my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 365 Could it be that he has empathized with someone else?

Chapter 365 Could it be that he has empathized with someone else?
When Mu Chen and others returned to Yanjing, Chen Fuhai had already settled the matter.

At this time, Mu Chen's anger also dissipated a lot, so he didn't plan to pursue revenge any more.

That idiot has learned his lesson.

However, Chenxi Film and Television's sharp attack this time caused quite a stir in the circle.

When Mu Chen faced the media, he often had a pleasant face and a harmonious relationship with each other.

Occasionally, the media provoked him, or counterattacked, but the intensity of the counterattack was definitely not as sharp or vicious as this time.

This time, that media and that reporter might have really angered Mu Chen.

Maybe it would be crazy for anyone.

Mu Chen "has always been kind to others", you really think he has a good temper!

Grandma and grandpa left one after another in a short period of time, but you ran to ask him how it feels to lose his parents?
Isn't he courting death?

Idiots are not as idiotic as you.

What makes people even more speechless is that he accidentally fell, but still "slandered" Mu Chen for beating someone, and even brazenly said that he chose to forgive, so as to gain attention.

Isn't this harming others and yourself?

Newcomers, you need to be reminded, otherwise the company will be in bad luck.

Mu Chen is not a proper big boss in the circle when he first debuted!
I can't afford it.

Nowadays, if there are new reporters in many media, the old reporters will tell him about Mu Chen's "be kind to others" so as not to be implicated.

Mu Ze was thinking about the script of "Chasing the Deer" at home, and occasionally went to discuss the script with Feng Yi. He seemed to attach great importance to this film.

Perhaps the company attaches great importance to this film.

Li Ruoxi also started to accept some commercial performances, saying that she wanted to have a good time on stage.In the second half of the year, "Sword Fairy" will be filmed, but she did not take the role in the first half of the year.

Mu Chen continued to follow up on the post-production of "The Avengers" and started preparing for "Sword Fairy" at the same time.


After the movie was played, Ma Lin looked at Mu Chen and Chen Fuhai.

"The Wind and Cloud Dominates the World", a film with a very comic style, seems to have never appeared in China.

He was the first person to eat crabs, so he inevitably felt a little uncertain.

Chen Fuhai smiled, and then looked at Mu Chen.

Among them, whoever is most qualified to comment on this film is Mu Chen.

In addition to being a great director himself, the director level is amazing, but also because he is the screenwriter and part-time job of this film.

"very good!"

Mu Chen said with a smile.

These words are not polite, but he really thinks it is very good.

Whether it's special effects, soundtrack, graphics, or even the handling of the plot, Mu Chen feels that it surpasses the original version by a lot.

Of course, Mu Chen didn't think Ma Lin was better than the original director.

This should be related to special effects technology, investment costs and other factors.

For the original version, the market is too small to dare to invest too much.

Insufficient funds, the filming is naturally stretched, and many places are quickly resolved.

Among other things, special effects are a big problem.

But now, the market is so big, if you spend [-] to [-] million yuan, you don't have to worry about getting back the cost.As for the original version, if you spend [-] to [-] million yuan, no matter how good the shooting is, you will lose your underwear.

Therefore, this film has bigger scenes, better special effects, and more compact plot processing.

Mu Chen even felt that this film might get a few nominations for the Golden Dragon Awards next year.

"Ye Zhizhen's Xiongba is very flavorful." Chen Fuhai said with a smile.

Of course, Li Yunyi's Nie Feng and Zhao Jin's Bu Jingyun performed extremely well.

"You sent me away with just two words?" Marin looked at Mu Chen and said with curled lips.

He tried his best for this film, and it can be said that he shot to his limit.

He doesn't think that's the film's limit, though.

There must be many places that have not been handled well.

He needed Mu Chen to point out his shortcomings.

Marin is a director who strives for excellence, just like Mu Chen.

"Otherwise?" Mu Chen said with a smile, "Don't tell me you still want me to criticize me for nothing? You can't have more confidence in yourself, anyway, you are also the best director of the Golden Dragon Award."

Marin rolled his eyes, but his heart was flattered.

"The nominations for this year's Golden Dragon Awards should come out soon, right?" Chen Fuhai said with a smile.

Whether there is room for improvement in Ma Lin's film, Chen Fuhai is not sure, but he also thinks it is very good.

However, the handling of some places must be different from Mu Chen's idea.

But the processing is different, and it is difficult to tell which is better, because there is no way to compare after all.

This may also be the reason why Mu Chen didn't say it.

The nomination for the Golden Dragon Award is not about to come out, but has already come out.

Before Chen Fuhai finished speaking, a staff member brought in this year's nomination list.

"Beautiful, Xiao Linzi." After Mu Chen saw it, he smiled and said to Marin.

Marin was stunned for a moment, then took a look, and his brows were beaming with joy.

This year's Golden Dragon Awards, he won Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Newcomer, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography and Best Screenplay for "Kung Fu". Nine nominations for best action director, becoming the most eye-catching nomination list for this year's Golden Dragon Awards.

However, Mu Chen's "Transformers" only won the best visual effects, best sound effects, best cinematography, best cutting, best soundtrack, and best action design six marginal nominations.

Yu Yun's "Men in Black" and Qiu Li's "Resident Evil 2" were also shortlisted for several awards, but they were not as good as Ma Lin's "Kung Fu".

Ma Lin once again became the most eye-catching filmmaker on the nomination list for the Golden Dragon Award.

However, Mu Chen didn't think he could win the Best Director consecutively with this film.

But even so, his directing ability can be affirmed by countless people.

Among other things, he has produced Chenxi Film and Television, and he will definitely not worry about not being able to get investment.

Of course, Marin will definitely not leave Chenxi Film and Television.

Since the establishment of Chenxi Film and Television, not many people have left Chenxi Film and Television.

Especially contracted artists, it is rare to leave.

Less, not none.

There are some who have done better with Chenxi Film and Television, but more of them are not as good as Chenxi Film and Television.

There is no doubt that Chenxi has a lot of film and television resources.

Moreover, the competition within the company is a bit less dirty than other film and television companies.

There are many first-tier celebrities in Chenxi Film and Television, and more second-tier and third-tier artists, but it is also easy for newcomers to stand out.

Web dramas, big web movies, TV dramas, movies, variety shows
These Chenxi Film and Television have investment.

There are many opportunities, it depends on whether you can grasp them.

There are quite a few newcomers emerging from Chenxi Film and Television, but none of the earliest signers, such as Miao Xun, are cold, and the development is getting better and better, and now there is a faint tendency to rush out of the country.

The most powerful film and television company in China is Chenxi Film and Television.

When the Golden Dragon Award nomination list came out, "Kung Fu" was the most eye-catching, but it was not Ma Lin, the director, but Miao Xun who received the most media attention.

Ma Lin won the Golden Dragon Award for Best Director last year with "Shaolin Soccer", and Miao Xun also succeeded in becoming emperor with this film.

Now, he is shortlisted for Best Actor again, which naturally attracts attention.

Miao Xun has a higher chance of winning the best actor than Ma Lin winning the best director again.

What's more, the attention of actors is greater than that of directors.

"Is Chen Kun from our company?" Mu Chen looked at Ma Lin and Chen Fuhai and said.

This person first starred in "Shaolin Soccer" as the fourth senior brother, and later starred in "Kung Fu" as the boss of the ax gang.

This is somewhat similar to the original.

And he was also shortlisted for Best Supporting Actor with the role of the boss of the ax gang and the charterer played by Gao Hua.

"Kung Fu" has five actors shortlisted, which is amazing.

All the housekeepers played by Zhen Pei were shortlisted for Best Actress, which is indeed a bit unexpected.

Many people thought she was a supporting actress.

"He is quite popular now, and the company is going to give him a TV series to test the waters." Chen Fuhai nodded and said.

"The acting skills are also good, and he is willing to endure hardships." Marin continued.

This person was brought out by him, and he has cooperated with him in three consecutive films.

In "The Wind and Cloud Dominate the World", Chen Kun plays Qin Shuang, the great disciple of Xiongba.

"How is this girl's acting skills?" Mu Chen then asked.

He was asking about Peng Mi, who was shortlisted for the best newcomer for her role as the dumb girl in "Kung Fu". She also played Kong Ci in "The Wind and Cloud".

"It's okay. However, this person is very intelligent." Marin said.

Mu Chen felt that Marin's expression was wrong, but he didn't ask any further questions.

This guy, he won't have problems working with Peng Mi twice, right?
If it was in the past, Mu Chen would probably turn a blind eye and close his eyes, as long as it is your will, there is no coercion.But now this guy has a girlfriend, can't he restrain himself a little?
Mu Chen suddenly felt Chen Fuhai looking at him, and then looked over, but saw Chen Fuhai shaking his head.

After Ma Lin left, Chen Fuhai smiled and explained Mu Chen's confusion.

"Marin used Peng Mi in "The Wind and Cloud Heroes of the World". His family was a little jealous and played a little temper with her."

Mu Chen frowned, then suddenly realized.

No wonder that fellow Marin had a different look when he mentioned Peng Mi.

When Ma Lin was filming this film, Qin Yu seemed to have no schedule, so it was naturally impossible for her to act.

What's more, this role didn't help Qin Yu much.

Jealous of working with other actresses twice?
Isn't this jealousy a little bit bigger!

Mu Chen frowned.

Could it be that Marin's love for another person made Qin Yu feel threatened by Peng Mi?

"That guy Marin has nothing to do with that Peng Mi, right?" Mu Chen asked.

"Nothing." Chen Fuhai shook his head with a smile, and said, "That girl is Lao Peng's niece. However, few people in the company know about it. That girl is also low-key. But Marin must know. Marin Will Lao Peng not know what it was like before, and he will turn a blind eye?"

"Old Peng? Peng Naicai!" Mu Chen was stunned for a moment and asked.

Chen Fuhai nodded.

"Old Peng really is." Mu Chen shook his head.

Peng Naicai is the person in charge of Xuanying Digital, and also the person in charge of the technology department of Chenxi Film and Television. He can definitely be regarded as the senior management of Chenxi Film and Television.

His niece was filming in the morning light, not to mention walking sideways, at least many people would give him face.

And he obviously wouldn't let that fellow Marin "ruin" his niece.

Marin is talented, but in terms of feelings, he really doesn't let the "elders" feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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