my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 451 I was stimulated by a literary film

Chapter 451 I was stimulated by a literary film

After Li Ruoxi was sealed again, she undoubtedly saved Chenxi Film and Television a lot of face.

Although her agency contract is not with Chenxi Film and Television, she is the major shareholder of Chenxi Film and Television, the proprietress.

Many people subconsciously think that she is a signed artist of Chenxi Film and Television.

Of course, Li Ruoxi didn't have a queen, and Chenxi Film and Television didn't look so ugly at this Golden Dragon Awards.

At most, it is not as dazzling as in previous years.

What's more, the reason for this is because the most popular film of Chenxi Film and Television last year did not participate.

No one will underestimate the strength of Chenxi Film and Television.

Of course, this is in terms of awards. If it is in terms of box office, there is no film and television company that can compare with it.

Even if it is a Hollywood film and television company, few can compare with it.

After Li Ruoxi was sealed, does Mu Chen have any credit?

"It's nothing to do with me."

After the awards ceremony, when the reporter asked about it, Mu Chen answered very simply.

"The script of this film was discovered by Ruoxi, and she also invested in the film." Mu Chen said, "I read the script beforehand, and didn't study it in depth, so naturally I didn't give her any advice. She can rely on this film After the award, apart from her own acting skills and hard work, it has nothing to do with the director and the film itself. The credit belongs to the film crew, and the director is the most important."

"Director Mu, you haven't had any amazing performances in the Golden Dragon Awards and Oscars for several years. Some people say that you are at the end of Jiangnan, and some people say that your films are becoming more and more commercial. What do you think is the reason for this?"

"Maybe Jiangnan is the end!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

He has been asked this question countless times.This time, he answered directly with joking words.

When the reporters heard this, they all rolled their eyes.

Mu Chen made a low-budget comedy film like a joke, and the global box office has exceeded one billion US dollars.

Is this the end of Jiangnan?

If Jiangnan's talent is exhausted, who else in the global film and television industry can talk about talent?

What's more, Mu Chen's films over the years have not only achieved amazing box office results, but also received extremely good word of mouth.

It's not that Mu Chen's Jiangnan talents are exhausted, but that Mu Chen has been making movies these years and is not suitable for winning awards.

Although there is a saying that Mu Chen Jiangnan's talents are exhausted, there are very few people who support this statement.

In the eyes of many people, the real reason is that the commercialization of Mu Chen's films is becoming more and more serious.

In the past few years, he has been building his movie world.

Superhero movies are indeed not favored by the judges of major awards.

The Golden Dragon Awards Ceremony is over, but the impact has not yet been reached.

After Li Ruoxi was awarded the title, with her own popularity, she became the most dazzling star in this year's Golden Dragon Awards, and her popularity also topped the list.

However, what surprised many people was that the subsequent popularity was not about who became the emperor, or who won the best director awards, but Mu Chen laughed at himself that Jiangnan was exhausted.

Is Mu Chen really at the end of Jiangnan?
Obviously not!

To many, this is a joke.

Can Jiangnan's talented people create a movie universe?

Mu Chen is definitely the most talented person in the film and television industry.

Mu Chen didn't pay attention to those discussions about him on the Internet, and there was no need to pay attention to it.

Such things have never been less.

Last year, it seemed that there was also the topic of "Jiangnan talents are exhausted".

In addition to following up the post-production of "Guardians of the Galaxy", that is, discussing the movie universe with the screenwriter, he is not free, but he is not very busy.

"Where's Ruoxi?"

I don't know if it's because I'm getting married soon, I'm a little married phobia, or what.During this period of time, Wang Hao organized more and more frequent rounds.

"Go to Cannes." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Oh!" Wang Hao nodded, then turned to Marin and asked, "How about your video? Do you need me to give you some advice?"

"It's just you, forget it!" Marin said with a curled lip, "You'd better go to your wedding!"

"There's nothing to be busy about." Wang Hao said, "The wedding company has planned everything, and it's fine to follow along when the time comes. It's just getting married, and it's not that much trouble."

"The wedding company under Situ Ming is really good." Mu Chen nodded and said, "However, you can also give them advice! You have to have your own ideas when you get married."

"Before they design the wedding, don't they ask for our opinions?" Wang Hao said with a smile.

"That's right!" Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said.

"I heard that Qin Yu is looking for you?" Zhao Jin suddenly looked at Ma Lin and asked.

Marin nodded.

"Before the Golden Dragon Awards Ceremony, Xu Jin brought Qin Yu to find me, and I refused to talk to him. I didn't expect to find you afterwards." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

"She still has the face to look for you." Wang Hao said with a curled lip.

It is not difficult to guess how Qin Yu went to find Ma Lin.

If it was useful, it is estimated that Marin had approached Mu Chen before.

"I have nothing to talk to her about," Marin said.

It was not pleasant for the two to meet.

Qin Yu pretended to be pitiful at first, trying to win sympathy for the two people's past relationship.

Unfortunately, she didn't know how much her betrayal hurt Marin at the beginning.

If Qin Yu broke up with him first, and then got together with Xu Jin, Ma Lin might still look for Mu Chen to intercede for her based on the past friendship.

However, right and wrong successively, the ending is doomed.

What's more, Ma Lin is the director, no matter how realistic Qin Yu's acting is, Ma Lin will subconsciously think that she is "acting".

And Qin Yu was indeed "acting".

It's useless to pretend to be pitiful, and then the words became more and more intense, and finally tore off the mask and started arguing.

Qin Yu is still talking about "blocking" her from Chenxi Film and Television.

She never examines herself.

She still felt that she was right.

"The world doesn't revolve around you!"

Marin left this sentence, turned around and left.

He didn't quarrel with Qin Yu, and he couldn't be interested, but the remaining trace of affection for Qin Yu in his heart disappeared.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that this woman who was with him turned out to be like this.

"If her temperament doesn't change, even if there is no ban from Chenxi Film and Television, it will be difficult to last." Zhao Jin said.

If Qin Yu hadn't been supported by Chenxi Film and Television and had a relationship with Ma Lin, it would have been impossible for Qin Yu to become a first-line star.

She went so smoothly after her debut.

Qin Yu became like this, Ma Lin may not be without responsibility.

Of course, if the blame is on Marin, it would be a bit too much.

Qin Yu herself is a person of her own, as if everyone around her should revolve around her.

"When are you going to Oscar?" Marin then asked.

He obviously didn't want to talk about Qin Yu anymore.

"I'll go every few days." Mu Chen said.

"Valkyrie" was shortlisted for two Oscars, so he was naturally invited to the awards ceremony.

In fact, even if Mu Chen didn't have a film shortlisted, he would still be invited.

He is now the hottest film director in the world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the most influential film director.

Compared with those Donghong international superstars, Mu Chen is definitely not weak at all.

Invite Mu Chen, then Oscar will get more attention.

Before Mu Chen left for Los Angeles, Li Ruoxi sent back good news in Cannes.

That film won the Grand Jury Prize in Cannes, and Li Ruoxi won the Cannes Best Actress award with this film.

She became the first Chinese Cannes actress.

The news was sent back to the country, causing a great sensation.

It is said that the weight of the Cannes Best Actress is greater than that of the Golden Dragon Award Best Actress. Maybe many people are unwilling to admit it, but they have to admit it.

The international influence of the Cannes Film Festival is much greater than that of the Golden Dragon Award.

As the first Cannes actress, Li Ruoxi naturally attracted much attention.

"Director Mu, what thanks do you have for your wife's success in Cannes?"

Li Ruoxi and others have not yet returned to China, but the reporter has already found Mu Chen.

"Happy for her!" Mu Chen said with a smile
"Happy for her, aren't you happy?" The reporter asked with a smile.

"Of course I'm happy too!" Mu Chen said after being stunned for a moment.

"Then have you ever thought about coming back with a Cannes Award?" The reporter then asked.

"Do you regard me as a god? What kind of award do you want to win?" Mu Chen said with a smile, shaking his head.

He really didn't think about winning a Cannes award.

It didn't exist before, and it doesn't exist now.

He is not so keen on awards these days.

He has won many Oscars, but he has not won any Cannes awards.

As for why he didn't take it, it was simply that he had never participated in those literary film festivals like Cannes Willis.

Mu Chen has a lot of classic movies, but if he takes them to the Cannes Film Festival, there is a high possibility of nothing.

"The film that Ruoxi invested in is really good"

When Chen Fuhai and Mu Chen talked about this matter, they couldn't help feeling emotional.

Even if this literary film hits the box office and cannot even be released, Li Ruoxi won the Golden Dragon Award Best Actress and Cannes Best Actress with this film, and I am afraid it will make a lot of money.

Leaving aside Li Ruoxi's salary, the investment in this film is pitifully low.

What's more, how could Chen Fuhai fail to see that the box office of this film will definitely not be bad.

Li Ruoxi's popularity is already high, and her box office appeal is strong. Fans are naturally extremely curious about her film that won two best actresses.

Perhaps, not just the two actresses.

Chen Fuhai knows that this film has participated in many film festivals, and the possibility of winning is very high.

"Life is full of surprises!" Mu Chen said with a smile.

It was indeed a big surprise for Li Ruoxi to win Cannes Best Actress.

Mu Chen doesn't like literary films, but that doesn't mean he can't tell the good from the bad.

He had seen that movie beforehand, and although it was depressing, it was indeed a masterpiece, and it would not be an exaggeration to call it a classic.

However, among the films at the Cannes Film Festival, which film is not a masterpiece?
Mu Chen didn't have any expectations for Li Ruoxi to win the prize.

I didn't expect it, but if I won an award, it would naturally be a surprise.

What's more, Mu Chen didn't think about how awesome this movie was at the beginning.

"The box office of Ruoxi's film will definitely explode, and it may not be impossible to break the record of literary films. I think Chenxi Film and Television should also pay more attention to literary films." Chen Fuhai said, "If there is a film like this, it will be a big hit. It’s a lot of money. After all, there’s only so much investment in this type of film.”

Mu Chen smiled and nodded.

The success of Li Ruoxi's film is probably not just Chen Fuhai's stimulation.

(End of this chapter)

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