my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 352 "Humanization" of superheroes?

Chapter 352 "Humanization" of superheroes?
If it is said who is standing at the top of Chinese movies nowadays, I am afraid many people will say it is Mu Chen.

In terms of box office, no one can compare with it, and in terms of awards, not to mention how many Golden Dragon Award statuettes he has in his hands, even the Oscar statuettes, he does not know how many, and two of them are Best Director.

Of course, some people disagree with this statement.

However, Mu Chen is indeed a mountain that many people cannot overcome.This is especially true for directors of the younger generation like Marin.

While many people envied Marin, they also began to sympathize with him.

It is a good thing to have a good friend.But that friend is so awesome that you can't keep up with him, so the pressure you are under is not ordinary.

It was his luck that Ma Lin had such a friend as Mu Chen, and it was indeed his misfortune.Because, even if he wins the best director, he still lives in Mu Chen's shadow.

Without Mu Chen, there would be no Marin today.

No matter how hard you Marin work, many people will think that he succeeded because of having a friend like Mu Chen.

But he still couldn't refute.

Many people would even say that if he had a friend like Mu Chen, he would be so successful as well.

"Shaolin Soccer" has already won Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Action Design. This trip to the Golden Dragon Awards can be regarded as a great harvest.

As for the final best picture, the possibility of winning again is unlikely.

Mu Chen and the others did not expect much.

And so it turned out.

"Shaolin Soccer" didn't win best picture, and neither did "The Day After Tomorrow."

However, Chenxi Film and Television is still the biggest winner of this year's Golden Dragon Awards.

After the awards ceremony, Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi accepted interviews from many media.

"Director Mu, how do you feel about failing to win the best screenwriter this time? Do you feel a little disappointed?"

A reporter asked directly.

Since Mu Chen's debut, it seems that this Golden Dragon Award is the only one who returned empty-handed?

This is rare!

There are prizes every year.
Thinking about it this way, he suddenly realized that Mu Chen was not ordinary!
In the history of the Golden Dragon Award, I am afraid that no one can do it except him, right?

"It's not enough to be lost." Mu Chen smiled and said, "I don't know how many best screenwriters I have won. If I keep winning this award, it will undoubtedly be a kind of sadness for Chinese-language films. As a Filmmakers, I hope more outstanding filmmakers will emerge.”

What Mu Chen said was really not hypocritical.

He hopes that the influence of Chinese-language films in the world will increase, and this foundation naturally requires excellent filmmakers.

If he keeps occupying this award, how will other people get ahead?

"Then Director Mu, what do you think about Director Ma Lin comparing you to an insurmountable mountain?"

The reporter asked.

"Uneducated, it's terrible!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "That guy makes such a comparison, as if my mountain blocked his way. What about the Yanjing Film Academy? What happens after climbing a mountain? ? Fell into the abyss? So, as a friend, I sneered at his metaphor."

All the reporters smiled, and naturally saw the joke in Mu Chen's words.

If other people said so, Mu Chen's answer would definitely not be like this, and he would probably be humble.

However, hearing what Mu Chen said, it seemed that Marin's metaphor was really inappropriate.

Li Ruoxi listened, and then pulled Mu Chen.

That being said, I am not afraid that Marin will not come down!
"You have been married for many years, who has the final say at home?"

They are reporters, so they naturally know that Mu Chen's "head of the family" and "king of the family" are now popular on the Internet, especially Chen Mouzhi's teasing on the podium has pushed his popularity to a new height .

"His opinion is my opinion, and my opinion is his opinion." Li Ruoxi smiled and said, "The two of us have been together for so many years, and it seems that we haven't had any disputes. Naturally, we can't talk about who said it. Forget it! He will think about me, and I will think about him."

"Then Director Mu is the head of the family, and you are the head of the family, so what about your daughter?"

A reporter said with a smile, this is obviously because Chen Mouzhi mentioned his daughter.

"King of kings!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Then who manages the money in your family? Is it Ruoxi?"

A reporter asked curiously.

"I can't manage my own money, how can I manage his money!" Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

Can't manage your own money?
Have you considered the feelings of us poor ghosts?
When money is still out of control?
How much does that have to be!

At this time, the reporters reacted.

Li Ruoxi is not only a star, she owns many industries under her banner, and she is also a director of Wansheng Group.

Everyone is estimating Mu Chen's current net worth, while ignoring Li Ruoxi's net worth.

Li Ruoxi's net worth is probably no less than Mu Chen's.

Both of them are rich!

The Golden Dragon Awards Ceremony is over, but its enthusiasm continues.

What surprised many people is that the most talked about Golden Dragon Awards this year are not those award-winning filmmakers. Even the popular director Ma Lin can only come second to win the best director.

The hottest topics turned out to be Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi.

Moreover, topics about the two are flooding the Internet, especially on Douyin, which can be seen everywhere.

In particular, Mu Chen's statement of "the head of the family" and the less "king of the family" were even more heatedly discussed.

Of course, Li Ruoxi's saying "I can't manage my own money" has also been talked about by countless people, and they are used to imitate 13.
These two stalks were even spoiled by netizens.

On the Internet, there was also a discussion about "the head of the family" and "who manages the money in the family".

However, Mu Chen didn't pay attention.

After the Golden Dragon Awards ceremony, Mu Chen flew directly to Los Angeles.

Oscar is nearly half a month away, so Mu Chen came to Los Angeles, naturally for the movie "Iron Man 2".

Iron Man is the most popular among many superheroes, so Mu Chen is naturally a little worried about the second part.

What's more, Mu Chen also needs to participate in some follow-up planning.

The first script of "The Avengers" has come out, so the layout of the second phase is obviously about to start.

Dream Films is in charge of foreign superheroes, while Chenxi Films is in charge of domestic ones.

However, the two complement each other.

For example, "The Avengers" leads to "Sword Fairy" and "Valkyrie", then Chenxi Films will start to create personal movies of these two superheroes.

And superheroes belonging to the United States will naturally have fresh blood.

Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers 2, and Ant-Man!
This is the movie of the second phase of Marvel in the last time and space.

Mu Chen is also planning to continue, but in "Avengers 2", whether to add Chinese superheroes, as in the first part, Mu Chen is caught in a tangle.

or?"Huahua" the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver?

Together with this thought, Mu Chen really couldn't get rid of it.

Could it be that Chinese superheroes can only stay in China?
It's just that there were no independent movies of these two people in that time and space. To be precise, there were no independent movies before Mu Chen was reborn.

What's more, in the original version, Kuaiyin died as soon as he appeared.

There are rumors that his cool special effects are too expensive.As for the authenticity, Mu Chen didn't know.

If it was a Chinese actor, Mu Chen would naturally not let him appear on the stage and hang up.

As for the manga about the two?

Mu Chen has never read any Marvel comics or cartoons.He had only watched the movie, so he didn't know the story of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver!

Let the screenwriters create original works?

This is of course no problem.However, whether there is such a commercial value still needs to be studied.

The thought lingered, so Mu Chen stopped entangled, and asked Harvey Wayne's opinion again when the time came.

That guy has a good eye for the market.

Now, it's still far from "Avengers 2"!
The second stage of the last time and space ended with "Ant-Man", that is because Ant-Man appeared in the first movie "Captain America 3" in the third stage.

However, in that movie, Spider-Man also appeared.

Nowadays, there are no copyright issues, so the personal movie of "Spider-Man" can naturally be advanced.

Then in the second stage, "Spider-Man" will naturally need to be added. As for how many films to shoot, it needs to be studied before making a decision.

Spider-Man is definitely a popular character among Marvel superheroes, this character Mu Chen had the idea of ​​"huahua" from the very beginning.

Set Spider-Man as a Chinese?
But now imagining it, Mu Chen hesitated again.

This character is a golden rooster that lays eggs. If it is replaced by a Chinese, it will inevitably be greatly discounted.

Moreover, if foreign superheroes are too "Chinese", it will inevitably be inappropriate.

When Mu Chen arrived in Los Angeles, he was accompanied by Cheng Ting.

Now that Cheng Ting is a father, Mu Chen intends to arrange a regular job for him, but he refuses.

Mu Chen was also used to Cheng Ting's assistance, so he didn't persuade him.

When he arrived in Los Angeles, Mu Chen first visited Liao Chengzhi in the martial arts gym.

Liao Chengzhi helped him a lot in the United States, not to mention borrowing a few masters from him before.

If you come to the United States, if you don't go there, you can't justify it.

The last time Hei Muchen laundered money, the Bajiquan Gym in Los Angeles became a hit, and now there are a lot of foreigners learning Kung Fu.

The filming of "Iron Man 2" is nearing completion, but as the film's producer, Mu Chen has never even been in the crew.

However, there are far more good directors in Hollywood than in China.

From the shooting point of view, the director is still very good.

Although it is somewhat different from the original version in Mu Chen's mind, it is not much different, and there are even some improvements in the scene.

Of course, in terms of action design, there are naturally more differences.

After reading it, Mu Chen felt relieved.

Afterwards, he did not return to China, but went to the crew of "Lord of the Rings"!
Steve Lucas is a director who strives for perfection, so Mu Chen can rest assured.

It's just that he, like Mu Chen, has a bad habit of "overspending"!
After several times of additional investment, Harvey was aggrieved when he talked about this guy.

Mu Chen also smiled helplessly at this.

When you are angry and scolding, you can not say the guy's name, as if you are talking about yourself.

However, after staying in the crew for a few days, Mu Chen still had confidence in the film.

(End of this chapter)

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