my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 405 Crisis Public Relations

Chapter 405 Crisis Public Relations
There are videos of Qin Yu playing big cards as evidence, so naturally he cannot deny it.

At least, Qin Yu couldn't deny it, but an excuse was naturally indispensable.

And this excuse cannot be opened by her first.

Therefore, the director of the crew first stood up and responded.

He denied that Qin Yu was playing a big game, but said that the two had some different opinions on how to deal with the roles.

Then, there were some problems with the way the two communicated, and his temper was a little hot and irritable, which led to a discussion that looked like a "quarrel"!

Yes, according to the director, the quarrel between the two was just because the discussion was too intense.

Actors and directors have different opinions, which is indeed normal in the circle.

However, it depends on who wins in the end.

For example, if a new director is arguing with a big-name actor, it is estimated that the actor is likely to win in the end.

But if the director is famous, the result is self-evident.

Of course, it's more of a debate. If no one can convince anyone, then the director's decision will prevail.

It's no secret that many directors are hot-tempered.

Qin Yu has big wrists, at least bigger than that director, and also has a boyfriend of a first-line director in China, so he is inevitably a lot more arrogant.

Arguing with a hot-tempered director, the natural tone became more "excited".

The director came out to defend Qin Yu, which was naturally part of Chen Xi's film and television public relations.

Whether the director is willing or not, he has to stand up.

Afterwards, Qin Yu came out to clarify again, and apologized to the director, saying that his temper had become a little bit bigger, and he apologized to the public for the misunderstanding he caused.

The two argued, but they both hoped to make the film the best.The purpose is good, but communication requires mutual understanding.

Immediately afterwards, Chenxi Film and Television asked the navy to lead the rhythm on the Internet.

However, some people believe it, and some people naturally don't believe it.

Coincidentally?It was reported that Qin Yu played big names too many times, and the difficulty of crisis public relations became much more difficult.If it happened once in a while, such a PR would probably be resolved.

After some public relations, Qin Yu's big name play has less influence this time, but the enthusiasm remains the same.

"The company wants to break the news of your film, divert the public's attention, and reduce Qin Yu's enthusiasm for playing big names. After time has passed, he will use other hype." Chen Fuhai looked at Mu Chen. , said.

It is a very common method of crisis public relations to release a bigger news to divert the public's attention.

"Let's explode!" Mu Chen nodded and said, "There's no need to spend money on buying materials from paparazzi."

If you want to reveal more information, Chenxi Film and Television does not have it, so you can only buy it from the paparazzi.

In Mu Chen's view, this is unnecessary.

What's more, even if Chenxi Film and Television has material in hand, it will not use other people's material to top the tank.

Such offending things are generally not done under unavoidable circumstances.

Not to mention Chenxi Film and Television, the same is true for other film and television companies.

Many of the revelations that divert attention were negotiated by the two parties.

Then when encountering such a thing, they will usually blow up their own company's material.

If Chen Xianqi and Li Yunyi were not married, news of their marriage broke out at this time, which would definitely divert the public's attention.

"I'm afraid I can't hold back the popularity of this movie alone?" Mu Chen thought for a while, and then said.

The popularity of his new films has always been very high, and it may be able to suppress Qin Yu's enthusiasm for playing big names, but it will definitely not divert everyone's attention.

The longer Qin Yu's enthusiasm for playing big names lasts, the worse the impact will be.

"Chen Xianqi is pregnant." Chen Fuhai said.

"Huh?" Mu Chen showed a hint of surprise, and said, "If you want to break the news, please respect Chen Xianqi and the others' opinions."

"I've already discussed with them." Chen Fuhai said, "Chen Xianqi's stomach is almost too much to hide."

"That's fine." Mu Chen nodded and said, "Then the preparations for the sequel of "Transformers" have to be put on hold."

"Avengers 2" has been filmed and is in post-production. It is estimated that it will be released after "Valkyrie".

Both Chen Xianqi and Li Yunyi starred in this film.

Kuaiyin, played by Li Yunyi, naturally did not make soy sauce in this film.

The roles of the two have also increased compared to the original version.

Of course, the increase is limited.

As the superheroes who appear first, they can make the audience shine, but they must not steal the scenes of those popular superheroes.

It's okay to steal a little limelight, but definitely not too much.

Otherwise, the gain outweighs the loss.

However, Mu Chen believes that with these two roles, the two of them can gain international fame.

"It's time to let it go." Chen Fuhai nodded and said, "So, Feng Yi has been thinking about ancient myths recently, and seems to be planning to create a movie with Fuxi as the protagonist."

"Fuxi?" Mu Chen was thoughtful.

There are many Chinese myths and legends, but Fuxi is definitely a very important one.

There are many legends about him, and some have different opinions, but he is regarded as the ancestor of Chinese humanities.

According to the changes of everything in the world, he invented divination and gossip, and created words to end the history of "knotting events".

He also made ropes into nets, used them to catch birds and hunted, and taught people how to fish and hunt.

This is indeed a mythical figure worth photographing.

"Yes! I heard from the writers that Feng Yi seems to intend to create an ancient world where humans struggled to survive in the face of fierce beasts." Chen Fuhai nodded.

"It's a good idea." Mu Chen nodded, agreeing somewhat.

The idea is good, but we have to wait for the script to come out to see what the film is like.

It is obviously not enough for a good movie to rely solely on a good idea.

""Havoc in Heaven" was released in North America on Friday." Chen Fuhai said, "The box office response in Southeast Asia is not bad. Many countries and regions directly ranked first in the single-day box office. When the film was released, the sales of Journey to the West's peripheral products also surged. I have to say, this is a big IP that exudes golden light. Many film and television companies, as well as some directors, are spying on me, wanting to buy the copyright of a certain story of Journey to the West.”

"What's your opinion?" Mu Chen asked with a smile.

"Old Yu got the news and was almost in a hurry with me." Chen Fuhai said with a smile.

When Mu Chen heard it, he smiled.

Chen Fuhai didn't say it directly, but he already gave the answer.

Yu Yun had a special liking for "Journey to the West" at the beginning, otherwise he would not have left the movie and went back to film TV series.Now, if the company hadn't asked him to make "Mage", I'm afraid he was already ready to start thinking about the next film of Journey to the West.

No, not ready, but already.

"Old Yu has his eyes on the story of Huoyanshan, and he has asked the editorial department to start adapting it." Chen Fuhai said with a smile, "It is estimated that after "Mage", if the script is satisfactory, he can't wait to start preparations."

Mu Chen shook his head and smiled, but he was not surprised.

When it comes to the story of Journey to the West, who is the most suitable director, Mu Chen feels that there is no one else but Yu Yun.

"Journey to the West" was written by him, but his research on it is not even as good as Yu Yun.

Of course, since Mu Chen brought this novel to this world, there is still some necessary research.

Moreover, discussions about this novel in previous lives can be seen everywhere on the Internet.Mu Chen watched a lot more or less.

What's more, Mu Chen's own literary quality is still extremely high.

At least no one suspects that the real author of the novel is not him.When he talked about this novel with Yu Yun, he would not be the slightest bit weak.

Chen Fuhai left, but many media reporters came.

"That's right! I'm indeed working on a new film. But it's just a low-budget comedy. The filming cycle is not long."

"Budget? I've already talked about low-budget comedies, so the budget is naturally not too high, maybe tens of millions at most! Why do you ask this question every time?"

"Why do you make such a film? If you want to make it, you can make it. Just think that I have made too many special effects movies, and you want to change your taste."

"Starring role? My brother's family, as well as Wu Da and Chen Kun!"

"What is the specific story? Then we can only wait and see, it is not convenient to reveal it now."

""War God"? The post-production special effects are still in production. As for whether it will be released in the summer, it depends on the progress of the post-production. The film schedule is certain, and everyone will be notified."

"Havoc in Heaven, am I, the author of the original work, satisfied? I am not only the author of the novel, but also the producer of this film. If I am not satisfied, how could it be released. The box office proves that not only We are satisfied with ourselves, and the fans are also satisfied with the film."

Mu Chen faced the reporter and said with a smile.

If they do not accept interviews with those reporters, they will definitely not let it go, and it will definitely affect the filming.

What's more, if you don't accept media interviews and attract attention, then the news of this film will be meaningless.

The news of Mu Chen's new movie broke out, and it was indeed extremely popular, and it also diverted the attention of many people.

The popularity of Qin Yu's big name play became much less in an instant, and the influence also dropped sharply.

And when the media broke out that Chen Xianqi went to a certain hospital to see the obstetrics and gynecology department, it immediately topped the list of hot searches and topics.

"Chen Xianqi is suspected to be pregnant!"

As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the public.

Chen Xianqi and Li Yunyi got married last year, and it seems reasonable to get pregnant.

But the news really broke out, it was still very exciting.

After all, whether it is Chen Xianqi or Li Yunyi, they are all first-line stars now.

Moreover, it just broke out that the two of them went to Hollywood to participate in the filming of "Avengers 2".

The careers of both of them are on the rise, and it is inevitable that Ning will be surprised to have children at this time.

Soon, Li Yunyi and Chen Xianqi responded to the matter.

The two confessed frankly on Weibo.

Now, who cares whether Qin Yu is playing a big game or "quarreling like a discussion" with the director.They are more concerned about Chen Xianqi's pregnancy and how it will affect her rising career.

Qin Yu's crisis of playing big names can be regarded as over.

However, this time her image did not collapse, but her popularity was greatly affected.

(End of this chapter)

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