my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 227 Smashing the Table

Chapter 227 Smashing the Table

This question seemed to make Mu Chen feel a little bit stuck.

Li Long also seemed to be a little bit hard to get off.

In private, Li Long doesn't mind admitting that he is inferior to Mu Chen.In fact, he was inferior, and there was no shame in admitting it.

But saying this on TV, in front of countless viewers, had a big impact on him.

This is not just about face, maybe it is also about the future.

The advantage of his survival in Hollywood is the image of a kung fu master.

"No!" Li Long said with a smile.

It is undoubtedly the best for him to deny it.

"Are you stronger than Bruce?" Mel glanced at Li Long, then looked at Mu Chen and said in disbelief.

The expression was very exaggerated, as if she was afraid that others would not know her surprise.

Is she surprised?

Not surprised at all.

No matter how Mu Chen and the others answered, she had a way to deal with it.

She asked such a question, but it was just laying the groundwork for the following questions.

What's more, this question is already acute for Mu Chen and Li Long.

"No!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Then who is more skilled between the two of you?" Mel frowned and said.

Both of them deny that they are better than each other, which is boring.

"I haven't played against each other before, so I don't know." Mu Chen said.

"Okay! You are equally as good. I can't let the two of you compete here." Mel smiled, and then said, "Some people say that Chinese Kung Fu is full of punches and legs. I don't know if it's true. What about it? Or, who of you will show your skills? There is a saying in Huaxia: what you hear is believing, seeing is believing!"


Mu Chen glanced at Li Long, then smiled and said.

"Then, let's see Mr. Mu's kung fu next." Mel said with a smile.

She now has a feeling that everything is under control.

The script went according to her prediction.




Mu Chen got up, walked to the table in front of Nameier, raised his hand and slapped the table.

There was a muffled sound on the table, and the table legs hit the ground, directly cracking the floor tiles on the ground, the whole table fell apart immediately, and the things on the table spilled all over the floor.

Mu Chen's slap startled Mel, and her scream was recalled in the whole hall.

She opened her mouth at this time, with an incredulous expression on her face, and a little dazed after being frightened.

And the audience in the audience was also dumbfounded.

Doesn't Lu Yi punch a set of punches?How did you smash the table.

Slap a table to pieces?
That table is made of solid wood, not tofu.

What's more, it's not just the table that's rotten, but also the floor tiles.

Neither Li Long nor Li Ruoxi expected Mu Chen to do such a trick, and they both showed surprise at this moment, but they came back to their senses immediately, smiling and saying nothing.

Li Ruoxi understood Mu Chen.

"Beautiful fists and embroidered legs" these words are said in front of a person who has learned the true Chinese martial arts, so it is definitely an insult.

Mu Chen didn't enter the world of martial arts, but he is a real martial arts practitioner.

Of course, there is also the fact that Meier gave Mu Chen a bad impression.

Mu Chen obviously did it on purpose.

Mu Chen slapped the table away, but as if he hadn't done anything, he returned to his seat with a smile.

"Clap clap clap!"




"Chinese Kung Fu! Chinese Kung Fu!"

The audience in the audience gradually came to their senses, and then many people screamed and cheered.

Amidst these voices, Mel also came back to his senses, looked at Mu Chen and smiled, but there was some shock, some anger, and some fear in his eyes.

"How about this move?" Mu Chen looked at Mel with a smile, and said, "Do you still think that Huaxia Kungfu is all about flamboyant fists and embroidered legs?"

"Okay! I admit that Huaxia Kungfu is not just a show of strength!" Mel smiled, as if he was doing good.

She has to keep smiling.

This is not a recording, but a live broadcast.

There's no way this show can stop, and it won't stop.

She needs to maintain her own demeanor, and she needs to deal with any situation calmly.

She can't be disturbed by the opponent's hand.

You have to follow the script.

Mel suppressed his anger, bent down and picked up the few documents in his hands, ignoring the broken desk, and said, "Let's continue our topic just now."

Mu Chen smiled, and didn't mean to apologize for destroying things.

He doesn't think there is anything wrong with him.

He did it on purpose, and he didn't care about right or wrong.

Didn't you let me show it? It would be nice if your studio wasn't demolished.

What's more, Mu Chen wanted this effect.

It is also a good opportunity to use this to promote Huaxia Kungfu.Let you know: Huaxia Kungfu is a cow!That's great!
Huaxia Kungfu is not about embroidering fists and legs.

exhibit?How to show it?For a set of punches, don't say that Mu Chen has never learned acting, even if he has learned, he would not choose that.

So what if it is visually beautiful, no matter how pure your boxing is, for these laymen, it will not be effective at all.

To let these guys know the power of Huaxia Kung Fu, it is necessary to give them a visual impact.

For the visual impact, you have to shock them, which is more shocking than any number of difficult moves you make.

If you slapped your desk apart and cracked the floor tiles in an instant, would you still call it a show?

"Mr. Mu's kung fu, I think no one will doubt it. It can slap my table and shatter the floor tiles, which shows its strength. If it is slapped on a person, it is unimaginable. However, the table is dead after all. It can't move. It's also difficult to show how advanced Mr. Mu's kung fu is. Do the audience like to fight, and want to try whether Huaxia Kung Fu is really so powerful, and has the power to turn decay into magic as rumored? ?” Mel said with a smile.


As soon as Mel's voice fell, the big man shouted loudly, and then walked up directly.

The big man is estimated to be two meters tall. He is wearing a vest, which can be seen at a glance. His muscles are bulging, and he is even scary. He is so strong that he can no longer be described as a cow.

Like wrestling?

Why does it look more like a fitness student!
Mu Chen frowned, and exchanged glances with Li Long.

They all felt something was wrong.

Is this still a talk show?

It's not surprising to talk about "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", mention kung fu, and then show it off.

But interacting with the audience is a bit surprising.

Moreover, the big man saw that the show had been arranged in advance.

They didn't know beforehand, obviously not their "babysitter".

On-site challenge, this taste is a bit wrong.

Not to mention Mu Chen, many of the audience in the audience looked puzzled.

Of course, more is excitement.

Seeing the excitement of the audience, Mel had a vague smile on his face.

This is true for the live audience, but what about the audience in front of the TV?

Will the ratings of this show continue to decline?
"Are you asking me to fight him?" Mu Chen narrowed his eyes and said to Mel with a smile.

Seeing Mu Chen's expression, Li Ruoxi knew that he was a little angry.

"Then it depends on whether you want to satisfy the audience's curiosity?" Mel said with a smile.

"Clap clap clap!"

The audience applauded and shouted one after another.

The meaning is self-evident.

"I'm afraid I'll hurt him." Mu Chen said lightly, "Don't look at him as tall and burly, but his foot is not stable, it's just a show. You want him to fight me one-on-one? That's boring Now, you might as well find a few more like him."

As soon as Mu Chen's words fell, Mel was stunned, and there was a commotion in the audience.

Even Li Long and Li Ruoxi were a little surprised.

Mu Ze's English level is very high, and everyone can naturally hear his contempt for the big man on the stage from his words.

It's boring to fight one-on-one, let the other party find a few more.

And he needs to be as big and strong as that big man.

He wanted to pick several.

That big man is not just for show, he likes to fight, he must have learned to fight!
Mu Chen was not short, but in front of that big man, he looked short and thin.

When the big man heard Mu Chen say that he had a superficial appearance, he was shocked at first, and then furious.

He bulged his muscles, stared at Mu Chen viciously, and said, "I'm going to blow your head off!"


His ferocious expression obviously couldn't frighten Mu Chen.

Mu Chen sat still with a smile, raised his finger and hooked it.

This gesture is estimated to be common all over the world, the big man obviously saw Mu Chen's contempt and disdain for him, and immediately became even more angry.

With a roar, he stepped forward and smashed Mu Chen with his fist.


"Buy it!"

Many spectators stood up with an exclamation when they saw this, and some even couldn't bear to look directly.

"do not!"

Mel didn't seem to expect that the man would get angry either.

The sudden change has scared many people.

If that person played Mu Chen well, the ratings would go up, but she would be in big trouble.

Did I go too far this time?
Mel gave birth to a trace of regret.

Is this a live broadcast?
In front of so many people, do you still want to beat them to death?

The big man punched him with a fist, Mu Chen immediately stretched out his hand to grab the man's wrist, then pulled back, the force of flicking and shaking exploded, dissipating all the strength in his whole body, and then he raised his foot and kicked on the man's leg.

The man's figure was unstable, the momentum plus Mu Chen's force of pulling back, the whole person was thrown flying by Mu Chen, and hit the back of the sofa, making a muffled sound.

And Mu Chen seemed to be fine, still sitting on the sofa, the only difference was that he was crossing his legs.The action of raising his foot and kicking that person's leg just now seemed to be just random.

It's just a matter of a moment.

At this time, both the host Mel and the audience were all stunned.

They didn't see Mu Chen's movements clearly at all.I just saw a two-meter strong man rushing forward and punching someone, but he missed him, but was grabbed by the wrist, yes it was just the wrist!He grabbed his wrist and threw it directly behind him.

Mu Chen didn't even stand up.

How did he do it?

how did he do it

This is totally unscientific!
Leaving aside the weight of the big man, even an ordinary adult would find it very difficult to throw him out.What's more, the man was still sitting, and he was just holding his wrist.

How could it be possible to throw people behind by grabbing the wrist.

That's the wrong way to focus!

This does not conform to mechanics and the law of universal gravitation!
At this time, the scene was very quiet.

Not only the scene was quiet, but even the front of the TV was quiet.


A roar broke the silence.

The big man was thrown behind by Mu Chen, and he fell all over the place, but his thick skin and dry flesh did not cause any serious problems, and he got up immediately. He was so angry that he would not think that Mu Chen could easily throw him away How powerful it is to go out.

Anger makes people lose their minds.

He only had one thought at this moment, and that was to rush up and tear that guy apart.

Mu Chen didn't move, but Li Ruoxi got up immediately, supported the back of the sofa with one hand, and immediately kicked up, hitting the big man's head, "Boom!"

With a muffled sound, the big man fell to the ground without getting up, obviously kicked by Li Ruoxi and knocked him unconscious.

And Li Ruoxi swept the big man's leg, spun around in idling, and then sat down on the sofa again, his movements were neat and elegant.

She seemed to say that she was not a master just now?

This guy is not a master yet, so what is a master? !
Be it Mel, the audience, or the audience in front of the TV, they were dumbfounded again, and there was only one word in their minds: superficial!

This was Mu Chen's evaluation of the big man. The audience naturally didn't believe it before, but now they believed it.

One person can throw the other person behind while sitting alone, and the other girl only kicked her, and she KOs her!
Li Long, a kung fu master that everyone is familiar with, hasn't made a move yet!

What is that guy if he isn't superficial?

Of course, they knew that being superficial was only for Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi, two kung fu masters.

When they faced that big man, they could only be beaten.

Huaxia Kung Fu is so powerful.

Are all Chinese people so powerful?

I can't afford it, I can't afford it!



Some viewers came back to their senses and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Quick! Check to see if anyone is okay! Ah, call an ambulance!" Mel also came back to his senses, and then shouted a little hastily.His tone was not as calm and calm as before.

She was afraid that Li Ruoxi's kick just now would kick him out of trouble.

If there is a problem with the recording of the program, it will have a great impact on this program and her.

"Just dizzy."

Mu Chen got up with a smile, walked up to the big man, pressed him twice, and the guy woke up.

Seeing this, Mel immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Ruoxi also heaved a sigh of relief.

Li Ruoxi made a move, but Mu Chen signaled.

He understood Li Ruoxi's skills, and the two had a tacit understanding.

With Mu Chen's look, Li Ruoxi knew what it meant.

The tacit understanding between the two has such an effect.

With Li Ruoxi's kick, it is estimated that the audience at the scene and the audience in front of the TV will remember this "a master who is not a master", and the memory is deep.

However, after all, Li Ruoxi's kung fu has not reached the point where she can do whatever she wants, and it is inevitable that she has lost a little bit of self-confidence in terms of severity.

She was naturally worried that the kick just now was too heavy.

She actually just wanted to kick that guy down, but instead kicked him unconscious.

Waking up, Mel breathed a sigh of relief.

She seemed to have sensed that Mu Chen and the others were dissatisfied, and if she went too far, she didn't know what they would do.

As the program continued, Mu Chen obviously felt that Mel's attitude was different.

(End of this chapter)

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