my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 371 Borrowing and repaying, it is not difficult to borrow

Chapter 371 Borrowing and repaying, it is not difficult to borrow

"The Wind and Cloud Hegemony" became popular, so naturally Zhao Jin and Li Yunyi as the male protagonists also became popular.

However, the two are domestic first-line stars, and their popularity is extremely high.

The two have attracted much attention because of this film, and the increase in topicality and exposure is not surprising.

The "Fengyun" of the film became popular, so Xiongba naturally became popular too.

And, it's definitely a blast.

Ye Zhizhen was not an actor before, so it is undoubtedly unfamiliar to many movie fans.

He played Xiongba very well in the film, and his appearance in the film is also very "comic" style.

Marin's vision is fully revealed in this role.

Xiongba became popular, and a lot of information about Ye Zhizhen was dug out by the media.

Chinese-American, now returning to China as a coach in the Guoshu League.

He is a master of real kung fu.

Before, Mu Chen and others founded the Guoshu Alliance, which created a huge wave in the martial arts world. There was a lot of trouble about the boxer competition, and even Mu Chen even made a move.

He made a move to join hands with others. Although there was no winner or loser, it also aroused great heated discussions.

Of course, as the coach of the Martial Art League, Ye Zhizhen naturally has to make a move.

It didn't attract much attention before.

But now, Ye Zhizhen has become popular with the role of Xiongba, and the videos of his previous martial arts competitions have also been dug out. The high click-through rate has amazed many people.

"Is this the star effect?"

Xia Zhiyun said to Mu Chen with some sighs.

Mu Chen glanced at the many members surrounding Ye Zhizhen and smiled dumbly.

What surprised him was that the students were all women.

Well, there are many young girls among them.

Uncle seems to be very marketable!
"Master Ye is quite popular with female members." Mu Chen joked with a smile.

Xia Zhiyun rolled her eyes directly.

However, as Ye Zhizhen became popular, the number of members of the Martial Art League increased dramatically, and many of them came for Ye Zhizhen.

"If you come to be a coach, you will definitely be more favored by female members." Xia Zhiyun said.

"Can you afford it?" Mu Chen joked with a smile.

Ye Zhizhen's salary in the Guoshu League is not low.

"Aren't you the boss too?" Xia Zhiyun said.

Mu Chen smiled.

I can't afford to drive, that's because Mu Chen earns too much elsewhere.

If you can't open a higher home, who would throw away the watermelon and pick up the sesame seeds?

"You made Senior Brother Ye popular, and he may not stay in the Martial Arts League in the future. In the past few days, more and more people have come to him to film. Senior Brother Ye is a little bit moved." Xia Zhiyun said.

"You asked me to come here today, isn't it just for this?" Mu Chen said, "It seems that the Guoshu League has no shortage of masters now, right? Master Ye wants to make a movie, so let him do it. The more famous he is, Isn't it good for the Guoshu League?"

The Martial Arts Alliance has a lot of money, so it naturally recruited many folk masters.

"What? Master Ye thinks that the wages offered by the Martial Arts League are too low?" Mu Chen then asked.

Ye Zhizhen played the role of Xiongba, and Mu Chen's salary was not low, which was completely comparable to some quasi-second-tier stars in the circle.

That is definitely much more than what he earns in the Guoshu League.

"He thinks it's not good to go to film after receiving the salary of the Guoshu League," Xia Zhiyun said.

"You asked me to come and persuade him?" Mu Chen said.

Ye Zhizhen's character is still good.

This point, Mu Chen has been in contact with it, so he naturally understands it.

Just asked that, just said that, I didn't really think that Ye Zhizhen swelled after becoming popular.

"That's right." Xia Zhiyun said, "I asked you to come here mainly for the fighting competition."

"What do you want me to do?" Mu Chen then asked.

He knew that Xia Zhiyun had been preparing for the fighting competition.Now, it should be almost the same.

The Guoshu League not only has martial arts routine performances, but also actual combat.

However, the biggest pillar of the Guoshu League today is fitness and health.

The Guoshu League, Mu Chen and others have spent a lot of money, and now they don't need to continue to spend money, and their own profits can keep up with their development speed.

Of course, if you want to have any profit dividends in a short period of time, then don't think about it.

"Borrow your network from the TV station." Xia Zhiyun said.

If anyone in the entertainment industry has the most connections in the TV station, it must be Chenxi Film and Television.

This is due to the variety shows planned by Mu Chen back then.

Nowadays, many variety shows have been discontinued, but the network of Chenxi Film and Television has been established.

What's more, the TV series produced by Chenxi Film and Television have always had high ratings, and they are also the targets of major TV stations.

"You want to broadcast live on TV." Mu Chen was stunned for a moment and asked.

Xia Zhiyun nodded and said, "What do you think?"

"The first shot will be fired." Mu Chen nodded after thinking about it.

Either do it, and if you want to do it, you must do your best.

If the first fighting competition fails, it will undoubtedly be difficult to do it again later.

"Then you can lend me someone from the Chenxi Film and Television Propaganda Department." Xia Zhiyun said with a smile.

Chenxi Film and Television is well-known in the circle in terms of publicity.

Their company's publicity department is definitely full of talent.

This is probably the purpose of Xia Zhiyun looking for Mu Chen.

"Borrow someone from Chenxi Film and Television's publicity department? How dare you think about it." Mu Chen pouted and said, ""The Wind and Cloud Heroes of the World" is now in full swing, and follow-up publicity will definitely be indispensable. And "Kung Fu Panda 2" will be released in early July. "The Avengers" will be released at the beginning of the month, September."

"Come on." Xia Zhiyun said, "I didn't borrow all of it. It shouldn't affect me if I borrow a few people, right? You know better than me whether the first fighting competition can be successful and how important publicity is."

"Make it clear!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "However, let me make it clear first, if you have a loan, you have to pay it back, and it's not difficult to borrow again."

Xia Zhiyun smiled and readily agreed.

There is borrowing and repayment, and it is not difficult to borrow again.

I borrowed it but didn’t pay it back, do I need to borrow it again?

Could it be that I poached a few of you, and you will turn against me?
You, Mu Chen, are also one of the bosses of the Martial Arts League!
In this way, it's not considered poaching, at most it's just a company transfer.

Yes, it is like that.

Of course, whether to keep him or not depends on whether the person Mu Chen borrowed is really as powerful as the rumors say.

After all, movie promotion and fight competition promotion are not the same thing.

In the Guoshu League, there are not many people who invest money.

Among them, the three largest shareholders are Mu Chen, Xia Zhiyun, and Li Ruolin.

Mu Chen spent the most money in the early stage, and there was no way who could let him have the most liquidity.

However, Xia Zhiyun and Li Ruolin also voted a lot.If the two of them get married, they will naturally become the largest shareholders.

Mu Chen didn't mind this.

He has a lot of industries, most of which are hands-off shopkeepers, so naturally he never thought about controlling the Guoshu League.

As for other companies with shares, there are more.

For example, Wang Hao’s shared bicycles, Douyin, and Didi, which has been quite effective recently, have a lot of shares.

Of course, Mu Chen didn't ask about the Guoshu League. The big reason was that Xia Zhiyun did a good job.

At least, Mu Chen didn't think he could do better than her.

Soon, June will come.

The post-production of "The Avengers" is almost complete.And "The Wind and Cloud Dominate the World" is also gradually being drawn.

The domestic box office has exceeded 30 billion, while the cumulative foreign box office is only [-] million US dollars.

Like Marin's previous films, the domestic box office is still higher than the foreign box office.

However, such a box office is also extremely good.

And "Chasing the Deer" has also been completed and entered the post-production process.

The post-production special effects of this film are no less than "The Avengers".

In June, the promotion of "Kung Fu Panda 2" gradually started, and the film is scheduled for early July.

This year's summer vacation was kicked off by this film, and then ended by Mu Chen's "The Avengers".

As soon as the schedules of these two films came out, the domestic film circle was crying.

Mu Chen is trying to control the summer schedule again!

This year's summer vacation, I'm afraid the surname will be Mu again.

Mu Chen's "The Avengers" naturally needless to say, not to mention the strong domestic box office appeal, even in foreign countries.

The first film of superheroes assembled, the film of the first appearance of Chinese superheroes.

With these two gimmicks alone, it is enough to make all the films retreat.

What's more, Mu Chen's box office appeal is already unmatched.

And "Kung Fu Panda 2"?

Although Mu Chen was only a screenwriter, the first big hit, the naive giant panda, has already become popular all over the world.

Let alone domestic, there are many "panda fans" abroad!

The box office competitiveness of this film is naturally strong.

And so is it.

"Kung Fu Panda 2" was released on July [-], and the pre-order box office exceeded [-] million on July [-].

And the box office on the first day, although not as amazing as "The Wind and Cloud Heroes of the World", broke through [-] million.

Undoubtedly won the single-day box office champion.

In front of this film, other films are undoubtedly eclipsed.

This is not just at home, but also abroad.

"Kung Fu Panda 2" broke through 6000 million at the North American box office on its first day, and also won the single-day box office champion.

Many other countries and regions have won the single-day box office champion.

This undoubtedly made more people see the value of the "Kung Fu Panda" IP.

The movie became popular, and the corresponding toys naturally became hot sellers.

The industrial chain of Mu Chen's movie peripheral products is now more and more complete, and sometimes the profits from movie peripheral products are much higher than the movie itself.

"I've already decided what to shoot for the new film." Ma Lin sat down in front of Mu Chen and said with firm eyes.

"Oh? What are you shooting?" Mu Chen looked at Marin and asked with a smile.

He could see that Marin seemed to have made up his mind.

"Shooting the fairyland!" Marin said, "to be precise, it's a story about the heroine's sleepwalking in the fairyland."

Hearing what Marin said, the movie "Alice in Wonderland" suddenly popped up in Mu Chen's mind.

It's just a pity that Mu Chen only has some information about this movie in his memory, and he hasn't watched the movie in its entirety.

However, Marin's idea is good.

But when Marin began to narrate the story, Mu Chen understood.

His story has nothing to do with that film.

(End of this chapter)

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