my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 34 I'm afraid it's going to catch fire

Chapter 34 I'm afraid it's going to catch fire
The first song "The Moon Represents My Heart" made Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi lose sight of others.

They had already forgotten that they were recording a program, Li Ruoxi rested on Mu Chen's shoulder, the two of them looked at the moonlight, and fell into each other's world.

And when Mu Chen sang a love song to Li Ruoxi under the moon, "A Wonderful Journey with the Other Half" had already started broadcasting.

The content of the first recording was cut into two parts.

The show started, but it was an interview with the guests.

"What's the most romantic thing between you and Li Ruoxi?"

Mu Chen: "Grow old together slowly."

"What is the happiest thing between you and Li Ruoxi?"

Mu Chen: "There is no happiest, only happier!"

"What's the most embarrassing thing between you and Li Ruoxi?"

When Mu Chen's mind flashed that their love was deep and frank, her aunt came.

Can this be said?
Of course not!
Mu Chen: "Think about it, no! Probably not."

"What do you look forward to most when you are with Li Ruoxi?"

Mu Chen: "What do you expect the most? For the rest of my life, I can turn over and kiss her secretly."

People in the program group:
After hearing this, the audience in front of the TV couldn't help but have a picture in their minds.

It was a warm and sweet picture.

"You and Li Ruoxi are both developing in the film and television industry. It must be normal to get together less and leave more. How did you overcome it?"

Mu Chen: "The slender clouds are clever, the flying stars spread hatred, and the silver man is dark. Once the golden wind and the jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless people in the world. The tenderness is like water, and the wedding is like a dream. Endure the magpie bridge and return. If the two loves last forever How can it be in the morning and evening."

Mu Chen opened his mouth and sang the song "Magpie Bridge Immortal·Xianyun Makes Happiness", which made the program crew stunned, and also stunned the audience in front of the TV.

"If the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the same day and night"!
Many people may not fully understand the meaning of this first word, but the last two sentences are easy to understand.

Love must withstand the test of long-term separation. As long as we can sincerely love each other, even if we are separated all year round, it is much more precious than the vulgar love of being together day and night.

What is this poem called?
Why haven't I heard of it!
Many people can't help but search online when they see this, but they can't find it at all.

Can't find it, could it be that Mu Chen wrote it?
As the show continued, other guests also had similar words, but their answers were quite satisfactory, and it was difficult to make people as impressive as Mu Chen's answer.

And Mu Chen's subsequent performance also left a great impression on people, and even favored them.

In the show, Mu Chen has a full sense of variety, and also shows his extremely profound knowledge.

Mu Xueba deserved it.

Anyone who knows Mu Chen knows that he was once the number one student in the college entrance examination, and his academic performance has always been top-notch.

After some questions and answers, other guests became audiences.

"I'm not targeting any of you, I'm saying: Everyone here is a scumbag!"

As soon as Mu Chen's "modest" words came out, the audience was stunned, but then they laughed.

But once Mu Chen's arrogant words came out, it was a joy!
"Who else?"

These words are simply insane!But not disgusting.

And when they saw that Mu Chen didn't intend to live with Li Ruoxi, many viewers felt inexplicable affection.

After all, many in the audience were more traditional.

Moreover, those fans of Li Ruoxi were unwilling to see this scene.

"No culture, it's terrible!"

In the program, Mu Chen can be described as a great broadcast of golden sentences.

Li Chao's phrase "hug and sleep" undoubtedly made his fans ridicule.

"I'll be in charge of digging the ground and weeding, and you'll be in charge of being beautiful."

In the part of plowing the ground and weeding, Mu Chen undoubtedly made people feel better.

His love for Li Ruoxi is not pretentious.

His movements of digging the ground can be seen as a master of "practice makes perfect".

As for him digging the wrong ground, the audience just smiled.

Of course, what impressed the audience the most was not that the guests were tortured unspeakably by being turned over, but Mu Chen's song "Compassion for the Farmers"!
"At noon on the day of hoeing, the sweat drips down to the soil, who knows that every grain of the food on the plate is hard work!"

This poem undoubtedly gave many people a better understanding of "Operation CD".

At this time, the fans of Li Chao and Xie Li suddenly understood why the couple had been advocating the "CD Action" on Weibo these days to save food.

"A Wonderful Journey with Your Other Half"?Maybe the magic is here!

Every particle is hard work, and Li Chao and the others have experienced a lot of hard work.

At the end of the first episode, Mu Chen gave the audience another surprise.

The song "Invincible" left countless people stunned and confused in the wind.

At the end of the show, the audience was left feeling unsatisfied.

And on the Internet, there are constant discussions about this program.

Among them, Mu Chen was undoubtedly the most discussed one.

In the first episode of the program, Mu Chen was undoubtedly the most eye-catching, and his performance was also the most eye-catching.

"Mu Xueba is so talented!"

"One word and one poem are not available on the Internet. I am afraid most of them are written by him."

"The warm man Mu Xueba!"

"Didn't you realize that a lot of dog food was sprinkled on the show?"

"Domineering Mu Xueba!"

"I'm not targeting any of you, I'm saying: Everyone here is a scumbag!"

"Who else?"

"It can be called the king of golden sentences!"

"A director who can't write poetry is not a good boyfriend!"

"Have you been crushed?"

"I just want to know the full version of that song now!"

"How lonely it is to be invincible!"

"Open your mouth is a classic quotation or a classic poem, just ask you, who else?"

"I don't know why, but that song reminds me of his song "Be Er Shuang"!"

"Because of "Invincible", so "Beautiful"!"

""Fist of Fury" is invincible already!"

Mu Chen, the cub raised by a farmer's father, seemed to become popular all of a sudden, and the hit of "Jing Fu Men" didn't seem to bring him such a high popularity.After all, whether it is film or television, the audience is mostly actors, not directors.

If it wasn't for Mu Chen being Li Ruoxi's boyfriend and having a scolding fight with Wu Fan's fans, there might be even fewer people paying attention to him.

This program undoubtedly played a catalytic role.

After Mu Chen's Weibo fan program was broadcast, it rose to millions in an instant, and now it has nearly [-] million fans.

Many of those fans left messages asking for the full version of the song "Invincible".

Mu Chen naturally didn't know.

The next day, the recording of the program ended.

It was already midnight when he and Li Ruoxi returned to Yanjing.What they didn't expect was that there were several reporters standing guard at the airport to block them.

"Director Mu, may I ask if you wrote the two poems you mentioned in "A Wonderful Journey with Your Other Half"?"

A reporter stepped forward and asked.

Qin Haixia, Li Ruoxi's assistant and manager, seemed to want to block it.

"If you can't find the author, then I am the author." Mu Chen gave Qin Haixia and the others a look, and then said, "I just finished recording the show, and I flew back overnight, and I was a little tired, but you squatted here half the night, empty-handed. It’s not good to answer, let’s answer your three questions again. We understand each other.”

"How do you evaluate Wu Fan? What happened to you beating his bodyguard?"

A reporter asked quickly.

"A Wonderful Journey with Your Other Half" ranked first in the ratings at the same time, and the topic was also extremely high, but the ratings and topicality of Nanhu Satellite TV's variety shows have never been low.

In comparison, the most topical thing about Mu Chen is the grievances between him and Wu Fan.

If the two can be provoked to fight again, that will be the real breaking news.

"You all pay attention to outdated news, and you are not afraid of gossip lovers questioning your professionalism!" Mu Chen smiled and said, "Wu Fan, a very popular star, there is nothing to say about things that are well known. .As for me beating his bodyguard, it was a complete misunderstanding. He wanted to compete with me, but I was not good at it, so I didn't keep my hand."

"One more question?" Mu Chen continued to remind.

"Have you two lived together?" A reporter asked quickly.

There are not many people who pay attention to this matter.

"Guess?" Mu Chen glanced at Li Ruoxi and said immediately.

Living together is something that can only be understood but not explained in words.

you guess?

Mu Chen's answer made those reporters almost curse.

Guess your sister!I want to guess, but also ask you why.

They wanted to ask again, but unfortunately, Mu Chen kept his word and didn't answer anymore, but walked away directly with Li Ruoxi.

(End of this chapter)

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