my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 340 Opening the International Tour of Chinese Disaster Movies

Chapter 340 Opening the International Tour of Chinese Disaster Movies

Mu Chen's new movie "Transformers" is still in preparation, so naturally he didn't deliberately promote it.

However, even so, the popularity of this film is still extremely high.

This is not only related to the high attention paid to Mu Chen's film, but also because of the astonishing advertising placement fee of this film.

It is normal to have advertisements embedded in movies, especially blockbuster movies.

It's just that they are generally hidden, and there are no traces of implantation.

Fans don't care about that either.

In Mu Chen's previous films, there are naturally.

However, those implanted traces are too obvious, and even affect the film itself, which inevitably makes movie fans resist.

This time, the reason for this is nothing more than the fact that the implanted advertising fee broke the sky, broke the previous record, and at the same time raised it a lot.

This made people wonder whether Mu Chen's high advertising fee would affect the quality of his new film.

Of course, many fans expressed disbelief.

The quality of Mu Chen's videos has always been guaranteed.What's more, the advertising placement fee is astonishing, but it is nothing to Mu Chen today.

Mu Chen wouldn't ruin his reputation just for that little advertising placement fee.

Controversy continued, which naturally made the popularity of Mu Chen's new film continue to heat up.

On September 28, "The Day After Tomorrow" began to be screened.

Xu Wen invited many filmmakers and film critics to watch the film.

Nowadays, many movies will be screened in advance to promote box office with word of mouth.

Huaxia movie fans became more and more rational when watching movies.

A movie that is really a box office hit is definitely a movie with a good reputation.

The role of personal box office appeal is getting weaker and weaker.

Of course, the role of appealing directors and actors cannot be ignored, at least it can make fans pay more attention, which will have a great effect on the box office on the first day of release.

The box office appeal of the main creative lineup of "The Day After Tomorrow" cannot be ignored.

Director Xu Wen is one of the top directors in China.

Screenwriter Mu Chen, of course, it goes without saying that his box office appeal in China is unmatched.

The cast cannot be ignored either, including Liu Guohua, a veteran popular star, and Wang Yi, a popular little fresh meat.

Such a box office appeal does not actually require screenings.

However, it is estimated that several high-reputation films in a row, after tasting the sweetness at the screening, made Xu Wen's heart moved.

He wants to show his confidence in the quality of the film.

It doesn't matter to Chenxi Film and Television whether to order the screening or not.The company is still very confident in the quality of Xu Wen's "The Day After Tomorrow".

Especially for the 3D effect, it is estimated that only Mu Chen's "Avatar" and "Iron Man" can compare with it.

However, the viewing experience is definitely different from these two films.

"Hey, why didn't Lao Zhang come?" Chen Mouzhi said to Xu Wen with a smile.

"Don't you know he's filming "Jurassic Park 2"?" Xu Wen said with a curled lip.

"Is the movie turned on?" Chen Mouzhi smiled awkwardly.

"What have you been up to lately?" Xu Wen asked curiously.

"I'm going to make a war movie." Chen Mouzhi said.

"War Movies?"

Although Xu Wen was a little puzzled, he didn't continue to ask.

War movies are not easy to make.

This is not a question of difficulty in shooting, but difficulty in shooting well.After all, there are many restrictions.

Mu Chen, Li Ruoxi and others walked into the theater.

After chatting for a few words, Mu Chen and the others found a seat and sat down.

"Ma Lin and Qin Yu seem to be having a fight?" Zhao Jin whispered to Mu Chen.

"Really?" Mu Chen frowned and said, "Isn't it because of the casting of my new film?"

"I don't know." Zhao Jin shook her head and said, "However, I have to admire your vision of seeing people."

From Zhao Jin's tone, Mu Chen could tell that he didn't feel good about Qin Yu either.

The two had an awkward quarrel, and I'm afraid it had something to do with the casting of their new film.

Did she "blame" Marin if she was not elected?

This is really hard to give people a good impression.

Don't say it's Mu Chen's new film, even if it's Ma Lin's new film, it's love if you use it, and duty if you don't.

What right do you have to blame others?

For a film, the casting must be from the film itself.

If you meet the conditions, then priority will be given to you.But if you are not suitable, can you be used regardless of the film itself?
"Why didn't that guy Marin come today?" Mu Chen asked immediately.

"Kung Fu" finished two days ago, and others should be in Yanjing.

Xu Wen invited a lot of insiders, most of whom were from Chenxi Film and Television Company, and Marin must be among them.

"Going to visit the set." Zhao Jin shook her head and said, "The one in his family is having trouble with the crew director again. He probably went to put out the fire."

Mu Chen frowned, but said nothing.

"Ask them out for a get-together when you have time." Li Ruoxi said.

Of course, Li Ruoxi had heard about Qin Yu.

One suddenly became famous, lacked in character, and then became inflated by Marin's favor.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Jin glanced at Jiang Qin beside her, and nodded.

What Li Ruoxi meant was very clear, that is, everyone gathered together, and they, as girls, persuaded Qin Yu.

If Qin Yu continues like this, it will definitely not work.

Not long after, the film begins.

The movie "The Day After Tomorrow" depicts a sci-fi story of the earth suddenly cooling down sharply within a day and entering an ice age.

When the disaster is about to come, abnormal phenomena appear in various parts of the world. Fist-sized hail falls in Tokyo, a severe tornado hits Los Angeles, Australia is plagued by rare typhoons, and continuous thunderstorms also appear in Yanjing.

Until then, no one realized the danger and had a premonition of disaster.

Such a catastrophe, coupled with 3D special effects, made the fans' eyes widen, and their hearts became tense, with anticipation and fear.

When the disaster came completely, everyone was completely immersed in the snowy world.As the protagonist feels the horror and madness of natural forces.

The Ice Age is Coming When the news comes out, everyone in the movie panics.

Horrific tornadoes roared past, destroying everything in their path.The sky was filled with heavy snow, the whole world was shrouded in white, and the depth of snow visible to the naked eye submerged the whole world.

This is an unprecedented viewing experience.

"The Day After Tomorrow" is not China's first disaster film, but it is definitely the first disaster blockbuster.

It wasn't the first 3D movie either, but it was definitely the first 3D disaster movie.

The disaster presented with 3D special effects gives people an immersive feeling, which is naturally different from any previous disaster film.

This is also different from the viewing experience of other 3D movies.

The climax of the film came too fast, but did not subside quickly. The huge waves engulfed New York City, and the Statue of Liberty was buried deep in the snow.

The Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors and other Chinese iconic buildings and scenic spots were all buried in the snow. The grand and magnificent scene and the vivid disaster made everyone panic and scream.

This is a disaster blockbuster aimed at the world, and naturally not only domestic landmarks will appear in it, but many foreign ones will naturally appear as well.

It's like being there, deep despair, inexplicable panic, and breathless depression.In the movie theater, how many moviegoers do not have a heartbeat?
Perfect special effects, shocking scenes, how many people get lost in the movie?

Xu Wen is a person who strives for perfection.

The special effects of "The Day After Tomorrow" have definitely reached the pinnacle of today's technology.

Of course, if you say there is still the possibility of progress?

Naturally there is.

However, the premise is that you spend a lot of money.

That was obviously not worth the candle.

Today's special effects are definitely considered the top level in the world, and they are definitely not far behind those Hollywood special effects blockbusters.

Many moviegoers feel like they've died time and time again.

They feel the horror of nature.

Under the 3D special effects, there is really an immersive feeling. The whole person seems to be buried in the snow immediately, and death is right in front of us.

In the second half of the movie, the protagonist played by Liu Guohua and his team wandered through the ice and snow, looking for his son.

When everyone is in despair, only the protagonist's son played by Wang Yi deeply believes that his father will come to save him.

It is this belief that supports him to lead his companions to live.

The strong paternal love shown by Liu Guohua moved people, and Wang Yi's deep trust in his father moved people.

What I have to mention is that Wang Yi's performance in this film surprised Mu Chen.

It's no wonder that among the popular little fresh meats, only Wang Yi's acting skills have always been praised.

After this movie, I'm afraid it will be the best!
Perhaps, people will no longer say that he is a small fresh meat, but will say that he is a powerful actor.

After many hardships, when Liu Guohua found Wang Yi, many movie fans couldn't help cheering for him.

The two-hour movie ended quickly, Mu Chen took off the 3D glasses, stood up with a smile and applauded.

With his applause, applause erupted in the theater.

The applause was not polite flattery.

I have to admit, this is an excellent work.

After two days of screenings, the word-of-mouth of "The Day After Tomorrow" continued to ferment. Both fans and the media gave this film a very high evaluation.

Some media even bluntly stated that this is the first Chinese-language disaster film to hit the world.

"The day after tomorrow" started the international tour of Chinese disaster films.

Such an evaluation is naturally not only confidence in the word-of-mouth of this film, but also an expectation for the box office of this film.

On October [-], "The Day After Tomorrow" was screened in China and in some foreign countries and regions.

Such a powerful movie, on the first day of its release, won the first place in the ranking without any suspense.

And the next day, the box office statistics came out.

3.89 billion!
The domestic box office almost broke [-] million, which is undoubtedly extremely astonishing.Even if, the box office of the show is included in the box office.

Not counting the box office of screenings, the box office of this film broke [-] million on the first day.

Of course, what is shocking is not the domestic box office, but North America.

"The Day After Tomorrow" did not have many North American films, but it also won more than 4000 million US dollars, and became the single-day box office champion in North America.

The box office on the first day was gratifying, and the word-of-mouth of the film, whether it is abroad or domestic, is extremely good.

This means that the film has the potential to be a big hit.

"The Day After Tomorrow" let the whole world know that Huaxia can also shoot disaster films to world-class standards.

(End of this chapter)

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