my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 402 "Home Alone"? "Harry Potter"?

Chapter 402 "Home Alone"? "Harry Potter"?
The son inherits the father's business!

This idiom shows that the child's future career is likely to be related to the parents' career.

Maybe, it's all the same.

This is also true in the entertainment industry.

It's not that there are not many stars in the second generation, it's just that there are not many who are famous and well-known.

Just like Marin, the reason why he applied for the photography department of Yanjing Film Academy is entirely because his father is a famous photographer in the circle.

He was no doubt brought into the business by the influence of his father.

This has a lot to do with the growth environment.

Even like Mu Ze, he doesn't want his children to enter the entertainment industry.

Mu Qing was interested in movies because his parents were both actors, and when Mu Chen and the others got together, they talked about movies the most.

It's not surprising that I became interested in it after hearing about it.

After all, it was the time when he was full of curiosity about everything.

Of course, children, maybe only 3 minutes of heat.

"Filming is very hard."

Li Ruoxi walked over with a smile, scratched Mu Qing's nose, and said.

Just because he was filming when he was a child doesn't mean that he will really follow this path when he grows up.

From Li Ruoxi's point of view, Mu Qing clamored to make a film and be the leading actor, probably more because she thought filming was fun.

It's not that I like it, but I'm curious, and I think it's fun, so I have to "play".

"I'm not afraid!"

Mu Qing said firmly.

"Okay, Second Uncle will let you be the protagonist." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Don't spoil him all the time." Su Xiaowan said, "This kid probably thinks filming is fun and wants to have fun."

"Then let him play around." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"If my son is spoiled by you, I will spoil your son." Mu Ze gave Mu Chen a white look, hugged Mu Yi and teased him, and said.

"Make a movie for him to play with, you really can figure it out." Su Xiaowan also shook her head and said.

Mu Qing and Mu Chen are very close, even seem to be much closer than with his father.

The reason for this is nothing more than that Mu Chen is used to him, but Mu Ze is very strict with him.

"Movies starring children are actually very marketable." Mu Chen said with a smile.


Mu Ze and the others were stunned for a moment, then nodded.

The cute baby movie is indeed very attractive at the box office.

This is the same reason why the variety show "Where are we going, Dad" planned by Mu Chen became popular.

It's not just children who like to see cute babies, adults also like it very much.

However, the reason why Mu Ze and the others nodded was probably because they believed in Mu Chen.

The cute baby is very popular, but whether the cute baby can support a movie is another matter.

Let Mu Qing star in a movie for fun, Mu Chen is not just talking.

When Mu Qing told him that he wanted to make a film and be the leading actor, a movie popped up in his mind.

"Home Alone", also known as "Baby Smart Stars"!
This is a series of movies, and Mu Chen didn't know how many movies were made, but probably there were many.

However, he has only seen the first part.

The first film, whether it is word of mouth or box office, is extremely good.

Especially the box office, which was amazing at the time.

The box office of more than 5 million US dollars, even without considering factors such as the movie market and inflation, is extremely good today.

Moreover, the production cost of this film is not high.

It is impossible to lose money if you lose money. The question is just how much you earn.

Of course, among such films, the most famous and most influential one is not this series, but the "Harry Potter" series.

However, the "Harry Potter" series, in terms of cost, is much larger than the "Home Alone" series.

The most important thing is the "Harry Potter" series, Mu Qing is not suitable.

Mu Chen didn't think about "Chineseizing" this series of movies.

This is also an extremely lucrative movie series, so Mu Chen will naturally not let it go.

Although, he has not fully watched the films of this series.

But it is completely possible to get the first two parts out like the "Resident Evil" series, and the editorial team will solve the latter.

I didn't think of it before, but now I think of it, naturally I won't let it go.

It's time for another film series from Dream Pictures.

The plot of "Home Alone" is actually very simple, it is the story of a child and two stupid thieves.

Yes, two stupid thieves.

If those two thieves were not stupid, the whole plot would not stand up to scrutiny.

The plot is exaggerated but interesting.

The background of the story is obviously going to be put from the United States to China.

The story time has naturally changed from Christmas to Spring Festival.

"You really wrote a script?" Su Xiaowan handed the script to Mu Ze, shaking her head and said.

At this moment, her mood is complicated.

She is an excellent actress, and she can naturally tell a good script from a bad one.

Besides, would Mu Chen's script be bad?
Even if it was just for Mu Qing "for fun".

"I have already sent the script to Old Chen." Mu Chen said with a smile, "If you want to shoot, let him start the preparations, and you can shoot when you go back after the Chinese New Year."

"You don't plan to direct yourself, do you?" Mu Ze looked at Mu Chen and said.

"It's not too bad." Mu Chen said with a smile.

The shooting cycle of this film will not be too long, of course, the premise is that the shooting goes well.

Whether it goes well or not depends on the little guy's "acting skills".

Filming is not difficult either.

If Mu Qing is strong enough, Mu Chen is confident that he can shoot this film in half a month.

Moreover, the post-production of the film is not complicated.

Of course, the film will not be released in a hurry.

In Mu Chen's opinion, next year's Spring Festival is undoubtedly the best choice.

When Mu Ze and the others heard this, they shook their heads and remained silent.

Mu Chen is a world-renowned director after all, so he went to shoot a "fun" movie.

From this it can be seen how much Mu Chen dotes on Mu Qing, his nephew.

"I think it's okay to shoot. Let the little guy experience it." Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

When Li Ruoxi said so, Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan didn't say anything more.

"The two of you can make a guest appearance." Mu Chen said with a smile.

The cameo, of course, is the parents of the protagonist.

In this regard, Mu Ze and the two naturally would not refuse.

Even if they don't make guest appearances, they will probably be in the crew.

Even with Mu Chen around, they wouldn't be at ease.

The preparation of "Home Alone" did not take much time.

Half a month is more than enough.

For Chen Fuhai, this is just a matter of one sentence.

He doesn't need to deal with it himself, if he arranges the matter, the people below will manage it beautifully.

They will naturally be serious about Mu Chen's video.

Will Mu Chen shoot a low-budget comedy when he comes back from the Spring Festival?

This news spread within the company, but many people couldn't believe it.

It is said that the cost is less than 2000 million.

Not U.S. dollars, but Chinese coins.

Mu Chen has been filming in the past few years, which movie's production cost is less than one billion?

Today, his films are all big-budget commercials.Why did you suddenly make such a low-budget comedy?
Although he was puzzled, it was only circulated within the company, and the news did not spread.

Perhaps, even if it got out, few people believed it.

Nowadays, what attracts the most attention of Chenxi Film and Television is not Mu Chen's film, but Yu Yun's "Havoc in Heaven".

Spring Festival is coming soon.

Mu Chen clearly felt that the atmosphere at home was much happier than last year.

Maybe it's because there's an extra kid in the family.

Perhaps the sadness of the previous year dissipated with time.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Mu Chen opened a theater in the city, and the whole family watched "Havoc in Heaven" together!
"You should have seen this movie, how about it?"

Mu Ze asked about Mu Chen.

"There are some adaptations, but overall I still respect the original." Mu Chen nodded and said, "The special effects are well done, and the scene is huge."

The film has several stages.

The monkey king was born, went to sea to learn art, and came back after learning, making troubles in the Dragon Palace, the Underworld, and finally the Heavenly Palace.

Among them, some plot scenes have been added or subtracted.

"I wonder if this film can become the biggest winner of this year's Spring Festival?" Su Xiaowan said immediately.

"It's probably not a big problem." Mu Chen nodded.

He is very confident in this film.

Confidence comes not only from the film itself, but also from other films released during the Spring Festival.

It's not that other films are bad, it's just that it can't compete with "Havoc in Heaven" at the box office.

This can be seen from the pre-sale box office.

Therefore, the film schedule of this film is much higher than other films.

As long as the word-of-mouth of the film does not collapse, there will be no suspense in becoming the biggest winner of this year's Spring Festival.

Will the reputation collapse?
Naturally not.

The plot of the film is compact, and the rhythm is well grasped. There are constant small climaxes, and the scene of causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace at the end is even more shocking.

Especially the battle between the heavenly soldiers and generals and the monsters in Huaguo Mountain.

The beautiful scenery of the film is quite a bit of Mu Chen's style, which is extremely amazing.

This is true whether it is Tiangong or Huaguo Mountain.

Of course, the beauty of the two is completely different.

It's a pity that in the last battle, the beauty of Tiangong was destroyed a lot, and Huaguo Mountain was almost in ruins.

The action design inside is naturally extremely exciting.

The Monkey King learns art, and various spells emerge in endlessly.

After returning from studies, there were also a few fight scenes in the unification of Huaguo Mountain.

Of course, the most impressive one is naturally the fight between Monkey King and Erlang Shen.

Fighting alone is very exciting, and group play is naturally even more so.

The heavenly soldiers and generals fight with the monsters, and the evolution of various battle formations is presented with special effects, which is extremely shocking.

Even in the end, the fight between Sun Wukong and Tathagata, although it is like the original, Sun Wukong can't jump out of such a palm, and its visual effects are extremely amazing.

The concept of "Buddhist kingdom in the palm of your hand" also appears in the film.

At the end of the film, suspense is naturally left, giving fans an unforgettable "sequel preview".

"No wonder you're so confident."

At the end of the movie, Mu Ze said to Mu Chen with a smile.

This film is indeed a rare masterpiece.

Of course, some changes are indispensable in the film, but in general, the original work is still respected.

Those minor changes are just in order not to affect those fans who have not read the novels and TV animations.

Of course, some discussion of the story by the director is also added in it.

For example, why did the Jade Emperor let a monkey see the Peach Garden.

This kind of discussion is only scratching the surface, and does not give a clear answer.

(End of this chapter)

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