my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 263 The Sniper Failed

Chapter 263 The Sniper Failed
Mu Chen's new film has always attracted much attention.

Not only the public is concerned, but people in the circle are also extremely concerned.

Perhaps no film and television company was willing to compete with Mu Chen.

However, although "Avatar" has been in preparation for a long time, the news has not been spread, and at most it is only known to the well-informed people in the circle.

Those people will naturally not spread the word.

This is the case in the entertainment circle, everyone in the circle knows about it, but the general public doesn't know about it.

Exposing private information is taboo in the entertainment industry.

There has been no news about Mu Chen's new film for a long time, which is completely different from his previous habits.

From the public's point of view, it was undoubtedly because Li Ruoxi was pregnant.

Li Ruoxi was pregnant, it was not surprising that Mu Chen turned down a lot of work to spend time with her.

Mu Chen's new movie, probably after Li Ruoxi gave birth.

For fans of Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi, it was a kind of moving.

But for movie fans, it is a pity.

They were looking forward to Mu Chen's new work.

This year, I'm afraid there will be no Mu Chen movie.

Without the film directed by Mu Chen, many fans who were looking forward to Mu Chen's film would naturally have a little more sustenance for this film that Mu Chen collaborated with the great director Chen Mouzhi.

When "Godzilla" was released, Mu Chen didn't go to the cinema to watch it.

Although he is an irresponsible producer, he still watched the film after it was made.

There were even follow-ups in post-production.

Compared with the original version, it is hard to say which one is better or worse.

However, it seems that there is no such film in this world, so Mu Chen is still very optimistic about the film's box office and reputation.

There was no premiere ceremony for this film, and before it was released, it was screened everywhere.

Judging from the word-of-mouth response, it is still very good.

On July 21st, "Godzilla" was released nationwide, Mu Chen didn't pay attention, and was still busy preparing for the new film at the company during the day, discussing the feasibility of special effects with Peng Naicai, and went home to accompany Li Ruoxi as usual at night.

Li Ruoxi's belly is getting bigger day by day, and it's already obvious now.

"I seem to hear the baby's heartbeat?" Mu Chen put his ear on Li Ruoxi's stomach and said with a smile.

"You just blow it!" Li Ruoxi said, curling her lips, "The doctor said that it is difficult to hear the baby's heartbeat directly lying on the belly of a pregnant woman. You need to use a Doppler fetal heartbeat to check the abdomen to hear it. Besides, I am only a few months."

"I really heard it." Mu Chen grinned.

Li Ruoxi smiled, not bothering to argue with Mu Chen.

Did Mu Chen hear it?

Li Ruoxi obviously didn't believe it.Perhaps because of practicing kung fu, Mu Chen's hearing is much better than the average person's, but it's not as good as an instrument.

"Isn't it boring to be alone at home?" Mu Chen continued.

If Mu Chen had food and drink, he could stay at home alone for several months.

But Li Ruoxi doesn't like geeks.

"It's not boring!" Li Ruoxi said, "Watch TV, watch movies, read books, read news, and occasionally Miss Xiaowan will come to the door with their little guy. If the weather is good, Sun Wen will also Accompany me to go for a walk in the community. This is also very good."

"Thank you!" Mu Chen hugged Li Ruoxi and said.

In this way, although it is leisurely, it may not be really good for Li Ruoxi who can't be idle.

She said this because she didn't want to affect Mu Chen.

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi have always had a good relationship, they never quarreled, and even seldom argued.

This is not because they love each other so much, but because both of them habitually think from the perspective of the other.

After so many years, it may be an exaggeration to say that the two are connected, but they know each other very well.

Li Ruoxi smiled and fell into Mu Chen's arms.

"Do you like boys or girls?" Li Ruoxi suddenly asked.

"I like them all." Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, then said, "I don't favor boys over girls."

"Then do you think it's better to have a boy or a girl?" Li Ruoxi continued to ask.

"Is there a difference?" Mu Chen said, "Are you worried that the parents won't like the baby girl?"

Mu Chen obviously saw Liu Ruoxi's worry.

A pregnant fool for three years!

For some reason, such a sentence suddenly popped up in Mu Chen's mind.

Normally, Li Ruoxi would not have asked such a question, because she could tell that her parents would not change their attitude just because they had a boy or a girl.

Even Mu Chen's grandparents are the same.

"Don't worry!" Mu Chen said, "My parents and the others have long lost their patriarchal thinking. Besides, my brother already has a boy, and my parents probably want us to have a girl. "

"Really?" Li Ruoxi said.

She cares, so nervous.

"Don't worry!" Mu Chen said.

"How about the film you collaborated with Director Chen?" Li Ruoxi smiled and said.

She is deliberately changing the subject.

"The box office and word-of-mouth are good." Mu Chen said, "The domestic box office is estimated to be 30 billion, which should be no problem. As for foreign countries, I can't guarantee it."

Summer vacation is also a highly competitive time in North America.

"If the foreign box office is not satisfactory, then this film will not be considered a success." Li Ruoxi said.

The domestic box office of 30 billion has obviously paid off.

Foreign box office, that is to make money.

It's a pity that the cooperation between Mu Chen and Chen Mouzhi was aimed at the foreign box office.

If the foreign box office is not satisfactory, it is indeed not a success.

No matter how good the reputation is.

"It shouldn't be too bad." Mu Chen said.

Mu Chen still has a lot of research on the global film market.

There are not many fans of this kind of monster movie, and the box office foundation is naturally not weak.

However, the specific box office depends on the release.

Mu Chen is not a god, he can only speculate at most, and he can't make a decision.

On July 21, "Godzilla" was officially released.

This film, whether it is in the name of Mu Chen or Chen Mouzhi, has attracted much attention.What's more, the starring role is Li Chao, an actor with great box office appeal.

Among the films released in the summer, this film is undoubtedly the most anticipated by fans.

The film is released, and the film schedule is naturally not low.

When the box office came out on the first day, it won the single-day box office champion without any suspense.

The single-day box office is more than 8000 million.

If the single-day box office was in the Spring Festival, it would not be very outstanding.

However, it is still very good in the summer file.

8000 million is only the box office on the first day, not counting the box office.

On the second day of its release, the single-day box office remained at [-] million.

It broke [-] million in two days, and almost broke one billion in four days.

A week later, "Godzilla" won the next week's box office with a box office of nearly 15 billion.

A week after its release, the film's popularity has not diminished much.

The single-day box office remained above [-] million.

The film's ratings on may not be as good as "Jurassic Park", and the box office trend is also not as good.

But this film is definitely a sci-fi monster movie with a double harvest at the box office.

The film that Mu Chen and Chen Mouzhi collaborated on is undoubtedly a success in the eyes of many movie fans and the media.

Released domestically for a week, "Gothic Movie" was recorded in North America.

On its first day of release in North America, it grossed 900 million yuan in a single day. Although it failed to win the single-day box office champion, it was only a few hundred thousand behind the blockbuster from Fury Brothers Pictures.

Moreover, the arrangement of the two films is quite different.

In terms of attendance, "Godzilla" is obviously much better than that movie.

There is no doubt that Fu Rui Brothers Pictures wanted to snipe "Godzilla" with its own blockbuster, and it undoubtedly failed.

Especially in terms of word of mouth, it lost a lot to "Godzilla".

Their film had a higher ranking and greater publicity, but the box office was only a few hundred thousand more.

What is this if it is not a failure?
On the second day of its release, although "Godzilla" has declined, it still holds a single-day box office of 4000 million, directly counterattacked, and won the single-day box office champion.

The movie produced by Fury Brothers Pictures, the box office fell, and the momentum was not as good as before.

"Gossip topped the North American box office list, and some Chinese movie threat theory unknowingly appeared on the media.

It seems that it wants to cause fans to boycott "Godzilla".

However, as the distributor of the film "Godzilla", Universal Pictures would sit idly by and turn a disadvantage into an advantage.

Aren't you curious about a film that made some media say "China Film Threat Theory"?
Can that movie really make Huaxia movies threaten Hollywood?

It's human nature to be curious!
The popularity of "Godzilla" in North America has soared, which has directly reflected in the box office.

As for whether Chinese-language movies will really threaten Hollywood, Universal Pictures doesn't care that much.

After cooperating with Chenxi Film and Television, it will be easier for their films to enter China, and the distribution of Chenxi Film and Television's films will also benefit a lot.

In their view, the "China Film Threat Theory" is just a means by Fu Rui Brothers Pictures to suppress "Godzilla".

Hollywood movies are sweeping the world, who can threaten them?
At the foreign box office, it was once again a success.

When the news came back to China, movie fans and the media were all excited.

A sense of pride arises spontaneously.

It was undoubtedly another round of flattery for Mu Chen.

Yes, it was not the director Chen Mouzhi who was touting, but Mu Chen.

Chen Mouzhi has been famous for many years and has a little reputation abroad, but his achievements in foreign box office are not satisfactory.

Now, cooperating with Mu Chen, the work immediately exploded abroad.

Who can deny Mu Chen's role?
Zhang Gang was like this before, and now Chen Mouzhi is like this.

The two directors who cooperated with Mu Chen have achieved amazing box office results abroad.

Who plays a bigger role?

Whether it was the previous "Jurassic Park" or the current "Godzilla", Mu Chen himself was not incapable of filming.

These two films, without Zhang Gang and Chen Mouzhi, are still the same, because Mu Chen can make them himself.

But without Mu Chen, would Zhang Gang and Chen Mouzhi still have these two works?
There's no script at all, I've done a fart!

The script, the book of a play.

I have to admit that the domestic emphasis on scripts is far less than that of Hollywood.

Two consecutive films have achieved box office success abroad, but it has also made domestic filmmakers pay more attention to scripts.

I also have to sigh that Mu Chen's grasp of foreign markets is so strong that no one in China can match it.

So more and more people began to study Mu Chen's films and the international market.

This may also be a good thing for Chinese-language movies.

It was released in North America for a week, with a box office of nearly [-] million US dollars, and won the weekly box office champion without any suspense.

This is another Chinese film that topped the North American box office chart after "Inception".

The film was immediately released in Europe, America and other places, and its box office response was also good.

Perhaps, this film is not as popular as "Jurassic Park" and "Inception", and the box office may not reach the height of those two films, but no one can deny that this is a successful film.

A film that hit international markets.

With this film, Chen Mouzhi has completely gained popularity abroad.

"Another film with a global box office hit, when will I show my face internationally?" Marin said with a smile.

Taking a break from his busy schedule, Mu Chen met with Ma Lin and others.

They are all in the film and television industry now, so the topics of conversation naturally cannot escape the affairs of the industry.

Today, the most popular topic in the film and television industry is undoubtedly "Godzilla", which is a global hit.

"If you take a big step, you won't be afraid of getting caught." Wang Hao said, "Whether it's Zhang Gang or Chen Mouzhi, they are all big directors who have been famous for many years. You think you can make two movies with good box office, and you will be able to make money." Stand shoulder to shoulder with them?"

"Dreams are necessary, what if they come true?" Zhao Jin said with a smile.

"What? Want to take the international route?" Mu Chen asked with a smile.

"Who doesn't want to go!" Marin said, "However, let's wait a little longer, I feel that I'm not ready yet."

Is it that easy to go international?
Not to mention literary films, Huaxia literary films have always been good in the world, but there are not many successful commercial films.

Full play and full calculation, that is, Mu Chen, Zhang Gang, and Chen Mouzhi.

The latter two achieved box office success with Mu Chen's script.

Marin is self-aware.

Their director level is still a long way from Zhang Gang and others.

Even if he got Mu Chen's script now, he might not be able to produce the effect of Zhang Gang and the others.

Having a clear understanding of himself is undoubtedly one of Marin's strengths.

"I heard that you plan to write the script for your new movie?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Try it, I can't always ask you for the script, I'm afraid it will form a kind of dependence." Marin said, "The script is written, please help me read it."

Mu Chen nodded.

Ma Lin turned to be a director, whether he was making a TV series or a movie, almost all of them were scripts written by Mu Chen, or outlines and ideas.

This may not be a good thing for Marin.

It's hard for Mu Chen to say, but now that Marin realizes this, it's naturally the best.

"When is Ruoxi's due date?" Wang Hao asked.

He really doesn't have much interest in the topic of "Godzilla" being screened globally.

Compared with these, he probably cares more about the actresses in the film.

Much of the time, Mu Chen wondered how they would hang out with a "scumbag" like Wang Hao.

"First month!" Mu Chen said.

The Spring Festival this year is in February.

"Why, our huaxindaluowan also wants to get married and have children?" Marin said with a smile.

"I have met true love!" Wang Hao said with a smile.


Mu Chen said in unison.

For that guy Wang Hao to find a new girlfriend, the words "meet true love" are essential.

(End of this chapter)

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