my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 217 Let's See How They Can Hold It Down

Chapter 217 Let's See How They Can Hold It Down

Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan decided to get married after the new year!
This incident undoubtedly made the parents of both parties extremely happy, especially Mu Chen's grandparents.

Mu Chen's parents and Su Xiaowan's parents began to discuss with great interest.

When is the wedding date?

This must choose an auspicious day.A certain master is very powerful, why don't you choose a date with him?
Where is the wedding?how to do
Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi just laughed and listened.Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan only occasionally missed a few words.

In the end, after some discussions, the location was set in Yanjing.

As for the date, you still need to ask the master to calculate first.

Which day to get the certificate, which day to take wedding photos, which day to hold the wedding, which day.
"When are you going back to Yanjing? I'll introduce you to a friend." Mu Chen said, "He owns a large wedding company."

"When did you meet such a friend?" Mu Ze teased, "Could it be that you prepare in advance."

"The last time I came back from Japan, we met on the plane." Mu Chen pouted and said, "We had a good conversation on the plane, and we even had dinner together a few times afterwards."

"Could it be the unlucky newlyweds who went to Japan for their honeymoon?" Su Xiaowan asked.

Su Xiaowan naturally heard Li Ruoxi mention it.What's more, Li Ruoxi also mentioned this matter in "A Date Tonight".

"Then have you decided where to spend your honeymoon?" Li Ruoxi suddenly said with a smile.

Su Xiaowan looked at Mu Ze, and Mu Ze also looked at her.

"What suggestions do you have?" Su Xiaowan asked.

"I have no suggestion, and I dare not have any." Mu Chen shook his head quickly and said.

Don't talk about this anymore, if you talk too much, you will cry!
"People in the circle, who are invited and who are not invited, you two discuss it." Mu Chen changed the subject and said, "However, I reckon that some people will participate if you don't invite. At that time, how to deal with it, That also needs to be considered."

Mu Ze nodded.

Even without invitation.

Some of them may be out of enthusiasm, but most of them are probably because of Mu Chen's face.

Su Xiaowan and Mu Ze are both first-tier and super-first-tier stars. Their wedding will naturally attract a lot of attention, and the popularity must be astonishing.

The two are well-known, have big wrists, and have good connections.What's more, there is Mu Chen, a great director, and the boss of Chenxi Film and Television.

No matter what the purpose is, if people come to your wedding, you can't turn them away.

On the first day of the new year, Mu Chen didn't take his family to the movies again.

Tomorrow, he and Li Ruoxi will leave to promote the movie.

The suppression of several film and television companies made the film schedule of "Tang Bohu Spot the Autumn Fragrance" low, forcing Mu Chen to pay more attention to publicity.

If it weren't for this, Mu Chen might just stay at home instead of promoting it so hard.

Even if this is his first starring role.

But now, he took a breath in his heart.

This is Mu Chen.

Although the film schedule was unsatisfactory, the attendance rate was extremely astonishing.

This is the case even for films with such a high lineup of theaters under Wansheng.

During the Spring Festival, no matter what time it is, the cinema is always crowded with people.

"so many people."

Yang Lan walked into the theater and couldn't help but say.

As a fan of Wu Fan who once scolded Mu Chen, Yang Lan has long been a fan of Mu Chen.

"Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" was squeezed out, and she was also very angry.

Now that she is married and about to have a baby, she still can't help but go crazy with Mu Chen's fans.

"Fortunately, I made a reservation in advance, otherwise I would have no chance to buy a ticket." The man next to Yang Lan said with a smile.

He is Yang Lan's husband and Mu Chen's fan. The two are together because of Mu Chen's song "Golden Thread Clothes" and the line "If you don't fall in love, you will grow old."

The two sat down, and fans came in one after another. Before it started, the theater was already full.

[-]% attendance.

Even the most remote corners are full of people.

"There is such an attendance rate during this time period, the schedule of this film should increase tomorrow, right?"


"Shouldn't the theaters be letting money go without making money? They won't be able to buy the box office today or tomorrow."

"I don't know how the attendance rate of other films is? If it doesn't work, we should increase the number of films."

"Can theaters withstand the pressure of those film and television companies?"

"Those film and television companies are not covering the sky with one hand."

"The entertainment industry is complicated!"

"With such an attendance rate, if they want to suppress Mu Chen, will they be able to suppress it?"

The fans were discussing, and soon the lights in the theater went out, and the film officially started.

After the relevant Logo and the subtitles, the movie starts.

In the beginning, a group of people fought over the "garbage" in Tang Bohu's mansion.

This scene made many people see the shadow of crazy fans.

This also makes people know that Tang Bohu, the head of the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River, is undoubtedly extremely good at calligraphy and painting.

But the next scene made people dumbfounded.

Tang Bohu, played by Mu Chen, is holding a writing brush. Everyone thought he was about to flick the brush, but when the camera pulled, they didn't think he was roasting chicken wings.

It's simply degrading.

This is a bit unexpected, but it's just a knowing smile.

And when Zhu Zhishan played by Yue Haifeng appeared, everyone realized that this movie is not about talented men and beautiful women.

If all gifted scholars look like this, then there is no beauty to speak of.

Yue Haifeng's role as Zhu Zhishan undoubtedly completely subverted the image of a "talented scholar".

Obscene, bad gambling, lustful.
Yue Haifeng's performance is still very good.

And the phrase in Tang Bohu's mouth, "The wind blows the egg shell, the rich man is happy", is also remembered by countless people.

And in this film, there are many unforgettable dialogues.

The dialogue between Tang Bohu and Zhu Zhishan was a bit funny, but it was not a bright spot, but it was just the beginning, and the atmosphere of the whole theater was mobilized.

Immediately afterwards, in the process of painting with the body, a little special effect was used, but this also made people feel an urge to overwhelm the audience.It also made many people think of performance art painting.

This is undoubtedly a very bright idea in the movie.

Of course, I took Zhu Zhishan's little brother inside and swished it, which is not suitable for some children.However, this did not make people feel the slightest bit dirty, but it made countless people laugh their heads off.

"Where is the grandeur and enthusiasm?"

As soon as Tang Bohu said this, the theater burst out with shocking laughter.

The film continued, and after the narration, Tang Bohu's eight wives appeared on the stage, which immediately overwhelmed a group of people and left countless people stunned.They have also confirmed that this movie is definitely not without any love between a gifted scholar and a beautiful lady.
Everyone suddenly realized that they couldn't find a word to describe this movie.

right!This is definitely a comedy, and the style seems to be somewhat similar to "East and West", but also a little different.

Eight wives, amazing in appearance, but extremely speechless.

Having more wives is not necessarily a good thing.To use Tang Bohu's lines in it: My heart is sad, and my heart is painful. Eight wives are like jackals and hungry tigers. People think that I enjoy all the blessings of everyone, but in fact I am empty, lonely and cold.
The original version didn't have the word "cold", it was added by Mu Chen.

One more word will undoubtedly give people an extra daydream.

cold, why cold?

No one warms the bed at night.Eight wives, no one warms the bed.
Of course, the most important thing is that the five words "empty, lonely and cold" are very popular on the Internet, so that the audience has a sense of familiarity.

Mu Chen's performance in this scene also surprised many people.

Although Tang Bohu was very miserable, and he was even a little hopeless, but for some reason, the audience didn't have the slightest sympathy, but couldn't help but gloat.

I have to say that the actors of Tang Bohu's eight wives are still extremely high in appearance.

That contrast is still fresh in my memory.

The film continues, the envoy of King Ning arrives, Tang Bohu shows off his martial arts, and leads to the ranking of weapons and two enemies of the Tang family.

"Xiao Li's flying knife" undoubtedly made many movie fans smile.

However, some fans who pay attention to Chenxi Film and Television remembered a martial arts TV series that was filmed before.

The heroine of the TV series seems to be called Li Xunhuan, and people in the Jianghu gave him nicknames "Little Li Tanhua" and "Little Li Feidao"!
Is Mu Chen advertising for that TV series?
This went straight into the advertisement, it was caught off guard!

It is undoubtedly a brilliant idea for the four great talents to go out on a fashion model tour.

Many movie fans were dumbfounded.

It seems, it seems, it looks like a costume film, right?
It really is Mu Chen's comedy style!

Even English appears in "East and West". In "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", it seems that there is nothing surprising about the appearance of fashion models.

Many movie fans actually don't know about his appearance, and the postmodernist techniques in the movie gradually become clearer.

However, movie fans at this time will not think about the expression technique.

They are already attracted to the film.

It was also followed by a so-called "poem" sung by the four great talents, which was extremely exciting.

A flock of geese at the foot of the mountain,

Booed into the river.

Falling into the river to catch geese hungry,

After eating, go home and play with my wife.

It is also speechless for the four great talents to write such a poem.Such a poem is once again "disgraceful to gentleness".

Isn't Mu Chen good at ancient poetry? How could he write such a poem!

Of course, by this time in the movie, the style of the movie has already made people feel a little bit.Don't care about everything with the eyes of normal people.

Next, the appearance of Ruhua played by Sun Yunpeng undoubtedly blinded the eyes of countless people.

Scared, disgusted, thundered
"There is a kind of big girl with yellow flowers called: Ruhua!"

Afterwards, such a sentence appeared on the Internet and has been circulating.

And many times, when Yue Haifeng and Sun Yunpeng talk about cross talk on stage, there will be fans in the audience making fun of him.

Sun Yunpeng did not expect that "Ruhua" would accompany him every time he performed such a cameo role.

Qiuxiang played by Li Ruoxi appeared on the stage.

She looked back and smiled, but she was so beautiful to many people.

Tang Bohu played by Mu Chen: "This is very ordinary, nothing!"

Wang Hao: "Don't worry, Brother Bohu, you have to know that a beautiful woman is like a flower, she needs green leaves to set off her charm, you should take a look."

Wang Hao and Deng Chao: "Beauty!"

The so-called beauties turned their heads, which made Li Ruoxi even more beautiful.

Mu Chen: "Looking at it this way, she is as beautiful as a fairy? Let's go to the temple immediately and take action!"

Make-up beggars pick up girls, laughing endlessly.

And the miserable scene in front of Washington's gate is definitely a memorable classic. Among the people talking about it, the cockroach that people hate has an elegant name: Xiaoqiang.

It also made countless dogs in the world change their names and surnames to: Wangcai!

And this scene is Cheng Cheng's guest appearance.

Although this role does not have much time to play, it is also memorable.

I have to admit that in the drama "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", many supporting roles are still fresh in people's memory.

Even if it's just a guest appearance, it's the same.

Needless to say, Zhu Zhishan played by Yue Haifeng is definitely the highlight of the whole film.

In addition, Sister Pomegranate played by Fan Juanqiong is equally impressive.

There are also many classic lines in her mouth.

Especially the sentence: "Don't take pity on me just because I'm Jiaohua!"

The appearance of Sister Pomegranate also changed the taste of the other two praiseworthy idioms.

This also shows the influence of this role.

The beauty is peerless, admired by thousands of people.

These two idioms, it is estimated that after this movie, whoever uses them to describe others is not a compliment, but a scolding.

Because, when these two idioms are mentioned, especially when they appear together, everyone will think of Sister Pomegranate's big mouth full of lipstick, blush all over her face, and exaggerated words in this movie. Incomparable eyeliner.

I couldn't help but shiver when I thought about it.

Whether it is Fan Qiongdan who played the role of Sister Pomegranate in the original version, or Fan Juanqiong who played the role of Mu Chen in the version, they are not ugly, but their exaggerated performances and the effects of makeup make people unable to associate with beauty after seeing her. .

Acting ugly is not uncommon in film and television dramas.

It's just that there are not many memorable characters like Sister Pomegranate.

At this time, Fan Juanqiong watched the film in theaters with her friends.

She laughed very happily before, but when the role she played came out, her mood suddenly became complicated.

From the reaction of the audience in the theater, she could tell that her role might be popular.

I don't know why she wasn't as excited as she thought.

Perhaps, which woman does not love beauty.

"With this role, you don't have to worry about being called a vase in the future." Fan Juanqiong's friend smiled and comforted her immediately when she saw her appearance.

"Are you sure you are comforting me?" Fan Juanqiong said with a curled lip.

A vase may not sound so nice, and it is even an insult to an actor.

Maybe the actor who is a vase, which one has a lower appearance?
However, although her friend suspected that she was not beautiful, Fan Juanqiong's mood improved a lot.

"Are you enjoying playing with Mu Chen?" The friend then asked, "Did you hit him in the eye for real, or fake?"

"It's up to you." Fan Juanqiong said.

Seeing the audience in the movie hall laughing, Fan Juanqiong thought that the role she played would be popular, but what she never expected was that she would also become popular with this role.

If the character is popular, the actor may not be popular.

Perhaps it is the huge difference in appearance between the character and the person, which shocked the audience.

It also made the audience remember that there was a beautiful girl named Fan Juanqiong who played a buffoon called: Sister Pomegranate.

In the eyes of many viewers, such a talent can be called an actor.

(End of this chapter)

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