my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 424 "Guardians of the Galaxy" with changed settings

Chapter 424 "Guardians of the Galaxy" with changed settings

At the launch conference of "Guardians of the Galaxy", the media reporters naturally wouldn't just ask about Mu Chen.

Mu Chen was too tight-lipped, so he couldn't get any exciting news from him.

Then you can only start with other people.

The media is too familiar with Mu Chen.

If he wants to tell you, even if he only says a word or two, that is breaking news.

But if he doesn't want to tell you, there will be a lot of long-winded words, and there will be no value in a few words.

Mu Chen obviously didn't intend to reveal too much today.

What's more, the other people present were not lacking in popularity.

The couple Zhao Jin and Jiang Qin naturally had to be questioned by media reporters.

Brady and Zhou Liang were not neglected either.

However, the attention of the two of them was not as high as that of Sun Yu.

This may be related to popularity.

Sun Yu's reputation is much higher than the two of them, and the seat he can sit on is further to the side.At the launch conference, you can see the "fan" from the position.

He sits so far away, obviously there are not many scenes.

Although Sun Yu came from a background, he has played many popular roles over the years.

Even if it may be a supporting role, but the role is definitely not light.

Therefore, media reporters are curious about this.Many people also think that he is playing a certain superhero in this film.

His appearance was just a preview of his personal movie.

In their view, Sun Yu joined Chenxi Film and Television very early, and Chenxi Film and Television has always treated such old employees.What's more, Sun Yu is still on the front line. In Mu Ze's movie universe, it is logical to arrange a superhero for him.

"I'm just a guest star in the film. Or, the character I play will be a guest star in this film." Sun Yu looked at Mu Chen with a smile, and then said, "Besides, I'm not playing any superhero , but a super villain. Or the ultimate villain. The alien army that appeared in "The Avengers" is one of my troops."

Has the ultimate villain appeared?

And it's still in the universe.

This made the reporters present curious.

It's a pity that if he asked more questions, Sun Yu didn't know anything.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but that he really doesn't know.

In the script that comes out now, he only appears in "Guardians of the Galaxy".

After the press conference, the filming started immediately.

"This is how newcomers are, and it will definitely be fine in the future."

Jiang Qin smiled and said to the newcomer Yang Min who played Nebula.

She was directly ignored by many media at the press conference.

This made her feel a little lost.

Jiang Qin obviously saw that she was a little bit disappointed, so she acted as a consolation.

"Thank you, sister Qin." Yang Min smiled and said.

"Actually, you are very lucky. If you work hard, you will definitely go far!" Jiang Qin patted Yang Min on the shoulder and said.

Yang Min was taken aback for a moment, but then smiled.

Indeed, compared to many newcomers, she was already very lucky to star in Mu Chen's movie as soon as she debuted.

And it's a character with a lot of roles.

It is said that many big names wanted this role but couldn't.

Since the company has given her this role, as long as she performs well, the company will definitely support her.

The preparations for "Guardians of the Galaxy" were well prepared, and the shooting was naturally much smoother.

Many shots of this film require post-production special effects, so the shooting is either in a studio or indoors.

There are almost no exterior scenes, which undoubtedly saves a lot of time and does not have to run around.

Of course, for actors, it naturally increases the difficulty of performance.

"This newcomer is not bad." Ma Lin looked at Yang Min and said.

Mu Chen smiled, but didn't say anything.

Yang Min's acting skills are still good, but she is still a little immature and needs to be honed.However, perhaps due to her background in dancing, she performed extremely well in movements.

The reason why Mu Chen let her play the role of Xingyun was not lacking in this aspect.

"How about letting her play the heroine of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses"?" Marin continued.

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, then said, "You don't want to get her attention, do you?"

Marin was also taken aback, and then he couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "What are you thinking?"

"No?" Mu Chen smiled and said, "I really hope you get her attention. This little girl is actually not bad."

"I'm not thinking about it now." Marin shook his head and said.

"That's why I wanted you to hit her up." Mu Chen said.

How could he not know how much Qin Yu had hit Ma Lin.

"When did you change your career to be a matchmaker?" Marin said with a curled lip.

"Why do you have time to come to my place today? Isn't your film already finalized, so you're not busy preparing?" Mu Chen asked casually, not continuing this topic.

"Passing by, visit the class by the way." Marin said.

I believe you ghost, I don't know what kind of character you are.

Mu Chen gave Marin a look, the guy smiled awkwardly, and said, "I want to borrow some money from you for emergency."

"You're also short of money, kid?" Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Did you touch something you shouldn't touch? Some time ago, you went out to relax, didn't you come back with a lot of gambling debts? "

Marin's net worth is not low, and his movie box office is good, so the dividends are naturally quite a lot.

Of course, his biggest income is not director dividends, but other industries invested by Li Ruolin and Wang Hao.

How could this guy be short of money.

"You know I'm not interested in gambling or anything," Marin said. "Even if I get hit again, I won't touch those things. I borrowed them for my dad."

"How much?" Mu Chen felt relieved and asked immediately.

It is not uncommon for those who have been hit to vent their anger by gambling, attract fans and degenerate.

When Marin suddenly asked him to borrow money, Mu Chen would inevitably think about it.

"[-] million!" Marin said, "I couldn't get it together for a while, didn't I find you? You know, if I have some money, I either invest in this or that, or buy a car or a house or something. There will be so much cash there in a while."

"Send me the account number." Mu Chen nodded, then remembered something, and said, "Oh, by the way, Chinese coins or US dollars?"

"Oh!" Marin was stunned when he heard it, and then smiled, "Chinese coins are fine."

"Okay, I'll let Cheng Ting go to the bank later." Mu Chen nodded and said.

Not to mention [-] million Chinese coins, even [-] million US dollars is nothing to Mu Chen.

Although he also participated in many investments, but the amount is not very large.

Well, not a big deal for him.

Among other things, the dividends of "War God" are more than that.

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Jin came over and asked casually.

"It's nothing, I got some money from Lao Mu, and it's only [-] million." Marin said casually.

"Why do you borrow so much money?" Zhao Jin looked at Ma Lin and said, "You don't owe a lot of debt to the casino and are you being chased?"

When Mu Chen heard this, he laughed.

"It's really true of you two." Marin said, "My dad wants to buy a courtyard house, but he doesn't have enough money. Can I stand by as a son?"

"The old man really has taste. One hundred million, I borrowed one of Lao Mu's small goals." Zhao Jin was stunned for a moment, then looked at Mu Chen, and said, "I remember you bought a courtyard house a few years ago. I'm afraid it has increased in value a lot now, right?"

"Have I bought it?" Mu Chen said in surprise.

"You have to ask Ruoxi about this." Jiang Qin came over and said, "I guess he doesn't even know how many properties he owns and how many industries he has invested in."

"I'm afraid he doesn't even know how much money is in his card." Marin said with a smile.

"It seems like you know how much money is in your card." Mu Chen said with a curled lip.

"I know!"

Marin and Jiang Qin said almost in unison.

After chatting for a while, Marin left, and Mu Chen and others continued to shoot.

Compared with Mu Chen's previous films, this film undoubtedly took more time to put on make-up.

Many images of aliens in it require makeup.

If it is all produced with post-production special effects, the cost will undoubtedly increase a lot.

Among other things, makeup was required for several of the main characters, and it was time-consuming.

The same goes for The Destroyer, Nebula, Ronan, etc.

Of course, Mu Chen didn't use all the images of these characters from the original version.

The images of many characters in the original version undoubtedly refer to the original comics.

And in this world, there are no original comics at all, so naturally there is no need for this.

So, a lot of the images of these people are reset.

Among them, Gamora's skin is no longer green.

In the original "Guardians of the Galaxy", Star-Lord has a certain emotion towards Gamora, Mu Chen doesn't know how others feel, anyway, he feels a little abrupt.

It was hard for Mu Chen to imagine that he would be interested in a woman with green skin.

Then, from oneself to others, it naturally feels a little awkward.

Of course, some people will say that Xingjue grew up in the universe and has seen too many "grotesque" aliens. It is also reasonable to be interested in green-skinned beauties.

Don't forget, at the beginning of the film, there is a red-skinned beauty in Star-Lord's spaceship.

In theory, not without logic.

But emotionally, it is inevitable that people will be a little conflicted.

This may be why Mu Chen proposed green skin, which was opposed by many people in the team.

Therefore, Mu Chen's version of Gamora is Jiang Qin's skin color.

In the words of Mu Chen's team, when Xingjue met a beautiful woman with the same skin color as himself in the universe, he would naturally get a little closer.

The image of the Destroyer is still the same, but the "makeup" of Nebula and Ronan is much lighter than the original version.

As for the other two protagonists, the raccoon and the treant, they were completed by the prop model through post-production special effects.

The actions of these two characters are done by stuntmen.

As for the action of the film, it is definitely a few blocks away from the original version.

In this regard, Mu Chen was very confident.

In the film, it is obviously not only the character's image that has been changed.

The shooting of the film went very smoothly. During the period, Ma Lin visited the set several times, and even asked Yang Min to audition on the spot.

He seems to really intend to cast Yang Min as the heroine of "Terracotta Warriors".

Mu Chen was also happy about this.

"The female lead is sure, who do you choose as the male lead?" Mu Chen asked.

"Miao Xun!" Marin said, "I'm familiar with him, and it's easy to use. In addition, there are many action scenes in this movie. Besides your brother, he is the most suitable in the company. And your brother, Too many appointments."

"War God" has swept the world, Mu Ze's popularity has risen again, and the film appointments are naturally endless.

And his salary has also risen, and now there is no reward for those top Hollywood stars.

Mu Chen nodded.

Choosing Miao Xun, apart from what Marin said, probably has nothing to do with the good relationship between the two of them.

However, Mu Chen didn't feel anything about it.

Isn't it the same with his choice of actors?
(End of this chapter)

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