my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 328 The Chinese figure on Oscar

Chapter 328 The Chinese figure on Oscar

James Folkdo is definitely well-known in Hollywood.

He is a person who can throw a lot of money for an actress.

However, compared to Mu Chen, he is obviously weak when it comes to spending money.

Of course, James likes to spend money on female celebrities, but this time, Mu Chen threw James into prison for his brother.

Who would dare to provoke this kind of person who offered tens of millions of rewards at every turn!
Can't be bothered, can't be bothered.

Mu Chen is a world-renowned director, and there are definitely not a few Hollywood actors who want to get close to him.

If he can act in his film, the chances of his net worth will increase are very high.

Mu Chen has now started filming Hollywood movies.

In the past, as soon as Mu Chen entered the venue, people would definitely surround him.

This time, many people cast their gazes, but no one took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

"Do you count as attracting attention?" Li Ruoxi joked with a smile.

When Mu Chen entered the venue before, he would definitely attract the attention of many people, but definitely not as many as this time.

Li Ruoxi also believes that the reason for this is probably not only because Mu Chen's two films were nominated for Oscars, but also because Mu Ze was shot.

In the whole incident, Mu Chen's appearance rate was much higher than that of Mu Ze, the client, and Su Xiaowan, the victim's wife.

Mu Chen spent money and threw James into prison, which definitely left a deep impression on these Hollywood stars.

"Treat money like dung" is second, the most important thing is the ruthlessness he showed in this matter.

Don't mess with this person, and don't mess with his related people.

Didn't the grievances between him and James arise because James hit his girlfriend's idea?

Hearing Li Ruoxi's words, Mu Chen shook his head and smiled, but did not speak.

The way those people looked at him was a little different from before, and Mu Chen could naturally feel it.

However, he didn't mind.

Throwing James into prison with money undoubtedly shocked many people.

This also saved Mu Chen from many troubles.

It's just that while avoiding many troubles, Mu Chen doesn't know if new troubles will be caused.

Putting other people's sons in prison, Mu Chen can't guarantee whether the old Folk will cause trouble for him.

However, Mu Chen didn't regret it.

"Director Zhang and the others have come in." Mu Chen looked towards the door and said.

This year's Oscar is definitely the one with the most Chinese filmmakers in history.

Aside from "Ghost Love", two Chinese-language films were nominated, and there were not many, and both were shortlisted for Best Foreign Language Film.

In other words, there is a 50.00% chance that the Best Foreign Language Film at this year's Oscars will be a Chinese language film.

This year's Oscar Awards Ceremony is definitely the most concerned one in China.

Chinese-language films have been competing in the Olympics for many years, and this year is the most dazzling one. It is also the most Chinese filmmakers on the red carpet of the Oscars.

For this reason, the copyright income of this year's awards ceremony is estimated to be much higher than before.

The awards ceremony will begin soon.

Mu Chen and others were not shortlisted for the first few awards.

However, the first award related to them got off to a good start.

"Avatar" won the best visual effects award.

This award should be undisputed.

Visually, this film shocked the world.

The original seems to be getting the award as well.

Mu Chen didn't pay much attention to this award.

It's best if you can take it.

However, Mu Chen didn't win the best soundtrack that was presented immediately after.

Four films were nominated for best soundtrack, including "Ghostly Love" and "Avatar."

The soundtracks of the two films were both composed by "Mu Chen". 50.00% chance, but Mu Chen didn't win it.

This inevitably made many people feel a little regretful, especially Mu Chen's fans.

"I'm going backstage to get ready." Li Ruoxi whispered to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen nodded.

Li Ruoxi was not only invited to the awards ceremony, but also to perform on stage.

The song sung is the theme song of the movie "The Love of Ghosts".

The song "Unrestrained Melody" is very popular in Europe and America.

Of course, the theme song "I See You" of "Avatar" was also sung by Li Ruoxi.

This song is also extremely popular in Europe and the United States.

The original "Avatar" was even nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Song for the song.

Unfortunately, Mu Chen was not shortlisted for this award with this song.

Li Ruoxi also became the second Chinese star to perform on the Oscar stage after Mu Chen.

"Oh my love my darling"

Li Ruoxi has put her focus on movies in recent years, but her singing skills have remained the same as before, without any regression.

Standing on the stage of the Oscars, she is able to do a job with ease, and the typhoon is excellent.

There are many songs about this song, but apart from domestic fans, I am afraid that few people abroad know that this song is sung by Li Ruoxi, a Chinese actress.

Li Ruoxi is also well-known in the world, but if she is not a true fan, she may only know that she is a movie actress, but not that she is actually a singer of Huaxia's junior class.

Once Li Ruoxi sang at the Oscars, her international reputation must have increased.

Popularity will naturally increase a lot.

Interspersed with performances during the award presentation, this is the usual process of many film festivals.

"How does it feel?"

Mu Chen smiled and asked about Li Ruoxi who had returned to his seat.

"It's okay." Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

If she was invited to perform on the Oscar stage a few years ago, she might still be excited, but now she is much less optimistic.

Of course, she still attaches great importance to this performance.

The award presentation continued, and most of the nominees from Mu Chen and others were ranked behind.

Soon, the Best Screenplay Award will be presented.

"50.00% chance, it won't be missed again!" Li Ruoxi said.

Before, Mu Chen missed the best soundtrack, but now Mu Chen is shortlisted for the best screenplay with "The Truman Show" and "Ghostly Love", still has a 50.00% chance of winning.

The picture of Mu Chen's scene appeared on the big screen again.

And one person occupies half of the area.

This scene should rarely happen, but Mu Chen did it twice at this year's Oscars.

He had a calm face with a smile on his face. Compared with the other two screenwriters, he was much calmer.

"The best screenwriter award is: "The Truman Show" Mu Chen! Congratulations to Mu Chen, the director who came to Huaxia. He is not only a good director, but also an excellent screenwriter. Well, he is also an excellent music people."

"Clap clap clap!"

The applause sounded, and Mu Chen walked towards the podium with a smile.

"A good movie needs a good script." Mu Chen said, "I have advocated more than once on the podium of the China Golden Dragon Awards to pay attention to screenwriters. Today, on the podium of the Oscar... I won't say anything. Hollywood pays far more attention to screenwriters than China. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why Hollywood films spread across the world. I am honored to receive this award. Thanks to the jury and Zhang Gang, the director of "The Truman Show."

"This movie has not yet been released, but it has won many awards at major film festivals around the world." Mu Chen continued, "Actually, I am more looking forward to the performance of this movie at the box office. As for why, it is actually very simple. Who let me invest in this movie?"

The English spoken by Mu Chen was basically understood by everyone in the audience.

Many people laughed at it.

Mu Chen is well-known in Hollywood. Many people know that besides being a powerful director, he is also the boss of a top film and television company in China.

"I will continue to work hard to bring you more and better movies."

After Mu Chen finished speaking, he immediately got off the podium.

"Avatar" won an award, although it was only a best visual effects award.

"The Truman Show" has also won an award now, and it will not return empty-handed.

"The Love of Ghosts", which is known as the highest-grossing romance film in the world, has yet to win a prize.

Four nominations, Best Score and Best Screenplay have all been missed.

In fact, Mu Chen is more optimistic about this film winning the best screenplay.

In the last time and space, although both films were shortlisted for best screenplay, "The Truman Show" failed to win the award, while "The Love of Ghosts" did.

Of course, the two films were not nominated for the same Oscar.

Maybe it's the judges' preference, maybe it's
Why, who knows!

In fact, there will not be much difference between the good and bad of the shortlisted films.

However, soon "The Love Between Humans and Ghosts" will no longer be soy sauce.

Whoopi Goldberg won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for the film.

"Oh, it's unbelievable, am I dreaming?" Whoopi said excitedly on the podium, ""Ghost Love" is the first film I acted in. I was so lucky to win the best Oscar. Best Supporting Actress! God, I feel like a genius! I feel like I’m going to bloat. Yes, I’m bloated. If there is an Oscar for Best Newcomer, I don’t know if I have a chance. Unfortunately, the Oscars don’t have this award”

"I was lucky to win an award for my first film. I was also unlucky because this award will motivate me."

Wubi is worthy of being a stand-up actor. He talked a lot on stage, but none of the people in the audience felt bored. On the contrary, Wubi made him laugh from time to time.

Of course, Whoopi wouldn't talk foolishly for too long.

After a performance, the Best Supporting Actor award was presented next.

"Does Teacher Chen have a chance?" Li Ruoxi asked in a low voice.

Chen Dao has a good reputation in the circle, and his acting skills are even more acclaimed.

If you were to rank the acting skills of many Chinese actors, Chen Dao would definitely be at the top of the list, not to say the least.

However, Mu Chen was really not sure whether he could win the favor of the Oscar jury.

"If you are shortlisted, you will naturally have a chance." Mu Chen said with a smile.

In Li Ruoxi's view, this is nonsense.

However, she could tell that Mu Chen hoped that Chen Dao would win the award.

The original cast was also nominated, but it seems like it didn't end up winning at the Oscars.

As for Chen Dao
"Clap clap clap!"

The award presenters on the stage hadn't read the names of the winners, but Mu Chen suddenly stood up and started applauding.

Because he heard the word Huaxia.

"The winner of the Best Supporting Actor Award is... Oh, he came to Huaxia! "The Truman Show" Dao Chen, Mr. Chen! Congratulations, Mr. Chen!"

(End of this chapter)

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