Chapter 284

The novel "Journey to the West" is so popular, so how will the ratings of the adapted TV series be?
Nobody worries about that.

What's more, with an investment of [-] million yuan, it is directed by Yu Yun, a director who is good at magic movies.

The quality of the film is obviously guaranteed, and it will not be shoddy.

There are no shoddy TV series produced by Chenxi Film and Television.

Not to mention adapting Mu Chen's novel.

As soon as the news of the TV series came out, many TV stations began to contact Chenxi Film and Television, wanting to win the TV series.

It is estimated that there is only this film, and the TV station has already offered a high price before the filming started.

In the eyes of many people, this drama may break the ratings record!

Of course, it wasn't just TV stations that came to their door, there were also many film and television companies.

This drama has received such a high degree of attention, so not to mention participating in investment, it is also excellent to get a role for its artists.

With the consistent style of Chenxi Film and Television, the role of Sun Wukong must be played by its artists, even Tang Seng, Drifting, Zhu Bajie, etc. will not be cheaper than artists from other companies.

But there are so many characters in this play, and many of them are quite brilliant.

Such as Yang Jian, Nezha and so on.

These artists will definitely not make full use of Chenxi Film and Television, not to mention that Chenxi Film and Television does not have so many artists.

However, these Mu Chens have never bothered to ask.

He didn't have the energy to ask.

How to choose actors, Yu Yun and others will think clearly.

Of course, Mu Chen also believed that Yu Yun and the others would definitely seek Mu Chen's opinion when it comes to actors' choices, especially Sun Wukong's choice.

Yu Yun won the right to direct this drama and did a lot of homework.

This point, Mu Chen can see from the discussion with him.

Yu Yun probably also read the analysis and discussions on the Internet.

Obviously, it will take a long time for the TV series to be prepared and filmed.Not to mention anything else, the adaptation of the script will take a while.

Yu Yun seems to like this novel very much, and plans to participate in the screenwriting in person.

Mu Chen's main energy is still on the post-production of "Avatar", and as for "Journey to the West", he only discusses with Yu Yun occasionally.

The popularity of "Journey to the West" gradually dissipated.

The popularity of nothing will last forever, even if the sales volume of "Journey to the West" has always been at the top of the list.

However, it is amazing that this novel can maintain such a high popularity for so long.

"Actually, peripheral products of "Journey to the West" can also be considered." Mu Chen said to Chen Fuhai with a smile.

"Peripheral products?" Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen thoughtfully.

"Say, how about we buy a toy factory?" Mu Chen said.

"Ah?" Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen in surprise, but he quickly realized it.

Mu Chen is preparing to develop peripheral products for film and television dramas.

The acquisition of toy factories and peripheral products of "Journey to the West" was not enough for him to do so.

Chen Fuhai understood Mu Chen's temperament.

"Don't you think that after "Jurassic Park", dinosaur models have become toys for many children?" Mu Chen said, "Those toy factories have made a lot of money, but they gave Chenxi Film and Television a copyright fee?"

Dinosaurs are what made the movie "Jurassic Park" popular, there is no doubt about it.

However, the toy factory that manufactures dinosaur models obviously won't give Chenxi Film and Television any copyright fees.

The copyright of "Jurassic Park" is in the hands of Chenxi Film and Television, or in the hands of Mu Chen, but the toy factory makes dinosaur toys, so it is obviously not an infringement.

This matter has not been reported.

If Chenxi Film and Television has its own toy company, then it can seize the market in advance, eat meat by itself, and let those guys eat soup.

But now?

Others eat meat, Chenxi Film and Television doesn't even have to drink soup?

"If the TV series "Journey to the West" is popular, the character dolls in it should be more popular." Chen Fuhai nodded, "In addition to "Journey to the West", you probably also pay attention to those superheroes who haven't come out yet?"

"Yes!" Mu Chen nodded.

If Mu Chen's version of the Marvel Universe makes Mu Chen popular, then the peripheral products related to superheroes such as Iron Man, Hulk, etc., will bring extremely amazing profits.

This is not just a domestic market, but a global market.

"Actually, I still have a big killer." Mu Chen continued.

"Big killer!" Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen curiously.

"I'll talk about that later." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"You!" Chen Fuhai shook his head and was speechless.

Mu Chen turned up his appetite, but kept silent.

what is this?
Kill or bury?

Mu Chen didn't say anything, and Chen Fuhai didn't ask, he suppressed his curiosity, and said immediately, ""I Am Legend" is going to be released in early August during the summer vacation."

"Will there be time later?" Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said.

If there is time, the summer release will naturally be excellent.

"I asked Director Xu, and there's nothing wrong with it." Chen Fuhai said, "It's your movie, is there time for the Spring Festival?"

"It's not a big problem, is it?" Mu Chen's tone was not so sure.

The post-production of that film was much faster than at the beginning. If it goes according to the current progress, it will be no problem to catch up with the Spring Festival.

But no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents!

"This one can be released first, so that we don't have to rush the schedule. If we really can't catch up with the Spring Festival, it will be released next summer." Chen Fuhai said.

He is very clear about how much Mu Chen expects from his current film.

Mu Chen nodded.

In the evening, go back.

Li Ruoxi excitedly said to Mu Chen: "Is our girl able to turn over? But what is said on the Internet that she can sit when she lifts twice, turns over six times, and walks when she rolls seven times and crawls eight times?"? Our girl is not yet four months old! Isn't it great?"

Mu Chen was taken aback when he heard that, then smiled and said, "That's just an approximate time, it's not accurate. Some are earlier, some are later, it's normal."

"When my girl can crawl, shall we catch her? What do you think she will catch?" Li Ruoxi pouted and continued.

"It depends on what you put in?" Mu Chen said.

"Pen, ink, paper, inkstone, piano, chess, calligraphy, painting? Video camera, money" Li Ruoxi opened her mouth and said a lot.

Mu Chen just watched with a smile, without interrupting, and occasionally gave some suggestions of his own.

"Brother went to Hollywood to film?"

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi had a lot of topics about children, but not all of them revolved around children.

"Yeah!" Mu Chen nodded and said, "It's probably only a month or two. Before "I Am Legend" is released, I will definitely be back."

When Li Ruoxi knew the news, Mu Chen was not surprised at all.

If Su Xiaowan was at home, she would often bring Mu Qing to visit.

Yes, the son of Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan is called Mu Qing, and the daughter of Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi has also confirmed her name, Mu Xue!

They are all common names with no special meaning.

"Sister Xiaowan's comeback, did it fail to meet expectations?" Li Ruoxi continued to ask.

"En!" Mu Chen said, ""Run, Brother" has been recorded for many seasons now, so the influence is naturally not as great as before."

It lacked a bit of freshness and lacked innovation. Although the ratings of the program were good, the word-of-mouth and influence were not as good as before.

"How about letting her film the "Resident Evil" series?" Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen and said.

"Are you willing?" Mu Chen was stunned for a moment and said.

"What is there to be reluctant about?" Li Ruoxi said, "Don't tell me I haven't made a movie yet?"

The "Resident Evil" series was prepared by Mu Chen for Li Ruoxi.

However, Mu Chen had no objection to Su Xiaowan's surrendering her to Su Xiaowan now.

As Li Ruoxi said, she is not short of filming.There is no shortage of films like "Resident Evil" that can make people go international.

How about Resident Evil?
People have different opinions, but being able to make several sequels is enough to explain many problems.

This series is not only about movies, but also about games.

There are several "Resident Evil", Mu Chen knows it, but he hasn't watched all of them.

However, this does not affect him to get this series out.

Mu Chen has already written the scripts for the first two films, and he also wrote some of the settings for the subsequent sequels, but he is not prepared to participate in the creation of the scripts.

The screenwriting department of Chenxi Film and Television can handle this matter.

The screenwriting department of Chenxi Film and Television is definitely second to none in the Chinese film circle.

After the circle paid more and more attention to scripts, other film and television companies also set up such departments, and even spent a lot of money digging into the walls of Chenxi Film and Television, but it was still difficult to compare with the editing department of Chenxi Film and Television.

"Then let her shoot it!" Mu Chen nodded, and then said, "Tomorrow, I will give the script to Lao Chen and let him arrange it."

Li Ruoxi nodded with a smile.

The next day, after reading the script and some subsequent settings, Chen Fuhai smiled and looked at Mu Chen.

"You should have prepared this series for Ruoxi, right? Now that you've given it to your sister-in-law, aren't you afraid that Ruoxi will have opinions?"

"That's what Ruoxi means." Mu Chen said with a curled lip.

Chen Fuhai smiled, apparently he had already guessed that what he said just now was purely teasing.

"Is there a director candidate?" Chen Fuhai asked.

"You know, I'm not that familiar with domestic directors." Mu Chen shook his head and said, "Do you have any recommendations?"

Chen Fuhai knew more about this than Mu Chen.

"Director Qiu Li from Xiangjiang!" Chen Fuhai thought for a while and said.

Mainland directors, it seems that there is really no suitable one.

"Resident Evil" is not just a sci-fi film, but also has thriller, action, suspense and so on.

"Qiu Li?"

Mu Chen smiled awkwardly, he had never heard of such a director.

This director should not be well-known.

"The director of "The Change" graduated from the California Film Academy." Chen Fuhai said, "A very talented director."

"Which company?" Mu Chen asked.

Directors who can be evaluated as "very talented" by Chen Fuhai are rare.

"British Union Film and Television." Chen Fuhai said with a smile.

Mu Chen smiled awkwardly, the director of Yinglian Film and Television, Mu Chen naturally felt embarrassed to poach people.

Chu Yuhua, the boss of Yinglian Film and Television, and Mu Chen also have some connections.

(End of this chapter)

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