my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 320 Chinese Movies Are Far From the Real Rise

Chapter 320 Chinese Movies Are Far From the Real Rise

The announcement of the Oscar nominations shocked the global film industry.

The nomination of Chinese-language films this time is too amazing.

Or the nomination of the Chinese director Mu Chen was too amazing.

In fact, "The Love of Ghosts" is actually not a Chinese film in a sense.

Even the company that sent this film to participate in the Oscar selection is not Huaxia's film and television company, but the Hollywood film and television company Dream Films.

It's just that this movie was written, directed and acted by Mu Chen himself, so Huaxia movie fans subconsciously think that this is also a Chinese movie.

However, apart from the movie "Ghost Love", two Chinese-language films were shortlisted for multiple awards, which is still extremely amazing.

Moreover, both films were nominated for Best Foreign Language Film.

This means that Chinese films have a half chance of winning the Best Foreign Language Film Award this year.

This year's Oscars is definitely the most dazzling one for Chinese-language films.

Mu Chen was undoubtedly the most invited filmmaker.

Aside from the collective award for best film, he personally won one nomination for best director, two nominations for best screenplay, and two nominations for best soundtrack.

If one person has won five Oscar nominations, just ask yourself if you are awesome?

This probably broke the record for the most nominations for individual awards in the same Oscar without any suspense.

The Oscar shortlist was announced, and countless domestic media reported it one after another, and some media even directly reported it with the headline "The Rise of Chinese Films".

Of course, it is not only the Chinese media that reported, but many media in the world have also reported.

Especially the American media.

Among them, there is no lack of analysis and reports around the "China Film Threat Theory".

The "Chinese Film Threat Theory" appeared as early as when "Avatar" swept the world.

However, the most relevant reports in the North American media still revolved around Mu Chen.

His nominations are amazing, and those three movies are all about him.

Two were directed by him and one was written by him.

This situation has never happened at the Oscars.

Perhaps, no film festival has ever appeared.

North American movie fans even directly gave Mu Chen the title of "the best filmmaker in history".

Mu Chenniu?

There is no doubt about that.

However, whether he is the best filmmaker in history is open to question.

"Director Mu, North American movie fans call you the best filmmaker in history. How do you feel about that?"

The Oscar shortlist was announced, and Mu Chen instantly became the focus of the major media.

In the end, Mu Chen still failed to avoid those "supernatural powers" reporters.

"The best filmmaker? Shame on you!" Mu Chen waved his hand and said, "If you praise me as the most handsome filmmaker in history, then I will be very happy."

Most handsome filmmaker ever?

Where did you get your confidence from?

Mu Chen's appearance is not low, but what the entertainment industry lacks most is a good-looking handsome guy, let alone "the most handsome in history", Mu Chen probably can't afford the title of "the most handsome filmmaker" now.

At least, there are too many people who refute.

Which male star's fans don't think their idol is handsome?

Perhaps, the most handsome director still has a little chance.

Of course, those reporters knew that Mu Chen's words were mostly a joke.

"This year's Oscars, Chinese-language films have been shortlisted for multiple awards. Among them, you and director Zhang Gang were even nominated for best director at the same time. Therefore, some people say that Chinese-language films are on the rise. What do you think of this?"

The reporter asked.

"The rise of Chinese-language movies?" Mu Chen shook his head and said, "To be precise, Chinese-language movies are on the way to rise, but there is still a long way to go."

Nominated for several Oscars, the rise of Chinese-language films?

Mu Chen obviously didn't think so.

In his view, Chinese-language films are still far from rising.

"Then Director Mu, when do you think Chinese-language movies will really rise?"

Another reporter hurriedly asked.

"Wait until countless foreign films compete for the Golden Dragon Award for Best Foreign Language Film." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Is there a Golden Dragon Award for Best Foreign Language Film?

At least not now.

However, the reporters understood the meaning of Mu Chenhua's words.

Because of several Oscar nominations, Chinese-language films have risen, but at this moment, it seems like a joke.

All these have risen, so what is the Hollywood movie that dominates the Oscars all the year round?

At this time, many people felt ironic.

Everyone was complacent about getting a few nominations, but they never thought about why Chinese films should participate in their film festivals?
And Hollywood movies, or how many foreign movies came to participate in the China Golden Dragon Awards?

The Golden Dragon Award is the highest honor for Chinese filmmakers.

But the influence of the Golden Dragon Award is limited to domestic.

It doesn't have much influence in Asia, and it doesn't have much influence globally.

how so?

I'm afraid it has a lot to do with the lack of influence of Chinese-language movies in the past.

Why is the Oscar the most watched film award in the world?

It is nothing more than because Hollywood movies sweep the world.

What does it mean when a Hollywood film competes for the Golden Dragon Award for Best Foreign Language Film?
Does it mean that the Golden Dragon Award has become the most influential film award in the world?
Then, there is no need to say much about the influence of Chinese-language movies in the world.

At that time, Chinese-language films were on the rise!

At least, from Mu Chen's point of view.

"Director Mu, do you mean to say that Chinese films will truly rise when they overtake Hollywood films and become the most influential films in the world?"

A reporter said with some excitement.

Is this possible?

No one dared to imagine.

But many years ago, no one would believe that Chinese-language films would shine at the Oscars!

What about now?
Maybe with Mu Chen, then everything is possible.

He is a person who creates miracles, who can be sure that he will not lead the rise of Chinese films?
"I hope one day."

Mu Chen smiled, and seemed to be a bit out of line with the answer.

He hopes that the influence of Chinese films will surpass that of Hollywood films.

However, he will never take this burden on his shoulders.

"Director Mu, do you have any plans for a new film?" A reporter asked.

"My new movie?" Mu Chen said with a smile, "My new movie is still in post-production!"

After the post-production of "Iron Man" was completed, Mu Chen really didn't have any plans.

He originally planned to shoot "Tomb Raider", but there was a conflict with Li Ruoxi's schedule.

Huarui Films and a top Hollywood company have co-produced a blockbuster movie, in which Li Ruoxi plays the heroine.

Nowadays, there are more and more domestic and Hollywood film and television companies making joint ventures.

Hollywood looks at the domestic market.

However, domestic film and television companies want to use this to enter the international market.

Once Mu Chen's interview was reported, it was like pouring cold water on countless people.

Talking about the rise of Chinese-language films at this time is just a joke.

Mu Chen's words were recognized by many filmmakers.

Chinese-language films still have a long way to go before their real rise.

Chinese-language films try their best to win Oscars.But have you ever seen Hollywood movies participating in the Golden Dragon Awards?

Hollywood movies coming to the Golden Dragon Awards?
Is this possible?

Who knows!

The Golden Dragon Awards Ceremony arrived as scheduled.

"Why do you feel that you are not interested!" Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen and asked with some doubts.

"It's just that we filmmakers seem to care about two things the most." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Which two things?" Li Ruoxi asked.

"Box office and trophies!" Mu Chen said.

"Maybe it represents money and honor." Li Ruoxi said with a smile, "Who in this world can escape fame and fortune."

"That's right!" Mu Chen nodded, and then stopped continuing the topic.

He just felt it suddenly.

Is there nothing else for a movie besides box office and trophies?
"Let's go, it's our turn." Li Ruoxi said.

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi are definitely the most dazzling stars on the red carpet today.

Even if the outfits of the two are not so eye-catching.

The two stepped onto the red carpet and immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding media reporters.At the same time, I also remembered the sound of shouting.

This shows how popular the two are.

"Director Mu, you have a close relationship with director Zhang Gang, and this year you competed with him for the best director. What thanks do you have?"

The outfield host smiled and asked about Mu Chen.

"There's a lot of pressure!" Mu Chen said, "I don't understand why Director Zhang didn't put "The Truman Show" in next year's Golden Dragon Awards."

"Oh?" The host was stunned for a moment and said, "Just now Director Zhang said that facing you is very stressful."

"When you say that, I seem to be a lot more relaxed. He is a senior, and I am just a junior. It seems that there is nothing shameful for a junior to lose to a senior. But if the senior loses to a junior, it will not look good on the face. Well, yes He should be the one under pressure." Mu Chen said with a smile, "Perhaps, we both returned empty-handed. The other two shortlisted directors are also very powerful."

In the eyes of many people, the remarks of senior Mu Chen and junior are just polite.

Nowadays, who among the Chinese filmmakers would treat Mu Chen as a junior?
Mu Chen may be young, but his qualifications are not inferior to top directors such as Zhang Gang, or even much better.

Zhang Gang felt a lot of pressure, not because of any seniors or juniors, but because Mu Chen was too powerful, and he lacked confidence in front of Mu Chen.

"Miss Li Ruoxi, do you feel the pressure to nominate the Best Actress?"

With Li Ruoxi at the side, naturally she would not be left out in the cold.

She is very popular now, and she was also shortlisted for the best actress, even if she is standing next to Mu Chen, she is still attracting attention.

Of course, her topic was worse than Mu Chen's.

"Of course there is pressure. The other three actresses shortlisted are all so powerful." Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

Can be shortlisted for the best actress, who is not good?

When Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi entered the venue, Wubi walked over with a smile and began to talk non-stop.

As expected of a talk show actor.

She was indescribably excited at this moment.

It was my first time walking a red carpet and it was amazing.

And this is just the beginning.

It won't be long before she walks on the Oscars red carpet.

(End of this chapter)

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