my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 309 Scalpers Are Everywhere

Chapter 309 Scalpers Are Everywhere
"Avatar" was released worldwide, and countless movie fans chose to watch it as soon as possible.

If the publicity is in place, fans with better conditions will first choose the IMAX-3D version, but there are more wolves and less meat, and the show is almost full.

As soon as the 2D and 3D versions were released, the attendance rate was still extremely high.

In China, this Mu Chen movie took the longest time, invested the most, and even claimed to surpass Hollywood blockbusters, so it is naturally expected by movie fans.

The film schedule on the first day of release was as high as 50.00%.

This also broke the film's highest ranking record.

The ferocity of Mu Chen's film has long been spread in the circle, and none of the films released at the same time is decent.

Almost all cannon fodder.

No film and television company is willing to compete with "Avatar" with a film it has invested heavily in.

Mu Chen's previous films were released, but that time it wasn't crushing the films that were released at the same time.

No one can live with money.

What's more, it was released at the same time as "Avatar", not a sniper, but courting death.

No amount of competitive film, no matter how much cannon fodder, it will not affect the schedule of "Avatar".

Such a film arrangement, and the ticket price is much higher than that of ordinary films.

The domestic first-day box office was the first to be counted, directly breaking the single-day box office record.

More than 3000 million!

The single-day box office broke [-] million, directly blinding the eyes of countless people.

Many people are still troubled by breaking the [-] million box office, but Mu Chen broke the [-] million in a single day.

Of course, thinking about the investment cost of Mu Chen's film, he immediately felt relieved.

However, as soon as the North American box office came out, people were dumbfounded.

People from other film and television companies are all envious and jealous.

Ninety-three million!

It's dollars!

This is converted into Chinese currency, that is nearly [-] million.

The North American single-day box office broke 9000 million, which is definitely a shocking thing.

Among the many Chinese-language movies, apart from those written by Mu Chen, I am afraid that none of them has a total box office of 9000 million.

There is no doubt that "Avatar" won the single-day box office champion in North America on its first day of release.

No, to be precise, this film won the world's single-day box office champion.

In Europe, Southeast Asia and other regions, the box office is also amazing, and almost all of them have reached the single-day box office champion.

It was brutal.

"Avatar" staged an unprecedented movie-watching storm in the history of movies all over the world!
Almost all the film release records of countries around the world have been smashed by "Avatar" one by one, and the historical records are constantly being refreshed one by one! !

Except for remote areas, all movie theaters in all other areas are hard to find a single ticket, and once the pre-sale is released, they are all sold out in the blink of an eye!
And imax tickets are even more difficult to find!
After some movie fans shouted, 'If you don't watch IMAX-3D, you haven't seen "Avatar"', there are countless local tyrants spending money to get an imax ticket!
Then, the scalper appeared.

As soon as the news came out, countless people were dumbfounded.

Scalpers are not uncommon in China, especially during the Spring Festival travel season, when they are active, other concerts, competitions, etc. are full of scalpers.

Who would have thought that there would be scalpers of movie tickets.

Many people have to sigh that scalpers are everywhere.

I have to marvel that "Avatar" is so popular.

It is several times higher than the box office, but there are still people willing to pay.

Movie fans are crazy, but scalpers are happy.

Chenxi Film and Television and the major theaters are also happy.

The film is expected to top the global box office chart.

Just when the film market was dominated by "Avatar", in the past two days, most of the entertainment media in North America, Europe, and China were dominated by "Avatar" related film reviews.

Readers are very enthusiastic about this, and they can't get tired of these film reviews.Once some newspapers did not have "Avatar", sales immediately fell sharply.

"Avatar" seems to have become a global hot topic.

And the reputation of this film is also extremely amazing.

One of the most hotly discussed is undoubtedly the scenery on the planet Pandora.

The realistic and fascinating scenery, colorful and exotic animals and plants are simply beautiful.The huge trees with dozens of stories high, the dotted mountains, the waterfalls, and the insects and trees that glow at night are all amazing.

The most popular one is naturally IMAX-3D.

There is no doubt that this film has changed the movie-going habits of moviegoers.

3D has become a hot topic among the people.

Watching IMAX-3D seems to have become a kind of market for movie fans.

If you haven't seen it, it just means you can't keep up with the times.

Of course, the details of the film have also been praised by many film critics.

For example, the equipment used by humans is so advanced that it is exciting.There are also Na'vi people and the way of driving heavy armored horses and pterosaurs are also very creative.

Of course, it is impossible for any film to be praised by everyone.

There are naturally many voices who oppose and criticize this film.

There is no resonance, no emotion, except the picture is still the picture, and the plot is rotten.

However, this kind of comment was quickly overwhelmed by the saliva of other favorable media.

And sparked controversy.

"Avatar" not only talks about audio-visual effects, but also environmental protection, as well as love between men and women, courage and responsibility, freedom and justice, war and peace, development and colonization, barbarism and civilization, etc.

Who said this movie has no plot?Who says this movie is pale?
Of course, the most popular among these people is environmental protection.

The protagonist in the movie said such a sentence to the god Pandora: "Look at our world, there are no green plants there, they killed their parents who raised them, and we humans are doing such a stupid thing now. The forest is gradually shrinking day by day. The exhaust gas is gradually filling the whole sky, the ozone hole is getting bigger and bigger, and the desertification is gradually accelerating.”

This movie is not without content, not a popcorn movie.

This is a thought provoking movie.

"I love your movie."

Steve Lucas expressed his love for the film when he saw Mu Chen's first words.

""Avatar" truly portrays the kindness and sadness of the heroine, a blue-eyed alien, to the fullest. When facing the confusion and fear of human aircraft cannons, when witnessing the death of a lover. That painful and twisted picture The face deeply hurt my heart." Lucas continued, "And what touched me the most was the angry cavalry of Pandora's natives braving the hail of bullets and bravely lining up to the human mechanical army. , The cannon ruthlessly covered it, this tragic scene had a great impact on my soul."

"Thank you!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

He didn't believe that this guy came to Huaxia just to boast that he wasn't a movie.

As for the purpose of coming, Mu Chen naturally guessed a little bit.

Steve Lucas did not directly explain the purpose of coming, but talked about the movie with Mu Chen.

Mu Chen was naturally very happy about this.

It is also his wish to communicate with such a big director in Hollywood.

Mu Chen never thinks how awesome he is, and he never gives up studying.

He likes to talk about movies with big domestic directors such as Zhang Gang, Chen Mouzhi and Xu Wen, and he also likes to talk about movies with big Hollywood directors.

It is a fact that cannot be ignored that Hollywood movies are in many places at the top of the world.

An "Avatar" can't change this fact.

It can only be said that after "Avatar", the living space of Chinese-language films in the international film market has become larger.

When talking about movies, 3D movies, as well as IMAX technology and motion capture technology have to be mentioned.

It's not just Mu Chen and Steve Lucas talking about movies. I'm afraid most filmmakers will talk about these things when they get together.

This has become a common topic among filmmakers around the world.

Even people outside the circle will talk about it.

Of course, when a layman talks about it, it's more about marveling than involving himself.

"Cooperation?" Mu Chen looked at Steve Lucas with a smile and said, "It's absolutely fine."

"Oh!" Steve Lucas didn't expect Mu Chen to be so straightforward, and he was stunned for a moment.

However, for some reason, he felt that Mu Chen looked at him like Grandma Wolf looked at the little lamb.

A big Hollywood director came to cooperate with him?
Why did Mu Chen refuse.

Not to mention technical support, Mu Chen also prepared financial support.

Of course, whether cooperation can be negotiated depends on how to cooperate.

As for how to cooperate, that is the matter of Chen Fuhai and Harvey Wayne.

"Avatar" swept the world, Li Lihong, Zhou Fangling and others became popular, even Qin Yu who didn't show his true face.

Of course, the popularity is limited to domestic.

Foreign countries pay a lot of attention to this film, but they don't pay much attention to the actors.

However, this is undoubtedly a surprise for many actors of "Avatar".

They never thought that they would go international with such a movie.

"According to the current box office trend of "Avatar", there is no suspense for this film to top the global box office list. Many media estimate that the global box office of this film may exceed 30 billion U.S. dollars." Chen Fuhai said to Mu Chen a little excitedly. Said.

This film is not Mu Chen's film with the highest rate of return, but it is definitely the one that makes the most money.

This is not counting the export profit of technical equipment.

"When are you going to Los Angeles?" Mu Chen nodded and asked.

For him, "Avatar" has become a thing of the past, and he naturally doesn't pay that much attention.

He is going to get up and go to the United States to prepare his first superhero movie "Iron Man"!
This will be a pure "Hollywood" movie.

It is also the first Hollywood film directed by Mu Chen.

"The Love of Ghosts" is at best a joint venture film.

"There are so many things going on in the company, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave for a while?" Chen Fuhai shook his head and said, "You can only take someone there first. If it doesn't work, I'll stay in China."

"Alright." Mu Chen nodded.

Chenxi Film and Television is indeed inseparable from Chen Fuhai.

"Journey to the West" has started filming, "Resident Evil" post-production has also been completed, "The Truman Show" has also started shooting, "The Day After Tomorrow" and "Shaolin Soccer" will also start shooting soon.
Although Chen Fuhai didn't do it himself, he wanted to control the overall situation.

(End of this chapter)

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