Chapter 431

Once Mu Chen's one-billion-dollar "appearance fee" was paid, he kicked the ball back to Oyama Okao, or rather to the Karate Federation.

Whether they will come up with a billion dollars, there is no doubt that there is something to be said.

If you don't want to take it out, then it's not that Mu Chen is afraid of Oyama Okao, but you are afraid of Mu Chen.

If you think you can beat Mu Chen, are you still afraid of spending a billion dollars?

I'm afraid I can't wait!
After all, Mu Chen himself paid a billion dollars.

Whoever wins takes it.

This is not like those fighting games, where you get money if you lose.

If you have confidence, Mu Chen will give you a billion dollars, and you will still refuse?

The term "appearance fee" is obviously inappropriate.

To be precise, it should be "the head of the lottery".

"Lucky head" is a saying in the martial arts circle, when well-known boxers compete in martial arts, under normal circumstances, there will be a lottery head.

This is a status symbol and a threshold to set.

Mu Chen's call for an appearance fee of one billion U.S. dollars undoubtedly meant setting a threshold to stop those who couldn't remember the challengers.

Tired of reputation.

Mu Chen is well-known, so if he challenges him, no matter the outcome or defeat, the challenger will definitely attract worldwide attention.

Even if Mu Chen didn't accept it, he would still become famous instantly.

There are too many people in this world who want to be famous.

Fame and fortune, fame and fortune, fame and fortune!
The whole world is paying attention to the response of the Karate Federation, and the degree of heated discussion on this matter has reached an astonishing level.

Almost all the world is discussing it.

Among other things, Mu Chen's words about "gambling" his net worth have already ignited public opinion.

The Karate Alliance has strong financial resources, and its net worth is not lower than that of Mu Chen.

However, the karate alliance is obviously not owned by a certain person, and it is indeed difficult to compare with Mu Chen's net worth after sharing it.

What's more, they didn't have the courage to spend all their wealth to gamble with Mu Chen.

The Karate Federation was silent for two days, and then gave a reply!
Collecting money!
They accepted Mu Chen's conditions, but they still need time to collect the money.

However, it is not known whether he will shirk because he does not have enough money.

The Karate Federation has a high international reputation and strong financial resources, but it is not to the point where it can spend a billion dollars at will.

They may be able to directly spend so much money, but it will definitely affect the normal operation of the Karate Union.

"Still collecting money, what does that mean?" Xia Zhiyun was a little puzzled when she heard the reply from the Karate Alliance.

"What else do you mean?" Mu Chen said, "Some talk, but it's just not settled yet."

How much money each pays, and how to distribute the winnings!

This matter will definitely be discussed in advance.

Mu Chen didn't know whether Dashan Okao would pay.However, even if he doesn't pay a penny, after winning, he will definitely take part of the "lottery".

Then other people who pay money will certainly not be able to pay as much as they get.

The Karate Federation appears to have approached James, and James doesn't seem to be refusing.

As for why he didn't refuse, Mu Chen didn't bother to guess.

Whether he was forced by the Karate Alliance or really wanted to promote this contest, in Mu Chen's view, he was a dog with teeth.

Mu Chen was so happy to be able to pull that guy James into the game.

If he didn't take the opportunity to let James lose hundreds of millions, or even hundreds of millions of dollars, how would Mu Chen feel that way?

If there is a chance, this tone will definitely come out.

If there is no opportunity, then create an opportunity.

"Are you sure?" Xia Zhiyun said, "Now, the two of you have not competed, and you have already attracted worldwide attention. If the Karate Federation raises enough money, the popularity will only be even higher. This contest of global attention, It's a contest between you and Okao Oyama, and it's also a contest between the Martial Arts Federation and the Karate Federation for market competition."

"He hasn't done anything for a long time. Who knows what level of kung fu has reached now." Mu Chen shook his head and said, "If he is still the same as a few years ago, then I am sure. However, I feel that he may step out That step."

Which step?
Xia Zhiyun naturally knew what Mu Chen was referring to.

These days, Xia Zhiyun, Liao Chengzhi and the others have not been idle, and have found many videos of Oyama Okafu's past martial arts competitions for Mu Chen.

This is preparing for war.

Among those videos, the closest to now is a video of him practicing martial arts a few years ago.

Oyama Okao hasn't competed with anyone for more than ten years.

However, from the videos of his martial arts training, Mu Chen could also see some falsehoods.

"Don't be too stressed." Xia Zhiyun said, "After all, karate is all about Oyama Okao, but kung fu is not all about you."

Dashan Okao is from the martial arts world, while Mu Chen is from the film and television industry.

Mu Chen may be a spokesman for Huaxia Kungfu, but after all, his identity as a director overwhelms his identity as a martial arts practitioner.

If he loses, it may have an impact on Huaxia Kung Fu, but it is definitely not as big as the opponent.

Mu Chen never said that his kung fu is the best in China.

After losing, saying that there are still masters in Huaxia Kungfu who can beat Oyama Okao and he can save a lot.But Oyama Okao is different.

He is "Japan's No. [-] Martial Artist in Actual Combat", so it is not allowed for him to say so.

Karate No.1 undoubtedly gave him great pressure.

Mu Chen lost, and he could argue that it's not that Huaxia Kung Fu is inferior to Karate.

But if Oyama Okao loses, it means that karate is not as good as Huaxia Kungfu.

No. 1 in karate can't beat Mu Chen, so is there any master in karate who can beat Mu Chen?

"Comparatively speaking, I still have a great advantage." Mu Chen said with a smile.

He is not blindly optimistic, but also extremely confident.

His advantage is not just a strong spiritual perception, but also.
"I know him somewhat. But how much does he know about me?" Seeing Xia Zhiyun looking over, Mu Chen said with a smile.

Mu Chen didn't have a clear understanding of Okao Oyama, but at least he had a rough idea.

But Mu Chen wasn't in the martial arts world at all, and the only way the Karate Federation could find his martial arts competition video was probably the competition between him and Xue Dong.

But that time was too long, Oyama Okao wanted to understand the depth of Mu Chen's kung fu based on that, it was tantamount to nonsense.

In addition, there is probably a video of Mu Chen kicking Cui Mingyu away when Liang Jiadong and Kimura Ichiro were fighting.

This video is undoubtedly the most useful for Oyama Okao.

Even with one kick, he could still see the depth of Mu Chen.

And just some, nothing more.

The Karate Alliance is still collecting money, and is preparing for a shocking contest with Mu Chen.

The fight between the two has not yet been confirmed, and casinos in Las Vegas, Macau and other places have faintly revealed that they intend to open handicap.

And countless TV stations and video sites around the world are also in contact, wanting to win the live broadcast rights of this contest, and everything about the price is negotiable.

At this time, Yoshida Yukio's family filed a lawsuit against Mu Chen.

The trial time for this case of global concern is much faster than expected.

The result, however, was as many people had guessed.

Mu Chen is innocent!

The other party could not provide enough evidence to prove that Yukio Yoshida was beaten to death by Mu Chen.

The "Life and Death Certificate" that Mu Chen and Yoshida Yukio had signed before they acted had not been used at all.As for whether this "birth and death certificate" has legal effect, it is meaningless to argue.

However, what caught the world's attention was that Yukio Yoshida's family made a shocking news when they were interviewed by media reporters afterwards.

They firmly believe that Yukio Yoshida was beaten to death by Mu Chen.

They also knew that it was useless to sue Mu Chen.

The reason why he chose to sue was because he wanted to make things worse, and use the media's public opinion to collapse Mu Chen's image, so that he could be punished to comfort the spirit of the deceased.

It's nothing.

After they made such a report, there were indeed many media who criticized Mu Chen violently, and even splashed dirty water indiscriminately, trying to make Mu Chen's image collapse, but unfortunately things did not go according to people's wishes.

The real shocking news is that under the questioning of media reporters, Yoshida Yukio's family members accidentally exposed James Faulk.

Media reporters asked Yukio Yoshida's family how to ensure that the media would criticize Mu Chen?
The Yoshida Yukio family's sentence "Mr. James Falkor said he would help us" exploded instantly.

Looking back now, those media who criticized Mu Chen and even portrayed him as a "cruel person" who beat people to death seemed a bit too deliberate.

It turns out that everything is the masterpiece of James Folkdo!
The grievances between him and Mu Chen, it seems that there is nothing strange about doing such a thing.

As soon as this information came out, global public opinion exploded.

And Mu Chen brought those media to court, which pushed the heat of this matter to a new height.

In front of countless media, Mu Chen lashed out at those media, and the competitors of those media would naturally add insult to injury and attack the credibility of those media.

If a media loses its credibility, who will watch it?

Those media are either owned by the media group under Folkdo, or they have a deep relationship.This directly led to a sharp drop in the stock price of the media group.

Its losses are not insignificant.

"Yoshida Yukio's family revealed that you wrote James Falk, right? How did you do it?" Xia Zhiyun looked at Mu Chen, no doubt a little surprised.

She didn't believe that Yukio Yoshida's family members would leak the truth, and she even suspected that the reporter who asked Yukio Yoshida's family members was arranged by Mu Chen.


Expose that guy James Fukdo, and then sue the media with a lawsuit.

At other times, it might not have caused much damage to the media group under Fu Keduo, but at this time, the global attention, Fu Keduo's media group poured dirty water on Mu Chen because of personal grievances, and undoubtedly lost the media due Professional ethics.

Although, many media can't talk about professional ethics.

But some things cannot be exposed.What's more, it is still under the situation of global attention.

The stock price plummeted, and that was a matter of course.

"Is there anything that money can't solve? If there is, then there is not enough money." Mu Chen said with a smile, "However, it's not me, but a competitor of Fox Media Group."

(End of this chapter)

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