my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 420 Release of "War God"

Chapter 420 Release of "War God"

The film begins with a big battle.

Mu Chen's action team is the top in the world, and now they are better at designing action scenes that incorporate special effects.

The fight scene is short but exciting.

The actions of films such as "Iron Man", "Captain America" ​​and "Thor" produced by Dream Pictures have participated in the design of Mu Chen's action team.

Of course, the reason for this is not only because of Mu Chen's excellent action team, but also to ensure that those films will not be "out of touch".

If the action of a certain film is very different from other films, or even the combat power is inconsistent, it will inevitably affect the entire film world.

The character, fighting style, and combat power of those superheroes need to be consistent, and even when and what state they are in, there will be some discussions.

The character of the character can be changed, and the combat power can be improved, but there must be an explanation, which cannot make people feel abrupt.

Moreover, these changes are also extremely important for the grasp of the timeline.

To give the audience a "familiar taste".

The action design of Mu Chen's films has always been a highlight.

And from time to time in his films, he "tricks" the audience, highlighting the 3D effect is also a major feature.

The devil bursts out of the seal, as if out of the screen, and pounces on the audience.

Feeling those ferocious devils rushing towards him, many viewers were frightened.

The devil felt all too real to them.

The audience will inevitably be shocked, but they have to admit that this is an excellent movie-watching experience.

Perhaps, this is also one of the reasons why the 3D effect of Mu Chen's film has been praised by fans all over the world.

And these shots were naturally imitated by many directors.

However, Mu Chen has always been imitated, but never surpassed.

Each of his films has a breakthrough.

The opening battle is undoubtedly very exciting.

Of course, the duration is not long, and the scale is not very large.

This kind of scene needs to be gradual, gradually escalated, and finally reach the peak.

The devil repelled, and Master Mu Ze repaired the damaged seal.

However, there are demons who will escape and enter the world.

Mu Ze was ordered by his teacher to go down the mountain and chase after the demon general.

"Martial God!"

"Mu Chen's work!"

After the subtitles flashed twice in a row, the movie officially started.

The screen reappeared, and Mu Ze had already appeared in the city.

After entering the city, Mu Ze met the heroine Su Xiaowan immediately.

The two met because of a bloody hero saving the beauty.

Of course, before Mu Ze had time to save Mei, Su Xiaowan beat those "bandits" to the ground.

If there is an intersection, there must be a misunderstanding.

Su Xiaowan and Mu Ze also had a fight.

Well, to be precise, it was Mu Ze who beat Su Xiaowan.

At the end of the fight, outsiders seemed a little ambiguous.

As a result, the heroine's father, played by Ye Zhizhen, saw it and mistakenly thought Mu Ze was his future son-in-law.

In other words, he hopes that Mu Ze will become his future son-in-law.

Then, Mu Ze was taken to the Guoshu Building by Ye Zhizhen.

Su Xiaowan's setting in the film is an older leftover woman, and she is also a female doctor who can kung fu.

It is logical for the heroine's father to think about it.

Of course, Mu Ze followed Ye Zhizhen to the Guoshu Building not just because he was interested in Su Xiaowan and wanted to be Ye Zhizhen's son-in-law, but because he felt the extraordinaryness of the gemstone on Su Xiaowan's neck , became interested in it.

Mu Ze followed Ye Zhizhen and Su Xiaowan to the Martial Arts Building, and then witnessed a few martial arts competitions, and then became interested in "Kung Fu". Then he took this opportunity to learn Kung Fu from Ye Zhizhen, and further explored the gem on Su Xiaowan's neck.

The two immediately started the "happy friends" mode.

The style of "War God" is obviously different from "Sword Fairy".

Not just the visual style, but also the storytelling style, they are all different.

This is obviously related to the different personalities of the two protagonists.

"Sword Immortal" has a cold temper, while "War God" is humorous, and some of them are not upright.

Therefore, compared with "Sword Fairy", "War God" has a slightly more relaxed and humorous style.

And this style of audience is obviously more.

This may be one of the reasons why Mu Chen thinks that the box office of "War God" is higher than that of "Sword Immortal".

This movie is a commercial blockbuster, a superhero movie, not a romance movie.

Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan's "Happy Friends" scene does not make people feel procrastinated.

The rhythm of the film is very important.

How could Mu Chen not know this.

Therefore, when the relationship between Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan is gradually growing, other scenes are naturally interspersed.

The demon played by Gu Feng escaped into the world, sucking evil energy to practice kung fu, which attracted the attention of the Special Administration Bureau.

The "master" of the Special Administration Bureau played by Yuan Cheng immediately began to investigate, and the two naturally had a battle.

In the end, the character played by Yuan Cheng was naturally lost.

"In "Sword Immortal", the role of Yuan Cheng seems to be abused by the villain played by Li Chao, right?" Zhao Jin looked at Mu Chen next to him, and said with a smile, "He won't be punished for every film he appears in. Will the big villain abuse you once?"

"That's a good idea." Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said.

When Zhao Jin heard this, she immediately rolled her eyes.

Li Ruoxi and Jiang Qin laughed when they heard this.

However, the few people did not continue to chat, and turned their eyes to the big screen.

The appearance rate of Yuan Cheng's role is quite high, and his combat power is neither high nor low. It may not be so easy to impress movie fans too deeply.

But if every film that appeared was abused by the villain, it would probably leave a deep impression on the fans.

As for whether he will be crowned the unluckiest "superhero", it is unknown.

As the film continues, Mu Ze and Su Xiaowan, as the hero and heroine, naturally have the most roles.

The relationship between the two gradually warmed up, but no one revealed it.

Zhang Yao came on stage and fought against the magic general played by Gu Feng.

The demon general was defeated, seriously injured and fled, and the character played by Yuan Cheng pursued him.

The demon will focus on the heroine, wanting to seize the soul stone, and fights with Mu Ze.

Yuan Cheng chased after him and had a misunderstanding with Mu Ze, and then the two fought again.

The misunderstanding was naturally uncovered immediately, and Mu Ze got the news that his senior brother was the director of the Special Administration Bureau.

The demon will enter a demon cave, absorb and refine all the devils and evil spirits inside, his strength will increase greatly, and then he will attack again, and the soul stone will be taken away by deliberate calculation or unintentional calculation.

With the help of the power of the time of the soul, the demon general, when Mu Ze was defeated, the director of the special management bureau rushed to fight the demon general together with Mu Ze.

The devil will get the soul gem, if it is not removed, there will be endless troubles.

But the sea of ​​people is vast, how to find it?

Because the heroine wears the soul gem since she was a child, and is connected with her breath.

Therefore, the director of the special management bureau used the heroine to track down the demon general.

Finally, it was found that it was going in the direction of Kunlun.

Zhang Yao guessed the purpose, anticipating that the seal of hell would be broken, and rushed to Kunlun at the same time, and began to ask for help.

The mage played by Fan Juanqiong appeared immediately.

Of course, before this, this role is naturally foreshadowed.

The demon will use the soul gem to open the seal, and the hell devil will rush into the world.

The final battle begins.

Needless to say the ending, after a hard fight, the seal was opened again, and all the devils who entered the world were killed.

And in this battle, Master Mu Ze and the Demon King died together, and finally fell.

The director of the Special Administrative Bureau had to sit in Kunlun and moved the headquarters of the Special Administrative Bureau to Kunlun.

The scene of the last battle is naturally no worse than "Sword Immortal".

Especially during the war, there are also modern troops mixed in.

Airplanes, tanks, guns and guns flew together, and there was a desperate fight with the devil.

The army suffered heavy casualties, but they were not afraid of death, sticking to the line of defense, vowing not to let the devil rush down the canyon.

These scenes undoubtedly make it extremely heroic.

When some soldiers saw the devil, they were timid and afraid at first, but then they overcame it and dared to fight the devil.

Among Mu Chen's many films, those involving the Huaxia Army revealed a military spirit.

They can be defeated. For example, in "Transformers", the military bases are all destroyed.

But they have a kind of never giving up, even if they fail, they will never fear the enemy.

The images of soldiers are mostly positive and respectable.

The final battle undoubtedly pushed the atmosphere to a peak.

The scenes are magnificent, the special effects are amazing, and the fighting is extremely exciting.

Several times before, the emotions of the audience were precipitated, and now they are released instantly.

That kind of emotional outburst is definitely a very refreshing movie-watching experience.

A good work can affect the emotions of the audience.

Superhero movies are commercial blockbusters, and to put it bluntly, they are popcorn movies.

And if this kind of movie makes the audience "cool" to watch, it is almost half the battle.

"War God" is undoubtedly successful in this regard.

"I don't know if there will be people on the Internet saying that you have won the essence of cool writing on the Internet."

At the end of the movie, Marin smiled and said to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, but then smiled.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that there are quite a few things in common.

Of course, the "coolness" of movies is obviously much more than that of novels, and there are also many more forms of expression.

From the perspective of the story alone, the "coolness" of "War God" is obviously difficult to compare with those online cool articles, but through the screen, special effects, soundtrack, etc., it will undoubtedly make the audience feel more refreshing than watching online cool articles.

Mu Chen seemed to be thinking, as if realizing something.

"Let's go! Get together while everyone is here." Wang Hao said with a smile.

"No rush!" Mu Chen smiled and said, "Aren't you going to watch the Easter egg at the end of the movie?"

When everyone heard it, they laughed.

"Hey, I forgot about it." Wang Hao smiled when he heard it.

Mu Chen smiled, but glanced at Huo Ting beside him.

Why this guy was in a hurry to go to "Juju" and forgot about it, the reason is self-evident.

There will be easter eggs in the movies related to this movie universe at the end.

That's pretty much every fan.

If not, how could Wang Hao, as a loyal fan of this movie universe, forget about it?
The last egg, of course, will not be very long.

The messy Kunlun faction is under construction.

Zhang Yao looked at the sky, thoughtful.

"Brother, what are you looking at?" Mu Ze walked over and asked.

"Tell me, when the enemy from beyond the starry sky comes, how can we resist?" Zhang Yao said, still looking at the sky.

"Enemies beyond the starry sky? Aliens?" Mu Ze said, "Hell devils are not afraid, but are they afraid of aliens?"

Zhang Yao remained silent, but his face became serious.

"There are aliens?" Mu Ze said.

"Twenty years ago, I saw a child with excellent bones, and I wanted to recruit him into the Kunlun School." Zhang Yao said, "Unfortunately, that child was taken away by a spaceship."

Mu Ze showed a look of shock.

"I tried to stop it, but it's a pity," Zhang Yao said, "At that time, if I hadn't completed the Dragon Chanting Golden Bell Cover, I'm afraid I would have lost an arm or a leg if I didn't die."

(End of this chapter)

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