my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 253 It's Pure Misunderstanding

Chapter 253 It's Pure Misunderstanding
James Fukdo instantly became popular in China.

Or in other words, it's on fire all over the world.

Although the report did not explicitly say that he was the mastermind behind the attack on Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi, it only reported the grievances between him and Mu Chen.But what the report said was telling everyone: he has motivation and strength.

Without a doubt, he was the most suspect.

At the Oscar party, James touched Li Ruoxi and was beaten up by Mu Chen.

There were quite a few people present for this matter, including the media.

And then, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi encountered trouble.

Mu Chen was even detained because of this.

Who did it?
I'm afraid everyone will think of James.Moreover, there are many media black muchens following him.

There is obviously a shadow of James behind this.

Of course, Mu Chen's revenge was also very sharp.

Regardless of whether the James scandal was caused by Mu Chen or not, Mu Chen used his contacts in Chinese filmmakers to cause many theaters in China to block the films of Fu Rui Brothers Films, but it caused Fu Rui Brothers Film and Television a huge loss.

The grievances between the two have already arisen, especially when James was guarded by "chrysanthemums" in the detention center, the enmity is even greater.It didn't seem strange that James had murderous intentions towards Mu Chen.

Then when Mu Chen was attacked in the United States, James was obviously very suspicious.

As soon as that report came out, it caused a sensation all over the world, and media from all over the world forwarded it one after another.

"Inception" swept the box office all over the world. Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi, as the director and heroine of this film, are naturally highly anticipated by fans all over the world.

What's more, this kind of "resentment and hatred" between celebrities is the favorite of the people who eat melons, not to mention that this time it is "you live and die", and the murderous intent is soaring.

"You don't think I'd be foolish enough to expose this, do you? Isn't this adding trouble to myself? "

Seeing Li Ruoxi's eyes, Mu Chen shook his head and smiled wryly.

Mu Chen was a little surprised when this matter came to light.

Isn't James' father an American media tycoon?Why didn't you suppress this matter.

I don't know if there is some dog blood mixed with the infighting of wealthy families.

It's hard for James to be exposed by the media, but it's not much better for him, Mu Chen.

As soon as the report came out, there were many bad rumors about Mu Chen in the country.

In those people's eyes, Mu Chen took revenge on James too much.

No matter if he was set up to make him ugly, fat and black, or let him stay in the detention center, it was undoubtedly too vicious.

Mu Chen like this is too scary.

Ruozhen is behind the attack on Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi is James.Mu Chen's murder was somewhat self-inflicted.

As for the grievances between Mu Chen and James, it is meaningless to entangle who is right and who is wrong.

What everyone is most concerned about now is whether James is the mastermind behind the attack on Mu Chen and the others?
What kind of revenge will Mu Chen have on James?

After all, it is not difficult to see from the report that Mu Chen still has a strong desire for revenge.

This is in line with Mu Chen's new song "Always be kind to others".

When James made a move on Li Ruoxi, Mu Chen found someone to set him up and made her fall into a "rape scandal".

James let him be detained by the police, and arranged for someone to teach him a lesson in the detention room, so he let him enter the detention center.

Now, James bought the murderer, so what will happen to Mu Chen?
"You can't talk nonsense about food, let alone talk nonsense. The grievances between me and James are all speculations by the media and have no basis. This is obviously irresponsible."

Naturally, Mu Chen was inevitably asked about this matter by the reporter.

Of course he won't admit it.

Whether he was detained by the police in the United States or hacked by the media, there is no evidence pointing to James at all.

He didn't believe James would do this!
Well, I don't believe it in front of the media.

As for James' subsequent scandals and encounters, there is no substantive evidence pointing to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen would not admit it, and James would definitely express his disbelief.

The theory that the two have enmity is purely false.

Yes, it is nothing.

As for the conflict between James and them at the Oscar party, Mu Chen directly explained it with the word "misunderstanding".

"Then what's going on with the boycott of Fu Rui Brothers' films by domestic theaters?"

The media reporters were not forgiving, obviously they didn't believe Mu Chen's words.

"Then you have to ask those theaters!" Mu Chen said, "You don't think I have the ability to block a movie from a Hollywood film and television company from entering China, do you? You think highly of me too."

"Among those theater chains, there is a theater chain under Chenxi Film and Television!"

the reporter said.

The theater chains of Furui Brothers Pictures are banned, mainly Chenxi Film and Television and Wansheng Group's theater chains.

If Mu Chen wasn't in charge of this matter, who else would it be?

"Although I am the boss of Chenxi Film and Television, everyone on the earth knows that I don't care about the company's affairs at all. As for the theaters under it, I don't care much. Why, you have to ask Lao Chen .Maybe, it’s just a normal business operation.”

normal business operations?
In this case, is it normal?

Mu Chen was tight-lipped, and so was Li Ruoxi.

As for the United States, James did not respond, and directly sued the media, and threatened not to let him go bankrupt.

Most of the media stopped reporting this report, but they couldn't stop some gossip weekly magazines that made me feel better the more you reported it.

Of course, it can't stop netizens.

James was busy eliminating the influence. He didn't want to be watched by countless media and netizens while being watched by the police.

Not to mention that he was a guilty conscience, even if it had nothing to do with him, it would be depressing enough.

But Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi didn't pay any attention, and went directly to take wedding photos.

But even so, during this period of time, the media almost revolved around the two of them.

This is undoubtedly depressing for some celebrities who are in the limelight.It was not easy to get the attention of the media and show his face in front of the public.Just as he was ready to catch the fire, who would have thought that Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi would wrap up the headlines on the front page.

It's a movie that is popular all over the world, it's being attacked and attracting global attention, and it's a wedding.
The media focused on the wedding of the two. While the Internet paid attention, they also went to watch Mu Chen and James' bloody "resentment and hatred".

Now, in the whole circle, who can take the lead.

Perhaps, those who can take the lead are those who attend the wedding.

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi's wedding received far more attention than last year's Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan.

Who will they invite in the circle?

Which stars will participate?
This is undoubtedly depressing for those stars who are very likely to make headlines during this period.

For the wedding of Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi, their friends in the circle received more attention than them.

Isn't that enough to make them depressed?
The wedding of the two is imminent, and the people in the circle who they will invite has immediately become the target of the major media.On the Internet, there are also speculations.

This wedding may gather superstars.

Actually, there are not many celebrities who cooperate with Mu Chen, but there are many celebrities who can't stand to cooperate with Chenxi Film and Television!
Mu Chen is the boss of Chenxi Film and Television!

His connections in the circle are much stronger than his brother Mu Ze's.

Of course, many netizens are still very curious about how much money those stars will pay.

And the celebrities who had a good relationship with Mu Chen naturally bore the brunt of it, not only asked by media reporters, but also asked by fans.

There are quite a few people in the circle who have good friends with Mu Chen, at least on the surface.

However, there are only a few with the best relationship.

It's no secret that Zhao Jin, Wang Hao, and Ma Lin are buddies in Muchen University.

"How much money do you want?" Zhao Jin said with a smile, "If you think about it, it will be great! Mu Chen is my boss now, and I live with him. He is much richer than me."

"Can our relationship with him be measured by money?"

"It's vulgar to talk about money."

"Wang Hao and the others? They are much richer than me."

"How much will they follow? Then I don't know."

"They are local tyrants, don't ask me how much they will follow, you should ask me how many digits they will follow!"

The member's money does not ask how much, but how many digits.

This seems very rich.

As soon as Zhao Jin's words came out, there was an instant heated discussion.

"How many digits does the member's money depend on? I don't know how to answer your questions. Am I so embarrassing?"

When Wang Hao was asked, he was a little stunned.

Wang Hao's background is not a secret. Marin once teased Wang Hao in front of the media.Said that he couldn't make it in the entertainment industry and left, so he could only go home and inherit billions of dollars.

"Actually, it doesn't matter how much money you want, or how many digits you want, anyway, that guy Mu Chen will have to pay it back sooner or later, and he has to pay me back twice as much."

It's useless to ask these questions.

Zhao Jin and the others would not give a clear reply at all.

The wedding day is getting closer and closer, and for some reason, Mu Chen suddenly feels uncontrollable and restless.

It felt as if something had been lost and something had been gained. It seemed that a shackle had been added, a trace of freedom had been lost, and a responsibility had also been added.

Sometimes I am excited, sometimes excited, sometimes I am at a loss, and sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed.

Maybe in the past it was only a girlfriend, but in the future it is a wife and a family.

The anxiety before marriage, perhaps every man who is about to get married has more or less... This kind of complicated mood can only be understood by people who have been married.

Maybe everyone's mood is different, maybe it's just that Mu Chen is different from others.

He has always lost a sense of belonging to this world, and he is afraid that these beauties are just a dream.He was afraid that after waking up, everything would be in vain.

As the wedding day drew closer, more and more so-called sponsors came to their door.

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi had experienced the depression of Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan last year.

Finding their merchants is undoubtedly worse than worse.

To put it bluntly, the sponsorship of those merchants is advertising.

The more attention paid to the wedding, the better the advertising effect will be.The wedding attention of Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi is probably unmatched.

Both Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi felt helpless.

They refused repeatedly, and even said that they don't need any sponsorship, but there is still an endless stream of businessmen coming to their door.

At this moment, they also understood why Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan directly posted the matter on Weibo.

The two had no choice but to send such a Weibo directly.

"Thank you to all the merchants for their favor. The wedding between me and Ruoxi (Mu Chen) does not require any sponsorship. If it is for this, please don't bother me!"

When Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi posted their Weibo posts, countless people sighed.Celebrities get married, so cool, and so many people come to sponsor them.

You don't have to sell your wedding dress at your own expense!

You don't have to pay for a wedding ring yourself!

You don't have to pay for your wedding car anymore!
Even the banquets are delivered to your door by the hotel for free.

This is really more popular than dead people!

Many people are married now, and can even end their fortunes.More is undoubtedly the wedding day, eating soil for a whole year.

And what about celebrity marriages?

Not only do they not need to pay, but they can also make money.

If it is an ordinary star, perhaps the more sponsors come to the door, the more proof of the popularity of the star pair.But Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi don't need to rely on these to prove.

If the wedding is full of commercial atmosphere, it will only become a joke in their eyes.

Weddings are better purely.

It is enough to get the blessings of relatives and friends on that day.

If it has a commercial atmosphere, can it still be pure?

Weddings don't need to cost a penny, and they can make a lot of money.

This is probably not a wedding, but a show.

Of course, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi's wedding didn't need sponsorship, and they probably wouldn't be allowed to pay for it.The money given by those relatives and friends is probably enough.

Their wedding doesn't need to be extravagant.

This is the decision of the two.

For many people, the wedding is the happiest moment.Or the beginning of the happiest life!
How can a wedding be a product exhibition?Happiness, how can you rely on sponsorship, how can you get something for nothing?

Mu Chen's move undoubtedly won the support of many people.

I don't know if it's because there are too many boring netizens, and it's hard to do nothing, so I counted the merchants who came to Mu Chen and the other.

That undoubtedly surprised many people.

What surprised many people is that many merchants are not sponsors, but also give a staggering "endorsement fee".

Among them, there are many merchants who offer "sky-high prices".

And the so-called "sky-high price" is actually nothing at all.

This matter has sparked heated discussions, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that someone is behind it.

As for who it is, it is naturally not difficult to guess, obviously those merchants use this to hype the topic.It can be regarded as taking advantage of Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi's wedding.

When news of their wedding was being hyped up by the media one after another, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi posted their marriage certificate on Weibo.

The two are married.

Marriage certificates are usually obtained before the wedding.

"From now on, you will be my lifelong partner, and everything about you will be closely related to me, and both blessings and misfortunes will be equal."

In addition to the marriage certificate, Li Ruoxi's Weibo also has this sentence.

In addition to the marriage certificate, Mu Chen also said: "You are entrusted to me by others, and I will take care of you twice in my life, and share both joys and sorrows."

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi posted their marriage certificate on Weibo, and the pot exploded in an instant.

The media has reported it one after another, and there are also heated discussions on the Internet.

Hot search list, topic list. There is no doubt that it was on the hot search list in the blink of an eye.

And that seems to be just the beginning.

Afterwards, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi posted a few wedding photos directly.

The looks of the two are amazing, and the photographer of the wedding company is also good.

There is no doubt that the wedding photos are stunning.

As soon as those few wedding photos came out, they were immediately collected by countless people and used as movie desktop or mobile phone screensavers.

(End of this chapter)

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