my superstar girlfriend

Chapter 47 Ruoxi speaks Chinese well

Chapter 47 Ruoxi speaks Chinese well
"Can I wear this suit?"

Ruoxi has already returned several sets, but she still can't make up her mind.

She didn't bring many clothes when she came to record the show. This suit was already worn for the second time, and she asked about Mu Chen's one.

"Okay." Mu Chen smiled, he didn't know how many times he had said these two words.

"It seems that the suit just now is better." Li Ruoxi looked at the camera, and then said again.

Mu Chen opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, he could only give a wry smile, and Li Ruoxi continued to change clothes.

It seems that every outfit is okay, but it's not.

Ruoxi seems to want to be perfect, but how can she do it.

There is no most beautiful, only more beautiful!

Li Ruoxi wants to meet Mu Chen's family in the most beautiful state, so how can she be happy.

"What are you laughing at! Look, how about this dress?"

Seeing Mu Chen smiling at the side, Li Ruoxi said angrily.

"My family Ruoxi is the most beautiful." Mu Chen smiled and said, "No matter what you wear, you are beautiful. The countryside is not so particular, and you don't need to dress too fashionable."

Upon hearing this, Li Ruoxi nodded thoughtfully.

After tossing for a long time, I finally made a decision.

"Don't you really need makeup?" Li Ruoxi looked at Mu Chen and asked.

"It's really not necessary. In the countryside, if you put on makeup, it will feel weird." Mu Chen smiled, "Besides, our family Ruoxi is naturally beautiful, and she is very beautiful without makeup."

When Li Ruoxi heard this, she smiled sweetly.

Mu Chen's house is not very far from Mount Emei, only an hour or two by car.

Although in the countryside, the transportation is quite convenient.

"The scenery is so beautiful!" Li Ruoxi stood on a mountain depression, looked around, and sighed suddenly.

"Let's go, we're almost there." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Where?" Li Ruoxi asked.


Mu Chen pointed forward, and Li Ruoxi looked around, but saw a two-story building by the pond not far away.

The small building should have just been repaired, and there are still some unused building materials beside it.

The first round of broadcasting rights of "Fist of Fury" was sold, and Mu Chen sent money back.

In the past, the condition of the family was not good, the house was old, and it seemed to be about to collapse when there was wind and rain.

He and his brother Mu Ze probably won't come back, but their grandparents and parents are still in the country, so it's impossible for them to live in that kind of house.

It's not that Mu Chen didn't think about taking them to Yanjing, but they might not be used to living there.

"Little dust!"

A voice suddenly sounded, and Mu Chen and Li Ruoxi turned their heads to look, only to see an old man carrying a bundle of grass, looking at it with some surprise.


Overjoyed, Mu Chen hurried forward and took the old man back.

"Why are you back?" Grandma said with a smile.

"Grandma, grandma!"

Li Ruoxi blushed, stepped forward and took the suitcase from Mu Chen's hand.

"Is this your girlfriend?" Grandma smiled even more, and said, "Okay, okay, okay!"

"Grandma just call me Ruoxi." Li Ruoxi said with a smile, her face still blushing.However, the "Grandma" call was much more natural.

"Grandma, let's go back!" Mu Chen said, "Are you still feeding the pigs?"

"Isn't this restless?" Grandma laughed.

Grandpa Mu Chen is over 80 years old, but his body is very strong.Grandma is only in her 70s, and she is in excellent health.

"Old man, come out and see who is back."

Before arriving home, grandma couldn't wait to shout.

She didn't speak loudly, but Grandpa Mu Chen came out of the house very quickly, wearing an apron, obviously busy.

"Xiao Chen!" Grandpa looked at Mu Chen and smiled.

"Grandpa!" Mu Chen smiled and put down the strap.

"Grandpa!" Li Ruoxi also called out, and this "Grandpa" was much smoother than the first "Grandma".

"Oh! Good, good, good!" Grandpa also laughed.

"Where are the parents?" Mu Chen asked casually.

"I went to the city, and I think I'll be back soon." Grandpa said, "Why are you back when you have time?"

Mu Chen's village is actually not far from the county seat, and it doesn't take an hour to walk there.

"I recorded a show on Mount Emei, so I'll come back and watch it." Mu Chen said with a smile.

While talking, Mu Chen walked into the room, your decoration is not luxurious, even a bit rudimentary.

However, there are many rooms.It was probably because they were afraid that the Mu Chen brothers would not stay when they came back.

"We reckon that you and your brother won't come back to settle down in the future, so we haven't cultivated too much." Grandpa Mu Chen said with a smile.

Now, everyone in the whole village knows that the two boys from the Mu family are promising and have become big stars.

The house is the largest and best in the village.

"We will come back often when we are free." Mu Chen said.

He didn't deny it, and he didn't need to.

"Those two rooms are reserved for you and your brother, you can choose by yourself!" Grandma Mu Chen said, "The quilts are all in the cabinet."

"Grandma, let's do it ourselves." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Then I'm going to cook." Grandma Mu Chen said with a smile.

"Grandpa and grandma are in good health." Li Ruoxi glanced at the back of leaving, and said with a smile, "It looks like she is in her sixties."

"People who practice martial arts know how to maintain their health." Mu Chen put down his luggage, took out the bedding from the cabinet, and said, "My grandfather was injured in the battlefield. If not, how could he be so healthy?"

Li Ruoxi was born in a wealthy family, but it's not like she doesn't know how to do housework.

Together, the two of them quickly made the bed.

At this time, Mu Chen's parents also came back from the establishment, and judging from their appearance, they should carry something to the city to sell.

Mu Chen's parents were naturally very happy to see Mu Chen, but they were even happier to see Li Ruoxi.Especially Mu Chen's mother, the smile on her face was even better than that of Mu Chen's grandma.

"Why didn't your brother come back together?" Papa Mu asked.

"He's been a little busy recently." Mu Chen said, "I was also recording a program in Mount Emei, and I came back by the way. I have to go back to Beijing early tomorrow morning."

"Leave tomorrow?" Grandma Mu Chen felt very reluctant when she heard this.

"The child is busy with work, so it would be nice to come back sometime." Grandpa Mu Chen said.However, he also had some reluctance, but he didn't show it.

"Try to come back and stay for two more days during the Spring Festival." Mu Chen said with a smile.

When Grandma Mu Chen heard this, she immediately smiled.

"Ruoxi speaks Chinese really well, I thought she was from China." Mu Chen's mother said suddenly.

Mu Chen was stunned, and Li Ruoxi was also stunned.

"Mom, Ruoxi is originally from Huaguo." Mu Chen said dumbfounded.

"Isn't she from RB?" Mu Chen's mother was taken aback for a moment, then said immediately.

When Mu Chen heard it, he understood.

"Yumi Takeda is just a character played by her, just like Chen Zhen played by my brother." Mu Chen said with a smile, "Ruoxi's full name is Li Ruoxi. There is no RB person whose surname is Li."

"Hua people are good, Hua people are good." Mu Chen's mother said with a smile when she heard it.

She doesn't like the RB people.

With the explosion of "Fist of Fury", the boycott of Japanese products was also aroused, and many viewers also had some resistance to RB people.

Once the misunderstanding was resolved, Li Ruoxi felt that Mu Chen's mother looked at her completely differently, and became more enthusiastic.

The enthusiasm before, maybe it was just a polite way, but now it is a heartfelt love.

(End of this chapter)

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