my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 399 A Crucial 1 Film

Chapter 399 A Vital Film

The shooting and production cost of "Thor 2" is actually almost the same as that of "Sword Fairy", or even a little more.

However, judging from the effect presented, it is far inferior to "Sword Immortal".

This is also one of the reasons why the box office momentum of "Thor 2" is not as good as that of "Sword Fairy".

The director's box office appeal may be one of the reasons, but more is the film itself.

Although the special effects are world-class, the scene of "Sword Fairy" is much bigger than that of "Thor 2".

The reason for this is that it has little to do with the director's ability.

The cost of filming in Hollywood is much higher than in China.

This has a great relationship with the prices and labor between the two places.

Mu Chen didn't pay attention to this, he has always been like this in filming.

The film was shot in an orderly manner according to the plan.

The film crew cooperated tacitly, and the filming was naturally more effective.

"Hey, sister Zhiyun is here!" Mu Chen said with a smile, looking at Xia Zhiyun.

"I heard that you are here to film, come down and have a look." Xia Zhiyun said with a smile.

At this time, her belly became more and more obvious.

However, the due date is estimated to be early next year.

"The Martial Art League has entered the formal state, you don't need to come to the company every day." Mu Chen said.

Today, the Guoshu League building was filmed, and there were not many scenes.

If it weren't for the placement of advertisements, there is actually no need to come here at all.

Not long ago, the second fighting competition sponsored by the Martial Arts League ended successfully, and its influence was naturally much greater than last year.

And there has also been an increase in profitability.

Next year, the third edition will be held.

During this period of time, the Guoshu League didn't have much to do, and naturally there was no need for Xia Zhiyun to sit at the headquarters every day.

"There's a lot to do!" Xia Zhiyun shook her head and said.

"The people below won't handle it?" Mu Chen pouted and said, "Don't do everything yourself. In this regard, you have to learn from me."

"Like you?" Xia Zhiyun pouted, but didn't know what to say.

Mu Chen, the hands-off shopkeeper, is well known to almost everyone.

He basically doesn't ask about the company's affairs, but now Chenxi Film and Television has become the largest film and television company in China, and it can also be called an international film and television company.

It is no different from those top film and television companies in Hollywood.

However, Xia Zhiyun is very clear that the development of Chenxi Film and Television Company to its present level is not only due to the ability of the general manager, Chen Fuhai.

Those movies led by Mu Chen are the key to the development of Chenxi Film and Television.

Of course, Chen Fuhai must have contributed a great deal, but compared to Mu Chen, the hands-off shopkeeper, he was still far behind.

Without Mu Chen, Chenxi Film and Television would not be where it is today.

Without Chen Fuhai, Chenxi Film and Television might not be where it is today.

"Huh?" Seeing Mu Ze not far away exchanging boxing skills with Ye Zhizhen and others, Xia Zhiyun said in surprise, "Your brother is also a master."

As soon as Xia Zhiyun said the words, she smiled again.

Mu Chen's kung fu is so terrifying, his brother is a master of kung fu, so why should he be surprised.

Xia Zhiyun and Mu Ze didn't meet much.

Of course, Mu Ze is so famous, and he is also famous all over the world for his kung fu, Xia Zhiyun has naturally heard of it.

It's just that Xia Zhiyun has always scoffed at the so-called "Kung Fu masters" in the entertainment circle. Many of those action actors have a background in acting, and they don't have real kung fu at all.

Xia Zhiyun naturally subconsciously thought that Mu Ze was the same.

It's just that I was a little surprised when I saw it today.

"If my brother hadn't been delayed by filming, his kung fu would have improved by now." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Mu Ze is also persevering, and his kung fu has already developed a dark energy.

However, if you want to improve your skills, you have to put down your work and concentrate on it for a few years, maybe it is still possible.

Now that he is popular, it is naturally impossible for him to let go of his work.

What's more, what about the perfection of kung fu?
Mu Ze's current kung fu is completely sufficient.

The title of the most capable actor, Mu Ze, is recognized worldwide.

Yes, many domestic recognition, but the world.

Xia Zhiyun nodded, seeming to agree with what Mu Chen said just now.

After getting familiar with it, turn it on immediately.

There are not many scenes in the Guoshu League building, and the filming was completed soon.

However, Ye Zhizhen's role has not been completed yet.

He still has a lot of roles in this film.

He still needs to follow the crew.

Ye Zhizhen now only accepts plays occasionally to earn some extra money.His focus gradually returned to the Guoshu League.

As for why, Mu Chen didn't ask much.

"Thor 2" is gradually declining globally, and the box office is much higher than the first one, as predicted before, but it is not as good as the previously released "Sword Immortal".

However, the box office also met expectations, and it can be regarded as a hot movie. "Thor 3" is also possible to shoot.

"Thor 2" is under drawing, but "Valkyrie" is still being filmed.

The shooting of this film was very smooth, but the shooting cycle was not short.

In mid-December, the two-month filming of "Valkyrie" was completed, but at this time, "Captain America 2" has already started global promotion.

This film is scheduled for Christmas and New Year's Day.

This schedule may only be good in China, but it is an excellent schedule in the West.

The popularity of the superhero Captain America can compete with Iron Man in North America.His second solo film naturally attracted much attention.

Of course, this character is far less popular in China than Iron Man, and even harder to compare with Sword Immortal.

However, it is also a superhero with considerable box office appeal.

After all, he is a member of the superhero world created by Mu Chen, and his fan base in China is still extremely huge.


After the video was played, Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen.

Yu Yun also looked at Mu Chen with a slightly nervous expression.

"Very good!" Mu Chen nodded and said, "The domestic box office is probably stable. As for the foreign box office, I really don't have much confidence."

Although Yu Yun's "Havoc in Heaven" is adapted from "Journey to the West", it is somewhat different.

At least it is completely different from the "Havoc in Heaven" in Mu Chen's mind.

Whether it is special effects or others, it is undoubtedly a comprehensive crush.

The film is about freedom and resistance, but it is not too literary!

A decent commercial blockbuster.

The scene is huge, and the special effects are naturally beyond doubt.

However, Mu Chen was not very sure whether foreign movie fans would buy it or not.

Although the investment in this film is not small, Mu Chen believes that the domestic box office alone should be able to recover the cost.

""Journey to the West" is still very popular abroad, and has a certain fan base. Especially in Southeast Asia and other places, the box office should be pretty good. It's hard to say in Europe and the United States." Mu Chen continued.

"Journey to the West" is not only popular in China, but also in Southeast Asia and other regions.

Many countries and regions even broke ratings records.

Many peripheral products related to "Journey to the West" are also very popular in Southeast Asia and other places.

These undoubtedly increased the box office foundation for the film "Havoc in Heaven".

The TV series "Journey to the West" has also been introduced in Europe, America and other regions, and even the novel has been translated into multiple languages.

However, it did not cause much repercussions in Europe, America and other regions.

"Show it in China first, and use the domestic box office to promote foreign box office." Chen Fuhai said.

Mu Chen nodded. Now that Huaxia's movies are becoming more and more influential, if Huaxia's box office is good enough, it will indeed attract the attention of foreign movie fans.

For some films that have performed well in China, some foreign film producers will take the initiative to find them.

When Mu Chen and Chen Fuhai were discussing domestic and foreign publicity, Yu Yun didn't speak at the side.

Each has its own strengths, and Yu Yun knows that he is not good at publicity.

Although Mu Chen is also a director, he is also extremely good at publicity.

Even in the Chenxi Film and Television Publicity Department, many people were brought out by Mu Chen.

Yu Yun only needs to make the movie well and then participate in some promotion.

He was dug by Mu Chen and others from other film and television companies, and Chenxi Film and Television also attaches great importance to him.

In recent years, he has made many blockbuster films, and he has been given a lot of autonomy.

Of course, Yu Yun is not only lucky to have a good movie, but also has a much better income than other film and television companies.

His director's dividend may not be as good as Mu Chen's, but he can't stand the high box office of the film.

"Havoc in Heaven" has not yet been released, but his next film has already been confirmed.

Yu Yun has naturally heard of this film.

One of the highlights of Chenxi Film and Television may not be as good as "Sword Immortal" and "War God" directed by Mu Chen, but it is almost the same.

Yu Yun has already read the script, and has many ideas of his own.

This is a very standard commercial blockbuster, and it also adheres to the usual routine of Mu Chen's superhero movies.

The plot is compact, and then filled with action scenes, special effects and big scenes, and then incorporates some Chinese cultural elements.

To put it bluntly, it is not much different from those popcorn movies in Hollywood.

Don't expect that after watching this film, you will have any deep feelings and thoughts about life.

When watching this kind of movie, there is only one word "cool".

And after reading it, maybe there are only "good", "very good", "good-looking" and other impressions, but I can't say it.

Once addicted, forget it!
But this kind of movie, fans just like it.

Of course, maybe movie fans will also discuss about a certain character that is more impressive in it, or a certain wonderful plot, and a certain amazing scene.

The completion of "War God" was very low-key, and only a few days later did some media mention it.

However, after all, it is not a release, and Chenxi Film and Television will not contribute to the flames. There are not many media reports, and fans don't pay much attention to it.

Mu Chen seems to have settled in the summer vacation.

After the film was finished, Mu Chen immediately went into post-production, and at the same time participated in the pre-production of "Mage".

Although he will not direct the film, he will serve as the producer of the film.

He naturally had to participate in the discussion of the film's role audition, action design, costume props, and the overall style of the film.

As for whether to go to the crew or not after the movie starts, that's not certain.

Moreover, the preliminary preparations for "Guardians of the Galaxy" will also slowly begin.

Naturally, some modifications are indispensable in this film, but not many.

The reason why Mu Chen gave up directing "Mage" and directed this film is nothing more than the importance of this film to the overall layout.

This film was the key to expanding the superhero movie universe into the universe.

Its importance, of course, needless to say.

(End of this chapter)

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