Chapter 24
Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi completed the task, but instead of resting, they chose to help others.

"Mu Chen, anyway, let's sleep on the same bed at night, why don't you help me?" Li Chao looked at Mu Chen with some resentment.

The people he and Li Ruoxi chose to help were not the familiar Li Chao and Xie Li, but Liu Yu and Zhong Hua.

After all, the two of them are much older, and even before they are old and frail, their physical strength is far inferior to that of Li Chao and the others.

"Why do I not want to help you after hearing what you said?" Mu Chen said with a curled lip.

Sleeping on the same bed, you are not afraid of arousing people's imagination.Perhaps, this guy deliberately said so to make people think.

"You're young and strong, so I'm ashamed!" Liu Yu smiled when he heard it.

With the help of Mu Chen and the others, the two of them could relax a lot.

"If you sleep on the floor at night, I can consider it." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Li Chao pursed his lips and remained silent.

With the help of Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi, Liu Yu and Zhong Hua quickly finished everything.

None of the four rested, and immediately went to help Li Chao and the others.

"I'm exhausted, I'm not so tired after filming for a day and a night." Li Chao lay on the ground without any image.

Many actors have experienced working overtime and staying up late for filming.

"At noon on the day of hoeing, the sweat dripped into the soil, who knows that the food on the plate is full of hard work!" Mu Chen smiled and said, "If you advocate the 'CD Action' a few more times, this experience will not be in vain."

"At noon on the day of hoeing, the sweat dripped down to the soil, but the food on the plate is full of hard work!" Zhong Hua looked at Mu Chen in surprise, and said, "This poem is so simple and thick, and the language is simple and simple. Such a poem Poetry, shouldn’t you have never heard of it?”

"Xiao Mu, you didn't write it, did you?" Seeing Zhong Hua looking at everyone, Liu Yu said immediately.

He hadn't heard of it either.

He is not only a singer, but also a teacher.Although I am teaching music, I know that such poems are very likely to be included in the teaching materials.

Even if you don't use teaching materials, the spread should be very wide.

"If no one has heard of it, then I wrote it." Mu Chen said with a smile.

The history of this world is exactly the same, but many characters and literary works do not appear.

"Mu Xueba, you are awesome!" Li Chao said.

"Then your admiration for me is as endless as the waters of the Yangtze River, and as unstoppable as the flood of the Yellow River!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"If you say you are fat, you are still out of breath!" Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

The night was getting dark, and the guests in each group received their own ingredients.

"Let's go together!" Mu Chen looked at Li Chao and said with a smile.

"Let's all go together!" Liu Yu said with a smile.

When Zhou Liang and others heard it, they naturally wouldn't refuse it, and the program team naturally wouldn't refuse it either.

"This... how to operate this?" Zhou Liang looked at the pot, and suddenly felt a little numb.

He usually cooks, and his culinary skills are also good. He wanted to show his skills, but when he saw Ruo Da's cooking pot, he immediately withered.

"It's time for you to experience real cooking skills." Mu Chen rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'll be in charge."

"Then I will start a fire." Liu Yu said, "I haven't burned it for many years."

There are many people with great strength, and they work together, so the speed is naturally much faster.

Of course, there are also those who can't get in.

The kitchen is so big and there are so many things to do.

"Ruoxi, give me a signed album later." Xie Li said to Li Ruoxi with a smile.

"Hey!" Li Ruoxi smiled, then turned around and entered the room, and came out with an album after a while.

"Me too." Deng Jialin said with a smile.

Li Ruoxi's album sold very well, and the songs in it were also very popular, especially the two songs written by Mu Chen, which were undoubtedly the most popular.

And this is also thanks to Wu Fan's fans.

After Mu Chen was exposed as the songwriter of "I Do" and "The Great Wall Will Never Fall", it caused a powerful topic on the Internet.

Under such a topic, Li Ruoxi's album was naturally promoted.

"A director who can't write songs is not a good boyfriend!"

This is now widely known on the Internet.

The popularity of Li Ruoxi's album is soaring, and the sales volume of the album has also risen to a new high.

"I like the two songs "I Do" and "At Least You"." Xie Li said with a smile, "Are the lyrics of those two songs Mu Chen's love letter to you?"

Li Ruoxi blushed, but didn't know how to answer.

Li Ruoxi liked the lyrics of these two love songs, but it was a bit shy to be said to her face, but her heart was full of sweetness.

"It's so romantic, unlike the one in our family, it's purely a piece of wood." Deng Jialin said, with some envy in her words.

Anyone loves romance.

Such a love song, any woman wants to receive it, even if she is not a singer.

"Xiao Mu can also write songs?" Zhong Hua was a little surprised.

"Don't Mr. Zhong go online?" Deng Jialin was stunned for a moment, then asked, seeing Zhong Hua nodding, she said, "That's no wonder."

"time to eat!"

Several people were chatting, but Li Chao's voice sounded.

The four big men were busy in the kitchen, and Li Chao was in charge.

Mu Chen's cooking skills are still good. A table of dishes is full of color, fragrance and taste, which whets the appetite.

Perhaps, the following work whetted everyone's appetite.

Those who work as coolies will eat a lot more relatively speaking.

"Ruoxi, you will be blessed in the future. Mu Chen's culinary skills have nothing to say." Xie Li said, glaring at Li Chao, and said, "Aren't some people ashamed? They can't even cook porridge!"

"Eat, eat." Li Chao said with a smile.

When everyone saw it, they all laughed.

The porridge cooked by Li Chao was posted on Weibo by Xie Li.

Cooking porridge with a rice cooker can still cook the rice, that is the real technology.

Everyone chatted while eating, the dishes were very rich, but in the end there was almost nothing left.

"CD!" Li Chao smiled, picked up a plate and swept it away.

The others also laughed and echoed.

After drinking and eating, everyone chatted.

"Mu Chen, how do you feel about winning twice in a row today?" Li Chao asked Mu Chen with a smile.

"Be more humble, or be more crazy?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter!" Li Chao was stunned for a moment and said, "However, if you say the same thing twice, it won't be interesting."

"Can you express it with a song?" Deng Jialin said suddenly.

Everyone looked at Mu Chen.

"Then let's play a song?" Mu Chen got up, tried his voice, and sang:

how invincible

how lonely
how invincible

how empty
alone at the top
The cold wind blows continuously

my loneliness
who can understand me

As soon as Mu Chen opened his mouth, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they were dumbfounded.

what is this?
Never heard of it!Is it his original?
Although it is a cappella, everyone who is singing seems to be able to feel the passionate melody of this song.

The scene was very quiet, except for Mu Chen's singing, there was no sound, and everyone including the program team looked at Mu Chen dully.

This song is invincible!

"What happened to you?"

After singing a song, Mu Chen still couldn't get enough of it. He glanced at the crowd, but for some reason, he felt an inexplicable sense of refreshment.

Are you blinded by the force from another world?
This is just the beginning!
(End of this chapter)

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