Chapter 355
Suspense is left again, it is definitely the plan to make a sequel!
However, whether a sequel can be made depends on the box office of the film!
How is the box office?

When Mu Chen left the theater, he heard many fans talk about this film, and he became more confident.

And so is it.

The next day, the box office came out on the first day.

2.37 billion!
Without any suspense, it won the single-day box office champion.

North America, on the other hand, won a single-day box office of 3000 million US dollars. Although it was sniped by other film and television companies and did not win the single-day box office champion, it was not far behind the box office of the champion film.

This box office is not so amazing, but it is very good.

Moreover, the word-of-mouth of the film is also excellent, and the box office is obviously stable.

Perhaps it is because the scenes of this one are much larger than the first one, the action is more popular, and the first one and the game are backed, so the box office of the film presents a hot scene.

Perhaps it was a rest day, the box office on the second day of the show did not decrease at all, but increased a lot.

Domestically, with a single-day box office of nearly [-] million, it won the single-day box office champion without any suspense.

In North America, with a single-day box office of nearly 4000 million, it directly surpassed the film that sniped it and won the single-day box office champion.

Once the champion sits, "Resident Evil 2" will undoubtedly become a hit in North America.

The sniping of this film also failed.

As for why there is blocking?

Perhaps the Hollywood film and television company felt that Mu Chen was becoming more and more threatening!
Perhaps, they are just showing normally.

After all, summer vacation abroad is also a good time.

Perhaps, in order to avoid Mu Chen's "Transformers".

After Mu Chen knew that the film's box office had stabilized, he stopped paying attention and focused more on the promotion of "Transformers" and the upcoming filming of "The Avengers".

"Transformers" does not lack popular actors, Wang Yi and Chen Xianqi are now the most popular actors of the younger generation.In addition, Zhao Jin, Sun Yu and others are naturally well-known.

However, Zhao Jin and the two are currently filming, and the time they can spare to promote the film is limited.

Therefore, with a lot of publicity, Mu Chen had to come forward.

Especially the foreign propaganda, which basically focuses on Mu Chen.

Even Zhao Jin and Sun Yu occupied more space on the promotional poster than Wang Yi, the male lead.

Zhao Jin and the others are well-known abroad, at least for foreign movie fans, they are familiar.

As for Wang Yi and Chen Xianqi, they seemed a little strange.

However, during the publicity period, Mu Chen took Wang Yi and Chen Xianqi for a walk around the United States, participated in some press conferences, and recorded some programs.

On August [-], "Transformers" began to be pre-sold online.

As soon as the news came out, there was a panic buying.

In less than two hours, there were only a few corner spots left in the pre-sale.

The pre-sale box office directly exceeded [-] million!
And this is because the pre-sale tickets are limited. If all the venues for filming are released, the pre-sale box office may exceed [-] million.

"Transformers" lineup is extremely high.

The popularity of this film has almost caught up with the original "Avatar"!
"Resident Evil 2" has been released for more than half a month, and most of its box office potential has been consumed, while other films have no competitiveness at all in front of "Transformers".

Now, which domestic movie dares to compete with Mu Chen's movie?

What's more, when "Transformers" started to be promoted, it directly lost a king bomb, and directly used a trailer to scare many movies into rescheduling.

Some people predict that the film schedule of "Transformers" may exceed 30.00%, or even reach 40.00%.

This can be seen from the pre-sale.

On August [-]th, the pre-sale released some more, and within an hour, there were only a few corners left.

It is estimated that it will soon be the same as before, and there will not even be a corner position.

"Transformers" is so fierce?
On August [-]th, countless people waited for the pre-sale.

However, no!
No further increase.

Many movie fans even made a fuss about it.

On August [-], "Transformers" was officially released.

"Sure enough, a lot of people!"

After the theater, it was almost full!
This attendance rate is undoubtedly extremely astonishing.

This is not a peak season.

In the movie hall, many movie fans seemed a little excited.

They can't wait.

After the commercials, the movie finally starts.

Just the logo of Chenxi Film and Television makes people feel how amazing the 3D effect of this film is.

Many movie fans lamented that he deserves to be the director who made 3D movies popular all over the world.

"Before the creation of the universe, there was the Spark Source Cube. We don't know where it came from..."

Then a cube-shaped metal object gradually appeared, and then a meteorite hit, and the broken stones scattered, and there were bursts of exclamations in the theater.

Everyone couldn't help blocking their hands, tilting their heads, and leaning back, trying to avoid the oncoming meteorite fragments.

After the fire source burst into the atmosphere, the scene stopped abruptly.

What appeared in front of the audience was the extremely dynamic sci-fi fonts gradually combined into four characters - "Transformers".

Immediately afterwards, the words "Mu Chen's works" appeared.

"Clap clap clap!"

It seems that every time these four words appear, Huaxia fans will applaud.

This has become a movie-watching habit for them.

When I came to a desert area, the whole world was yellow, and the shadow of a distinctive biplane propeller helicopter flew across the desert.

The soldiers played by Zhao Jin and Sun Yu are sitting on the helicopter, and they are gossiping in the cabin at this time, taking pleasure in arguing and bickering.

With the magnificent background music, a picture of a military base appears.

Helicopters, tanks, cannons and other weapons and equipment have feasted the eyes of many military fans.

I am afraid that these things can only be seen in Mu Chen's movies.

Jiang Qin made a guest appearance as Zhao Jin's wife, which surprised many of her fans.

Hold a baby?

Does this imply that they are getting married?

The film continues.

A conventional military helicopter appeared over the desert.

A UFO appeared and the Raptor intercepted it.

When the helicopter was 'forced to land' inside the base, all the computers and radars of the base headquarters were interfered with.

Afterwards, the helicopter began to deform strangely in front of all the soldiers.

A Transformers appeared in front of everyone.

Boom boom boom!
With the sound of sound waves, the cars, tanks, and helicopters on the base were all blown away. It didn't take long for the military base to be destroyed.

The strength of the army seems to be as fragile as a child under this terrifying Transformer.

At this time, the audience has no time to think about these things, because they can only watch the thrilling explosion scenes one after another dully, and there are countless explosion fragments that keep stabbing their eyes.

The extremely shocking sound effects continue to impact the ears of all movie fans!And the eyes are constantly receiving that kind of eye-piercing visual effect!

Zoom in at the beginning of the movie!

This directly stunned movie fans, and this movie-watching experience made their thinking come to a standstill.

Because many people are not used to this 3D effect, they keep shaking their heads and blocking with their hands, as if they want to avoid and block the wreckage of the explosion that stabs and hits them.

Even if they know it's fake.

Mu Chen is still that Mu Chen!
The 3D effect is much better than other directors.

After about 1 minute, the fierce battle ended. The Transformers won the victory and stole the data of the military base. In the end, only seven soldiers including Zhao Jin and Sun Yu escaped from the military base.

After the battle at the military base was over, the camera switched and came to Shanghai University, where we finally saw the protagonist Wang Yi.

During the holiday, in order to accumulate car funds, the protagonist auctions off his grandfather's relics, including a pair of glasses.

But at this time, fans obviously did not realize the importance of the glasses.

As a result of the auction, no one wanted the glasses, and the treasures were treated as trash.

Then the protagonist's father took Wang Yi to buy a car.

But before buying the car, the protagonist's father took the protagonist's luxury car around the 4S shop.

Wang Yi was very excited, but it turned out to be in vain.

All I got was a dilapidated second-hand car!
"When you see cars with those signs in the future, stay away from them!"

This made many fans laugh out loud.

And that obviously smacks of advertising.

But there is absolutely no trace of any ad placement.

Bumblebee started, and the screen turned, a bird's-eye view of a city area, countless palaces.All Chinese people know that this is the Forbidden City in Yanjing, and finally the camera moves to a nearby building.

Then, the Minister of Defense played by Zhang Yao appeared.

The situation became tense as the military base was destroyed.

During the period, it is natural to show some warships and so on.

Wang Yi drove the car, and then went to the party, the heroine Chen Xianqi appeared.

Then, the character of the protagonist diaosi is fully revealed.

The protagonist is a dick, so the aura of the protagonist is also indispensable.

By coincidence, the heroine abandoned Gao Fushuai, and the protagonist abandoned his friend.Pidiandian invited the goddess to the car.

It seems that a scene where a bloody dick defeats Gao Fushuai to marry a goddess seems to be about to happen.

Then the broken car turned on the radio at the right time and played a romantic song, creating an opportunity for the hero to meet the goddess.

However, the simple dialogue made the audience laugh.

Laughing a little gloating.

No sense of existence, the feeling of being ignored by the goddess, is like cutting one's heart.

No one sympathizes with the main character, though.

This probably made many people think of themselves.

And then the performance of the car made the audience laugh, and immediately played the kind of passionate, strongly suggestive and prophetic song.

The protagonist is so angry that he kicks the car radio.

Then the protagonist's dickish character was fully revealed again, with various guilty consciences and sneak peeks at the heroine's wheat-colored slender waist from various angles, and then hid behind the hood of the car and yelled that he couldn't stand it!

It has to be said that Chen Xianqi's sexiness was fully revealed in this short period of time.

Especially in the scene where the hood was opened to check the car, countless people became fans of Chen Xianqi.

Many fans of Chen Xianqi have to sigh: This is the real usage of Chen Xianqi?

It really is an international director.

Mu Chen is Mu Chen!

The film has only just started, but the insiders in the theater already know that this summer time slot may be surnamed Mu again!

That's right, it's not Mu, but Mu again!
(End of this chapter)

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