my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 223 Let me agree with you?

Chapter 223 Let me agree with you? (Recommendation ticket [-] plus more)
The people next to Mu Chen gathered more and more, and then divided into several waves of chatting.

Not long after, the awards ceremony began and everyone took their seats.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" got off to a good start, winning consecutive awards for Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design.

And these two awards were received by Ye Xuan, an old filmmaker who had been working with Mu Chen since his debut.

Mu Chen actually contributed the most to these two awards.

After winning two awards in a row, the best sound effect award just missed.

Mu Chen really never expected this award.

It was beyond Mu Chen's expectation to get this nomination.

"The nominees for the best action design award are: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" Mu Chen. "Wolf Warrior 2" Mu Chen. "Li Shutong" Yuan Hong. "Special Action Team" Cheng Jie!"

""Li Shutong" seems to be a movie produced by Chenxi Film and Television, right?" Li Long said to Mu Chen in surprise.

Of the four nominations, Chenxi Film and Television got three, and Mu Chen's team got two.

Li Long is an action actor, so he is naturally concerned about this award.

"En!" Mu Chen nodded.

"Li Shutong" is the second film of Chenxi Film and Television's "The World of Chinese Arts". After "Ip Man", it is another big-selling film.

The reputation of this film is not worse than "Ip Man".

Although Li Shutong played by Miao Xun was not nominated for the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actor, he was highly praised.

The success of "Li Shutong" has undoubtedly brought the framework of "Guoshu World" one step further.

The fire of this film also made Bajiquan popular.

Compared with Ip Man's elegance, Li Shutong is a character who hates evil and has a fiery temper.

This role is also loved by movie fans.

Four films were nominated, and all of them had highlights on the big screen.

Those three films have all been released, but Mu Chen's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has not yet.

Although it was just a few simple shots, it also made many people's eyes shine.

Especially the fight between Li Ruoxi and Li Long in the bamboo sea is unforgettable.

"The best action design award is: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", Mu Chen! Congratulations to Director Mu."

"Clap clap clap!"

Accompanied by applause, Mu Chen stood up with a smile.

"Thank you!" Mu Chen took the statuette, looked at the audience, and said, "I came up to receive this award, but it doesn't belong to me alone, but to the entire motion design team."

Although the action design of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has not been changed much, but to restore the original version, it also requires the efforts of the team.

"The winner of the best soundtrack is: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", Mu Chen! Congratulations to Director Mu."

Mu Chen came to the stage again.

"The winner of the best movie song is: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", Mu Chen! Congratulations to Director Mu again."

Mu Chen took the stage three times to accept the award.

"The winner of the Best Screenplay Award is: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", Mu Chen! Congratulations to Director Mu again."

It was the fourth time for Mu Chen to accept the award on stage.

This made many people feel that this Golden Dragon Awards is the only show of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", and it is Mu Chen's special performance.

Because, in addition to the four awards Mu Chen won, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" also won the Best Cinematography and Best Editing.

There are still awards that have not been awarded, and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has already won eight awards.

Fifteen nominations, nine awarded, eight won.

There are also six awards, many of which are highly sought after.

The next Best Supporting Actor was also nominated for Mu Chen, and it seemed that the voice was not low.

Of course, this high level has a lot to do with Mu Chen's reputation.

"No wonder some people say that you are not giving people a living." Li Long said with a smile, "If you still win this award, then you really are not giving people a living. How many filmmakers' jobs are you going to grab?"

"Is it possible?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" may sweep this year's Golden Dragon Awards, but it is impossible to win all the awards.

Mu Chen has been debuting for so long, and he has participated in the Golden Dragon Awards not once or twice, so he naturally got some clues.

He was a little surprised that he could get a nomination, and winning an award would probably be an "upset".

It is unlikely that the Golden Dragon Award will be an upset, let alone with the momentum of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

If Mu Chen had no obvious advantage, then those judges would give priority to others.

This is human nature.

"Split the cake"!

What's more, Mu Chen also knew that his acting skills might not be bad, but compared with those actors with good acting skills, there was still a big gap.

Sure enough, as Mu Chen guessed, he missed the Best Supporting Actor.

Mu Chen didn't win the prize, and there was only a slight fluctuation.

After all, it wasn't beyond his expectations.

He didn't have that much expectation and desire for this actor award.

"The best supporting actress award is: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", Zhen Pei! Congratulations."

"Clap clap clap!"

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" won its ninth award tonight.

When Zhen Pei heard that she had won the award, she was taken aback for a moment, and then stood up excitedly after hearing the cheers from the crew.

She was once popular, but later became a passerby.

But she didn't want to be spotted by Mu Chen, so she was invited to play the role of the blue-eyed fox in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", and she didn't expect to win the Best Supporting Actress for this role.

Today, "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" is very popular, and Mrs. Hua played by Zhen Pei is also very popular.

Her "advertisement" of poison with Mu Chen is even more deeply remembered by movie fans.

She did not expect that "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" filmed while waiting for Li Long's schedule would bring her so much popularity, and this "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" won her an award.

Could it be that the goddess of luck has begun to favor her?
Could it be that his second spring is about to come completely?
After "Tang Bohu Spots the Autumn Fragrance" became popular, Zhen Pei's film appointments have not been broken. Although they are all supporting roles, the roles are very heavy. This is better than before when there was no film to shoot. I don't know how many times better.

Now that she has won Best Supporting Actress, is there still a lack of filming, lack of good filming?
"Thank you! Thank you for the affirmation from the jury." Zhen Pei said a little excitedly, "Thank you, Director Mu Chen, thank you! I never expected to have a chance to win an award after debuting for more than [-] years."

When Zhen Pei stepped down, Mu Chen noticed that Li Ruoxi next to him became nervous.On the other side of Li Long, Zhang Na also became nervous.

Both of them were nominated for Best Actress for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

One film, two heroine nominations, this is not unheard of.

"Infernal Affairs" also had two nominations for best actor.

As for which of the two of them has a better chance, Mu Chen doesn't know, and even the other two nominated actors have no weaker voices than the two.

This time the competition for the Best Actress of the Golden Dragon Awards is not so strong.

Mu Chen held Li Ruoxi's hand and smiled at her.

Li Ruoxi also gave Mu Chen a smile back.However, that nervousness remained the same.

Mu Chen didn't speak, but held Li Ruoxi's hand.

Her hands were already full of sweat.

"The best actress award is: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". Li Ruoxi! Congratulations, congratulations!"

Li Ruoxi froze for a moment, then stood up excitedly.

Mu Chen was also a little excited, and then stood up.

Then, the two hugged each other.

A look of disappointment flashed across Zhang Na's eyes, then she smiled and clapped her hands.

She was once the queen of the Golden Dragon Award, but who would think there are too many queens?
There was a moment of loss.



The crew cheered for a while, and then congratulated one after another.

This is the tenth award won by "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" tonight.

"Thank you!"

Li Ruoxi took over the statuette from the presenter, and the excitement on her face could not be concealed.

Perhaps, he hadn't thought of hiding it at all.

She is very excited.

For any actor, who wouldn't want to win the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actress?
"Thank you for the affirmation from the jury." Li Ruoxi looked at the audience, took a deep breath, and continued, "Of course, the one who needs the most thanks is Mu Chen, the director of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"! Thank you, Director Mu!"

As soon as Li Ruoxi's words came out, there was a burst of laughter from the audience.

Who doesn't know her relationship with Mu Chen?
Now calling Mu Chen "Mu Dao" on the stage, in the eyes of the audience, it is purely showing affection and being a bitch.

"You said you wanted to make me the queen of the movie, and now you have done it!" Li Ruoxi said with a smile, "Now, you let me get what I wanted, how can I thank you? Let me agree with you?"

"it is good!"

There was a sudden sound from the audience.

However, that voice was not Mu Chen's.

When everyone heard it, they were a little stunned.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Suddenly, many people followed suit.

On the big screen, Mu Chen's ready-made picture appeared.

He smiled shyly.

There seemed to be some blush.

Accompanied by the word "good" one after another from the audience, Li Ruoxi walked off the podium.

Her face was also a little red.

I don't know if it's because of excitement or shyness.

After the best heroine, that is the best actor.

Li Long also showed some nervousness.

He is now well-known internationally, but if he can become the best actor of the Golden Dragon Award, it will still promote his development.

At least, his acting skills will no longer be questioned.

Of course, Li Long's winning this nomination has already proved that his acting skills are not as bad as the rumors say.

But unfortunately, Li Long did not get the Best Actor in the end.

Perhaps "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" won too many awards.

Perhaps Li Long's competitors were too strong.

Li Long smiled wryly, Mu Chen and Zhang Na next to him didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

It's not comforting either.

After Best Actor, there are only Best Director and Best Picture.

For the best picture award, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is probably a sure thing.

Then the best director becomes confusing again.

Many times in the past, the best picture and the best director will not be the same film.

Just like last year's "Infernal Affairs".

Mu Chen couldn't help being a little nervous.

He desperately told himself that he cared more about box office than awards, and it didn't matter if he didn't win.

He wanted to calm himself down.

Unfortunately, it seems difficult to do.

He does care more about the box office, but he still looks forward to the best director.

He wants this award.

However, Mu Chen couldn't help being nervous, but he seemed much calmer than the other nominees.

This may not have anything to do with the level of tension, but Mu Chen is better at controlling his emotions.

"The best director is: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", Mu Chen! Congratulations to director Mu Chen, congratulations!"

"oh oh!!"

The crew of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" suddenly cheered.

This is the No.11 award tonight.

A film that has won eleven awards, if he doesn't take the best picture, who would dare to take it?
No doubt the final award will also go to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

This year's Golden Dragon Awards, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" swept away.

A real sweep!
And the man who created this miracle is already on the podium for the fifth time tonight.

It's outrageous!

"Thank you!"

Mu Chen took the statuette, then walked to the microphone, raised the statuette in his hand, and said, "Finally, I got what I wanted. I thought I was going to make soy sauce again tonight!"

Soy sauce?
You have received awards on stage four times before, are you ashamed to say soy sauce?
How do you deal with those who have never been on stage once when you say this!
However, many people understood what Mu Chen meant.

This award was what Mu Chen wanted most.

"Thank you for the affirmation from the jury. Thanks to all the crew members of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" for their hard work." Mu Chen said, "I also thank the fans who have always supported me. Of course, along the way, the person I want to thank the most is my girlfriend. Li Ruoxi. Without her, there would be no my first work "Fist of Fury". Without "Fist of Fury", there would be no Chenxi Film and Television, there would be no series of works after me, and of course there would be no "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

"Without her, I, Mu Chen, would not be where I am today. There is no repayment, only a promise with my body!"

As soon as Mu Chen said this, the celebrities in the audience who were familiar with Mu Chen started to boo.

"Ruoxi, when the peach blossoms are all over the mountain next year, will you marry me?"

Mu Chen's words seemed to be responding to Li Ruoxi's "promise with your body" before?
Is this a marriage proposal?

Propose at the Golden Dragon Awards!
The live scene of Li Ruoxi appeared on the big screen.

She was all smiles.

Still a little bit shy.

Although there was no answer, the answer was already on his face.

Will peach blossoms be all over the mountain next year?
next year!

Could it be that Mu Chen and the others decided to get married next year!

Peach blossoms are all over the mountain?
Are they also planning to get married in March or April when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, just like Mu Ze and the others?
Peach blossom?

It seems that Muchen's hometown is full of peach blossoms, and the scenery is charming!

Does that peach forest have their romantic memories?

Mu Chen got off the podium, but soon went up again.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" won Best Picture.

Fifteen were nominated and twelve were taken.Mu Chen took the stage six times.

This undoubtedly swept the Golden Dragon Awards this year.

And "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" also broke the record for the most awards for a film at the Golden Dragon Awards.

Mu Chen also broke the personal record for winning the most awards.

This is definitely breaking news.

However, in the eyes of many people, the most exciting thing is that Li Ruoxi won the Golden Dragon Award, and under the excitement, "forced marriage" Mu Chen.

Mu Chen won the best director, and excitedly "proposed" to Li Ruoxi.

This topic is definitely the hottest.

The award ceremony was over, but the reporter did not leave.

An award-winning filmmaker like Mu Chen naturally couldn't escape the stalking and interception of those reporters.

"Director Mu, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" won twelve awards, which can be said to have swept the Golden Dragon Awards this year. So is this movie still your least favorite work?"

The reporter asked impatiently.

As soon as the reporters next to him heard it, they immediately wanted to give each other a thumbs up.

Mu Chen said that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is his least favorite work, it seems to be a troll who ridiculed "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance"!
If you ask this now, you are suspected of slapping your face!

 Four thousand words plus more!When the recommendation ticket is [-], it will still be updated!Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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