my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 411 The most down-to-earth superhero

Chapter 411 The most down-to-earth superhero
The movie universe created by Mu Chen is now the most valuable movie series in the world.

Even, it can't be described as a series of movies.

This is not a continuation of the story, or a prequel, but different characters, different stories, and then come together to form a huge movie world.

This is undoubtedly more malleable than those series of movies.

Its value is undoubtedly inestimable.

Ruoduo Film and Television Company wants to imitate, but has not succeeded so far.

Why do those film and television companies also want to create such a movie world?

Naturally, I saw the value in it.

It can be seen from the box office of those superhero movies released.

And the world is just showing the tip of its iceberg.

If it is fully unfolded, how much box office will this "series" of movies have?

I am afraid it is also unimaginable.

After Mu Chen talked with Harvey and others about "Avengers 2", he handed Harvey the script of "Harry Potter".


After a long time, seeing Harvey put down the script, Mu Chen asked with a smile.

"Awesome!" Harvey said with a thumbs up and sighed.

If he didn't have a certain vision, how could he have held the position of general manager of Dream Films for so long.

The reason why Mu Chen didn't let Chen Fuhai take charge of Dream Films back then was not just because Chenxi Films couldn't do without Chen Fuhai, but another reason was Harvey's own market vision and management ability.

Facts have proved that Harvey is indeed extraordinary.

For Dream Films' development today, Mu Chen's films are of course indispensible, but Harvey definitely deserves the most credit.

"In this world, women and children earn the best money." Harvey continued, "And the biggest fans are undoubtedly young people and children."

The reason why superhero movies are so high at the box office is naturally that they are loved by young movie fans.

And why the box office of those animated movies is also extremely good, obviously there is the support of children.

If children want to watch, they will naturally be accompanied by adults.

Of course, animation movies that are too small are obviously not popular.

Adults doze off watching it, but it's useless for children to be excited about it.

Therefore, if there is a market for animated films, it is undoubtedly the best for all ages.

"I can let this go for a while." Mu Chen thought for a while and said, "My nephew wanted to make a movie, so I made him a comedy movie for fun. Can children support a movie? Wait for this movie You should be able to see it when it’s released.”

"Oh? Your nephew, the child of your elder brother Mu Ze." Harvey asked curiously upon hearing this.

Mu Chen nodded
"Then your brother and your sister-in-law should have guest roles in it?" Harvey said with a smile.

Mu Chen smiled and nodded.

It's not hard to guess.

"I think there will be many fans around the world who are extremely curious about this film." Harvey said.

Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan are well-known celebrity couples in the world.

Even, it is difficult to find a celebrity couple who are comparable to the two of them.

I'm afraid there are only Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi.

Their son starred in the movie, and the two of them still made guest appearances in it, and the director was Mu Chen.

Not to mention movie fans, even Harvey became very curious after hearing this.

Although the wooden window said "play", he could hear Mu Chen's confidence in this low-budget comedy.

"When is the film going to be released?" Harvey then asked.

"Domestic preparations are for the Spring Festival." Mu Chen thought for a while and said, "However, foreign countries can be released first. This film is very suitable for release during Christmas."

"That's plenty of time." Harvey nodded and said.

The choice of film schedule is still very important.

For example, for an extremely sad movie, if you choose to release it during the Spring Festival, if fans have other choices, they may subconsciously put it in the list of candidates.

"How are the preparations for 'Spider-Man'?" Mu Chen asked immediately.

"The director hasn't been confirmed yet." Harvey shook his head and said, "I intend to let the Chinese director Wen Run direct. I talked to him before, and I think he is very suitable. How about you ask him to talk again? If so If you feel good, then settle down."

"Wen Run?" Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then remembered such a person.

There are not many Chinese directors in Hollywood.

Wen Run is a Chinese-American, not very old.I have made two horror thrillers before, and they are both good at the box office and word of mouth.

However, what made Mu Chen remember this director was "Fast and Furious 5" directed by him.

The film was the first big breakout of the "Fast and Furious" series.

For the previous films, the global box office was only a few hundred million dollars at most.The global box office of "Fast and Furious 5" broke one billion, and China's box office almost broke 30 billion Chinese dollars.

In addition to the box office, the film has made great breakthroughs in terms of scenes, actions, and racing.

Wen Run is not well-known now, but he is indeed a capable director.

"Then ask him to talk." Mu Chen nodded and said.

In "Spider-Man", action design is actually very important.Especially its "dangling" between high-rise buildings left a deep impression on people.

Wen Run was in his thirties, not tall, and looked a little thin.

"Director Mu!"

"Sit down!" Mu Chen said with a smile, "Harvey recommends you to direct "Spider-Man", I naturally want to hear some of your thoughts on this film. To be honest, I really want to direct this film, but There are too many things to do, and I can’t get away. The role of Spider-Man is my favorite superhero. He may be more popular than Iron Man and Captain America.”

"Iron Man is too rich, Captain America is too old, and Thor is superior. As for the eagle-eyed Black Widow, who is an agent, she is too far away from us, and a cultivator like the Sword Immortal and Martial God is too fantasy." Wen Run said with a smile, "Only Spider Xia is so close to us that many people can even see his own shadow. This is a down-to-earth character.”

Wen Run talks eloquently, which shows his love for this role.

Mu Chen listened, and occasionally echoed a few words.

Wen Run not only talked about the idea of ​​this role, but also talked about some ideas about the filming of this movie.

And when it came to filming, Mu Chen spoke more often.

In the end, it evolved into some discussions between the two on the shooting of this film.

"I have to say that you are a very suitable director for "Spider-Man." Mu Chen smiled and held out his hand to Wen Run.

Wen Run quickly reached out to shake Mu Chen's hand, and said, "Thank you!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Mu Chen smiled and said.

"Happy cooperation!"

The director of "Spider-Man" has been confirmed, and Mu Chen has also talked with him.He referred to the original version, as well as some of his own ideas, and also shared it with him.

Mu Chen believed that his words must be of great inspiration to Wen Run.

Of course, as a director with his own ideas, Wen Run wouldn't follow Mu Chen's ideas all the way.

He's definitely adding some of his own.

Mu Chen naturally had no objection to this.

This is the real director.

Just like him, even if he has the original version in his mind, he always just learns from it, refers to it, and never copies it.

Otherwise, Mu Chen's directing ability would not be at the current level.

The director of "Spider-Man" confirmed that Mu Chen was not in a hurry to return home.

He first went to "Terminator" to visit the set to learn about the filming of this film.

For this series, he still attaches great importance to it.

The film is nearing completion and will wrap up soon.Naturally, it will not affect Brady's filming of "Guardians of the Galaxy."

Afterwards, Mu Chen talked with Steve about the last part of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

This series of films undoubtedly made Steve famous and rich.

The two films in a row not only had amazing box office, but also became the most dazzling film in the Oscars.

However, what makes Steve regretful is that although he directed the films in this series, it is a pity that they are still labeled as "Mu Chen".

Mu Chen's reputation is too great.

Even if he is only the screenwriter of the film, the director who can not be robbed of the "limelight" by him must be a world-renowned top director like Steve.

Otherwise, no matter how famous the film is, no matter how influential the film is, fans all over the world will probably not remember the director, but Mu Chen, the screenwriter.

Although it is a pity, if there is such a movie, Steve will definitely not let it go.

It is unimaginable that a good director is obsessed with a good script.

When Mu Chenren was in Los Angeles, the promotion of Marin's live-action fairy tale movie had already started in China.

For this film with Qin Yu as the absolute protagonist, it is natural that she cannot be avoided during the promotion.

Her exposure rate during this time has naturally gradually increased.

As for the rumors that she was hidden by Chenxi Film and Television, it was naturally "destroyed by itself".

Mu Chen stayed in Los Angeles for nearly half a month before returning to China.

After returning to China, Mu Chen continued to be busy, and the promotion of Marin's film became more and more intense.

The film opens on Friday, April 29.

""Qin Linger's Dream in the Immortal World"? Why doesn't that fellow Marin just call it "Qin Yu's Dream in the Immortal World"?"

Wang Hao said to Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi as if complaining.

"Ask him!" Mu Chen curled his lips and said.

In Mu Chen's opinion, the title of this movie is not bad.

Straightforward and clear, you can know who is the real protagonist of the film just by reading the title.

The heroine played by Qin Yu is called Qin Linger.

But if Qin Yu's name was used directly, it would not be a good thing for Qin Yu himself.

"Have you seen the movie?" Jiang Qin looked at Mu Chen and asked.

Zhao Jin didn't come today, she was still filming in Xu Wen's crew.

Wang Hao booked a movie to watch, so naturally he would not fail to inform Jiang Qin.

Compared to Qin Yu, Jiang Qin played better with Mu Chen, Wang Hao and others.

"I've seen it." Mu Chen nodded.

He is the producer of many of the blockbuster films of Chenxi Film and Television.

Even if he is not named, he will usually take a look at the film after it is finished.

"How do you feel?" Li Ruoxi asked.

"The box office shouldn't be bad. Qin Yu's popularity may go even further," Mu Chen said.

He liked the film very much.

Whether it is the story, the acting skills of the actors, or the post-production special effects, the film is all well done.

Mu Chen had to admit that Marin was still very attentive to this film.

This movie should make Chinese-language live-action fairy tale movies an instant hit.

(End of this chapter)

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