my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 455 They Don't Understand Chenxi Film and Television's Temperament

Chapter 455 They Don't Understand Chenxi Film and Television's Temperament
Mu Chen prefers to use Feng Yi's "Fuxi" to block "White Snake", because the two films are both fairy tales, with similar styles and high contrast.

Among other things, the special effects style has great advantages.

However, now that Marin intends to use his film to snipe, Mu Chen still has no objection.

"Terracotta Warriors" is a blockbuster of suspense and adventure. It is quite different from "White Snake" in style. It may not have as much impact as "Fuxi", but its meaning is completely different.

In this way, it would be worthwhile to dissipate the breath in Marin's chest.

Of course, the premise is that the sniper is successful.

"Marin wants to use "Terracotta Warriors" to attack "White Snake"?" Chen Fuhai was a little surprised when he heard Mu Chen's words.

It was a consensus between him and Mu Chen to snipe "White Snake", and they both intended to snipe "Fuxi", or "Mage" and "Guardians of the Galaxy".

Now that "Mage" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" are finalized, they are naturally ready to use "Fuxi" as a sniper.

When Marin opened his mouth, did Mu Chen agree?
In this regard, Chen Fuhai is not surprised.

How could he not be clear about the relationship between Marin and Mu Chen.

Not to mention that "Terracotta Army" has the ability to snipe "White Snake", even if it doesn't, Mu Chen will support Marin if he speaks.

However, Chen Fuhai is obviously more inclined to "Fuxi", which is considered from the perspective of the company.

The film "Fuxi" is undoubtedly much better than "Terracotta Warriors".

"Although the post-production of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" has not been completed, I can still see the quality." Chen Fuhai said, "However, the impact of this film on "White Snake" may be far less than that of "Fuxi". There may be a big discount!"

"I know!" Mu Chen nodded and said.

"Marlin used "Terracotta Warriors" to attack "White Snake", which has a great gimmick. But this gimmick is not one-sided." Chen Fuhai continued.

"Terracotta Warriors" sniped "White Snake", and the former lovers Ma Lin and Qin Yu confronted each other in this different form, which was naturally full of topicality.

But such a topic is not only "Terracotta Warriors and Horses", but also "White Snake"!
From Chen Fuhai's point of view, it was a disguised form of publicity for "White Snake", which was really not worthwhile.

"If "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" wins, Qin Yu will definitely be abolished." Mu Chen thought for a while and said, "The economic loss of Huaying Film and Television may not be as great as the sniping of "Fuxi", but what about the loss of image?"

Chen Fuhai still prefers "Fuxi" to attack "White Snake", and he tries to persuade Mu Chen.

Naturally, Mu Chen also changed his angle, trying to persuade Chen Fuhai.

Mu Chen's words undoubtedly made Chen Fuhai fall into thinking.

Qin Yu betrayed Ma Lin, climbed up to Xu Jin, and then jumped from Chenxi Film and Television to Huaying Film and Television. He was immediately praised and starred in the big production "White Snake" he invested in!
And if Ma Lin suppressed "White Snake" with his own movie, then it would be difficult for Qin Yu to think about it.

Her image is already in jeopardy at this time, and the blockbuster film that was exchanged for betrayal was sniped by Marin's film. What does that mean?
Lost the watermelon to pick up the sesame seeds, but still have no eyesight, and suffer on their own.
The two films will be released at the same time, so there must be plenty of topicality.

The more topical it is, the greater the impact on those who fail.

Qin Yu is cold, Huaying Film and Television has not only lost a first-line star, as the producer of "White Snake", but also its first major production.

Huaying Film and Television wanted to make a name for themselves with this film, but they were defeated in this kind of "resentment and hatred", and they still played disgraceful roles, so the impact will naturally not be small.

"Let me find out when "White Snake" will be scheduled!" Chen Fuhai thought for a while and said.

He didn't agree, but he also relaxed.

Mu Chen nodded.

After all, Marin's "Terracotta Warriors" was completed a long time after "White Snake".

"Harry Potter" is still in theaters around the world, and "Wizard" is scheduled to be released on July [-]th, and now it has gradually begun to promote it.

This third Chinese superhero movie has naturally attracted the attention of movie fans around the world.

In addition, it naturally attracted the attention of many film and television companies.

Although this film is not directed by Mu Chen, it is one of the superhero movie universes created by Mu Chen.

Moreover, the mage played by Su Xiaowan performed well in "War God" and was extremely popular.

The superhero's first solo movie is naturally highly anticipated.

What surprised many movie fans is that "Guardians of the Galaxy" directed by Mu Chen is scheduled for August 21rd, and the two films are only [-] days apart.

"Guardians of the Galaxy" is a movie that Mu Chen created from this movie world to the universe. If we say that fans' expectations for this movie are probably much higher than "Mage".

Movie fans are happy, but other film and television companies that have movies ready to be released are a little depressed.

Two films, spanning the entire summer file, this is the rhythm to dominate the summer file!
These superheroes created by Mu Chen already have an extremely large fan base, and those fans are also the main force of the summer audience.

Having such a huge crowd means that the popularity of these two films is extremely durable.

With these two superhero movies released at the same time, the risk is not low, and everyone should consider it.

Even if it is released on different days, even if the difference is a week, it will definitely be greatly affected.

No one expected the popularity of these two films to wear off in a week.

It was released before "Mage", and the summer vacation has not yet started.

It will be released after "Guardians of the Galaxy", and there are only a few days left in the summer vacation. I am afraid that the market potential will be almost consumed by these two films.

Although it will not be completely consumed, it will definitely be affected. Instead of this, it is better to choose a better schedule.

As soon as the schedule of the two films comes out, there will naturally be some escaping films.

""White Snake" has been finalized, August No. 17!" Mu Chen looked at Marin and said.

"August NO.17?"

Marin was a little surprised, even a little unbelievable.

Mu Chen was also surprised when he found out.

The summer vacation basically ends at the end of August.

August NO.17, it seems that there are still more than ten days before the end of the summer vacation.

A movie whose popularity can last for more than ten days is a hot movie.Moreover, once it lasts for more than ten days, the box office will definitely not be low.

However, more than a month before, the market potential of the summer file has been consumed a lot.

"White Snake" is the highlight of Huaying Film and Television. It is unavoidably surprising that it was released at this time.

"Will it change?" Marin frowned, then asked.

He suspected that it was a smoke bomb released by the other party.

"It's unlikely!" Mu Chen thought for a while, and said, "Huaying Film and Television must have guessed that Chenxi Film and Television might snipe his film, so they chose such a time to release it."

When Marin heard this, he immediately understood.

Chenxi Film and Television has a lot of unreleased blockbusters.But two films were released consecutively during the summer vacation, almost spanning the entire summer vacation.So how could the rest of the blockbusters still be in the summer file?
The choice of "White Snake" to be released two weeks after "Guardians of the Galaxy" is undoubtedly to avoid the sniping of Chenxi Film and Television.

They don't think that Chenxi Films will take the film as a sniper when it is released at this time.

This is a helpless choice, but it is also the best choice.

Perhaps, the market has consumed a lot, but it is much better than going head-to-head with Chenxi Film and Television's blockbuster.

"Can your film be completed around August 17th?" Mu Chen continued to ask.

"There is not much left in the later stage. It is estimated that it will be completed in mid-July." Marin said, "However, will Lao Chen agree to the release of NO.17 in August? This is not a small loss for Chenxi Film and Television."

Sniping and being sniped, no matter who wins and who loses, the possibility of both losing is the greatest.

If "Terracotta Warriors" is released on August 17th, it will have a great impact on "White Snake", and it will also have an impact on Mu Chen's "Guardians of the Galaxy".

Of course "White Snake" will suffer losses, but Chenxi Film and Television will suffer losses for two films.

The price of this sniping has undoubtedly increased a lot.

In the eyes of everyone, it is undoubtedly not worth the loss to use a blockbuster to snipe "White Snake".

"Huaying Film and Television did choose a good time. Unfortunately, they don't understand Mu Chen's temper, nor do they understand Chenxi Film and Television's temper." Mu Chen smiled and said, "Old Chen will agree."

"Not worth it!" Marin shook his head and said.

He cannot cause the company to suffer greater losses because of his "personal grievances".

Mu Chen thought about him, and he couldn't just accept it with peace of mind.

"It's not a question of whether it's worth it or not, but Chenxi Film and Television must express this attitude." Mu Chen said, "Even if the production of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" is not completed in the later stage, the company will use "Fuxi" to snipe. If it is blocked, it will be blocked. A snipe is a snipe. Chenxi Film and Television will use Huaying Film and Television to establish its prestige this time."

Ma Lin looked at Mu Chen with some disbelief. In his opinion, what Mu Chen said was just to make himself feel more at ease.

"It's not just me, Lao Chen also means the same thing." Mu Chen said, "The only thing he worries about is whether your "Terracotta Warriors" can beat "White Snake"?"

The investment of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" is not as good as that of "White Snake", and the cast is also two points behind.

Ma Lin is a first-line director with extremely high box office appeal.But Bai Mu, the director of "White Snake", is better than Ma Lin in terms of fame and background.After all, he became famous much earlier than Marin.

His box office appeal is not worse than that of Marin.

"Terracotta Warriors" really has no advantage over "White Snake".

The problem that "White Snake" is prone to, may be the post-production special effects style.

But that's just maybe.

Hollywood special effects companies may not be unable to produce special effects that conform to the style of Chinese mythology.

You can't pin your victory on the opponent's own problems.

"I'll speed up the progress and get the finished film out first. Then, let's have a look and talk!" Marin thought for a while and said.

He has confidence in his film, but it doesn't mean he can really beat the opponent.

After all, the opponent is not weak.

"We must ensure the quality and quantity." Mu Chen said.

If the quality is reduced in order to speed up the progress, it is undoubtedly not worth the candle.

(End of this chapter)

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