my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 211 Mu Chen Swells

Chapter 211 Mu Chen Swells

A movie with good quality and constant topics, then its box office will not be bad.

The reason why the box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" is so amazing is not unrelated to the endless topics.

Of course, the main reason why the box office of this film is so amazing is that the fans have been poked "cool".

The topic of "Mu Ze Hero Saves the Beauty" came up again.

Perhaps, because Mu Chen posted the video on Weibo, the topic rushed to the topic list and hot search list that day, and there was a faint tendency to reach the top.

"Wolf Warrior 2", a film that risked your life, why do you not support it?

Do you have the nerve to support foreign films?
Isn't it enough that Chinese-language movies are overwhelmed by Hollywood movies?

"Wolf Warrior 2" is only a few million away from "Mercenary". It is no longer a dream to overthrow Hollywood blockbusters and win the single-day box office champion!

Support "Wolf Warrior 2", support domestic films!

It's time for Chinese-language movies to turn around.

On the Internet, such "appeals" can be seen everywhere.

Some are spontaneous by netizens, while others are "water troops" invited by Chenxi Film and Television.

The major media also seem to have reported it.

Half a month after "Wolf Warrior 2" was released, it lost its single-day box office title, but it still had amazing fighting power, and almost overwhelmed the just-released Hollywood blockbuster.

This is the pride of our Chinese films.

Some media are the result of Chenxi Film and Television plugging in red envelopes, while others are spontaneous.

With such momentum, the box office statistics for the second day of the release of "Mercenary" shocked the entire film circle once again.

Foreigners are also confused.

When did Chinese-language movies become so powerful, they were released for half a month, and they were still so fierce?

"Wolf Warrior 2" regained the single-day box office champion, and won 3000 million, an increase of 5000 million from yesterday's box office.

5000 million, the third-ranked movie doesn't have that much box office in a single day.

Of course, it doesn't seem very strange that the single-day box office has rebounded.

After all, the second day after the release of "Mercenaries" was a Saturday rest day, and there were many more people watching the movie.

It's amazing how amazing it has grown so much.

However, the box office of "Mercenaries" has not increased but decreased.Only more than 6000 million, a decline of nearly 3000 million.

This film is not as popular as "Excalibur"!

"Mercenaries" scored as high as [-] points on

Although not as good as "Wolf Warrior 2", the score is not low.

A Hollywood movie with a good reputation was under the pressure of "Wolf Warrior 2", which was released for half a month.

When did Chinese movies become so awesome?

"Wolf Warrior 2" regained the single-day box office champion, and the momentum was the same for a while.

"Mercenary" increased its publicity, but unfortunately, domestic movie fans didn't buy it much.

Some fans of "Mercenaries" complained online.

Some said that after watching this film, they were alienated by their friends.

Some said that after watching this film, they were scolded by their classmates.

Others said that after watching this movie, they were beaten by their mothers and fathers.

It is unknown whether it is true or not, and many people even suspect that it is the work of Chenxi Film and Television.

The publishers of "Mercenary" couldn't help but want to get mad, but they knew that no matter whether Chenxi Film and Television did these things, they couldn't pin the blame on Chenxi Film and Television.

"Excalibur" is a lesson from the past!

After Zheng Yonghe pointed at Mu Chen and Chenxi Film and Television anxiously, he angered Mu Chen and the fans of "Wolf Warrior 2".

Today, under the pressure of the film schedule, "Excalibur" has been squeezed out of the top three single-day box office.

At this time, the box office was just over [-] million.

The production cost and publicity fee are more than 4 million. If this film does not hit the box office abroad, it will make Zheng Yonghe and Guangzheng Films doubt their lives if they lose money.

"Excalibur" hit the street, and Guangzheng Pictures lost not only the little money invested, but also the stock price affected by it.

In order to stabilize the stock price, Guangzheng Films directly produced another blockbuster to hype.

This blockbuster film was adapted to a popular IP novel, and it seems that this film is going to make a comeback.

And now it is preparing for the overseas release of "Excalibur".

After some operations, the stock price of Guangzheng Films did not fall too much.

After all, it is a domestic first-line film and television company with a profound heritage.

Mu Chen didn't pay attention to these.

Apart from watching the box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" now and then, he is devoting all his energy to the preparation of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

The later stage of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" has been completed, and it is only waiting for the Spring Festival to be released.

Although "Wolf Warrior 2" is still in theaters, for Mu Chen, it has become a thing of the past.

Mu Chen always likes to look forward, rather than obsessing over the past, no matter how glorious the past is.

Otherwise, Mu Chen would not gradually forget the experience of the hail of bullets.

At this moment, there is no shadow of a mercenary king in him at all.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is a very artistic film.

Mu Chen watched it, and clearly remembered every detail of the film in his mind.

However, he has not read the reviews about this film, nor the character analysis.
He needs to understand the film before he can make it well.

As a director, if you don't understand this film, what a fart!

He didn't know if he didn't shoot, but when he was preparing to shoot, Mu Chen suddenly realized that this film gave him a headache.

Mu Chen is fortunate that he studied as a director in his life, and he has never stopped studying.

If not, Mu Chen can be sure that he would not be able to control this film at all.

In his opinion, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is much more difficult to shoot than "Wolf Warrior 2".

Mu Chen has always been very demanding of himself, he does not allow himself to make a classic film into a bad one.

He is not allowed to stand on the shoulders of giants, and is even shorter than giants.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself." Li Ruoxi patted Mu Chen's shoulder and said.

"After making this film, it's easier to make purely commercial films in the future." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"This film is so well prepared, you will definitely be able to make it well." Li Ruoxi smiled.

Her smile is full of charm, and Mu Chen can gain confidence every time.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is naturally very well prepared.

Action design, costume design, shooting location.
Mu Chen demanded excellence in everything, no matter how big or small.

Li Ruoxi could feel that Mu Chen's requirements for this film were much stricter.

Mu Chen is well-known in the industry for his strict requirements on the film.

And this film is more strict, which shows how much he expected from this film.

"Wolf Warrior 2" is still popular, dominating the entire summer schedule, overshadowing other films, and creating miracles one after another.

One month after its release, the box office exceeded 50 billion. Chenxi Films announced immediately that the schedule of "Wolf Warrior 2" was postponed to the end of September.

The film's final box office is estimated to have grown to 60 billion.

Mu Chen felt that it might exceed the box office of the original version.

How much the final box office will be may only be known after it is released.

However, the film has already topped the domestic box office charts.

With this film, Mu Chen also became the director with the highest domestic box office and the first director whose box office exceeded [-] billion.

Mu Ze also became the first [-] billion actor with this film.

The first 30 billion director and the first [-] billion actor turned out to be brothers, and they were all under [-] years old.

This is a little scary.

Perhaps, they may become the director with the highest cumulative box office in the world, as well as the actor with the highest cumulative box office in the world.

Being young means anything is possible.

Mu Ze became a ten billion actor, which made his position in the film and television industry completely stable.

The film appointments continued one after another.

However, he is now paying more and more attention to quality when picking plays.

And at this time, news spread that Mu Chen's new movie was about to start shooting.

"Wolf Warrior 2" is still in theaters, "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" has not yet been released, but Mu Chen's new film will start shooting?
For other directors, this is undoubtedly unimaginable.

The interval between works is too short.

If you change the director, you may be approved.

Because of such a short time, are you fully prepared?Can the quality of the work be guaranteed?

This is inevitably questionable.

Mu Chen was also questioned, but he used one work after another to prove that the time interval between his works is short, but all of them are high-quality goods.

Since his debut, which work has not been well received?

Those who were not optimistic about him that time will not be slapped in the face!

But for some reason, Mu Chen's works are not favored every time.

It seems that those who are not optimistic about Mu Chen and bad-mouthing Mu Chen will never learn their lesson.

As with TV shows, so with movies.

Perhaps, it's not that they don't like Mu Chen, but they want Mu Zai.

This time, his new film was not favored again, and some people even called out to wait for him to lose money.

Since Mu Chen's debut, which work has not made a lot of money.

Even now, some people still say that his movie will lose money?
However, people's analysis is well-founded.

Who would have thought that after "Wolf Warrior 2" became a big hit, Mu Chen would no longer make persistent efforts to make "Wolf Warrior 3" to make money, but made a martial arts movie instead.

Yes, Mu Chen's new movie is a martial arts movie.

Martial arts movies, no matter domestic or foreign, the market response is not very good nowadays!

The problem is that under such a bad market situation, Mu Chen's martial arts movie still has such a large investment.

The size of the investment has not yet been announced.

For the cast that can be revealed, just the salary alone is already a considerable amount.

In Mu Chen's films, the proportion of actors' remuneration has never been large.

Even if this film breaks the rules and the actors' remuneration accounts for a large part, the investment is not small!
Li Long, an international superstar, is very well-known in Hollywood.

He is also one of the most well-known Chinese actors in the world. His salary is basically more than 1000 million US dollars, and the highest reached [-] US dollars.

So give a friendly price, 1000 million US dollars is indispensable, right?

Zhang Na, one of the heroines, may not be as well-known internationally as Li Long, but she is also very well-known.He is the highest-paid actress in China, bar none.

Her salary is also around $1000 million.

As a friendly price, $800 million, right?
Another heroine, Li Ruoxi, is now the most popular and one of the hottest young actresses in China.A proper first-line actor, even a super-first-line actor.Her salary is basically between 5000 and [-] million Chinese dollars.

Still counted as the family price in the friendship price, is there 2000 million Chinese coins?

After all, Li Ruoxi's contract company must have objections if the offer is too low.

Just the remuneration of the three of them is more than 1 million Chinese dollars.

The remuneration of other supporting roles, board and lodging, transportation, props and other expenses, this film is even lower, it also needs a budget of more than [-] million yuan.

How much is a budget of [-] million for Mu Chen?

Naturally not much.

The box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" has exceeded 50 billion, and Chenxi Film and Television can be said to be the most wealthy film and television company in China.

Not to mention 20 million, [-] billion is estimated to be available to Mu Chen now.

The working capital of Chenxi Film and Television has always been astonishing.

20 billion, even if the box office share of "Wolf Warrior 2" has not yet arrived, Chenxi Film and Television may not be able to get it out.

What's more, even if you can't get it out, it is estimated that Mu Chen will ask, and I don't know how many banks will take the initiative to come to the door.

This is obviously not a question of whether it can be taken out, but a question of whether it is worth it.

The investment of "Wolf Warrior 2" is only more than 2 million.

Instead of investing more than 2 million yuan to make a martial arts film, it is better to make "Wolf Warrior 3" or other types of films.

So far, no martial arts film with a box office of over [-] million has ever appeared.

Perhaps thanks to the box office appeal of Li Longmuchen and others, breaking through the [-] million curse of martial arts movies, but with such an investment, if the box office does not reach [-] to [-] million, then don't even think about getting back the money.

More and more people were waiting for Mu Chen to lose money, and the topic became more and more intense.

It is difficult for many people to understand.

What I don't understand is why Mu Chen chose to make a martial arts film?

Could it be that he is so inflated that he thinks that he can create a box office miracle by making a martial arts film?
Why did Mu Chen invite Li Long and Zhang Na for his new film?
Many people can see it.

People who can't see it can understand it instantly when they hear it.

Mu Chen is going to hit the international market.

This is not surprising.

After all, in the domestic market, Mu Chen already has the meaning of "seeking defeat alone".

What's more, which filmmaker who is successful in China doesn't want to hit the international market?

What surprises Mu Chen when he hits the international market?

But why did Mu Chen choose to make a martial arts film? !
From everyone's point of view, Mu Chen will definitely make an action movie when he hits the international market.

Action movies are undoubtedly the most assured.

Never thought it was a martial arts movie?
"Mu Chen has swelled!"

"Mu Chen's first movie to hit the international market was a martial arts movie!"

"Does Mu Chen understand the international market?"

"Failure is probably a good thing for Mu Chen."

Relevant topics continued, and many media reported on it, and even some filmmakers expressed some opinions on it.

For many people, Mu Chen's momentum is too strong and needs to be suppressed.

Some people like it, some people don't.

The film has not yet started shooting, but it has already caused controversy on the Internet.

Those who are optimistic about Mu Chen think that since his debut, which time has someone who is not optimistic about him not been slapped in the face?
Mu Chen's talent simply cannot be judged by common sense.

Those who are not optimistic say that they are not questioning the quality of Mu Chen's film, but they are not optimistic about Mu Chen's use of martial arts films to hit the international market.

This has nothing to do with the quality of the video, it is purely a limitation of the market type.

Perhaps, it won't lose money, but it's a bit whimsical to use it to hit the international market.

Of course, some people questioned the veracity of this rumor.

After all, Mu Chen and Chenxi Film and Television have not responded yet.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", why isn't it a fairy tale film?
(End of this chapter)

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