Chapter 369

Ma Lin wanted to praise Qin Yu, but Mu Chen suggested that he make an art film and push Qin Yu to the throne of the best actress.

However, it seems that he has no such plan.

I don't know if it was his idea, or Qin Yu chose the latter between actors and stars.

Although the two ideas that Marin asked about were a little unreliable, revealing a strong taste of bad movies, it is not difficult to see that they are all commercial blockbusters.

Mu Chen didn't say anything to persuade him.

Some things, too much is not good.

Mu Chen suggested that Marin find inspiration from online novels, not to pass them off casually, but really think that online novels have many merits.

What's more, more and more online novels are now being adapted into film and television dramas.

Perhaps due to the length and other reasons, most of them are adaptations of TV dramas or web dramas, and few are adaptations of movies.

Occasionally, but it doesn't matter much.

However, there are many TV dramas that are popular.

Chenxi Film and Television has produced a lot.

Mu Chen believes that there will definitely be no shortage of film and television dramas adapted from online novels in the future.

After sending Marin away, Mu Chen continued to be busy. While following up the post-production of "The Avengers", he would also go to the crew of "Chasing the Deer" every now and then to stay for a while.

Especially in the early stage of filming, Mu Chen went there very frequently.

There may be worries about the quality of the film, but there is also fear that Feng Yi will not be able to suppress the people in the crew.

There are quite a few arrogant people in Chenxi Film and Television.

After all, the results are there.

After all, Feng Yi is just a little-known director with insufficient prestige.

The crew of "Chasing the Deer" was Mu Chen's team that filmed "Transformers".

Feng Yi is the assistant director of "Transformers". Although he is familiar with everyone, he may not be convinced by them.

However, when Mu Chen was away, there was Mu Ze, Zhao Jin and others supporting Feng Yi, so that no one was making fun of themselves, even Qin Yu, who "plays big names" the most, was much more honest.

The movie "Chasing the Deer" is the highlight of this year's Chenxi Film and Television, and everyone in the crew knows it.

If anyone deliberately delays and seeks trouble for nothing, it will naturally be much more serious than usual when dealing with it.

Smart people will not be the "chicken" that respects the monkey!
Gun hit the bird.

"Do you want to come with me to the Oscars?"

Mu Chen smiled and asked about Li Ruoxi.

During this period of time, relatively speaking, Li Ruoxi was not so busy.

Although "Transformers" was not very eye-catching at the Golden Dragon Awards, it was also shortlisted for two Oscars.

The best visual effects, the best sound effects.

"Forget it!" Li Ruoxi shook her head, and then said, "Leave in a hurry, come back in a hurry, I might as well stay at home with Xiaoxue."

"Alright." Mu Chen nodded.

He has been quite busy recently, and indeed he will return to China after attending the awards ceremony, and will not stay in the United States for a long time.

This year's Oscars, Chinese-language films are inevitably "bleak".

Except for Mu Chen's "Transformers" which won two awards that didn't attract much attention, he didn't win any other awards.

The best foreign language film, there is no Chinese film.

However, compared to the past, last year's Chinese-language films made a big breakthrough at the box office.

Zhao Jin and Sun Yu were busy filming and couldn't get away, so only Wang Yi and Chen Xianqi accompanied Mu Chen to Los Angeles.

The Oscars are still the most watched film awards in the world.Walking on the Oscar red carpet is beneficial to increase international popularity.

Wang Yi and Chen Xianqi have accumulated a lot of fame in the world by virtue of "Transformers".

Especially Chen Xianqi.

Sexy beauties are undoubtedly easier to impress.

Afterwards, many film and television companies in Hollywood came to him.

It's a pity that they are just some supporting roles with no characteristics.

Such a role is meaningless to Chen Xianqi.

If it was a few years ago, maybe it would be worth being happy. Once it appeared, it would immediately become an international superstar.

Now, it's completely unnecessary.

Because Chinese-language films are becoming more and more influential internationally.

Instead of playing such a supporting role, it is better to play a starring Chinese movie.

If you play a soy sauce role, no fans will cheer for you "walking" into Hollywood, but they will feel that you have lost your role.

Those Hollywood film and television companies give some soy sauce roles to Chinese actors, nothing more than because of the Chinese film market.

Perhaps, in foreign versions, your part has been completely cut out.

In the past, this method was used one by one.

Even if there is some "self-deception", it does help a lot in improving one's own reputation.

However, now I can only "haha".

This is not unrelated to the increasing influence of Chinese-language films in the world.

Although Wang Yi did not receive an invitation from Hollywood, his popularity has risen to a higher level with this film.

Those little fresh meats who competed with him in the same period were undoubtedly left far behind by him, and now they can be said to be the best.

"Transformers" was shortlisted for two awards, and unexpectedly won both.

Mu Chen was naturally happy about this.

He didn't return empty-handed, and he looked much better.

These two awards can also be regarded as a win for Chinese-language films.

Naturally, the media also reported on this.

And just at this moment, an influential foreign magazine rated Mu Chen as the most valuable international superstar in China.

Under such a topic, Mu Chen and his party returned to China, and were immediately blocked at the airport by many media.

"Director Mu, how do you feel about "Transformers" winning two Oscars?"

Although Wang Yi and Chen Xianqi were there, they were naturally ignored by the reporters in front of Mu Chen.

Any domestic star, no matter how popular he is, will become dim in Mu Chen.

Mu Chen is the brightest star in China.

"I don't have any thoughts, and it's not that I haven't taken it before." Mu Chen said with a smile.

The reporter was taken aback for a moment, but then he was speechless.

Whether it's the best visual effects or the best sound effects, Mu Chen's movies have indeed won.

Mu Chen even won the Oscar for best director more than once.

It seemed that these two awards did not make Mu Chen feel much emotional.

"Then Director Mu, in the past two years, your works, whether it's the Golden Dragon Award or the Oscars, are no longer as stunning as before. Is it because you no longer desire awards so much, so your works are more commercialized?"

Although Mu Chen still has numerous awards in the past two years, compared to the past, it is indeed much worse.

"I am very eager for awards!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "No filmmaker would dislike too many awards. As for whether it is caused by the more commercialization of the works, it is hard to say. However, I have always only filmed me I want to make a film, not a film to win an award."

Do you believe this?
Countless reporters complained.

You have won too many awards, so you are more interested in the box office, right?

"Wang Yi, how did it feel to walk on the Oscars red carpet for the first time?"

"Chen Xianqi, how did you feel when you walked on the Oscars red carpet for the first time?"

After all, Wang Yi and Chen Xianqi are extremely popular now, and it is impossible for those media to ignore them all the time.

However, after asking the two of them a question or two, they immediately targeted Mu Chen again.

"Director Mu, a foreign magazine named you the most valuable international superstar in China. How do you feel about that?"

A reporter asked about Mu Chen.

When Mu Chen heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Are you sure you're not joking?"

"Of course not! You are the most famous and influential star in China. The box office of your movies is higher than that of the other. Who are you?" said the reporter.

"I'm not, and I can't be." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

"Then who do you think is the most valuable international superstar in China? Is your brother Mu Ze?"

There are not many people in China who can be called international superstars!
And among these people, who can compare with Mu Chen?
Not to mention the movies he wrote, even the value created by the movies he directed can overwhelm others.

"Who is the most valuable international superstar in China? It's really hard to say. In China, there are too many people whose value is inestimable." Mu Chen thought for a while and said, "For example, Yuan Lao, the father of hybrid rice, Nuo Bell Prize winner Tu Lao and others, they are real international superstars, and they are the most valuable international superstars. I, Mu Chen, are nothing compared to them! No, I am not a fart. I am China’s most A valuable international superstar, don't you find it ridiculous?"

Everyone present was stunned.

Mu Chen said he was a fart?No, he said he wasn't a fart.

Nowadays, when most people mention celebrities, the first thing they think of is the stars in the entertainment industry.Then maybe sports stars come to mind.

Who would have thought of those science stars?
If those scientific stars are included, it seems like a joke that Mu Chen is the most valuable international star in China.

Can Mu Chen compare with Yuan Lao and others?


Even if he takes Chinese-language movies out of the country and into the world.

Even if he used movies to spread Chinese culture to the whole world.

He still can't compare with it.

The reporters came to their senses and wanted to ask more questions, but Mu Chen and the others left under the escort of the airport security personnel.

However, even so, what Mu Chen said just now was enough to ignite the topic.

It also ignited public opinion.

Mu Chen was named the best value international superstar in China by a foreign magazine. Before that, he was only on the topic list and hot search list, but it didn't cause much heated discussion.

But as soon as Mu Chen's reply came out, it ignited public opinion in an instant, and it became the top topic and hot search list in the blink of an eye.

Numerous media have reported on this and even discussed it.

Many TV stations also reported on this, and some TV stations even discussed this matter in some commentary programs.

What is the value of Mu Chen?
Really fart is not it?
Obviously not!

Mu Chen has Mu Chen's value, and his value cannot be underestimated.

So Yuan Lao and others are considered international superstars?

Of course it counts.

It's just completely different from Mu Chen and other movie stars and sports stars.

Perhaps because of Mu Chen's star effect, more and more people paid attention to and discussed it, and finally triggered a nationwide discussion.

What kind of talent is the most valuable?
(End of this chapter)

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