my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 463 Mu Chen fans, so terrifying

Chapter 463 Mu Chen fans, so terrifying
I watched two movies in a row, four hours before and after.

Mu Chen and the others left the theater immediately, and went home separately, no longer in the mood to get together again.

People with weaker physiques like Huo Ting and Jiang Qin will inevitably feel a little tired after watching a four-hour movie.

Watching movies for a long time is also exhausting.

What's more, they don't have that much free time. Being able to get together to watch a movie is already a time out of their busy schedules.

When Mu Chen and the others went back, the word-of-mouth of the two films came out on the Internet.

"Terracotta Warriors and Horses" implements the consistent style of Marin's works, and has a very good reputation.The score on Golden Dragon Movie Online directly exceeded [-] points, which is higher than the current score of Mu Chen's "Guardians of the Galaxy".

Even if the rating will drop as the release time goes by, it is definitely an extremely high rating.

As for the word-of-mouth of "White Snake", it is not satisfactory. scored only [-] points at the beginning, and then rushed to [-] points.

However, as long as anyone with a certain vision can see that there are sailors scoring points.

The ratings of the Golden Dragon Movie Network are good, but the eyes of movie fans are discerning.

Some of the more authoritative film critics did not show mercy.

As Mu Chen said, "White Snake" is actually good, so naturally it can't be called bad.

But when compared with "Terracotta Warriors and Horses", the disadvantages are immediately highlighted.

The next day, Mu Chen went to the company without haste.

After "Guardians of the Galaxy" was released, Mu Chen had a lot of free time, sometimes staying at home with his wife and children without going to the company at all.

I went to the company today just to see the box office statistics and data analysis of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses".

Although Mu Chen thinks that he has the chance to win, he still wants to make sure that he has won so much. By the way, he will see how different his estimate is from the actual one.

"It's not wrong, is it?"

As soon as Mu Chen arrived at the company, Chen Fuhai handed him the statistical report.

At a glance, Mu Chen was extremely stunned.

Only then did he realize why Chen Fuhai's expression just now felt wrong.

"It's confirmed, there are no mistakes in statistics."

Chen Fuhai shook his head, obviously he couldn't believe it.

"How is it possible!" Mu Chen was shocked.

"Terracotta Warriors" broke through [-] million box office on the first day, and won the single-day box office champion.

And what followed was not "White Snake", but "Guardians of the Galaxy", which was released for half a month. The single-day box office dropped by 9000 million for the first time, only more than [-] million.

What shocked Mu Chen and others was that the box office of "White Snake" on the first day was only more than 4000 million.

Less than 5000 million, only half of "Guardians of the Galaxy", which was released for half a month.

This is undoubtedly beyond expectations.

Yes, I didn't expect that this blockbuster movie with an investment of 5000 million US dollars, the box office on the first day was less than [-] million!

This is definitely the rhythm of rushing to grandma's house on the street!
If the investment of [-] million U.S. dollars is included in the publicity fee, if there is no [-] million U.S. dollars, it is impossible to recover the cost.

In China, there are not many films reaching [-] million US dollars, but there are not many.

This is a film for the global market.

But the focus is definitely not abroad, but at home.

Therefore, in the view of Mu Chen and others, if the domestic box office of "White Snake" is less than 30 billion, it is unlikely that Chen Ben will be taken back.

It is undoubtedly extremely difficult for this film to reach [-] million US dollars at the foreign box office.

Therefore, Huaying Film and Television has high hopes for the domestic box office of this film.

Mu Chen watched the movie yesterday, and the estimated box office, even without the impact of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses", it is absolutely impossible to reach 30 billion domestically.

It is even more impossible for the foreign box office to reach [-] million US dollars!

This film is doomed.

And under the impact of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses", the loss will only be more.

If factors such as the consumption of market potential are added, in Mu Chen's opinion, "White Snake" is estimated to be worth a billion dollars in China, and it may be difficult to reach [-] million dollars abroad.

This movie is probably thanks to Xu Jin's suspicion of life.

Of course, the box office of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" is estimated to be affected by factors such as the consumption of market potential, and there will be considerable losses.

In Mu Chen's view, if the schedule is changed, the domestic box office of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" may not fail to exceed 30 billion.

But now that it is released, it is estimated that it will be difficult to break 20 billion.

But he never expected that the first-day box office of "White Snake" was less than 5000 million, while the first-day box office of "Terracotta Warriors" broke [-] million.

How can this be?

"I also think it's impossible. I'm afraid no one would have expected such a box office." Chen Fuhai shook his head and said, "Actually, I'm similar to your forecasted box office. Fight word of mouth. No matter what, "White Snake" can still last for a few days at the single-day box office runner-up position. If word of mouth is good, it may not be able to last for a few more days. But"

Chen Fuhai was also dumbfounded at this time.

In other words, the entire film and television industry is confused.

Such a box office is completely illogical and not in line with the market!

Even if "White Snake" is a bad movie, who has never seen it, so who can directly conclude that it is a bad movie?

That being the case, with such a publicity, not only Bai Mu, a first-line domestic director, but also first-line stars such as Qin Yu, how could it be possible for a blockbuster movie with an investment of [-] million US dollars to only tens of millions of dollars at the box office on the first day.

The box office on the first day will not be affected by word of mouth.

If it's a small-budget movie, the box office on the first day is tens of millions, that's justified.

But now that the potential of the Chinese movie market is exploding, which Chinese blockbuster movie didn't have a box office of over [-] million on its first day?
For a major production like "White Snake" with an investment of [-] million U.S. dollars, the domestic first-day box office basically broke [-] million.

This box office directly stunned everyone!
Many people suddenly expressed that they don't understand China's movie market anymore.

Of course, the most ignorant ones are Huaying Film and Television, Xu Jin, Bai Mu, and Qin Yu, the main creators of "White Snake".

Are the statistics wrong?
Naturally, like everyone else, their first reaction when they saw the box office on the first day was to subconsciously think that the statistics were wrong.

It was too different from what was expected.

But after repeated confirmation, there was nothing wrong at all.

The box office of "White Snake" on the first day was really less than 5000 million!
Almost everyone asked the same question.

They couldn't believe it, and they couldn't figure it out.

"White Snake" has spent so much money on publicity to create such a big momentum. Before it was released, even the popularity of "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" could not be compared with it.

With such momentum and enthusiasm, how could it be possible to achieve such a box office on the first day?
It's not as good as a quarter of "Terracotta Warriors"!

One-half less than "Guardians of the Galaxy".

You know, the filming of "White Snake" is almost the same as that of "Terracotta Warriors", and it is much higher than "Guardians of the Galaxy".

Although Chenxi Film and Television deliberately suppressed the schedule of "White Snake", Huaying Film and Television now has its own theater chain!

There is no line between each other, so the overall arrangement of films is purely normal in the eyes of everyone.

Such a lineup, such a box office.

How low is the attendance of this film!

How low?
Naturally, it was quickly exposed by the media, and then appeared on the Internet.

For some good shows, the attendance rate is not high. At a glance, there are only a few people here and there.

There were almost none of those earlier or later performances.

But "Terracotta Warriors" was almost full.

Why is the attendance rate of "White Snake" so low and purple?
This unscientific!

The media quickly discovered the truth!


Because Chenxi Film and Television aimed at "White Snake", and even took a big production like "Terracotta Warriors" to snipe in a way that hurts both sides.

Therefore, Mu Chen's fans spontaneously resisted.

The boycott of "White Snake" has actually been very popular on the Internet, but not many people pay attention to it.

"Why don't you watch "White Snake"? Didn't you say boycott this film?"

"Who will resist? Of course we Mu Chen's fans!"

"Why boycott? Isn't this nonsense? Mu Chen is the boss of Chenxi Film and Television. Chenxi Film and Television wants to block Qin Yu and attack "White Snake". Of course we support him!"

"Am I a fan of Mu Chen? How should I put it, I don't count! To be more precise, I am a fan of Mu Chen's movies. I like his movies, all of them. Well, but, I am a fan of Li Ruoxi! "

"Resist, a little impression."

"I'm not a Muchen fan! Resist, why should I resist? Why don't you watch it? I heard from my friends that it's not good."

"Fortunately, I didn't watch it. It is said that everyone who watched it regretted it. Everyone said that Qin Yu's acting skills in this movie were far from the standard."

The media frantically digs out the truth about the box office hit of "White Snake", and the speed is naturally very fast.

After the truth came out, the entire Chinese film and television circle lost its voice!
Then there was only one thought left in his mind: Mu Chen fans, so terrifying!
Can it not be scary?

Mu Chen's fans resisted, and the big production with an investment of more than [-] million US dollars went to the street.

In the past, Mu Chen's fans were tyrannical and brutal on the Internet, scolding whoever they caught and whoever wanted to.

However, with the rise of Mu Chen and the development of Chenxi Film and Television, after Mu Chen stopped hating people for a long time, his fans also restrained their sharpness, and they rarely cursed people online.

But at this time, everyone discovered that Mu Chen's fans were not only cruel, but also extremely huge.

It was so huge that because of their resistance, it directly ended a big-budget movie.

Yes, "White Snake" is over!

It can be seen from those interview videos.

Those who planned to watch "White Snake" after watching "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" hesitated because of the reputation of "White Snake".

But now, Mu Chen's fans resisted, causing "White Snake" to hit the street. This matter was exposed by the media.

Mu Chen's fans, as well as pseudo-fans, had already started to celebrate, as if they had won a battle, they were so proud.

They naturally want to expand the results of the battle.

Coupled with the box office failure on the first day of the film, the film schedule will definitely be reduced.Even if it is Huaying Film and Television's own theater chain, under such circumstances, it will not continue to rank high-ranking films.

The film is hopeless, should the theaters still lose money?

Now it seems that, let alone 30 billion box office in China, [-] million box office is hanging!

(End of this chapter)

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