my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 322 Something Happened to Mu Ze

Chapter 322 Something Happened to Mu Ze
Upon hearing this, Ubi stood up excitedly, his excitement was hard to hide.

She is famous in Hollywood now, but she was just an unknown stand-up actress before.

This is her first acting award.

Even if this award does not promote her acting career in Hollywood.

But the moment she learned that she had won the award, her emotions were instantly uncontrollable.

This is the most authoritative award for Chinese-language films.

Whoopi stepped onto the podium, whether it was the guests at the scene or the audience in front of the TV, they were still a little stunned to see this black aunt.

Whether she is the first foreigner to win the Golden Dragon Award, probably not many people know.

But many people are sure that this is definitely the first black man to win the Golden Dragon Award.

Perhaps, it is the first American to win the award.

"As a black actor, I feel very honored and grateful to win the Golden Dragon Award for Best Supporting Actress in Huaxia. I love Huaxia, which is a beautiful country. Finally, I would like to thank Director Mu Chen. If it wasn't for him, I might Telling corny jokes in a theater somewhere in New York."

Wubi may have extremely rich stage experience, so after she took the stage, she controlled her emotions instantly.

Perhaps, he was still a little excited, but he didn't lose his composure, appearing graceful.

"Are you nervous?"

Best Supporting Actress is followed by Best Actor.

"You should ask Zhao Jin." Mu Chen said with a smile.

He really didn't expect much from the Best Actor Award.

Perhaps, Mu Chen never considered himself an actor.

The reason why he starred in this film is because there are many intimate scenes between the hero and heroine in the film.

It is not appropriate to find a substitute for those scenes.

Without finding a substitute, he also doesn't want to see Li Ruoxi get too close to other actors.

Mu Chen has no machismo, but it is also difficult for Li Ruoxi to accept too intimate scenes such as kissing scenes with other actors.

Zhao Jin is really nervous at this time, if he can become the emperor in one fell swoop, it will be of great benefit to his acting career after the scriptures.

What's more, which Chinese actor doesn't want to win the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actor?

Jiang Qin next to Zhao Jin seemed to feel Zhao Jin's nervousness, patted his hand, and then smiled at him.

The smile on Zhao Jin's face became a little calmer.

"The winner of the best actor is: "Murder" Huang Yao! Congratulations to Huang Yao"

"Clap clap clap!"

The applause sounded, and both Mu Chen and Zhao Jin were smiling.

However, Mu Chen's smile was very indifferent, while Zhao Jin's smile seemed a bit far-fetched.

"Huang Yao? This person seems to be a signed artist of Chenxi Film and Television, right?" Li Ruoxi looked at Huang Yao who was on stage, and said in surprise.

"I guess so!" Mu Chen said, "I remember he also played the big brother in "Shaolin Soccer". Well, I told Marin at the time that he was very good at acting."

Huang Yao also starred in Marin's "Crazy Stone"!
"You!" Li Ruoxi shook her head and smiled, how could she fail to hear the uncertainty in Mu Chenhua's words.

An actor who won the Golden Dragon Award for best actor, Mu Chen was not sure if he was an artist of his company.

He really failed as the boss.

"What about you? Are you getting nervous?"

Mu Chen smiled and said to Li Ruoxi.

At this time, Huang Yao walked off the stage after delivering his acceptance speech.

The next step is to present the best actress award.

Li Ruoxi smiled, but did not speak.

Mu Chen had a perfect understanding with her, so how could he not understand what Li Ruoxi meant.

She is not optimistic about herself.

Is there a chance?

Of course there are.Li Ruoxi's performance in "The Love Between Humans and Ghosts" is definitely a queen-level performance, but it's a pity that she met a strong opponent.

Zhang Na won the title in Cannes last year with a literary film.

Sure enough, as Li Ruoxi guessed, Zhang Na once again won the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actress with that film.

"Clap clap clap!"

Li Ruoxi smiled and clapped, the smile on her face was not far-fetched.

Maybe it's because she has a good relationship with Zhang Na, and she is happy for Zhang Na to be crowned empress again.

Perhaps, without expectations, there is no disappointment.

After Best Actress, the Golden Dragon Awards ceremony is drawing to a close.

"Best director, who do you think is most likely to win?" Li Ruoxi asked Mu Chen in a low voice.

"It's not me, it's Director Zhang." Mu Chen said directly.

If a reporter asked him, he would naturally not say so.

Li Ruoxi asked, he naturally said what he saw.

In the end, as Mu Chen guessed, Zhang Gang won the best director award.

Mu Chen shook his head and smiled.

He wasn't too disappointed.Even if both of his films were shortlisted.

As for whether the media will say that Mu Chen's two films can't match Zhang Gang's one film, and finally come to the conclusion that "Jiang is still old and spicy", then Mu Chen doesn't know.

Yes, he doesn't care.

However, it is estimated that there is no.After all, "The Truman Show" was written by Mu Chen, and he was even hired as a producer.

"I don't know why, this is not the first time I have won the Golden Dragon Award for Best Director, but I have an indescribable sense of accomplishment." Zhang Gang said with a smile, "The young people nowadays are so cruel that they don't even give Us old guys survive. Big thanks to the jury for giving me this award."

As soon as Zhang Gang said this, everyone in the audience laughed.

Everyone could tell that Zhang Gang was teasing Mu Chen again.

"The Truman Show. Well, when it comes to this film, my sense of accomplishment just now disappeared instantly." Zhang Gang shook his head and said, "After all, this is written by that young man. Before filming this film, I have also discussed with him countless times. I know very well that if he directs, it may not be better."

"Calling him a young man is purely relying on the old to sell the old. If I don't call him twice, I'm afraid I'm not qualified to call him that." Zhang Gang said with a smile, "I don't want to admit it, but I have to admit that the future of Chinese-language movies is in the youth. I hope that those of us old guys can see the day when Chinese-language films really rise."

Zhang Gang won the best director, so the chance of "The Truman Show" winning the best picture is much smaller.

"Best Picture Winner: Avatar!"

Mu Chen stood up with a smile, not much surprised by this.

"Avatar", a film that has swept the world and even prompted global film reforms, if none of these can win the best picture, then which one is eligible?

Besides, this movie is not a popcorn movie without connotation.

Mu Chen even felt that the big reason why he didn't win the best director was the "tradition" of the Golden Dragon Award.

What tradition?
Given the choice, Best Director and Best Picture will not go to the same film.

If it really appeared, it can only be said that there is no evenly matched opponent.

The original version of this film won the Oscar for Best Picture and Best Director.

Standing on the giant's shoulders, Mu Chen didn't think he was shorter than the giant.

"Work hard for the rise of Chinese films!"

Mu Chen's award-winning feeling is just such a sentence, without any Chinese words of thanks, but it makes many people's blood boil.

At the end of the award ceremony, Chenxi Film and Television has undoubtedly become the biggest winner.

"Director Mu, you missed out on Best Actor and Best Director. Which award makes you regret more?"

Mu Chen is definitely the most watched filmmaker in this year's Golden Dragon Awards.

After the awards ceremony, they were naturally surrounded by media reporters.

"Of course it's the best director, after all I'm a director." Mu Chen said.

"Then have you ever thought about coming again next year?"

Another reporter said quickly.

Mu Chen is undoubtedly a frequent visitor to the Golden Dragon Awards, and there are nominations almost every year, it's just how many nominations.

Moreover, if he does make a movie for the award, he may very well get his wish.

He has that strength.

"I haven't thought about it." Mu Chen shook his head and said, "Most of my next films will be purely commercial films."

A purely commercial film is not the kind that combines business and art.

This kind of film is unlikely to win awards, and the nominations are mostly technical awards.

For Mu Chen's next plan, the chances of winning the prize are indeed slim.

Maybe, just take the best screenplay or something.

Mu Chen would not change his plan just to win the prize.

He didn't win Best Director, Best Actor, but Mu Chen didn't come home empty-handed. He won Best Screenplay, Best Movie Song and Best Soundtrack.

This can be regarded as a rewarding experience.

He is also the filmmaker with the most awards this year.

The Golden Dragon Awards Ceremony is over, but the impact has just begun.

Among them, the fact that Whoopi Goldberg won the Best Supporting Actress award was reported by many foreign media.

However, there was no reaction.

The influence of the Golden Dragon Award is also limited to domestic.

After attending the awards ceremony, Mu Chen continued to follow up the post-production of "Iron Man" and discussed the script with the screenwriting team.

But Zhang Gang took "The Truman Show" to Cannes.

Mu Chen had never been to this well-known film festival in France.

Not long after, the good news came back.

Although "The Truman Show" did not win the Palme d'Or, it won the jury prize.

Zhao Jin failed to win Cannes Best Actor, so he hit soy sauce again.

However, it can be regarded as showing his face internationally.His acting skills have also been recognized by insiders.

"In "Kung Fu", I still plan to let Miao Xun play the leading role." Ma Lin said, "This film is in line with "Shaolin Soccer" in many aspects. What's more, although the kung fu in this film has special effects to deify, but If the protagonist doesn’t even have any kung fu skills, it’s inevitable that he’s going to be a little bit tasteless.”

"En!" Mu Chen nodded.

Mu Chen naturally agrees with Marin's consideration.

The original actor is famous for his comedies, but he also has a kung fu background.

"That guy Zhao Jin is going to announce his relationship?" Marin asked.

Now that we're done talking about the movie, let's chat about private matters by the way.

"Why, you want to announce your relationship too?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

Ma Lin shook his head, he didn't care, but announcing his relationship at this time would definitely be harmful to Qin Yu.

"Boss, Brother Ze was shot while filming in the United States."

Mu Chen was about to say something, but Cheng Ting pushed the door in and said directly.

"Filming, got shot?" Mu Chen stood up instantly, looked at Cheng Ting, and said, "How is my brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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