my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 360 Superhero Part 2

Chapter 360 Superhero Second Bomb

Are there any actors in Hollywood who will play big names in front of Mu Chen?
This estimate is hard to say.

At least not for the cast of The Avengers, though.

Those actors may be intriguing secretly, but on the surface they are still full of anger.

Especially Li Ruoxi and Mu Ze, who got along very happily with everyone.

Those people will not compete with them, but will subconsciously please them.

The film "Men in Black" is still very attractive to many domestic movie fans.

Liu Guohua and Zhao Jin's box office appeal is already good, and Yu Yun is the director, and Mu Chen is the screenwriter and producer.

On the first day of its release, the box office broke [-] million, and it won the single-day box office champion. Its reputation is also very good, and the initial score of Golden Dragon Movie Online is nearly nine points.

Even if it drops later, it will definitely be above [-] points.

This is a film that is different from previous sci-fi films. In the film, humans on earth are no longer so weak.

It seems that there is no old routine of science fiction films with aliens in the past, which makes many movie fans shine.

On the second day of its release, the box office did not decrease but increased, and the single-day box office almost broke [-] million.

The box office of [-] million in two days may not look so amazing now, but it is definitely a hot movie.

When Mu Chen heard about this, he just smiled.

He is not surprised that there is such a domestic box office.

A week later, "Men in Black" landed in North America, and the domestic box office has already exceeded one billion Chinese dollars.

The film has already begun to make money.

The film was released in North America and got off to a mediocre start. Although it was among the top five in the single-day box office, it only grossed more than 1000 million US dollars.

This kind of box office is undoubtedly considered low among Mu Chen's many films.

However, the film's reputation is excellent.

It is not uncommon for films to be well received but not well received.

Many media began to bad-mouth this film, many of them domestic media.

However, when the North American box office was released the next day, many people were shocked.

The single-day box office directly exceeded 2000 million, rushing to the third place on the single-day box office list in North America.

The bad-mouthing voice stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, the film counterattacked all the way, and on the fourth day of its release, it directly won the single-day box office champion.

Such a counterattack film undoubtedly shocked countless people.

Especially the domestic filmmakers were stunned in disbelief, and some of them ridiculed on Weibo that "Men in Black" failed overseas and became the first film written by Mu Chen to suffer setbacks at the foreign box office. .

Some people even asserted that this is just the beginning.

But who ever thought that the film would counterattack.

This big face came too fast!
Mu Chen's previous films, although there were occasional times when they did not decrease but increased, but it only lasted for a day or two, and never continued to increase like this, showing a counterattack drama.

Of course, "Men in Black" counterattacked and won the championship, a big reason is that this schedule is not a good schedule in North America, because there are no blockbuster movies.

"Men in Black" won the single-day box office champion, and the single-day box office was only nearly 3000 million.

However, with the current box office trend of "Men in Black", it is possible to exceed [-] million US dollars in North America.

This box office is undoubtedly excellent for today's Chinese-language movies.

Of course, not all works written by Mu Chen have high box office overseas.

For example, Marin's "Shaolin Soccer" and "Kung Fu", although these two films are sought after by many foreign fans, the foreign box office is really not very conspicuous.

It's just that everyone can see that those two films are not aimed at the international market.

But "Men in Black" is different.

Anyone can see that this film is aimed at the international market.

"Men in Black" was a big hit in North America, which was undoubtedly a surprise for Mu Chen.

After all, Mu Chen planned to make a series of movies from the very beginning.

If the box office of the first film is too poor, the sequel will naturally end without a problem.

However, now Chenxi Film and Television has undoubtedly added a series of movies that attract money.

Mu Chen was pleasantly surprised, but didn't pay much attention.

He still makes his own videos.

There are a lot of special effects in "The Avengers", and many shots were shot in the studio.

For example, the final battle, it is impossible to shoot on location in New York.

If that's the case, the production cost may have to double.

Of course, not all of the films are shot in interiors, but exteriors are also involved, but relatively few of them.

"Men in Black" counterattacked and won the championship, but Mu Ze's role ended immediately.

That's about as expected.

"When will you go back?" Mu Chen asked about Mu Ze.

"Tonight's flight." Mu Ze said with a smile.

"So urgent?" Mu Chen was stunned for a moment.

"Your sister-in-law is already in the hospital. It's probably only a day or two." Mu Ze said with a smile.

"Alright!" Mu Chen said immediately, "I'll ask Cheng Ting to see you off."

Mu Ze's role is finished, and there are not many other roles.

In a few days, "Men in Black" won the box office championship next week, and Li Ruoxi's role was wrapped up immediately.

Li Ruoxi's role was completed, and she didn't stay longer with the crew, nor did she wait for Mu Chen, but returned home first.

She is abroad and still has a lot of work to do, and the preparations for "Tomb Raider" are almost ready, and it will start soon.

However, before going to work, they had to go to the hospital to see Su Xiaowan's mother and daughter.

On the first day of the filming of Li Ruoxi's role, Mu Chen received a call from Mu Ze, saying that Su Xiaowan gave birth to a daughter, and the mother and daughter are safe.

Mu Ze named it: Mu Lan!
Mu Chen thought it was blue, but couldn't help complaining.

Who asked his son to be called Mu Qing?
The shooting went smoothly. In mid-November, the two-month filming of "The Avengers" was completed.

This is much earlier than expected.

At this time, and "Men in Black" has been released for more than a month, the world is gradually going downhill.

The domestic box office exceeded 20 billion Chinese dollars, the North American box office exceeded [-] million U.S. dollars, and the global box office exceeded [-] million U.S. dollars.

Much higher than Mu Chen's expectations.

It's also much better than the original box office.However, if you take into account the expansion of the film market, inflation, etc., this box office should be somewhat inferior to the box office of the original version of more than 5 million.

However, Mu Chen is still satisfied with the box office.

After all, whether it is Liu Guohua or Zhao Jin, it is difficult to compare with the original actors.

After "The Avengers" was finished, Mu Chen didn't go back to China immediately, but stayed in Dream Films.

He first watched the post-production of "Lord of the Rings 1".

Although the film is not finished yet, Mu Chen can tell that it has already become a classic.

Steve put his heart and soul into the film.

However, the guy was not only over budget, but also extremely slow.

Does slow work lead to careful work?

Now it seems that there is no chance of it being released at the end of the year.

Of course, even if it can be released, there is no chance.

There's no way the film will be released at the same time as Iron Man 2.

Of course, the most important thing for Mu Chen to stay is to discuss the arrangements for the second phase of the movie universe.

The second stage is also the beginning of "Iron Man 3".

In addition to the original "Thor 2", "Captain America 2", "Guardians of the Galaxy", as well as "Avengers 2" and "Ant-Man", "Spider-Man" and "Invincible Hulk 2" were added.

The box office of "The Incredible Hulk" was unexpected, and it became a matter of course to shoot a sequel.

The sequel's story is still being written.

However, there is also a general context.

The time point is after "The Avengers". Because of the appearance of Li Ruoxi and Mu Ze, Banner went to China to find a better way to control himself than Indian yoga.

In "The Avengers", Mu Chen also foreshadowed this.

In the original version, on the sky carrier, Hulk is uncontrollable, chasing the black widow, and fighting Thor again. That appearance is completely irrational, and it is difficult to distinguish the enemy from the enemy.

Then, during the battle in New York, not only did he distinguish himself from the enemy, but he also caught up with the falling Iron Man and woke him up with a loud roar.

Of course, this may be due to the mind stone on Loki's scepter, but it is still a bit abrupt.

Mu Chen felt a bit abrupt, so in the film, Mu Ze taught him some methods of refining gods, so that he could maintain his sanity in the subsequent battle.

However, Mu Ze is not good at the method of refining gods, he just got some fur from his girlfriend.

If the method of cultivation is useful, then let Banner go to China to find him.

In Mu Ze's first solo film "War God", it is mentioned that the heroine played by Su Xiaowan is a superhero with strong spiritual power because of the soul gem.

At the end of the film, Su Xiaowan was sent to practice under the master's school to learn how to control the powerful soul power.

And those methods undoubtedly worked for Banner.

Of course, the reason why Mu Chen set it up like this, putting the background of the story in China, naturally meant to draw out Chinese superheroes, and also intended to incorporate Chinese elements into the film.

When Banner came to Huaxia, he received the courtesy of the director of the Special Administration Bureau, so naturally he meant to solicit.

However, it is not the Hulk after Banner's transformation that the Special Administration Bureau takes a fancy to, but his identity as a physicist.

In the eyes of the Director of the Special Administration Bureau, Banner's greatest value is also here.

He shouldn't be thought of as a fighter!
He is a scientist.

Banner didn't refuse, but he didn't agree either.

In this regard, the director of the special management bureau did not press.

The protagonist is naturally the Hulk, and the heroine is Su Xiaowan, who has accomplished a lot in her studies.Mu Ze will also appear at the end of the film, fighting side by side with Hulk.

A superhero movie, of course, must have a big villain.

And the big villain in this film, Mu Chen set up to be the demon clan of hell.

It's the same as the villain in "Kunlun".

In the movie "Kunlun", the battle of Kunlun drove the hell devil back to hell and sealed the entrance again.

However, there are still demons sneaking into the world.

The trace of the devil reappears, and Mu Ze pursues it.

While Banner learned some techniques of refining gods from Su Xiaowan, he also entered a scientific research institution under the Special Administration Bureau because of Su Xiaowan's relationship, and participated in a certain research.

And the devil that Mu Ze was looking for was in the research institution.

Clever devil, a black light came to the SSA.

The devil inadvertently discovered that the transformed Hulk's bloodline is strong, which has a powerful promotion effect on him.

Therefore, by luring Banner, he obtained the Hulk's gene, and then integrated it into himself, and his power soared.

In the end, everyone joined hands to kill the stronger devil.

(End of this chapter)

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