my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 293 Cowardly?

Chapter 293 Cowardly?

Who is Chu Yuhua?

That is definitely a character worthy of the word "Xiaoxiong".

Having been in the underworld, imprisoned, ups and downs, and now he definitely has a place in the rich circle of Xiangjiang.

He has many industries, involving electronics, real estate, shipping, film and television, etc.

Who can underestimate such a person?
Horn replied that he and Lin Xi were unclear about the inside story of his breakup with Lin Xi.

This is not to die, what is it?
If it was before, he would have been blocked by the company at most.

Perhaps, after a while, there is still a chance to make a comeback.

But now, Chu Yuhua has been completely angered, and his fate is not difficult to guess.

The dirty water Horn poured on Chu Yuhua and Lin Xi was quickly clarified.

Lin Xi's father and Chu Yuhua are close friends, so naturally it is impossible to have the kind of relationship Horn said.

Titles such as "ungrateful" and "revenge for kindness" fell on Horn's head in an instant.

Not only did he face the ban of the company, but he was also sued by many merchants for compensation.

However, this has nothing to do with Mu Chen.

The inside story of Horn and Lin Xi's breakup was "leaked", but Mu Chen was not involved.

The inside story was naturally Horn's fault, but he blamed it.

Needless to say, Horn was scolded by the whole network.

The company he signed with was going to block him, so naturally he would not help him with crisis public relations.

There is no doubt that Horn's image collapsed in an instant, and his stink was indescribable.


"Are you really going to let my "People on the Journey" be released in the Spring Festival?" Marin looked at Mu Chen, somewhat apprehensive.

This film was written by him, although Mu Chen also edited it, but it was not made by Mu Chen after all.

What's more, the investment in this film is actually not big, and it doesn't have much advantage in the Spring Festival, which is full of blockbuster films. If you are not careful, you will be cannon fodder.

"Counseled?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"What about your movie?" Marin said, "I'm afraid countless fans are looking forward to the release of your movie during the Spring Festival."

"It will be released in summer next year." Mu Chen said.

"It took so long to make special effects?" Marin said in surprise.

"It's almost done. It can be completed before the Spring Festival, but we need to discuss the issue of 3D theaters with major theaters around the world before the release." Mu Chen said.

"Oh." Marin said, "Aren't you afraid that my movie will become cannon fodder during the Spring Festival? Why don't you release it on New Year's Day?"

Chenxi Film and Television has invested in many movies, and many blockbusters.

But the only comedy that can be released in the Spring Festival file is Marin.

"Talk to Old Chen." Mu Chen pouted and said, "Look at your cowardly look, you're so worried! How much can you pay if you pounce?"

"The problem is that if I pounce, I don't know how I will be buried by the fans!" Marin said, "Maybe, the media will still say that I, Marin, left you, Mu Chen, shit."

"Have confidence in yourself." Mu Chen said.

The post-production of that movie has been completed, and Mu Chen has also seen it, and the quality is still extremely good.

At least, Mu Chen felt much better than the "People on Journey" in his mind.

Of course, it may still be difficult to compete with those Spring Festival blockbusters.

"A movie with an investment of tens of millions, you let me compete with a movie with an investment of hundreds of millions, I'm so confident!" Marin said with a curled lip.

The potential of the Chinese-language film market has exploded, and Chenxi Film and Television has repeatedly broken the highest investment record. Naturally, other film and television companies are unwilling to follow suit, and their investment is also increasing.

If you don't have hundreds of millions of investment, you are too embarrassed to call it a blockbuster.

Of course, the reason why the investment is so large is entirely because of the potential of the Chinese film market.

For a film with an investment of [-] to [-] million yuan, the box office of [-] million to [-] million yuan can basically pay back the cost. After all, in addition to the domestic box office, there are box office in Southeast Asia and other places, as well as the later copyright income.

Except for Mu Chen's films that can have an impact in North America and Europe, other Chinese films are not very good.

However, the influence of Chinese-language films in Southeast Asia and other regions is not small.

[-] to [-] million is not difficult for today's domestic mainland market.

Some bad movies with good publicity can achieve it.

Of course, it is not without risk, but the risk is not that great.

What's more, those film and television companies are not like Chenxi Film and Television. In many cases, several companies will jointly invest in order to share risks.

"There are a lot of blockbuster movies during the Spring Festival, but you are the only comedy movie." Mu Chen said, "You really think that Chenxi Film and Television has no suitable movies, so how can you use your movie to make up for it? When the movie will be released, it depends on market analysis come."

Marin smiled awkwardly.

"My next movie, do you have any suggestions?" Marin then asked.

This is the main purpose of his coming to find Mu Chen this time.

"That depends on what you think." Mu Chen said with a smile.

How many films are currently being prepared and shot by Chenxi Film and Television?

Mu Chen is probably not very clear.

Chen Mouzhi's "Journey to the Center of the Earth", Tian Peng's "Kung Fu Panda", Qiu Li's "Resident Evil", and Mu Chen's unfinished "Avatar"!
In addition, there is a TV series "Journey to the West" with an investment of over [-] million!
This is just a big investment, a small investment in TV series, online dramas, and big online movies, let alone.

If you count the two films in question, there will be even more.


Mu Chen didn't think it was too much.

Chenxi Film and Television seems to have a big stall, but compared with those top film and television companies in Hollywood, it is still much worse.

Which of the top film and television companies in Hollywood has an annual income of billions of dollars?
"I want to get in touch with special effects properly," Marin said.

If you want to go international, it will undoubtedly be extremely difficult if you don't know special effects.

Marin had little exposure to special effects before.

"What type?" Mu Chen said, "Are you still making comedies?"

"I didn't think about it." Marin shook his head and said, "I'm afraid there is not much market for Chinese comedies in the world, right?"

The jokes are different, not to mention that there is not much market for Chinese comedies in the world, and the same is probably true for Hollywood comedies in other regions.

Popular movies all over the world are mostly science fiction, action, and fantasy.

"You don't want to make a sci-fi movie, do you?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"What's your opinion?" Marin said.

He really didn't think about it, and he didn't even think about whether to go beyond the international development.

"Do you still remember what I told you last time?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

""Tai囧", "Yin囧", "Russian囧", "Beauty囧"?" Marin was stunned for a moment, and then said, "You won't let this embarrassment go to the end, will it spread to the whole world?"

Mu Chen smiled awkwardly, and then said, "You don't even know what you want to shoot, how can you ask me to give you advice?"

When Marin heard this, he didn't know what to say.

"Are you in a hurry?" Mu Chen continued to ask, "No hurry, why are you panicking? Take a rest, talk about love, or go back to spend time with your parents?"

"Accompany parents? You don't know the situation in my family." Marin said with a curled lip.

Mu Chen smiled embarrassedly.

Ma Lin's parents divorced, his mother remarried, and his father remarried.

The only good news is that he got along well with both of them.His stepfather and stepmother also regarded him as his own.

However, they are busy!
He is even much busier than Marin, especially his father, who is often on the set.

"Then hurry up and start a family! Don't harm the female stars in the circle all day long." Mu Chen said.

Marin smiled awkwardly and said, "I would like to, I didn't force anyone."

"If it wasn't for that, I would have beaten you long ago." Mu Chen said angrily.

"That guy Zhao Jin is talking about friends." Marin said with a smile.

"Who? Why haven't I heard of it?" Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, then said.

After Zhao Jin was hurt by his ex-girlfriend Gong Ru, she had been single for several years. Now that she has a girlfriend, she has come out of the shadow.

As a friend, Mu Chen was naturally happy for him.

"Why haven't you heard? Don't you think about how long it's been since you got together?" Marin said.

"A single dog like you won't understand a man like us who is married and a father." Mu Chen said lightly.

Marin felt a pain in his chest, as if he had been stabbed by Mu Chen.

"People from the company have worked with you before," Marin said.

"In the circle? Actresses? The company has worked with many actresses with me." Mu Chen said with a curled lip, "It can't be Jiang Qin, right?"

Marin nodded.

Jiang Qin can be regarded as an old man of Chenxi Film and Television.Now, it's time to talk about marriage.

However, it seems that since she signed with Chenxi Film and Television, there has never been any romance rumors.

The artists of Chenxi Film and Television have never had any restrictions in this regard.

"Jiang Qin is good." Mu Chen nodded.

He still has a good impression of Jiang Qin, this person is considered a clear stream in the circle.

If it weren't for Chenxi Film and Television, I'm afraid there is a great possibility of disappearing from everyone.

"That Zhao Jin guy she was chasing." Marin said with a smile.

Mu Chen opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, finally shook his head, and said with a smile, "No wonder I haven't seen the two of them in the company for a while."

"Going to travel abroad." Marin said, "But I guess I'm coming back."

"It's just right to be back." Mu Chen nodded and said, "Director Zhang and I are about to collaborate on a film, and I recommend him."

"Sci-fi?" Marin said.

"Strictly speaking, it's a drama." Mu Chen said.

Many places in "The Truman Show" are "comedy, sci-fi" genres, but Mu Chen prefers dramas.

"Isn't it a sci-fi disaster movie?" Marin froze for a moment.

"He recommended it to Director Xu." Mu Chen said, "It is estimated that he will come to the door in the next two days."

These two days?
Mu Chen obviously miscalculated Xu Wen's interest in this film.

Not long after Ma Lin left, Xu Wen came, and it seemed that he couldn't wait.

"I'll take the script back and study it first, and then I'll talk to you. You don't know, I wanted to make a disaster movie many years ago." Xu Wen said with a smile, "As for how to cooperate, I'd better talk to Lao Chen ?”

Mu Chen nodded.

Not long after Xu Wen left, Zhang Gang came and didn't talk much with Mu Chen. He took the script and went back to study slowly.

As for how the two parties will cooperate and how the benefits will be distributed, Mu Chen doesn't care about this matter.

We have cooperated before and have a good understanding.

Talk about movies with Mu Chen and cooperation with Chen Fuhai.

(End of this chapter)

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