my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 397 Made up a word "good"

Chapter 397 Make up a word "good"
No excitement, no tension.

Facing the chief, Mu Chen seemed very indifferent, he did not talk eloquently, but listened more.

Of course, when asked some questions, I will also express my own opinions, which is a bit of a taste.

However, the time before and after was not long.

"Which chief?" Li Ruoxi asked curiously.

"Who else could it be, the one who came here today." Mu Chen said.

There are quite a few "heads" here today, but when Mu Chen said this, Li Ruoxi naturally understood instantly.

"What did you talk about?" Li Ruoxi asked curiously.

"I didn't talk about anything, just chatted briefly." Mu Chen shook his head and said, "I mentioned the school we built, and then talked about some things about the movie."

"What about the movie?" Li Ruoxi asked.

"I used to make movies, if he doesn't ask this, what else can he ask?" Mu Chen said with a smile.

Li Ruoxi smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

The international influence of Chinese-language films is growing, and it is not surprising that they have attracted the attention of the higher authorities.

Movies, an excellent way to spread culture and values.

As for why the chief met Mu Chen, I am afraid that apart from the coincidence of the meeting, it is also because the two films "Chasing the Deer" and "Sword Immortal" have great influence abroad.

These two films are somewhat different from the popular Chinese films in the past.

The style of the film is full of Chinese style.

The chief must have ordered Mu Chen, but what he ordered was probably what Mu Chen was doing now.

Two days after attending the wedding, Li Ruoxi was admitted to the hospital to wait for delivery, and "Sword Fairy" is still in theaters all over the world.

Before that, Jiang Qin gave birth to a child, and Zhao Jinrong was promoted to a nanny.

"Aren't you envious, jealous?" Zhao Jin said with a smile while holding the child, looking at Wang Hao and Ma Lin.

Mu Chen smiled and said nothing, but Wang Hao and Wang Hao rolled their eyes.

"How are you?" Mu Chen looked at Wang Hao and asked curiously.

"Take her down sooner or later," Wang Hao said.

"That's why I didn't win it." Marin said with a grin.

"Sooner or later." Wang Hao said, "If you win it so easily, there is no sense of accomplishment. There are too many women who throw themselves into their arms."

Marin pouted and said nothing.

His current and past girlfriends seem to be out of his reach.

Naturally, there are even more women who throw themselves into his arms.

"You really haven't considered getting married?" Zhao Jin looked at Marin and asked.

"By the way, where's Qin Yu?" Wang Hao asked casually.

"The announcement has been made." Marin said, "I haven't thought about getting married yet."

With the heroine of "Chasing the Deer", Qin Yu naturally gained a lot.

Popularity has increased a lot.

After all, this film is a box office hit both at home and abroad, with great influence. As the heroine of this film, Qin Yu was directly promoted from quasi-first-tier to first-tier.

Advertisement endorsements and announcements will naturally spring up like mushrooms after rain.

Especially when "Chasing the Deer" has not yet finished painting and her enthusiasm is still there.

"You didn't think about it, or did she think about it?" Mu Chen asked.

"I'm afraid I didn't even think about it," Zhao Jin said.

"Don't mention this." Marin immediately changed the subject, looked at Mu Chen and said, "When will "War God" start? I heard that the preparations are almost done?"

"I guess it will look like the end of September!" Mu Chen thought for a while and said, "It must be after the child's full moon!"

Marin and others nodded.

It was not beyond their expectations that Mu Chen was like this.

Although Mu Chen is a workaholic, it is said that he is either filming or preparing to film, but even if he is busy, he often finds time to accompany Li Ruoxi, especially after she is pregnant.

There is nothing surprising about the delay in booting.

"What about your movie?" Zhao Jin asked.

"I don't know how long it will take for post-production special effects." Marin said, "There is too much work on Xuanying Digital now."

"Can it be completed before the Spring Festival?" Mu Chen asked casually.

"You're not going to let this film be released during the Spring Festival, are you?" Marin was taken aback for a moment and said.

"Lao Yu's "Havoc in Heaven" has been completed." Mu Chen said, "If your film can be completed before the Spring Festival, it is estimated that his film will be released on the National Day. If your film is not good, it will probably be released. To the Spring Festival. Although the National Day schedule is good, it is difficult to compare with the Spring Festival.”

"Let Lao Yu go to the Spring Festival. The post-production of my film may not be able to come out." Ma Lin shook his head and said.

Mu Chen nodded.

For that film, Marin spent a lot of energy whether it was preparing or shooting.

In post-production, he will definitely strive for excellence and strive to be the best.

"The total box office of "Sword Immortal" should exceed that of "Chasing the Deer", right?" Zhao Jin asked.

His role as Chi You in "Chasing the Deer" has been well received.The popularity is only lower than the protagonist Xing Tian played by Mu Ze, and much higher than the heroine Qin Yu.

"Judging from the current box office trend, it should exceed. However, it will not exceed much." Mu Chen nodded.

Although "Chasing the Deer" has not yet been drawn, the global box office growth is also limited.

The global box office broke 15 billion US dollars, but the foreign box office is far less than "Sword Immortal", and the domestic box office of "Sword Immortal" will not be worse than "Chasing the Deer".

Li Ruoxi's overseas box office appeal may not be as good as Mu Ze.

But Mu Chen, the director, had a much stronger box office appeal than Feng Yi.

What's more, "Sword Fairy" is a member of the superhero movie world and has an extremely large fan base.This is, of course, the strength of this film.

With such advantages, it is not surprising that the global box office is higher than that of "Chasing the Deer".

Zhao Jin's promotion to baby daddy has sparked quite a heated discussion.

After all, his enthusiasm for the movie "Chasing the Deer" has not passed.

Both he and Jiang Qin are now popular first-line stars.

However, it didn't take long for Mu Chen to be happy with his son, but his enthusiasm was much stronger than that.

Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi are much more famous than Zhao Jin and Jiang Qin.What's more, "Sword Immortal" is currently being screened, and Li Ruoxi and Mu Chen are also on the topic.

Mu Ze has a son and a daughter, and Mu Chen has a daughter and a son now.

It's all a "good" word, which undoubtedly made Mu Chen's parents smile.

The two elders also lived in Yanjing for a long time because of this.

"Have you chosen a name?" Xia Zhiyun asked.

Her big belly is already evident.

"Take it." Li Ruoxi said with a smile, "Mu Yi. Yi from "Book of Changes."

"One of your brother's is called Mu Qing and the other is called Mu Lan." Li Ruolin said with a smile, "I thought one of you was called Mu Xue and the other was called Mu Bai!"

"You'd better think about it, what's your son's name!" Li Ruoxi pouted.

Mu Yi was not taken by Mu Chen, but by her.

The first name she took was Mubai.

Whether Xia Zhiyun was pregnant with a boy or a girl, they would naturally know in advance.

Li Ruolin and Li Ruolin didn't sit for long.

Mu Chen stayed at home with Li Ruoxi for nearly a month, and "Sword Immortal" has been released for more than a month, and it has gradually faded away.

The domestic box office exceeded 40 billion Chinese dollars, the North American box office exceeded 17 million US dollars, and the global box office exceeded [-] billion.

Among the top [-] films in the global box office list, Mu Chen has one more film.

Moreover, he also suppressed his previous "Transformers".

The success of "Sword Immortal" also gave Mu Chen more confidence in "War God".

The preparations for "War God" have already been completed, and they are only waiting for the director, Mu Chen.

After the full moon of the child, "Valkyrie" started immediately.

"Sword and Fairy" has swept the global box office and is likely to become the world's box office champion this year.

Then, as the second Chinese superhero movie, it naturally attracted the attention of major media around the world.

Moreover, the role of "Valkyrie" is still a superhero who appeared in "The Avengers" together with "Sword Fairy".

His solo movie has long been highly anticipated.

Naturally, the launch conference of "War God" cannot be low-key, nor can it be low-key.

At the press conference!

In addition to Mu Chen, the director, and Mu Ze, who is definitely the protagonist, there are also the heroine Su Xiaowan, and the supporting actors Zhang Yao and Yuan Cheng.

In addition, there is the ancient style of playing the villain.

Gu Feng is a person highly praised by Xiangjiang Yinglian Film and Television. He became popular with "Infernal Affairs", and now he can be regarded as a popular actor from Xiangjiang.

He was able to win this role, more because Chu Yuhua greeted Mu Chen.

Of course, if he is not suitable, Mu Chen may not let him play this role.

"Director Mu, the global box office of "Sword Immortal" has broken through 17 billion US dollars, so what are your expectations for the box office of this film?"

When it was the reporter's turn to ask questions, as always, the first question was to Mu Chen.

"People go to high places, and water flows to low places." Mu Chen smiled and said, "Of course I hope the box office of this movie will be higher."

"Then how does the investment budget of this film compare with "Sword Fairy"?"

a reporter asked.

The production cost of "Sword Fairy" was less than 17 million U.S. dollars, but it won a box office of [-] billion U.S. dollars worldwide. Chenxi Film and Television should have made a profit of [-] to [-] million U.S. dollars, or even more.

Converted into Chinese currency, that is 20 billion.

Although Mu Chen is the boss of Chenxi Film and Television, he is not the only shareholder.

As a director, he also gets a cut of the box office.

Public accounts and private accounts will definitely be separated.

As for the share ratio, no one knows.

However, as the world's top director, Mu Chen's box office dividend is naturally not low.With this film, no matter how they can get [-]-[-] million.

This is also one of the reasons why Mu Chen occupies the top of the "Celebrity Wealth List" every year.

The director's bonus of a movie has already thrown off the income of those popular stars, how can those stars compete with Mu Chen?

What's more, Mu Chen's income is not only the director's bonus, but also the screenwriter's bonus.

This does not include other industry income.

He is not at the top, who is at the top.

"Budget? About the same!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "As for the exact amount, we won't know until after the shooting."

"Mu Dao, is there a difference in style between "War God" and "Sword Immortal"?"

a reporter asked.

"Of course there is a difference." Mu Chen said with a smile, ""Sword Immortal" presents a fairy-tale style, while "War God" has a darker style."

The opponent of "Sword Fairy" is a god, while the opponent of "War God" is a hell devil, so the style is naturally completely different.

If the styles are the same, wouldn't it be that the hell is turned into a fairyland?
(End of this chapter)

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