my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 392 Battle of Zhuolu

Chapter 392 Battle of Zhuolu
"This movie has special effects"

Wang Hao was very surprised.

At the beginning of the film, he was shocked again and again in just a few shots.

"It's no wonder that after investing one billion yuan, Lao Mu is still confident that the domestic box office will be able to pay back. As long as the story is not too bad and the special effects level is maintained, then the payback is inevitable."

Wang Hao thought to himself.

He quit the entertainment industry, but he also knows how big the potential of the movie market is today.

It is not difficult for a high-quality blockbuster to reach 30 billion at the box office.

The film shows that potential right from the start.

Wang Hao also heard about this film more than once.

In his opinion, the most problematic part of this film is not the story itself, but the film director.

If the script is too bad, Mu Chen will not invest one billion at all.

Even if Mu Chen invested in this film for Liu Guohua's face, he would not invest so much.

Neither will Chen Fuhai.

In terms of investment, Chen Fuhai is much more sensible than Mu Chen.

Therefore, if the story is guaranteed, then with such quality, the box office will naturally be guaranteed.

Mu Chen is confident that the domestic box office will be able to return his capital, so there is nothing unusual about it.

The thought flashed by, Wang Hao's eyes never left the big screen.

A dense array of sharp arrows shot at the group of people, arriving in an instant.

The group of people didn't seem to care. One of them flicked his long sleeves, and a wave of light appeared in front of him, blocking those sharp arrows.

However, those sharp arrows seemed to be endless, and cracks appeared in the light wave.

At this time, a bigger and faster sharp arrow shot, piercing the light wave instantly, and went straight to the eyebrows of the leader.The man stretched out his hand to grab the arrow, but he didn't want the arrow to be extremely powerful, so he almost let his hand go, and pushed two steps to relieve the force before he could hold the sharp arrow firmly.

"Who dares to break into the royal capital of my Jiuli clan!"

The camera zoomed over, and saw a burly general holding a big bow and yelling sharply.


The leader of the group snorted coldly, threw away the sharp arrow in his hand, and frowned.

"Presumptuous! We are the messengers of the gods, so why don't you ask your master Chi Youqian to come and see you!"

A person next to the leader scolded sharply.

"What are you, dare to insult my lord, court death!"

The general was not frightened by the word "Heavenly God", on the contrary, he was furious because he asked Chi You to "pay his respects". The man was shot between the eyebrows by an arrow and fell into the sky.


The general shot Tianshen to death, and then shouted.All the generals on the city wall immediately drew their bows and arrows, and stood on guard, ready to face the battle.

The sword is on the verge of breaking out.

"Stop!" the leading god sternly said, "I am the messenger of the god, and I came here by the order of the emperor, to see your master Chi You!"

Just a short scene is enough to show the unruliness of the Jiuli people.


The general sneered and said.

All the gods, especially the leader, looked gloomy.

This person is an artist under Chenxi Film and Television. He is not well-known, but his acting skills are good. He has played some supporting roles in many film and television works of Chenxi Film and Television.

This role left a deep impression on people at this time.

However, no one thought that he was just a cannon fodder.

Chi You summoned the messengers of the gods, but let those gods fall to the ground and walked to the main hall on foot, which made the messengers of the gods feel ashamed.

The gods are naturally arrogant and consider themselves superior to others.

As soon as Chi You played by Zhao Jin appeared on the stage, people felt that domineering instantly.

This is the infection of the atmosphere and the effect of makeup.

The envoys of the gods came here at the order of the Emperor of Heaven to ask the Jiuli tribe to worship the sky and sacrifice to the gods. There was no tone of discussion in their words, as if the superiors were giving orders to the subordinates, and they even insulted Chi You.

"The human race is not the servant of your god, I am the master of the people, how can you allow a little god envoy to be presumptuous! Come, kill!"

When Chi You said this, his tone was very calm, but he was full of domineering.Especially his word "kill" is even more domineering.

And in that domineering, even more unruly.

"Chi You, you are only the Lord of Jiuli, not the Human Emperor, and you want to be compared with the Heavenly Emperor"

The head of the messenger of the gods was beheaded by Chi You's men before he could finish speaking.

The word "Chasing the Deer" appeared on the big screen as the head of the god fell.

The film officially begins.

Killing the messenger of the gods made Chi You unify the hearts of the human race.Only by unifying the human race and gathering strength can they contend against the gods, and not let the human race become servants of the gods.

The Jiuli people are preparing for war and want to unify the human race.

When the screen changed, it was the Yellow Emperor played by Miao Xun who led the people of the tribe to worship the sky and sacrifice to the gods.

The scene of the Nine Heavens Xuannv descending to earth played by Qin Yu is also beautiful.Qin Yu himself is an extremely beautiful person, and with the addition of movie effects, it is unknown how many people will be captured this time.

Qin Yu may not be as sexy as Chen Xianqi, but she is not bad at all in appearance.

Her beauty is a little less sexy than Chen Xianqi, but a little more "immortal" and "heroic".

Afterwards, a very beautiful scene, Xing Tian played by Mu Ze played the piano in the beautiful scenery, Yao Ji played by a newcomer under Chenxi Film and Television, and a girl (Jing Wei) played by a young actress listened quietly beside her.

The sound of the piano is melodious, with a sense of simplicity.

After a song, from their conversation, the audience can clearly feel that Yao Ji has a heart for Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian seems to avoid it intentionally.

Later, someone reported that Emperor Yan summoned them, saying that envoys from the Jiuli tribe and the Huangdi tribe had come.

Xing Tian took the flying beast to the main hall.

And this is also the first time Xing Tian and Jiutian Xuannv met. The two could not talk about love at first sight, but they felt that they had eyes for each other, and they became curious and had an urge to understand.

Mu Ze and Qin Yu's acting skills are online, and they interpret this emotion very well.

The two love each other step by step in the film, which itself is one of the main lines of the story.

Naturally, it won't make people feel that the relationship between the two is too abrupt.

In many movies, the relationship between the hero and heroine develops too fast before, and some even fall in love with each other just after they meet, and are able to lay down their lives for each other.

It is embarrassing to see that cancer has been committed.

After confirming the eyes, I can lay down my life for you?
In Mu Chen's opinion, it's too ridiculous.

The relationship between Xingtian and Jiutian Xuannv is integrated into the plot of the story, so it is naturally not so abrupt.

Moreover, misunderstandings and grievances, and letting go of previous suspicions are sharp weapons for emotional development.

Although bloody, but integrated into the plot, it does not appear to be rote, but has a sense of fate.

Of course, the initial script was somewhat lacking in this, and then the writing team made minor revisions.

However, the screenwriter's signature is still Feng Yi.

Chi You's envoy came, it was because Chi You wanted to marry Yan Emperor's niece Yao Ji as his wife, and unite Yan Emperor's tribe by means of marriage.

And the Nine Heavens Xuannv is naturally to prevent the two tribes from marrying.

Jiuli tribe, Yandi tribe, and Huangdi tribe are the three major tribes of the human race. If the Yandi tribe falls to Chi You, then Chi You's unified human race will be unstoppable.

The gods obviously don't want a human emperor who doesn't worship the sky and worship the gods to appear.

Even if the human race is going to be unstoppable as the emperor, they still hope that that person is the Yellow Emperor.Because he worships the sky and sacrifices to the gods, he has a heart of awe for the gods.

The two sides began to compete, but Emperor Yan actually knew his daughter's love for Xingtian, and finally under the influence of Jiutian Xuannv, Xingtian agreed to marry Yaoji.

And then, when Yao Ji was getting married, she was ambushed, and the fragrance disappeared.And the spearhead went straight to the Jiuli tribe.

Emperor Yan, who originally wanted to remain neutral, was persuaded by the Xuannv of the Nine Heavens, and finally fell to the Yellow Emperor.

Xing Tian didn't believe that Yao Ji died at the hands of the Jiuli tribe, because the Yandi tribe's neutrality was undoubtedly beneficial to the Jiuli tribe.

Therefore, Xing Tian suspected the Yellow Emperor's tribe and the gods, and misunderstood Jiutian Xuannv.

Xing Tian told Emperor Yan of his doubts.

However, Emperor Yan's answer shocked him.

It's not that Emperor Yan didn't understand these things, but he still fell to the Yellow Emperor's tribe, not because of the impulse of anger at Yao Ji's death, but a deliberate decision.

Emperor Yan told Xing Tian that the unification of the human race is inevitable and civil war is inevitable. Both Chi You and Huang Di are worthy of being emperors, but they are fundamentally different.

Chi You is warlike, and the tribe of Jiuli is violent. If Chi You is allowed to rule the human race, he will eventually go to war with the gods.

The unification of the human race will inevitably lead to heavy losses in strength.

And the gods will not sit back and watch Chi You dominate the human race, they will take the opportunity to attack without Chi You going to war, and the only thing that will welcome the human race is the result of destruction.

Chi You can't be the emperor!He is too strong, and the human race is not strong enough. It is too dangerous to have such a human emperor.Today, the human race needs a human emperor who can endure humiliation and bear a heavy burden, and keep a low profile.

And Huangdi is such a person!

Emperor Yan supported Huangdi not because of personal grievances, but because of the consideration of the human race.

But when war is unavoidable, the only way is to reduce losses.

The plot gradually unfolded, and the conflict between the two sides escalated.

Then ushered in a big climax, that is the battle of Zhuolu. The two sides pulled apart their troops and fought decisively in Zhuolu. The scene also reached a climax.

Myths are naturally not like mortal wars.

There are countless weapons and magic weapons, beast warships, and various fights that make people overwhelmed. The audience was stunned and exclaimed.

War naturally has a cruel side, let alone a civil war among the human race.

The audience who watched the scene had an urge to yell not to fight, especially when the gods were fanning the flames inside.

Some lovable supporting characters died in the war.

There is no distinction between justice and evil in this war, it is just a struggle for power between tribal leaders with different ideas.

Under the persuasion of Nine Heavens Xuannv, who was born with a heart of intolerance and disgusted with war, Xing Tian, ​​who is strong in battle, joined the ranks of besieging Chi You.

The sooner Chi You dies, the sooner this war will end, and the less the human race will suffer.

Chi You's fighting power was extremely fierce. Human race masters, even gods had masters to participate in the siege, and Chi You was finally beheaded after a waste of effort.

Chi You, played by Zhao Jin, is undoubtedly brilliant.

And the war wasn't over yet.

(End of this chapter)

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