my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 291 Love Determines Fate

Chapter 291 Love Determines Fate
The heat of the charity crisis gradually dissipated, and Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi got a blessing in disguise.

They built more than 200 primary schools in impoverished areas in a low-key way and subsidized hundreds of impoverished students. They were talked about and praised by the media and netizens.

Now, because of this matter, the two seem to have created a golden body, which no one can blacken.

Of course, there are also bad luck.

Popularity plummeted, word-of-mouth was gone, the character design almost collapsed, and the image was even more damaged.

Of course, it may be quiet for a while, and it will be able to rise again.

After all, people are forgetful.

However, just after many people thought that this turmoil was completely over, a scandal of "false donation" suddenly broke out on the Internet.

It is not the first time that news of charitable fake donations has appeared, but this time it is a bit shameful.

What's more, the residual heat of the previous charity turmoil is still there.

Zheng Yonghe promised to donate 500 million to the affected people in front of the major media, and called on many celebrities and artists in the circle to donate.

Many celebrities and entertainers really gave Zheng Yonghe this big director face and donated a lot of money.

But who would have thought that Zheng Yonghe, who has been praised by the media and netizens, turned out to be a fake donation.

The 500 million he promised did not pay a penny.

As soon as the news came out, there was a lot of scolding on the Internet.

By the way, his Guangzheng Film Industry was also affected by Chi Yu.

Then, the entire Internet was full of scandals about Zheng Yonghe, even decades of scandals were uncovered by "netizens" and "whipped corpses".

Zheng Yonghe instantly stinks.

In the eyes of everyone, his fake donations are more "moral" than those who don't!
It is also more angry.

False donation, with deception.

Zheng Yonghe's scandal has intensified, and there are already overwhelming voices of resistance and banning on the Internet.

Horn and Lin Xi sat opposite each other, with serious expressions on their faces.

"The scandal of Zheng Yonghe should have been caused by that person." Lin Xi said with a sigh.

Zheng Yonghe invited Hei Muchen, the navy soldier, and Lin Xi and others naturally found out.

This time they were treated badly by Zheng Yonghe.

"It deserves it!" Horn said, "If it wasn't for him, this matter wouldn't have made such a big fuss."

Horn at least found a few sailors to lure Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi.

This thing will not attract attention at all.

At least he thought so.

After all, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi's exposure rate was extremely high, their popularity was astonishing, and no charity was reported.

It is not surprising that they were involved in the charity turmoil.

If there were not a large number of Hei Muchen's sailors on the Internet, how could people see traces of sailors?
"Let's think about how to deal with that guy! I'm afraid you don't know his temper very well." Lin Xi said.

"Be kind to others!" Horn said, frowning.

This is what he heard from many insiders.

He debuted as an idol star in Taiwan, and only went to the Mainland for development in the past two years, but he had no contact with Mu Chen.

Moreover, most of the news about Mu Chen in the past few years has been his movies.

Mu Chen was indeed very gentle in dealing with people.

"Always be kind to others? That's because you didn't offend him." Lin Xi said, "Everyone in the circle knows that that guy is a person who will take revenge, and he has no scruples about what he does. The master who scolded Xiao Xianrou. You used him and Li Ruoxi to divert the attention of the public, which undoubtedly angered him. If it didn’t cause them any trouble, I’m afraid the first revenge he took was not Zheng Yonghe, but you and me.”

"What does this have to do with you?" Horn frowned and said, "I did it, and if he wanted revenge, he just came at me. At worst, go back to Treasure Island."

Mu Chen doesn't have much influence in Taiwan's entertainment industry.

"Don't you know what's going on on Treasure Island?" Lin Xi said.

Horn was silent.

Formosa Films made one film and lost one film, and many filmmakers couldn't afford to eat, and it was naturally difficult to raise the actors' remuneration.

It is also a helpless move for him to come to the mainland to develop.

Formosa films are even more in decline than Xiangjiang films.

Xiangjiang movies are at least often released in the mainland, and there may be very few big profits, but basically they will not lose money.

However, it is difficult for Taiwan films to be released in the mainland. It is naturally difficult to develop with the film market of the island alone.

Many Taiwan artists have gone to the mainland to develop.

Horn is considered lucky, because the idol drama he starred in was also popular in the mainland, which made him more or less well-known. He also has acting skills, and he is quite capable in dealing with people. Among the artists in Taiwan, he can be regarded as a good mix .

And it's just not bad.

However, after getting together with Lin Xi, with the help of her contacts and resources, her career can be said to go a step further.

This time Lin Xi was "kidnapped by morality", and his human system was in danger of collapsing, so Horn was naturally anxious.

Maybe it's love, maybe it's because if Lin Xi is finished, then his future development will be very difficult.

Why, maybe only he himself knows.

"I'll find a way to find someone to clear up the relationship." Lin Xi took a deep breath and said.

Lin Xi has been popular in the mainland for more than ten years, so his connections are naturally good.

"Some people are panicking." Mu Chen said calmly after hearing Chen Fuhai's words.

Who panicked?
Undoubtedly it was Lin Xi, she actually found a lot of people to intercede, and wanted Mu Chen to let Horn go.

"This matter actually has nothing to do with us." Chen Fuhai handed a document to Mu Chen and said, "Zheng Yonghe has been blocked."

A notice to ban bad artists, Mu Chen simply looked at it, but smiled.

Zheng Yonghe was classified as a bad artist by the relevant department.

However, think about it too.

The matter of his fake donation caused a lot of noise, and the impact was extremely bad. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it aroused public outrage.

Of course, does this really have nothing to do with Chenxi Film and Television?

Probably not.

The relationship between Chenxi Film and Television and relevant departments has always been good, and Mu Chen has the support of the Huo family behind him.

Although Mr. Huo passed away, the second generation of the Huo family has grown up long ago, but its influence still remains.

What's more, Mu Chen is still a filmmaker who is up to the sky.

Mu Chen can now be said to be a banner of Chinese-language movies. Zheng Yong and Hei Muchen have influenced not only Mu Chen himself, but also the image of the entire Chinese-language filmmakers.

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi were caught in a philanthropic turmoil, and the media they paid attention to were not only domestic, but also many foreign media.

If Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi hadn't been low-key and charitable, Mu Chen's international reputation would have been ruined.

Those above who are optimistic about Mu Chen have no opinion on Zheng Yonghe?
In the eyes of many people, Mu Chen is the key to the internationalization of Chinese-language films.

If Mu Chen fails, then Chinese films will be hindered from going international.

This is not aimless.

After all, internationally influential movies are basically related to Mu Chen.

If he didn't direct it, then he wrote it.

Zheng Yonghe was blocked, in the eyes of many people, it was Mu Chen's handwriting.

Who didn't know, there was someone behind Mu Chen.

Zheng Yonghe completely annoyed Mu Chen this time.

Chen Fuhai knew very well that it might be related to Mu Chen, but it was definitely not Mu Chen's handwriting.

"How's the character of the two of you?" Mu Chen asked.

As for many people seeking Chen Fuhai to intercede, Mu Chen didn't care much.

However, he had to admit that Lin Xi's connections were really good.

"As rumored, it's not very good." Chen Fuhai said, "Of course, it's not enough to say that their character is bad. Lin Xi has a few more advantages than Huo En."

Mu Chen was about to speak when the phone rang.

"Uncle Chu? It's rare to arrive today, and you actually called me?"

Mu Chen answered the phone and said with a smile.

When Chu Yuhua called, Mu Chen vaguely guessed, but was a little surprised.

"I want to ask you something!" Chu Yuhua didn't talk nonsense, but said straight to the point.

He didn't communicate much with Mu Chen, but he knew Mu Chen's temper very well.

"When did Uncle Chu become so polite? Tell me what's the matter." Mu Chen said with a smile.

When he said this, Mu Chen became more convinced of his guess.

"That girl Lin Xi's family has a relationship with me. When I was down and down, his father helped me. See if you can look at my old face and don't embarrass that girl. I also understand the matter, you See how it goes, let that girl set up a table and pour tea for you to make amends."

Sure enough, as Mu Chen guessed.

This Lin Xi's network is really extraordinary, even Chu Yuhua pleaded for mercy.

Chu Yuhua is definitely a legend in Xiangjiang. He had ups and downs several times, and owed countless debts when he was down. If it were someone else, he might have accepted his fate, but Chu Yuhua made a comeback again and again.

Mu Chen has a little bit of admiration for him.

Today's Chu Yuhua is definitely a dominant figure in the Xiangjiang film and television industry.Moreover, he has many industries, and film and television is not his most profitable industry.

"Uncle Chu, since you understand, you should know that the matter has nothing to do with Lin Xi. I will not implicate Lin Xi." Mu Chen said.

He didn't intend to be cruel to Lin Xi.

Since Chu Yuhua opened his mouth, he still has to give him face.

"That girl is very concerned about his current boyfriend." Chu Yuhua was silent for a moment, then said, "There are people in their thirties, and they have reached the age to talk about marriage. Horn will use you and Ruoxi to divert the public this time." The purpose of paying attention is also for the good of that girl."

Chu Yuhua's intention was obvious, that was to plead with Horn again.

"That's not necessarily the case." Mu Chen said, "As far as I know, Horn's current resources all depend on Lin Xi. If Lin Xi didn't get through this difficulty, he might be beaten back to his original shape in a short time. It's because of Lin Xi, Or for himself, the two said."

Chu Yuhua was silent.

The silence was not because he believed Mu Chen's words, but because he heard that Mu Chen had no intention of letting Horn go.

"Uncle Chu, have you ever thought about what would happen if Ruoxi and I didn't do charity?" Mu Chen then asked.

Chu Yuhua didn't know what to say.

If Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi really did not do charity, no matter how timely the crisis public relations were, the impact would definitely not be small.

"Uncle Chu, how about this! I have to give you face. Let's give it a try." Mu Chen thought for a while and said, "Then Huo En really dragged me and Ruoxi into the water for Lin Xi, and that's all. Forget it. But if he is for himself."

"Then you don't need to take action." Chu Yuhua continued.

Mu Chen hung up the phone, showing an inexplicable smile.

"You don't like that Horn?" Chen Fuhai said seeing Mu Chen's expression.

"You like it?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Hang!" Chen Fuhai said.

(End of this chapter)

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