my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 439 The Person Who Dare To Throw People To Death With Money

Chapter 439 The Person Who Dare To Throw People To Death With Money
Mu Chen was also very puzzled at this time.

He is now well-known all over the world. If he is killed, it will definitely cause a sensation all over the world. Under the pressure of public opinion, the real murderer cannot escape.

Even some connected people will be unlucky.

If you want to kill Mu Chen, you can't be blatant, and even assassination has to be cautious.

Perhaps, making an accident or something is also an option.

Even if you have doubts, you have to take some precautions.

Mu Chen didn't know whether the He family would be scruples if they were accompanying them.

However, he will not pin his safety on the scruples of others.

If the other party has no taboos and just wants to kill him, no matter what means, no matter the cost, what can he do?
Mu Chen also knew that many people wanted him dead.

Some have feuds, others have conflicts of interest.

"Young Master Yun, there seems to be someone following behind."

The driver Lao Wang said.

This is what he found after a detour.

He is the driver and bodyguard.

Just like Mu Chen's bodyguard, Cheng Ting, is not only Mu Chen's driver, but also his assistant.

"Ignore him."

Seeing He Yunshen looking at him, Mu Chen said immediately.

The people following behind started from the airport.

Mu Chen already knew this.

He made a detour, undoubtedly catching the other party by surprise, otherwise He Yunshen's bodyguards would not have noticed.

Perhaps, there is really some "accident" waiting for him on that street.

Perhaps this group of people didn't mind killing He Yunshen at all.

Aren't they afraid of offending the He family?
Perhaps, they didn't recognize He Yunshen at all.

Perhaps, it was just Mu Chen thinking too much.

A group of people soon arrived at a casino.

Mu Chen went in with He Yunshen.

"Young Master Yun!"

As soon as He Yunshen entered, someone greeted him.

The He family's popularity in the casino circle is naturally extremely high.

The man glanced at Mu Chen and obviously recognized him.However, there was no greeting.

"Where are people?" He Yunshen asked.

"Inside!" The man looked a little wrong.

He Yunshen frowned, but didn't speak, but let him lead the way.

"Wang Hao!"

Mu Chen stepped forward and shouted, but Wang Hao ignored him and concentrated on looking at the cards.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Wang Hao was still at the gambling table, He Yunshen's expression darkened.

He greeted him, but the other party didn't show any face.

He had already told Mu Chen before, but now he slapped him in the face.It's no wonder his complexion is good.

The higher the status, the more concerned about appearance.

"Young Master Yun, it's not that we don't give you face, it's that that person wants to make money, and he doesn't listen to persuasion at all. If he is not allowed to gamble, he will make a big fuss. He has already lost hundreds of millions, so he has to give it to others. A chance to make money!" the man said, with a look of grievance on his face.

He Yun looked over coldly.

He will not understand, this is just their excuse.

Several hundred million?

Are they reluctant to part with this big fat sheep?
"Hey, Lao Mu! Why are you here? Come on, let's play two games together!"

Mu Chen yelled again, Wang Hao turned his head to look at Mu Chen, then smiled and said, "You come, I will definitely be able to transfer luck. By the way, do you have any money, lend me some. I have no cash on me."

At this time, Wang Hao looked a little haggard, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were extremely dark circles.

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and urged the dealer to deal the cards.


Seeing this, Mu Chen was so angry that he lifted him up and threw him to the ground.

"What are you doing?"

Wang Hao stared at Mu Chen.

"Have you gambled enough? Come back with me." Mu Chen said sharply.

Wang Hao glanced at Mu Chen, and walked towards the gaming table without saying a word.


Seeing this, Mu Chen waved his hands and slapped him.

He was full of anger at this moment, but his strength was controlled just right, so that he wouldn't kill or injure Wang Hao with a single slap.

A slap print instantly appeared on Wang Hao's face.

He looked at Mu Chen in astonishment.

"Are you awake?" Mu Chen said, "Are you waking up because you want to lose everything?"

"I, I'm just not reconciled and want to win back." Wang Hao Muchen stared, then lowered his head and said.

Mu Chen's slap made him calm down a lot.

Not reconciled, want to win back?
A gambler who has lost money, who doesn't think so.As a result, don't they all sink deeper and deeper?

"I think you lost your mind. Did you win it back?" Mu Chen said, "Go back with me, just as a lesson. If you lose, you can earn it back later."

"it is good!"

Wang Hao looked at the gambling table, finally sighed, and said.

If he continued to gamble, he might really go bankrupt.

Thinking about it, it seems a little scary.

"Wait! Mr. Wang. Go, yes. But before you go, did you repay the borrowed money first?"

The people from the casino stopped Wang Hao and said.

"Am I going to renege on my debt?" Wang Hao said, "How much?"

"Two hundred and fifty million!" the man said.

"How much?" Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and asked in disbelief.

"Two hundred and fifty million!" The man said, waving his hands, and said, "This is an IOU issued by you, with your fingerprints on it. We are open for business, and we can get as much as we want!"

"Then I lost [-] to [-] million yuan!" Wang Hao was shocked, mixed with an extremely heartbroken expression.

He didn't even realize how much he had lost.

Not to mention how much Wang Hao has now, tens of billions is more than enough.

However, it was still difficult for him to accept losing [-]-[-] million without knowing it.

This casino is really generous, 5000 million, it is said to borrow wine.


After Wang Hao recalled, he felt that he had been cheated by others, and he was furious, but before he could finish his sentence, he was stopped by Mu Chen.

"Cheng Ting, give me the money!" Mu Chen said lightly.

"Old Mu, they cheated on me, set me up, this money."


Mu Chen interrupted Wang Hao and said.

So what if you are yin, so what if you are tricked?You gambled, and after losing the bet, you actually borrowed their money.

This is a fact that cannot be disputed.Then you have to give this money.

Give or not.

Are there few such things in casinos?

"Old Mu!"

Wang Hao was extremely unwilling to hear that Mu Chen asked Cheng Ting to give him money.

"If you fall, you have to admit it!" Mu Chen said.

Wang Hao was unwilling, but nodded.

If it is planted, it is planted, and it is to learn a lesson.He, Wang Hao, still has the courage to face failure.

However, this is not the end!
Is my Wang Hao's money so easy to cheat?
"My friend's money is not so easy to cheat." Mu Chen gave the man a cold look and said.

"Oh, Director Mu wants to play two games?" The man smiled and said.

He didn't take Mu Chen's words seriously.

Mu Chen smiled, turned around and left.

He has keen senses and can even foresee danger.However, he still can't do it, and it's impossible to do it, predict the winning or losing, predict the opponent's hole cards, and predict the big and small openings.

If it could be predicted, it would be too unreal.

"Doesn't Director Mu play two games? It's so difficult that he doesn't want to help your friend win back the money?" The man continued to say after seeing Mu Chen leave.

Mu Chen paused, turned to look at that person, the cold light in his eyes became more and more intense.

Do these guys want to pull themselves to gamble?

He Yunshen's eyes also changed when he looked at that person, he had a feeling.

Could it be that this guy tricked Wang Hao just to lure Mu Chen into the game?

"It's only a few hundred million, small money." Mu Chen looked at the man and said, "Things in this world that can be solved with money are nothing. For example, if someone thinks that I, Mu Chen, is easy to bully, I don't mind spending a few hundred million." Billions let him know that I, Mu Chen, have always been kind to others."

After Mu Chen finished speaking, he turned and left.

The man's face darkened.

As long as you are not a fool, you can probably hear the threat in Mu Chen's words.

Mu Chen is not only famous for his movies, but also himself.His temper of "being kind to others" is not only well known, but quite a few people know about it.

Mu Chen has a "conviction" that offered a reward of several thousand dollars, so he would not just talk about it if he paid hundreds of millions for revenge.

He has that strength and that temper.

What's more, if he wanted revenge, he wouldn't need that much money.

Rich people, don't mess with them.

Especially a master like Mu Chen, who doesn't treat money as money at all, can't be messed with.

He can beat people to death with money, maybe he is the kind of person he is talking about.

Not only can Mu Chen kill people with money, he dares to kill people with money.

"Is that person trying to set you up?"

Walking out of the casino, Wang Hao couldn't help asking.

"Oh! You actually saw it! Why did you go there before?" Mu Chen said, "Why are you here when you have nothing to do? Why, after winning [-] million, I feel that I am invincible, thinking that money is so easy to win Is it?"

Wang Hao lowered his head, feeling ashamed.

He was set up by someone, and he really didn't know it.

"Forget it, let's talk when we go back." Mu Chen said.

After speaking, Mu Chen got into the car, and He Yunshen followed closely behind.

"Thank you this time." Mu Chen said, "Just send us to the hotel."

"Ashamed!" He Yunshen shook his head and said, "This time, I didn't help much."

He Yunshen's expression was not very good, the other party didn't want to show him face, and even tried to trick Mu Chen in front of him.

This is treating him like nothing!

"I want to ask Young Master Yun for a favor." Mu Chen said, "Find out who is plotting against me."

"It's good for Director Mu to call me Ah Shen." He Yunshen said, "I also want to find out who is not giving me the face of the He family."

"Thinking about you?" Wang Hao was stunned for a moment and said.

"You should think about how you came here!" Mu Chen said, "Is someone instigated or induced?"

"If someone really used me to plot against you, it would probably be after I came here." Wang Hao thought for a while and said, "I just came here on a temporary basis to relax. I was just planning to play a few games, but I didn't expect it. At first When I was in China, I was lucky and won a lot. Think about it now.”

Wang Hao shook his head while talking, and didn't say any more.

Everything is a routine!

"In the casino, those who get stuck have one thing in common, that is, they start with winning." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

He Yunshen nodded. His family runs a casino, so it is naturally clear as what Mu Chen said.

Who keeps losing, or continues to gamble?

If a casino cannot grasp the psychology of gamblers, it is a failed casino.

If it weren't for this, a person with self-control like Wang Hao wouldn't have been scammed by the casino for [-] to [-] million step by step, and he didn't even know it.

(End of this chapter)

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