my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 241 If You Are Full of Hostility towards Me

Chapter 241 If You Are Full of Hostility towards Me
Guangzheng Films poaching the corner of Chenxi Film and Television has caused quite a stir in the circle, and it is also hotly discussed on the Internet.

Followed by rumors that are true and false.

Li Hongbin's job-hopping has been implemented, and he even went to court because of contract issues.

Some netizens scolded Li Hongbin, others expressed understanding, and some "washed the ground" for him.

Of course, more of them are the melon-eating crowd watching the show.

As for the rumors that Li Yunyi, Miao Xun, Jiang Qin and others will also quit their jobs, it is difficult for netizens to tell the truth from the fake.

There were even rumors that Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan were going to quit.

Of course, this rumor is false at first glance, and no one believes it.

Not to mention Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan, few people believed the rumor that Zhao Jin was going to quit.

However, Li Yunyi and others are different.

The more rumors there are, the more people will believe them.

And Guangzheng Films did hit them.However, they were all rejected.

Controversy continues online.

The controversy is not whether the rumors are true or false, but whether they should quit.

Fans of Li Yunyi, Miao Xun, Jiang Qin and others even caused great controversy.

Some people think that job-hopping is better, while others think that job-hopping is unwise.

The sudden job-hopping incident caused a lot of trouble.If it wasn't for Chenxi Film and Television not being listed, it is estimated that the stock would have fallen.

Guangzheng Films is so poaching, and Chenxi Films has indeed been greatly affected.

Over the years, Chenxi Film and Television has developed from scratch to become a top film and television company in China. The development is too fast, and it is inevitable to leave some hidden dangers.

However, it is impossible to shake the foundation of Chenxi Film and Television.

The basis for the survival and development of Chenxi Film and Television is undoubtedly Mu Chen.

The job-hopping of contracted artists has not yet touched the foundation of Chenxi Film and Television.

Of course, there are still losses.

And just when netizens were discussing the loss of Chenxi Film and Television, someone suddenly broke the news that Wang Yi, the young fresh meat that Guangzheng Film and Television highly praised, quit Chenxi Film and Television, and Yu Yun, the director of "Magic Shadow", followed closely and also left. Chenxi Film and Television.

As soon as the news came out, it was immediately confirmed by the media.

On the Internet, the pot exploded in an instant.

Is this the counterattack of Chenxi Film and Television?

It really is Mu Chen's company!
You dig my corner, and I dig your corner too, and dig harder than you!
Guangzheng Films has scooped up many contracted artists of Chenxi Film and Television, but the most famous one is undoubtedly Li Hongbin.

Li Hongbin may be more famous than Wang Yi, but his popularity is far less, not to mention his potential.

As for the economic value, it is even more incomparable.

Although Chenxi Film and Television only recruited one person, the number of people is far less than that of Guangzheng Films.

But this wave is definitely a huge loss for Guangzheng Pictures.

Small fresh meat has traffic, and the economic benefits created are definitely much more than those of old dramas.

Don't talk about endorsements, even if it's a film contract salary, the veteran actors will be abused.

This is the current state of the entertainment industry.

This has nothing to do with acting or anything, it's purely a market decision.

Guangzheng Films poached the director of Chenxi Film and Television, and some people broke the news on the Internet.

However, the director of Chenxi Film and Television was unmoved, and Guangzheng Films couldn't offer a better price, so it failed in the end.

But who would have thought that Chenxi Film and Television turned around and dug Yu Yun over.

Who is Yu Yun?

Perhaps before this, few people knew.But when it comes to his works, everyone will probably say "this is a great director".

There is no doubt that this wave of Chenxi Film and Television has a complete victory.

Wang Yi quit, Yu Yun left, Guangzheng Films poached Chenxi Film and Television this time, it can be said that the gain outweighs the loss, stealing the chicken is not worth the loss.

As a listed company, the losses are naturally greater.

And this poaching also made the two film and television companies have the rhythm of tearing their skins apart.

Before, it was just because the film was on the same schedule, and under the competition, you blacked me and I blacked you. Everyone knew it well, but they didn't turn their faces. In front of the media, the public was also in harmony.

But this time, Guangzheng Pictures' poaching was too ugly.The director, management, contracted artists...the number of people is so large, and the scale is so large that Chenxi Film and Television is regarded as nothing.

Poaching people, poaching directors, and even poaching managers is nothing.

It is not uncommon for entertainment circles and film and television companies to poach each other directly.But it is the first time that Guangzheng Pictures has made such a big effort this time.

This time it was obviously over.

Since you poach people like this, why should I worry about it?

Chenxi Film and Television dug it back, and it succeeded, and it seemed even more ruthless.

The two film and television companies are completely tearing their skins apart.

Since you are tearing your face, there is nothing to be polite about.

Chenxi Film and Television directly replaced all the artists under Guangzheng Films that had cooperated with them.

Whether it's a variety show or a TV show.

The last time Extreme Pictures suppressed "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", Chenxi Films and Television came up with such a move, and now the old trick is repeated, with the same effect.

In terms of TV dramas, Chenxi Film and Television may just have a better reputation than other film and television companies, and may not have any advantages in other aspects.

But variety shows are completely different.

In this area, Chenxi Film and Television has an absolute advantage.

The role of variety shows has become more prominent in recent years.There are not a few celebrity entertainers who have become popular because of variety shows.

There are too many stars who have become popular in Chenxi Film and Television Variety Show.

What's more, popular variety shows represent exposure.

It has also become a norm for variety shows to promote movies and TV.

The reason for this is nothing more than the good publicity effect on variety shows.

As soon as the news came out, netizens just laughed, and it seemed that there was no surprise about it.

The style of Chenxi Film and Television has always been like this.

Who made the boss Mu Chen!

If you slap me, I will not only slap you, but also kick you.

Chenxi Films once again turned against Guangzheng Films after Extreme Films.

Of course, both parties denied such a well-known matter, and it seemed that they were still in harmony.

These didn't have much to do with Mu Chen, he didn't pay attention to it, but made his movie with peace of mind.

After Li Yunyi made his decision, his filming condition got better and better.

This seems to have affected others as well.

Many big scenes in "Inception" were time-consuming and labor-intensive to shoot, but Mu Chen's control ability has been accumulated through many previous films, so it is not difficult.

This film is stereotyped as an "action science fiction film", and action scenes are naturally indispensable in it.

The rampant chase scene on the streets is undoubtedly a highlight of the film.

The shrapnel is flying and the flames of war are spreading. Several people will use bombs, guns, sabers and other weapons!
Mu Chen's action team has experience in filming the "Wolf Warrior" series, so they are naturally familiar with it.

Action scenes have always been Mu Chen's forte.

Mu Chen is confident that the action scenes in his film are definitely better than the original one.

After all, the original actors were hard to compare with people like Mu Ze who were born in martial arts and trained in the army.

Action scenes have been upgraded both in terms of design and difficulty.

The scene of chasing in the rain is undoubtedly a big climax, and it is also a highlight of the action of the whole play.

Whether it's the action, the atmosphere, or the rhythm, everything is well grasped.

The crew even prepared a lot of cars that are about to be scrapped for this purpose.

These cars, after the filming is over, probably can only be treated as scrap iron.

Mu Chen and the others were lucky, God cooperated.

When filming this scene, it was raining.

Not much rain, but the weather is very suitable.If it is sunny, it will be a lot more troublesome to deal with problems such as light.

Heavy rain, racing cars, gun battles, chases, hand-to-hand combat.
Filming this scene was extremely difficult.

Cars are flying, barrages are rampant, the streets are in chaos, cars are chasing and intercepting, bullets are flying... Suddenly a train ran out!
These alone are shocking, and it is obviously not easy to achieve the desired effect.

Moreover, this game is quite expensive.

The cost of this model train is not low.The locomotives are made of iron.

Of course, this shot will definitely be processed with special effects in the later stage.

"All departments are ready."

After Mu Chen yelled this sentence, the cars in every place were already in place, and the sprinkler began to work meticulously. The sky instantly sprinkled rhythmic water droplets, forming a white rain scene.

Mu Ze and other leading actors are already sitting in the car, and the arranged cars outside seem to be running erratically.

"For this shot, your props and art must be well controlled." Mu Chen still had water droplets on his body: "The appearance of props and trains must be precisely timed..."

"On the shooting side, the lens capture must be in place."

Mu Chen said again that any mistakes are not allowed now, such a shot is not a movie, it is money.

Although he is not short of money, but what can be saved, why waste it?
He often overspends in filming, which is excellence, not shooting mistakes.

Everyone in the crew nodded one after another, and no one showed any dissatisfaction.

They have followed Mu Chen for a long time, and they have a tacit understanding with each other.

Mu Chen's habit, they Yemen children know.

With an order, the filming began.

Li Ruoxi was already standing in the rain, her hair was completely wet by the rain.

The car where Mu Ze and others were staying stopped in front of her, and the door let her get in.

The two did not speak, they were waiting for the birth of the next scene.

After a while, a roaring train rushed directly from the side!
Although it is a prop train, it is exquisitely made and looks like a real train.

The camera and the prop master next to it all started to work, and some pre-prepared prop cars were directly knocked into the air unreasonably, and the whole place has fallen into chaos!

After Mu Chen watched the replay, he smiled.

Although it didn't take long to cut this scene, it has been more than half a day since we started filming this rain scene.

This is the first large-scale shootout scene in the entire movie, and more importantly, it is not just a shootout, but also involves a lot of car chases, various vehicle stunts.

This kind of play only took half a day, which is already very good.

This is also due to the tacit understanding between the team and Mu Chen's ability to control.

Of course, the degree of completion of the actors also has a lot to do with it.

"Go and change clothes, don't catch a cold." Mu Chen said to Li Ruoxi.

"I'm not that fragile." Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Be careful! You are old"

Mu Chen didn't say what he said after seeing someone approaching.

However, Li Ruoxi understood.

Her menstrual period is approaching, and her resistance will inevitably decline.

After the play, the whole set was in a mess.

At night, the staff members were packing some things on the set. Mu Chen was carrying a lunch box and was discussing with the producer about some shooting plans and sorting out the plans.

The actors have no role for the time being, and they are reciting their lines or familiarizing themselves with tomorrow's shooting scene.

"What's the matter?" Li Ruoxi frowned and asked immediately.

"It's nothing? The film probably has to go over budget again." Mu Chen smiled, and handed the financial statement in his hand to the producer next to him.

"What a new thing!" Li Ruoxi smiled and said, "Which movie of yours didn't exceed the budget?"

Mu Chen smiled awkwardly, he was speechless.

The filming continued, and the last scene in China was the scene of Snow Mountain.

For this scene, Mu Chen chose the method of combining real scene shooting and post-production special effects.

If all special effects are used, the cost will be higher and it will be more time-consuming.

Instead, after some discussion, it was decided to combine the two.

It's just that Mu Chen still underestimated the difficulty of shooting snow mountains.

Bad weather, howling winds, sweeping views of white-capped mountains, and a monotonous world that inspires awe.

It's more difficult to control the camera, it's more difficult to perform the actors, everything is getting more difficult.

There are not many action scenes, but it is extremely difficult.

"Use a substitute!" Mu Chen made the final decision.

"This..." Mu Ze hesitated to speak.

"I don't have time to teach you how to ski." Mu Chen said, "After you have learned, can you do those moves?"

Mu Ze was speechless.

He doesn't want to use a substitute, but that doesn't mean he will insist on doing it himself.

There is no doubt that the role of Xueshan was overrun again.

This time, not only was it overrun, but it was also timed out.

After finishing the filming of the domestic scenes, most of the whole drama was filmed.After a day off, Mu Chen is ready to take the film crew abroad for filming.

"Guangzheng Films has a blockbuster movie released on National Day."

Chen Fuhai is the chief producer of "Inception", and he often finds time to join the crew.

"What do you mean?" Mu Chen looked at Chen Fuhai and naturally guessed what he meant.

"The post-production of "Jurassic Park" has been completed, and I have seen the finished film." Chen Fuhai said, "The people of Universal Pictures are very optimistic about this film. If it is released on National Day, it can be released globally simultaneously."

"Then make a statement." Mu Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "First there is Extreme Pictures, and then there is Guangzheng Pictures. We really think that Chenxi Films is easy to bully!"

Two of the top four domestic film and television companies showed hostility towards Chenxi Film and Television.

Mu Chen didn't have the slightest fear.

The other two, one is a state-owned enterprise, upright and upright, not afraid of the rise of Chenxi Film and Television, and hope that more Chenxi Film and Television will appear.Huarui Film and Television is a film and television company that Wansheng Group holds shares in, and it is also the film and television company that cooperates with Chenxi Film and Television the most.

If these two companies don't join forces with them to suppress Chenxi Film and Television, then Chenxi Film and Television will not be afraid today.

I, Mu Chen, have always been kind to others, but if you are full of hostility towards me, then I'm sorry, if there is a chance, I will not be polite.

Chen Fuhai is full of confidence in "Jurassic Park", let alone Mu Chen.

There is a chance to impact, or even crush the opponent's blockbuster, why not?
(End of this chapter)

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