Chapter 363
After New Year's Day, it is the Spring Festival!
This year's Spring Festival is at the end of January, and "Jurassic Park 2" released during the Spring Festival will undoubtedly succeed "Iron Man 2".

Now it has gradually started to promote.

"When will my film company plan to release it?" Marin said, looking at Mu Chen with a smile.

"What's your opinion?" Mu Chen asked with a smile.

When a movie is released, there is usually some research done.

Choosing a good schedule still has a great impact on the box office of a movie.

"When is your movie expected to be released, won't it be another summer vacation?" Marin asked.

"It's probably early August. Maybe, on August [-]st." Mu Chen nodded and said.

His films are now basically released in the summer.

This is not because the time span of the summer vacation is long, but also because the film is suitable for release in the summer vacation.

Mu Chen's superhero movies mainly target young people, especially students.

Generally, fans of a certain age are not keen on this type of film.

However, today's fan base is undoubtedly dominated by young people.

Why is Mu Chen the most popular director at the box office in China?

In fact, the big reason is here.

For older movie fans, the films of Zhang Gang, Chen Mouzhi and others are more attractive than those of Mu Chen.

It's just that the number of fans in their group is difficult to compare with young people.

"May Day, how?" Marin thought for a while and said.

The May [-]st schedule is not very good, but it is definitely not bad.

After all, office workers have time off.

"You're going to discuss this matter with Lao Chen, why are you looking for me?" Mu Chen pouted and said, "It's not like you don't know, I don't care about these things."

"Isn't the post-production of my film almost finished? I just want to ask you, do you have any suggestions for my new film?" Marin said with a smile.

"Then what do you think?" Mu Chen said lightly.

"I want to make a movie about a heroine," Marin said.

"Qin Yu will act?" Mu Chen said.

Ma Lin didn't deny it, just nodded with a wry smile, and said, "You know she is very competitive. After "Transformers", Chen Xianqi's popularity soared, and she even had a faint tendency to go abroad. Now, there are rumors about her , She was probably a little anxious when she said that she and Li Yunyi were going to participate in "Avengers 2."

"The Avengers", the superheroes of the League of Legends assembled.

Anyone can see that it is a big hit movie.And as the second part, even if there is soy sauce in the film, I am afraid it will increase countless attention.

What's more, there are still two superheroes added.

The company intends to use this film to promote Chen Xianqi and Li Yunyi internationally.

Now, aside from Li Ruoxi, who has a management contract with Huarui Film and Television, Su Xiaowan and Jiang Qin must have overwhelmed Qin Yu.

Before, she was evenly matched with Chen Xianqi, even though she debuted later, she had a high starting point.

But now, Chen Xianqi obviously overwhelmed her.

For the "Best Newcomer" of Chenxi Film and Television, she obviously lost to Chen Xianqi.

This is obviously not reconciled to a competitive person.

"If you want to praise Qin Yu, I naturally have no objection." Mu Chen smiled and said, "Qin Yu is only one step away from the top line in China. However, she wants to catch up with Chen Xianqi , your film has to target the international market.”

Marin nodded. If it was only for foreign markets, he would not be so distressed.

He still has some experience in the domestic market.

But in foreign markets, there is inevitably a lack of confidence.

Almost all of his films are aimed at the domestic market.

So the domestic box office is good, but the foreign box office is a bit unsatisfactory.

"If you had come to me two months earlier, it wouldn't matter if you gave Ruoxi the movie "Tomb Raider". But now, that movie is almost finished." Mu Chen shook his head and said, "The company must not have such a movie now. Regarding the script, you also know what the company's screenwriting department and I are busy with now."

What are you busy with?Naturally for that superhero movie.

"That" Marin hesitated to speak.

"The layout of domestic superhero movies has only just begun. Now there are three personal movies. Two of them are female superheroes." Mu Chen said, "If she wants to play a superhero, the possibility of the protagonist is not too great .”

Marin nodded helplessly. He naturally knew that there should not be too many female superheroes.

Even Su Xiaowan's character was an extension of Mu Ze's personal movie.

Just like in the United States, there are many male superheroes such as Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, etc., but the only female superhero is Black Widow.

Moreover, this role does not mean to appear in a personal movie, and almost always plays a supporting role in other movies.

"You guys are really here to ask for opinions on your new film, not to ask for a superhero role for your girlfriend?" Mu Chen looked at Marin and said.

Marin's embarrassment flashed, and then he said: "If the company has arrangements, I will naturally not bother. But if the company does not arrange."

"You!" Mu Chen shook his head and said, "Didn't you get the heroine of "Chasing the Deer" for her? Does she think the company didn't give her resources?"

The heroine of "Chasing the Deer" was originally decided to be Su Xiaowan, but because the film was about to start at the beginning of the year, and Su Xiaowan felt that the little girl was too young, so she rejected this role.

Moreover, when the child grows up, it is estimated that "Resident Evil 3" will be filmed first.

The film "Chasing the Deer" is not that important to her.

Moreover, there are some discrepancies in the schedule.

If Su Xiaowan doesn't act and Jiang Qin doesn't compete, then the heroine of this film will be between Qin Yu and Chen Xianqi.

Qin Yu defeated Chen Xianqi to take this role, and Ma Lin contributed a lot in it.

Marin was undoubtedly very good to Qin Yu.

However, Qin Yu vs. Marin?

Mu Chen always felt that there was more utility in it than emotion.

This may be one of the reasons why Mu Chen is not optimistic about them.

If Ma Lin came to him this time, if he said that there was no shadow of Qin Yu, Mu Chen would not believe it.

"Superhero movies, the layout of the Hollywood side basically hasn't changed much." Mu Chen thought for a while, and then said, "The layout of the domestic side is just the beginning. How big is this game and how many superheroes will there be?" Hero, it’s hard to tell right now. In a short period of time, there must be no suitable role, and I dare not give you a definite answer if there will be any in the future.”

Marin nodded, he naturally understood.

After "The Avengers" is released, Mu Chen will immediately shoot "Sword Fairy", then "War God", and after that, maybe he will also direct "Mage".

The three films are all blockbusters with special effects, and the production cycle must be continuous.

These three films are estimated to take three years.

After that, it is said that there will be a movie where heroes gather like "The Avengers".

In that movie, more Chinese superheroes will appear.

Nowadays, there are naturally many supporting roles.

But if you want to star in a superhero, you have to wait at least a few years.

Can Qin Yu wait?

Obviously he couldn't wait, otherwise he wouldn't be soft-spoken to him these two days.

Marin sighed, and then asked, "What kind of film do you think is good for my new film?"

"The types of Chinese-language movies that have the most audiences in the world are action movies, sci-fi movies, and fantasy movies." Mu Chen thought for a while and said, "If you want me to give you a suggestion, you might as well think about it from a different angle."

"Another angle?" Marin froze for a moment.

"Her acting skills are pretty good." Mu Chen said with a smile, "If she wins an actress or something, do you think she will be two points weaker than Chen Xianqi?"

When Marin heard this, his eyes lit up.

"I'm thinking about it." Marin said immediately.

The films produced by Chenxi Film and Television are somewhat commercial, and now they are focusing on superhero movies.

Of course, it's not that commercial movies can't win awards, but it's definitely not as easy as art movies.

Qin Yu's acting skills are good, and she is also extremely talented.

She should be a good actor, but she insists on becoming a star.

Mu Chen's words made Ma Lin feel that Qin Yu had gone astray.

Marin went back to ponder by himself.

In this movie, Mu Chen is still optimistic about Marin's talent.

If he finds himself again, Mu Chen doesn't mind giving him the film.

It is unknown whether Ma Lin and Qin Yu have that ability in the movie where the heroine won a dozen or so actresses.

However, Mu Chen felt that Marin would not look for him again for this matter.

"here I am?"

As soon as Ma Lin left, Zhao Jin and Jiang Qin walked in with a smile, and then handed Mu Chen a gift bag.

Just looking at the outside of the bag, Mu Chen knew what was inside.


Mu Chen said with a smile, and at the same time took out the invitation card inside and read it.

"It's settled." Zhao Jin said with a smile, "The elders will ask the master to decide the day."

"This kind of thing, for parents, they would rather believe it." Mu Chen said with a smile, "It's not a superstition, just treat it as a custom of seeking peace of mind."

People who don't believe in such a big event as marriage will choose a so-called "auspicious day".

At first, he was not like this.

"I know." Zhao Jin said immediately, "You are busy, we will continue to deliver."

"Okay." Mu Chen nodded, then looked at the invitation.

The post is beautiful and thoughtful.


Mu Chen was a little surprised, he didn't expect the two to put the wedding venue abroad.

However, the place is indeed beautiful.

Both Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi had considered getting married, but in the end they gave up because of Mu Chen's fellow countrymen.

After marriage, the two have been to each other.

"Iron Man" is still in theaters around the world, and the Spring Festival is getting closer.

Before the Spring Festival, "Tomb Raider" was finished, and Li Ruoxi came back.

"When will you go back to your hometown?" Li Ruoxi asked Mu Chen, "Brother, have they gone back?"

"You should rest for two days first!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "Brother, they went back two days ago."

After Mu Chen finished speaking, his smile froze suddenly, and he couldn't help frowning.

"What's wrong?" Li Ruoxi asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I just don't know why I suddenly feel like I've lost something important." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

But at this time, the phone rang, and it was Mu Ze calling.

Mu Chen found that the feeling was even stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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