't wait to ask.

Mu Chen suddenly appeared in his own movie, which surprised many people.

Could it be that Mu Chen didn't win the Golden Dragon Award for best director, and he has lost confidence in this award, and is planning to win the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actor?
"Think about the addiction of a wit!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

This is obviously a joking answer.

"Director Mu, you are a famous talent yourself, do you still need to be addicted to being a genius in the play?" The reporter said, "Have you lost confidence in the best director of the Golden Dragon Award and are planning to change careers and become an actor? Golden Dragon Award Best Actor?"

"Worthy of being a reporter, you have amazing brains!" Mu Chen said, "As soon as I learned to be a director, I couldn't even win the best director. How could I still win the Best Actor?"


Not to mention that Mu Chen didn't have this idea, even if he did, it's impossible to compete for the best actor with a comedy!

Mu Chen didn't know if he ever won Best Actor with a comedy film.But if there is, it is absolutely rare.

"Director Mu, there were rumors that your new film will be cooperating with Li Long, why is Li Long not in this film?"

Another reporter asked.

Why did Mu Chen direct and act on his own? Many people wondered, but Mu Chen didn't want to say why, and they couldn't ask.

It is not uncommon to see filmmakers who direct and act in the circle.

Perhaps, Mu Chen just thought, that's all, there is no reason.

"The next film we will cooperate with him." Mu Chen said, "He is still filming in Hollywood, so naturally he won't appear in this film."

"Li Ruoxi, how do you feel about playing opposite your boyfriend this time?"

"Yue Haifeng, as a cross talk actor, what do you think of starring in Director Mu's film?"

Among the main creators, Mu Chen is undoubtedly the most famous, followed by Li Ruoxi.

The popularity of the two is indistinguishable, but Mu Chen's self-directed and self-acted ones are more topical.

Sun Yu's popularity is not small. Many people know his "golden supporting role" in Chenxi Film and Television, but his popularity is not high, not even as good as Yue Haifeng.

As for Zhen Pei, she is just a past actor now, and there are probably not many people who still remember her.

Fan Juanqiong, the actor of Pomegranate, made her debut not long ago, and only played some supporting roles in TV dramas before.

She was on stage, but those media reporters seldom questioned her, as if they were transparent.

Although ignored by reporters, he kept smiling all the time.

Her face value can't be said to be high, but she is not bad.It's just that in the entertainment circle full of beauties, it is undoubtedly more difficult for an actress who is not stunning in appearance to become popular.

However, if a person like her becomes popular, it will last longer than many people who become famous by virtue of their looks.

Fan Juanqiong never thought that she would reach the sky in one step, she has a clear understanding of herself.

She believes that after this film, the media will rush to pay attention to her.

This film is an opportunity for her.

After the press conference, "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" started shooting immediately.

This film is different from many films, especially the actors in this film. In traditional films, their performances are slightly exaggerated.

Mu Chen didn't know if fans would accept it.

After all, when the original version came out, Master Xing's nonsense had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

There are no actors like him in this world.

Master Xing has made everyone familiar with his form of performance through countless works, and this film has really become a classic.

However, spoof films like "East Becomes West" can be accepted by movie fans.

This movie should be fine.

Whether fans accept it or not, Mu Chen doesn't want to change much.

If this film did not have that kind of performance, Mu Chen would always feel that something was missing.

Perhaps, this is also one of the reasons why Mu Chen himself played the role.

In this world, who else knows besides yourself?
Mu Chen chose this movie mainly because there are too many bright spots in the movie, whether it's dialogue, fighting, or others.

The film subverts the extraordinary imagination of the theme of ancient costumes, and various postmodern techniques emerge in the film, including performance art paintings, modern percussion music performances, fashion model gait, poison introduction full of advertising vocabulary, and "unrecognizable feet" and the like. Funny and creative.

When the filming started, Mu Chen blindly imitated, but it seemed a bit nondescript.

However, Mu Chen was an excellent director after all, and he was able to give lectures to other actors and figure out his nonsensical performances very quickly.

It's not that Mu Chen hadn't thought about shooting it in other ways, but he was worried that this classic would turn into a bad movie.

The script of this movie is undoubtedly excellent, but if it lacks the unique style of Master Xing, it will inevitably give people a feeling of being castrated.

Perhaps, this kind of shortcoming can only be felt by him.

But Mu Chen didn't allow this.

Nonsensical and postmodernism, this world does not have, perhaps there is not well-known.

Then bring it to the world through yourself.

Plagiarize, imitate, learn from, and then incorporate your own things to form your own style.

Mu Chen found himself acting more and more smoothly.

Li Chao's play had already finished, and he brought Xie Li to Mu Chen's crew.

He will guest play one of the four great talents, and Xie Li will play the cameo role of the beauty who was stopped by the four great talents to tease her and jumped into the water.

As soon as Li Chao came, Wang Hao came immediately, and he will also be one of the four great talents.

Among the actors Mu Chen was familiar with, Wang Hao was the only one who was idle.

Mu Ze was out filming, even if he was free, but his appearance was somewhat similar to Mu Chen, so it was obviously inappropriate for him to be a guest star of the Four Great Talents.

Mu Chen was originally interested in Zhao Jin, but he was filming Ma Lin's new movie at the moment.

Marin now took a breath in his heart.

"Latent" shined in this year's Golden Phoenix Awards, winning the best film and television drama. Li Hongbin also won the best actor again with this TV series. In addition, he won a lot of small awards. Unfortunately, he and Mu Like dust, did not win the best director.

This year's Golden Phoenix Awards, Mu Chen did not participate, but Chenxi Film and Television was still the biggest winner.

Everything is ready to start shooting.

A woman in a suit: "Look, look, the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River are over there."

All the women in suits watched excitedly.

Mu Chen and the others immediately put on a pose, and then there was a fashion show, and all the girls ran away.

Shelley's cameo woman is stopped by the four and forced to jump into a river.

Mu Chen: "Want to run? You can't fly out of my Wuzhi Mountain."

He tried to jump into the river but was stopped.

Yue Haifeng: "Brother Bohu, someone is watching."

Passerby: "Inexplicable, these four guys are crazy!"

Yue Haifeng: "Today, our four great talents from the south of the Yangtze River are here to visit the mountains and rivers. No wonder those girls are going crazy."

Li Chao: "Everyone, since everyone is in such a good mood today, why don't you come and recite a poem?"

Yue Haifeng: "Hey, brother Zhengming's suggestion is good. Brother Wenbin, you come first."

Wang Hao: "Come on! A flock of geese down the mountain."

Li Chao: "Hush and drive into the river."

Yue Haifeng: "Luohe catches geese and is hungry."

Mu Chen: "Go home and play with your wife after eating."

Three people: "Oh, you are right, what a quatrain!"

Mu Chen: "Ahaha"

The three looked at each other: "Is it really that funny?!"

Li Chao: "I think the most enviable thing about Brother Tang is his beauty. Everyone knows that there are eight wives in Brother Tang's family, all of whom are beautiful and beautiful. You can be like Brother Tang In this way, what can I ask for?"

Mu Chen: "Ahaha"

Although they are all complimenting smiles, they are different.

Although these scenes were not one-off, the filming went quite smoothly.

"Take a break." Mu Chen looked at the replay of the shooting just now, and said immediately.

The scene just now was pretty good.

Next, Mu Chen strikes up a conversation like a flower.

The guest star is Yue Haifeng's partner Sun Yunpeng.

Sun Yunpeng is tall and burly, with the taste of a big man in the Northeast.

His guest appearance is like a flower, and the effect is still good.

Mu Chen looked at the wet Xie Li with a smile and said, "Hurry up and change your clothes! If you catch a cold, Brother Chao can't avoid me."

"Am I that vulnerable?" Shelley said with a smile.

I have filmed scenes of entering the water in winter, so this is nothing.

"When is your movie going to be released?" Li Chao walked over and asked Mu Chen.

"It's expected to be during the Spring Festival." Mu Chen looked at Li Chao with a smile, and said, "What? We didn't crash into a car, did we?"

"No." Li Chao shook his head, he seemed relieved, and said, "My movie is estimated to be released on National Day."

If Mu Chen's film is in time for the National Day, is there a rush?

Obviously in time.

This was also what Li Chao was worried about.He didn't want to run into trouble with Mu Chen, not to mention that both of their films were comedies.

"Wow haha!"

Suddenly, a burst of laughter came.

That voice belonged to Yue Haifeng.

Mu Chen and the others turned their heads to see that it was Yue Haifeng who was laughing as he watched his partner put on his makeup.

Wang Hao beside him also laughed, but not as exaggeratedly as Yue Haifeng.

"Your beard and blush are a perfect match!" Yue Haifeng pointed at Sun Yunpeng and smiled.

Sun Yunpeng rolled his eyes directly, and there didn't seem to be any surprises about Yue Haifeng's reaction.

Li Chao was also a little taken aback when he saw Sun Yunpeng.

Can you still play like this?
After joking for a while, the filming continued.

Yue Haifeng: "If you have a horse, you can go on it."

"Hey, Brother Tang, look at a pretty woman on the bridge, she's lonely. That's all right, you can demonstrate your method of picking up girls on the spot, and let us brothers learn it well."

Mu Chen: "Well..."

Wang Hao: "It's about everyone's welfare, are you okay?!"

Mu Chen: "It's a duty."

Mu Chen walked onto the bridge, looked at the background, and said, "Miss."

Although Sun Yunpeng is burly, but wearing ancient costumes, the background does have a bit of "back killing".

Sun Yunpeng picked his nostrils and turned around, saying, "What's the matter, my lord?"


Mu Chen couldn't help laughing.

As the filming continued, Mu Chen's eyes widened, he held back for a while, and then had a thought of withdrawing.

However, looking back, Li Chao and the others cheered excitedly over there.
Three people: "Go! Go!"

Mu Chen turned around, took a deep breath, then forced a smile, and said, "It's nothing, I want to borrow Miss's shoulders for a ride, I wonder if it's okay?"

Sun Yunpeng said: "How can this work, I am a big girl of Huanghua."


Mu Chen laughed again when Sun Yunpeng said "the big girl with yellow flowers".

I have to admit that as a cross talk actor, Sun Yunpeng's simple words make people want to laugh.

Adjust the mood and continue shooting.

Afterwards, Sun Yunpeng was thrown into the water by Mu Chen.

The camera turned to the three of Li Chao.

"Hey? What the hell are you doing?"

The three were puzzled and rushed to the bridge. Wang Hao said, "What happened? What's the matter?"

Li Chaodao: "Isn't your shot too heavy?"

Mu Chen: "He wants to steal money, this dead monster!"

The three were surprised: "Ah?! Shemale?"

Yue Haifeng: "I like it! Take it."

Yue Haifeng then handed the fan to Wang Hao and jumped into the river.

Li Chao: "What a pity! Let him take the lead!"

Mu Chen and Wang Hao looked at each other, everything was kept silent.

Li Chao and Wang Hao's cameo roles are naturally not limited to this scene, there is also a scene of picking up girls in the temple.

This is also the first meeting between Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang.

The filming of Li Chao and others took only one day.

Xie Li left, and Wang Hao didn't stay any longer.

However, Li Chao stayed in the crew for nearly a week.

"Thank you!" Li Chao said to Mu Chen when he left the crew.

"I'm the one who should say thank you, right?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

He actually knew why Li Chao thanked him.

These days, Li Chao wanted to gain a lot from staying on the set.

Li Chao left and the filming continued.

Perhaps it was because Mu Chen's grasp of style became more and more pure, and everyone's shooting became smoother and smoother.

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(End of this chapter)

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